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Unit 1

1. concern v.

concern oneself with/about sth. 对…感兴趣

He didn’t concern himself with details. 2. behave v. 表现

He behaved like a true gentleman.

He behaved as if nothing had happened. He behaved badly towards their guests. behave (oneself) 表现得体,有礼貌

I want you to behave yourselves while I am away. She doesn’t know how to behave in public. 3. shade Un. 阴凉处,树荫 +of

We sat down in the shade of the wall.

The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer. 4. worthwhile adj. 值得的 (定语、表语、宾补)

a worthwhile task

The smil


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English Notes

Book 1 Unit 1

1.do a survey(调查) surveys

add up 合计;加起来 add up to 总计达;总共有(多少) add A to B 给B加上A add to 增添;增加 2.ignore ignorant(adj.) ignorance(n.) be ignorant of=be in ignorance=ignore take no notice of/pay no attention to

3.calm:形容水面平静 calm(them/it/....)down quite:不要吵闹,使环境安静下来 still:一动不动 silent:沉默

4.have got to=have to/must Have you got to...? haven’got to;don’t have to

5.be concerned about/for=be worried about be concerned with 与...有关;涉及

as far as sb is concerned=in one’s opinion 我认为 6.go through=experience



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第六章 城市维护建设税与教育费附加

答疑编号:NODE00719700060100000001 【本章考试题型】

答疑编号:NODE00719700060100000002 【本章内容结构】 本章共两节:

第一节 城市维护建设税 第二节 教育费附加



答疑编号:NODE00719700060100000003 【本章内容讲解】

第一节 城市维护建设税

一、概述、特点、立法原则 (一)城市维护建设税的概念

城市维护建设税是对从事工商经营,缴纳消费税、增值税、营业税的单位和个人征收的一种税。 (二)特点: 1.税款专款专用 2.属于一种附加税

3.根据城镇规模设计税率 4.征收范围较广

答疑编号:NODE00719700060100000101 二、城建税基本规定 (一)征税范围

包括城市、县城、建制镇,以及税法规定征收“三税”的其他地区。 (二)纳税人


自2010年12月1日起,外商投资企业和外国企业及外籍个人开始征收城市维护建设税。 答疑编号


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1. right away 马上

Please make up you mind right away. 请马上做出决定。

2. rise 上升

raise 举起;饲养

3. too…to… 太…而不能…

We are too frightened to go outside. 我们太害怕了而不敢出去。

3. at an end 结束

The game was at an end. 游戏结束了。

by the end of 到…结束的时候

by the end of this year 到这一年结束的时候

in the end 最后

4. in ruins 变成废墟

After the earthquake, the city was in ruins. 地震后,这城市变废墟了.

5. 说谎 lie – lied – lied – lying

躺 lie – lay – lain – lying

产卵 lay – laid – laid –laying


6. injure 意外伤

hurt 心灵伤

wound 刀枪伤

7. 分数表达法: 分子用基数词 (one , two, three


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1. right away 马上

Please make up you mind right away. 请马上做出决定。

2. rise 上升

raise 举起;饲养

3. too…to… 太…而不能…

We are too frightened to go outside. 我们太害怕了而不敢出去。

3. at an end 结束

The game was at an end. 游戏结束了。

by the end of 到…结束的时候

by the end of this year 到这一年结束的时候

in the end 最后

4. in ruins 变成废墟

After the earthquake, the city was in ruins. 地震后,这城市变废墟了.

5. 说谎 lie – lied – lied – lying

躺 lie – lay – lain – lying

产卵 lay – laid – laid –laying


6. injure 意外伤

hurt 心灵伤

wound 刀枪伤

7. 分数表达法: 分子用基数词 (one , two, three


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reading: finish reading a novel

after reading, i will write down all the strage words

writing: write a diary every day

memorizing: remember words of vocabulary 10000, do an english exercise.

计划执行过程计划完成情况(含学习时间、地点、具体学习内容,如:星期几、下午或晚上几点至几点,学习内容须列出学习的书名、篇章和数量或页数)each afternoon, reading a novel about twenty pages which is named the seventh key and writing a compositiong using all the new words which i meet in the novel. each evening ,write a diary what


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1.The manager,knowing his factory’s products were poor in ________,decided to give his workers further training.

A. quantity B.amount C.deal D.quality 2.Don’t ________.You will ________ new customs and different ways of thinking. A.lose your heart; apply to B.lose heart; apply yourself to C.lose your heart; adapt to D.lose heart; adapt yourself to

3.Though he killed a boy, he was ___ to 20 years' imprisonment instead of death because of his good attitude and active help in bre


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1.The manager,knowing his factory’s products were poor in ________,decided to give his workers further training.

A. quantity B.amount C.deal D.quality 2.Don’t ________.You will ________ new customs and different ways of thinking. A.lose your heart; apply to B.lose heart; apply yourself to C.lose your heart; adapt to D.lose heart; adapt yourself to

3.Though he killed a boy, he was ___ to 20 years' imprisonment instead of death because of his good attitude and active help in bre


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Unit 1 Friendship Word usage

add (to) v. 1) to put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, or importance; 2) to join (numbers or amounts ) so as to find the total. eg: The fire is going out; will you add some wood? The snowstorm added to our difficulties. Add up these figures for me, please.

ignore v. to take no notice of; refuse to pay attention to eg: His letters were ignored.

Even the best of men ignored that simple rule


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Who is the scientist you admire most?

Isaac Newton1642~1727(British)He was the first to suggest that gravity is a force. He thought it was the same everywhere as it was on the earth. Isaac Newton, the founder of the law of the If I have seen further, it is gravity, was the greatest physicist and by standing ongeneration. the shoulders mathematician of his

of giants.

Albert Einstein(1879~1955, German/American)

He is greatly respected/known/admired as the leading scientist of the 20th century. He developed a new idea of gravity b