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Unit1 My name’s Gina.

一、 单项选择(15分)

( )1. --Good afternoon! --________!

A. Thank you B. Hello C. Good afternoon D. Fine ( )2. --What?s _____ name? --Bob.

A. I B. my C. his ( )3. _____ are his _____.

A. These, brother B. This, brother C. these, brothers ( )4. --Is this your mother? --_____, it ____. It?s her mother.

A. No, is B. Yes, isn?t C. Yes, is ( )5. --What?s your phone number? --_____ 908-7653.

A. I

七年级上册英语Unit 1单元测试题及答案

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七年级上册英语Unit 1单元测试题及答案

第二部分 基础知识运用(65分)

Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分) ( )1. —____ is he?

—He is my friend. A. What B. Where C. Who ( )2. Mary and Joy are ____ Class One.

They are ____ the U.S.A. A. from; in B. in; from C. to; from

( )3. —____

—Yes, I’m Mike.

A. What’s your name? B. What are you? C. How are you? ( )4. —Is this ____ car?

—Yes, it’s ____ English car. A. a; an B. a; a C. an; an ( )5. —What are those?

—____ are cakes. A. That B. These C. It ( )6. —What’s that ____ English?

—It’s a desk. A.

七年级上册英语Unit 1单元测试题及答案

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七年级上册英语Unit 1单元测试题及答案

第二部分 基础知识运用(65分)

Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分) ( )1. —____ is he?

—He is my friend. A. What B. Where C. Who ( )2. Mary and Joy are ____ Class One.

They are ____ the U.S.A. A. from; in B. in; from C. to; from

( )3. —____

—Yes, I’m Mike.

A. What’s your name? B. What are you? C. How are you? ( )4. —Is this ____ car?

—Yes, it’s ____ English car. A. a; an B. a; a C. an; an ( )5. —What are those?

—____ are cakes. A. That B. These C. It ( )6. —What’s that ____ English?

—It’s a desk. A.


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Unit 8 Test

Name:________ Class: _________


( )1. When _______your mother's birthday? A. am B. is C. are ( )2. My date of birth is _______.

A. February twelveth B. February twelfth C.February twelve ( )3. Our school trip is _______May. A. in B. on C. at

( )4. _______is your Art Festival? It’s______ May 16th A. What ,on B. When, on C. When, in ( )5. This is _____football. Please give it to them.

A. Tom an


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MynameisJane.I'm14yearsold.I'minGradeEight.Myfavoritesubjectismusic.Idon'tlikemathbecauseit'sveryboring.MyfavoriteteacherisMr.Green. Hi!MynameisLiuMei.I'm14yearsold.I'minGradeSeven.Mr.Mengismyfavoriteteacher.Heteachesusmath.Ilikemathandmusic.Icanplaythetrumpet.Iwanttojoinamusicclub.Ihopetobeasingerinthefuture.



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Unit 7


1. – ________ it the TV? –It’s 2000 yuan.

A. How many B. How much C. How about D. How big

2. I want to buy a shirt _______ my father.A. to B. on C. for D. in

3. –Can I help you? –_________.

A. Thank you B. Yes, please, I want a pen. C. You’re welcome. D. I’m sorry.

4. Let’s go and have _______ his new CD.

A. look at B. a look at C. a look D. the look at

5. Jim’s _______ is red. A. shoes B. bag C. socks D. pants.

6. –How much are the pants? –________ twenty dollars.

A. It has B. It is C. They have D. They are


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I. 选择填空 (20分)

( )1. My_______is a teacher.

A. parents

B. grandparents

C. parent

D. father’s

( )2. This is my good ________.

A. friends

B. friend

C. sisters

D. brothers

( )3. My ______ are all teachers.

A. friend

B. sister

C. grandparents

D. mother

( )4. Thanks ______your family photos, they are very nice.

A. to

B. in

C. for

D. at

( )5.______these her hats? No, they ______.

A. Is, isn’t

B. Am, are

C.Are, isn’t

D. Are, aren’t

( )6. Is this _____ car ? Yes, It’s_____ car.

A.your, you

B.your, my

C.his, he


( )7. She is a student an


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第Ⅰ卷 选择题部分(50分)

一、积累与运用(共50分) (一)基础知识

1、下列字形字音全对的一项是( ) A . 骸骨(hái) 潜行(qián) 狩猎(shǒu) 匀称(chan) ....B . 轻盈(qíng) 倏忽(shū) 篡夺(cuàn) 沧茫(cāng) ....C . 葱笼(cōng) 喑哑(yīn) 喧嚣(xiāo) 静谧(mì) ....D. 窸窣( sū ) 嗉囊( sù ) 飞甍(m?ng) 缥缈(miǎo) ....2、下列词语中没有错别字的一项:( )

A、美轮美奂 测隐之心 心无旁骛 胜券在握 B、相提并论 莫衷一是 不记其数 衔觞赋诗 C、获益匪浅 首屈一指 立竿见影 两全齐美 D、戛然而止 盛气凌人 顶礼膜拜 路不拾遗


新人教版七年级英语上册Unit 5单元测试题

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初一英语上册Unit 5单元测试题

班级:____________ 姓名:_______________ 成绩:_______________

一. 单项选择。(本题共15小题,每题1分,共15分) ( )1.---Do ___ have a soccer ball?---Yes , I ____.

A. you, have B. she, don’t C. you, don’t D. you, do

( )2..Let’s ________ the map on the wall.

A.look at B.see C.watch D.look

( ) 3. ---Does her uncle have a baseball?---Yes, _______.

A. her uncle does B. she does C. he does D. her does

( ) 4. She likes playing ________soccer. A. the B. a C. an D. /

( )5. ________ they have an


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Unit 7 How much are these pants单元测试 1

I. 将下列短语译成英语

1. 看一看____________ 2. 服装店____________ 3. 出售____________

4. 亲自____________ 5. 以合理的价格____________ 6. 给你____________ II. 按要求写出单词

1. sell(名词)____________

2. sell(反义词)____________ 4. long(反义词)____________ 6. tomato(复数)____________ 8. like(第三人称单数)

10. easy(反义词)____________

3. cheap(反义词)____________ 5. white(反义词)____________ 7. box(复数)____________ ____________

9. bring(反义词)____________ III. 选择填空

1. This ____________ is small. Do you have