(现象题)Jobs for Graduates 提纲:
工作难找(现象) 原因 解决方法
Nowadays there is an increasing concern over the issue of the jobs for graduates. Students find it hard to look for a work. Now people in growing numbers are beginning to realize that it is not easy to seek good positions for the graduates.
Why should this phenomenon take place? There are generally three factors accounting for it.First of all, there are not enough jobs for so many graduates, obviously.(副词法) At the second place, the students are good at their specialized subje
书信/电子邮件类八大模板(你自己选择一个自己背下来就可以了) 1:投诉信
我______(自我介绍)。我觉得不好,麻烦你,但恐怕我要投诉_____。 我不满的原因(不满)是_______(总体介绍)。在第一个地方,_______(抱怨的第一个方面)。此外,___________(抱怨的第二个方面)。在这种情况下(环境,情况),我发现它________(感觉)_______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果)。 我很感激如果你能_______非常(提出建议和请求),最好______(进一步的要求),我想把这件事解决的____(设定解决事情最后期限)。 谢谢你的关心,我期待你的回复。 你的真诚, 李明
首先,什么是____________________?(第一个问题)其次,当将___________________?(第二个问题)再次,是__________?(第三个问题) 我还想问________(将最重要的问题单独成段)。你能给我一些有关(相关的)小册子(小册子)
一、开头句型我们常说,良好的开端等于成功的一半。做事如此,作文也是如此。 所以我们颇有必要在作文的开头花一番心思。 在写议论文时,你通常以什么样的方式开头呢?最简单也最常用的可 能就是开门见山法。也就是说——直截了当地提出你对这个问题的观 点,点出文章的中心思想。 I....has both advantages and disadvantages.……既有利又有 弊。例如: 1.Obviously television has both advantages and disadvantages. 2.Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. http://www.77cn.com.cnpared with cars, bikes have their advantages and disadvantages. 举一反三: 1.Although computers bring people a lot of convenience, they have man
最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:www.rockyclass.com/ielts/xd.html(报名网址)
1.现象解释型写作模板 1.现象解释型模板一
Tojpic sentence
①——has become a common part ofpeople’s life. ②And——has always aroused thegreatest concern. ③what impresses us most is ——. ④The reasons——are varied. 信息提示
1.空格内用概括性的词语填出最近出现的总体现象。 2.空格内填题目要去讨论的具体现象 3.现象的具体表现
5. Amongthe various reasons,——plays an important role. 6.Thatis to say,—— 7.Whatis more,—— 8.Forexamp
1._________________________________ (所给格言或谚语). This is a proverb full of logic. By this proverb, it is meant that ____________________________ (解释该格言或谚语的内涵). In other words, ______________________________nd, ________________________ (详述1). On the other hand, ______________________ (详述2). (换言之的解释). Indeed, we can learn many things from it.
2.Examples can easily be found to make this point clearer. ____________ (例子1) is a case in point. Another case is that ______________ (例子2).
3.Whatever you do, please remember t
On Water Shortage
No one can deny the fact that water shortage is a grave problem (严肃的问题) with which the whole world is confronted(面对). Actually, it has become so widespread that it has severely affected people’s daily life and hindered(阻碍)the development of the global economy.
A number of factors could account for the problem, but the following might be the critical(关键性的)ones. Firstly,the ever-increasing (不断增长的) population is a leading cause of water shortage. As populations increase, the demand
But I could not agree with them in several points. First,
Furthermore, ________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ .
In a word, my person view emphasizes on _____________________
1. People's opinions about ________vary from person to person. Some people say that
______. To them, ______
大学英语四级作文模板大全 1.说明原因型模块
原因型模块1 Currently, XX has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than XX It is clear that (1). If you (2), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (3).Failure will be following with you. It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that (4).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (5).It will exert a profound influence upon (6).With reference to my standpo
原因型模块1 Currently, XX has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than XX It is clear that (1). If you (2), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (3).Failure will be following with you. It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that (4).Y ou don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (5).It will exert a profound influence upon (6).With reference to my stand
I was profoundly shocked by what I have seen in this picture. As is vividly demonstrsted in the drawing above … .The cartoon does mirror a prevalent phenomenon in contemporary society.
Obviously, what the drawing symbolically illustrates is that … .It would be no exaggeration to say that, in any period or in any conditions that can now be foreseen, X is utmost significance to us humans. Unfortunatelly,… .There is no denying that due attention should be attached to X. If we turn a blind eye to the problem, our