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C. What color; or D. How color; or

14. The students study _____ school _____ Monday to Friday. (100分钟,满分100分)

A. in; on B. at; from C. in; at D. at; of 一、选择填空。(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

15. Tom isn't a_____ boy. He is an______ boy. 1. --- Good morning, class!_______________

B. English; Chinese A. Hello! B. Good morning, Li Lei 。 C. Good morning, Mr. Xiong。 A. Chinese; Chinese


2. --- Hello,___________ --- Hi, Lucy.

A. Mr. Green B. Green Mr. C. Mr. Daniel D. Green Daniel

3. --- Nice to meet y

高教社中职英语基础模块1 unit05

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教学目标语言知识目标: 学生能够理解并运用与业余爱好相关的词汇及一般现在时从不同方面描述自己 的喜好。 语言技能目标: 听 —— 学生能够听懂有关个人喜好的对话。 说 —— 学生能够用I like …,I love … 等句式表达个人喜好。 读 —— 学生能够读懂有关个人喜好的短文。 写 —— 学生能够简单介绍自己的个人爱好以及其他人的兴趣爱好。 学 习 策 略: 学生养成在英语学习中发现问题并及时解决的习惯。 文 化 意 识: 学生掌握中国人与英美国家的人们在询问个人爱好时的不同方式和习惯。 情 感 态 度: 学生了解不同职业所需的技能,并明确自己在学习过程中需要掌握的技能。 单 元 任 务: 学生能够运用所学语言知识和语言技能做关于兴趣爱好的调查报告,作为班级兴 趣小组的划分依据。


1 2 3

Activity 1 Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 1Read and match. 将下列词汇搭配组成词组。


gocomputer games

listen tochess




Activity 2Listen and check. 听录


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Unit2 Family

My Family

Extended knowledge : the word “family”family= fatherand mother, i love you.

How many people are there in your family? ----There are 6 people in my family. Who are they? ----They are my father, my mother, my three brothers and I.

This is my mother.

She is a teacher .

This is my uncle. He is a manager.*New word: manager 经理

P11 Reading

My family===============================================================

How many people are there in the picture and who are they?There are 6 people. They are my grandfather


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Unit2 Family

My Family

Extended knowledge : the word “family”family= fatherand mother, i love you.

How many people are there in your family? ----There are 6 people in my family. Who are they? ----They are my father, my mother, my three brothers and I.

This is my mother.

She is a teacher .

This is my uncle. He is a manager.*New word: manager 经理

P11 Reading

My family===============================================================

How many people are there in the picture and who are they?There are 6 people. They are my grandfather


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Unit4 Time

一. Complete the sentences with the help of the context and the

first letter is given.

1.I was very glad to hear this b_____I was looking forward ti seeing my grangpa. 2.“Ok.No problem.”I a_____. 3.I had e_____ time to do something before leaving for the airport. 4.Where we were playing in great joy,I suddenly r _____my grandpa. 5.I h_____to the airport,but I was two hours late. 6.When I got home,I f _____ my grandpa was talking with my parents.

7.I know you are b_____ with your work and study. 8.My father loo

语文版中职英语(基础模块 下册)Unit 1《Travel》word教案

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Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

Ⅰ. Knowledge Objectives

1. Master how to use adverbs of frequency properly (always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never, how often, once, twice, three times a week, every day). 2. Master how to describe the arrangements of activities in the spare time。

3. Master how to describe the eating hobbits and how to keep healthy (milk, junk food, health, unhealthy). Ⅱ. Ability Objectives

1. Improve the students’ skills of speaking, reading, listening and writing.

2. Train

中职英语基础模块第一单元练习题Test of Unit 1

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一、 听写(0.5’*58’=29’)

二、 短语(0.5’*42=21’)

1.搭载,开车接 3.用手,以手工 5.渤海湾 7.名胜 9.等等 11.秦朝 13.嘉峪关 15.老龙口 17.第一次 19. 位于,坐落于 21. 秦始皇 23.迫使某人做某事 25. 被迫做… 27. 成百上千的 29.数以百万计的 31.人们希望…

Test of Unit One


4.在恶劣的条件下 6.如…那样的,比如 8.天安门广场 10.故宫博物院 12.山海关


中职英语基础模块下册Unit2going shopping

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Unit 2 ShoppingWarming Up


Words & Phrases

store 商店,店铺,贮存 department store 百货公司,商场 shopping plaza 购物广场 grocery 杂货店 green grocery 蔬菜水果店 mall 商场,商业街 shopping center 购物中心 supermarket 超级市场


Questions: Where would you like to go shopping? Whom would you like to go shopping with? Do you usually do some shopping on weekends ?


Boys and girls, I want to go shopping this weekend, but I don’t know which store I should go to. I want to buy a T-shirt for my dad and a pair o


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( ) 1.Bob and his parents didn’t ___ to the local museum yesterday. A. went B. go C. going D. goes ( ) 2. After ten hours of journey, I felt like _____.

A. to sleep B. sleeping C. slept D. to go to bed ( ) 3.Can I help you?

A. No you can’t. B. I want to buy a T-shirt. C. I’m sorry. D. I don’t know ( ) 4. It is time ____ those houses and to start new ones.

A. to stop to build B. stoppi


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中职基础模块上册语文试卷 ④这一类的人们,就是现在也何尝少呢?

A.拟人 对比 反语 反问 B.比喻 对偶 比喻 设问

一、选择题(20分) C.比喻 对比 反语 反问 D.拟人 对偶 比喻 设问 1. 选出加点字注音无误的一项:( )

7.在下列空白处填入最恰当的一项是( ) A. 殷红(yīn) 遒劲 (jìn) 黑黢黢(qū) 亘古不变(gang) ....B. 污秽(huì) 吮吸(shǔn) 蠕动(rú) 踽踽而行(jǔ) .....C. 瞥眼(piě) 打烊(yáng) 山脊(jí) 不落窠臼(cháo) ....D. 寒伧(chan) 炽热(chì) 孱头(càn) 胜券在握(juàn) ....2.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是( ) A、脉膊 寂莫 敷衍 残羹冷灸
