peppa pig

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Peppa Pig

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Peppa Pig第1集:吹泡泡

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1. Bubble 泡泡 吹泡泡:blow bubbles

例句:Peppa is blowing bubbles in her drink. 佩佩正往她的饮料里吹泡泡。 2. Orange Juice 橘子汁 柠檬汽水:lemonade 3. too 也……

例句:George wants to blow bubbles too. 乔治也想吹泡泡。 4. play with your food 玩你的食物

例句:Geroge, you really shoudn't play with your food. 乔治,你真的不应该玩你的食物。

这句话经常可以听到外国的父母对自己的孩子说哦! 5. bubble mixture 泡泡液 6. take a deep breath 深吸一口气 7. Now it's your turn. 现在该你了!

8. running out of breath 呼吸不过来了、喘不过气来了 9. be used up 用完了

例句:The bubble mixture is all used up. 泡泡液都用完了。 10. tennis rac

Peppa Pig

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Peppa Pig第1集:吹泡泡

【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1. Bubble 泡泡 吹泡泡:blow bubbles

例句:Peppa is blowing bubbles in her drink. 佩佩正往她的饮料里吹泡泡。 2. Orange Juice 橘子汁 柠檬汽水:lemonade 3. too 也……

例句:George wants to blow bubbles too. 乔治也想吹泡泡。 4. play with your food 玩你的食物

例句:Geroge, you really shoudn't play with your food. 乔治,你真的不应该玩你的食物。

这句话经常可以听到外国的父母对自己的孩子说哦! 5. bubble mixture 泡泡液 6. take a deep breath 深吸一口气 7. Now it's your turn. 现在该你了!

8. running out of breath 呼吸不过来了、喘不过气来了 9. be used up 用完了

例句:The bubble mixture is all used up. 泡泡液都用完了。 10. tennis rac

《peppa pig》mummy pig at work 中英对照台词

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mummy pig at work猪妈妈在工作。

独白:Mummy pig is working on her computer. Daddy pig is making soup for lunch. 猪妈妈在电脑前工作。猪爸爸在做午餐要喝的汤。

Peppa: Daddy? Can we go and watch mummy on her computer? 爸爸,我和乔治可以去看妈妈工作吗?

Daddy: Yes, as long as you don't disturb her. She has a lot of important work to do today. 可以,但是你们不能打扰她,她今天有很多重要的工作呢。 Peppa: Thank you, Daddy. 谢谢你,爸爸。

独白:Mummy pig has a lot of important work to do. 猪妈妈今天有很多重要的工作。

Peppa: Mummy, Can George and I sit on your lap and watch you work? 妈妈,乔治和我可以坐在你腿上看你工作吗?

Mummy: Yes, if you both si

Peppa pig 使用说明

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粉红猪小妹Peppa pig多项动画大奖1-4季196集全+字幕+50绘本+游戏 儿童英语 英音




英文名称:Peppa pig 中文名称:粉红猪小妹 2005 年

法国 Annecy 国际动画展赢得“最佳电视制作” Cristal(水晶 )奖

意大利 Cartoon on the Bay 动画展赢得“最佳学龄前影集” Pulcinella 奖 意大利 Cartoon on the Bay 动画展赢得“年度最佳欧洲节目” Pulcinella 奖


儿童英语教学权威 - 亚洲大学应用外语系系主任“张湘君” 幼教专家 - 台湾师范大学人类发展与家庭学系教授“黄迺毓”


Peppa Pig第四季

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Peppa Pig第四季 1 / 40 Peppa Pig第四季

Peppa Pig第四季 ..................................... 1 01 Potato City ........................................... 2 02 The New House .............................. 3 03 Basketball ...................................... 4 04 Horsey Twinkle Toes ....................... 5 05 Naughty Tortoise ............................ 6 06 Mr Fox’s Shop ................................. 7 07 Shadows ......................................... 8 08 International Day ........................... 9 09 The Rainy Day

Peppa pig51文字稿

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Peppa's playgroup are going to put on a play. The Little Red Riding Hood. Hurray.

All the children have parts in the play. They have to practice at home.

Peppa is going to be the Little Red Riding Hood. Mummy Pig has made her costume. Daddy Pig is helping Peppa practice. Okay, Peppa, what do you say? I'm Little Red Riding Hood. Very good. Then what? Um.

I'm going to visit my grandma!\I'm going to visit my grandma! Bravo, Peppa.

Danny Dog is going to play the Big Bad Wolf. Woof Woof!

Granddad Dog and Mummy Dog are


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Peppa Pig第一季 1 Muddy puddles

This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig. Muddy Puddles. It is raining today.

So, Peppa and George cannot play outside. Daddy, it's stopped raining. Can we go out to play? Al right, run along you two.

Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. I love muddy puddles. Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. Sorry, Mummy.

George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too.

George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.

Peppa li

Peppa pig 第一季 41 shopping 字幕+翻译

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Shopping 旁白:Peppa and George are going shopping!

Peppa and George like shopping. George loves sitting in the trolley. So does Peppa.


Peppa: Daddy, can I sit in the trolley ,too? 佩佩:我也想坐在推车里。 Daddy: You're too big for the trolley, Peppa. 爸爸:佩佩,你太大了不能坐推车了。

Peppa: oh! 佩佩:哦..

Daddy:But you can help with the shopping. 爸爸:不过你可以帮忙找东西 Peppa:oh!goody! 佩佩:好棒哦

Mother:We're got four things on the list. 妈妈:我们的购物单上有四样东西 .

Daddy:Tomatoes, spaghetti, onion

Peppa pig 第一季 41 shopping 字幕+翻译

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Shopping 旁白:Peppa and George are going shopping!

Peppa and George like shopping. George loves sitting in the trolley. So does Peppa.


Peppa: Daddy, can I sit in the trolley ,too? 佩佩:我也想坐在推车里。 Daddy: You're too big for the trolley, Peppa. 爸爸:佩佩,你太大了不能坐推车了。

Peppa: oh! 佩佩:哦..

Daddy:But you can help with the shopping. 爸爸:不过你可以帮忙找东西 Peppa:oh!goody! 佩佩:好棒哦

Mother:We're got four things on the list. 妈妈:我们的购物单上有四样东西 .

Daddy:Tomatoes, spaghetti, onion

peppa pig一季1到51集重要单词解析

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【学习笔记】重点词组讲解PeppaPig第一季:踏水坑 1. muddy: adj.1. 泥泞的 2. 暗的, 模糊的, 糊涂的 puddle:n.1. 水坑; (尤指道路上的)雨水坑 muddy puddle: 水坑

例句:Peppaloves jumping in muddy puddles. Peppa喜欢跳水坑。 2 run along:1. 走开 2. 延伸,贯穿

例句:Alright,run along you two.可以啊,你们两个快去吧。 3. boot: n.靴子

例句:If youjump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots.如果你要跳水坑,你必须穿好靴子。

4 look after: 1. 注视2. 照顾, 照看

例句:Peppalikes to look after her little brother, George. Peppa喜欢照顾她的弟弟,乔治。

5.mud:n.泥, 烂泥

例句: It's onlymud.那只是块泥。 6 goodness me: 天哪

7.mess:n. 杂乱, 脏乱; 脏东西;不整洁 in a mess:又脏又乱

例句:And loo