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第 一 讲 第 二 讲 第 三 讲 第 四 讲 第 五 讲 第 六 讲 第 七 讲 第 八 讲 第 九 讲 第 十 讲 第十一讲 第十二讲 第十三讲 第十四讲 句子的写作(五大句型 ) 句子的写作(简单句和复合句) 段落的写作:主题与扩展 文章的结构:开头、主体和结尾 应用文:书信、电子邮件 应用文:发言稿、通知 记叙文:写人、叙事 说明文:介绍人物、事物的说明文 议论文 图表、图画作文 提示性作文 (半)开放式作文 体验中考高分写作(一) 体验中考高分写作(二) 写作指导 ↓ 针对性练习 ↓ 满分作文 ↓ 必备词句 ↓ 实战演练 ↓ 家庭作业 师生互动、发散性思维、 演练结合、当堂点评。 第一讲:句子的写作

Ⅰ. 中考书面表达综述 1. 中考书面表达答题步骤

步骤1: 认真审题。内容包括:

a) 文字信息

b) 表格、图标信息

步骤2: 巧妙构思。利用列提纲确定写作中心、组织/筛检材料(注:提纲一定要涉及所有提供得要点)。 步骤3: 信息转换

a) 以词及点:用一两个单词或短语写出每句话的细节要点。 b) 连词成句:用联词成句的方法将上述要点的词语扩展成句子。

c) 连句成文:正确使用表逻辑关系的连接词,使文章前后连


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my dog初中英语作文

听、说、读、写既是学习英语的四种基本手段也是英语学习者的四项基本技能,其中写作是最为关键的输出部分,并且在高中英语教学中越来越受到重视。你喜欢狗狗吗?你有养宠物狗的爱好吗?下面是小编为你整理的my dog初中英语作文,希望对你有帮助!

my dog初中英语作文篇1

The puppy home grow very cute, round head set with a pair of amber big eyes. It has a powder doodle tongue, summer is always stretch out a large margin. It's limbs strong and ZhaoJian is white. Really cute. One day, a small black dog chew bones, puppy immediately flee to rebound. A little black dog a glimmer, let puppies flapping empty air. Then, the puppy fiercely stand up,


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中考英语书面表达“五步曲” 看审题抓点 确定体裁

想把握时态 构思文路

列提炼要点 草拟提纲

连斟酌词句 连句成文 长短交替 亮点润色

美规范誊写 留好印象 从句适量 高分有望

(Beautify) (Link) (Look)(Think) (Rank)

中考英语书面表达高分技巧 五个“三”①技巧一:用准三种时态1、一般过去时——记叙已发生的事情 I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult to learn well. 2、一般现在时——描写人或事物 How time flies! I grow up day by day. In my life, there are so many wonderful memories that make me unforgettable. 3、一般将来时——表达想法和愿望 But I will never forget one thing that impressed me very much.

②技巧二:确定关键词句 用对三种句型句型1:主+谓

I grow up.句型2:主+系(am/ is /are)+表(n./


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  一. 课程名称
  1. 语文 Chinese
  2. 数学 math
  3. 英语 English
  4. 科学 science
  5. 政治 politics
  6. 历史 history
  7. 地理 geography
  8. 物理 physics
  9. 化学 chemistry
  10. 生物 biography
  11. 计算机 computer
  12. 音乐 music
  13. 体育 PE
  14. 美术 art
  二. 时间名称
  15. 星期一 Monday
  16. 星期二 Tuesday
  17. 星期三 Wednesday
  18. 星期四 Thursday
  19. 星期五 Friday
  20. 星期六 Saturday
  21. 星期天 Sunday
  22. 一月 January
  23. 二月 February
  24. 三月 March
  25. 四月 April
  26. 五月 May
  27. 六月 June
  28. 七月 July
  29. 八月 August


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篇一:最好的自己英语作文 篇一

Last week, I took part in the summer camp. The school invited some foreign students to visit and to communicate with us. It was such a good chance for me to practise English with them. What’s more, I could learn difference culture. At first, I was so nervous, but the next day, I got familiar with these friends and I found that they were also very curious about our study. After the short communication, I


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1. Time flies. 光阴似箭.

2. Time is life. 时间就是生命.

3. Times change. 时代在改变.

4. Time is money. 时间就是金钱.

5. Life is sweet. 人生是美好的.

6. Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的.

7. One man, no man. 个人是渺小的.

8. Never say "die'. 永远不要说" 完了".

9. Never say never. 永不放弃

10. No song, no supper. 不出力,不得食.

11. The truth will out. 真相总会大白.

12. To think is to see. 思考就是明白.

13. To see is to believe. 眼见为实

14. Every dog has its day. 人人都有得意之日。

15. Early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 (勤能补拙)

16. Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量.

17. Love me,


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初中英语目录 7下 8下

1. 物主代词 1. 感官动词 2. can的用法 2. 现在完成时

3. 一般将来时 3. 现在完成时(already、just、yet)

4. 一般将来时的否定,疑问句 4. 现在完成时(for、since) 5. 问句(what/how) 5. 现在完成时,一般现在时, 一般过去时的综合运用 6. 介词 6. 简单句

7. 一般过去式 7. 复合句(and、but) 8. 过去时的规则变化 8. 宾语从


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2.20—90由个位数加后缀-ty构成,注意其中20—50的拼写分别是twenty, thirty, forty 和fifty;80的拼写是eighty。

3.其它非整十的两位数21—99是由整十位数加连字符“-”,再加个位数构成。如: 81 eighty-one。

4.101—999的基数词先写百位数,后加and再写十位数和个位数。如: 691 six hundred and ninety-one。


如:5893 five thousand eight hundred and ninety-three。 在基数词中只有表示“百”、“千”的单位词,没有单独表示“万”、“亿”的单位词,而是用thousand(千)和million(百万)来表达,其换算关系为:1万=10 thousand;1亿=100 million; 10亿=a thousan


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Good afternoon, my dear judges, I am ______, from ______, it is my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. My presentation consists of five parts.

Part 1The analysis of the teaching material

This lesson is a reading passage, which focused on the topic of __________________, such a topic is related to our daily life, so it is easy to arouse the Ss’ learning interests.

My teaching objectives include the following parts.

First, the knowledge objective :By the end of this l


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A bitter biting bittern bit a better brother bittern, and the bitter better bittern bit the bitter biter back. And the bitter bittern, bitten, by the better bitten bittern, said: "I'm a bitter biter bit, alack!"

A bloke's back bike brake block broke.

A box of biscuits, a batch of mixed biscuits.

A cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.