1.人本主义心理学的代表是( )。 A.华生 B.马斯洛 C.霍尔 D.杜威 2.下面情况发生了学习的是( )。
A.小李从亮处走进暗室,视力显著提高 B.小明喝酒后脾气变得暴躁 C.小张服用兴奋剂后百米赛跑夺冠 D.大猩猩模仿游人吃饼干 3.只能进行自我中心思维的儿童,其认知发展处于( )。 A.前运算阶段 B.感知运动阶段 C.具体运算阶段 D.形式运算阶段 4.新型的师生关系应该是( )。
A.在人格上,学生与教师是民主平等的关系 B.强调教师的权威地位
C.师生关系是一种朋友式的友好帮助的关系 D.在社会道德上,学生与教师是相互促进的关系 E.以儿童为中心
5.《义务教育法》总则第一条规定,为了保障适龄儿童、少年接受义务教育的权利,保证义务教育的实施,提高全民族素质,根据( )制定本法。
A.《宪法》 B.《教育法》
C.《未成年人保护法》 D.《预防未成年人犯罪法》 6.新《义务教育法》规定,实施义务教育,不收( ) 。 A.学费 B.杂费 C.书费 D.住宿费
Ⅰ. 听录音,在屏幕上点击你听到的句子。
1. A. He is giving her a letter.
B. He is giving her a magazine.
C. He is giving her a new magazine.
2. A. May I turn on the water heater
B. Shall I turn on the water heater
C. May I turn off the water heater
3. A. Why don’t you go skating
B. Why don’t you go swimming
C. What about going swimming
Ⅱ. 听录音,在屏幕上点击与你听到的句子的意思最相近的句子。
1. A. My mother likes green tea.
B. My mother likes black coffee.
C. My mother likes tea better than coffee.
2. A. Neither of them can speak Chinese.
B. Either he or she can spea
Opportunities for Malaysia Exporters through China&39;s E-commerce Market
for Malaysia exporters
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Opportunities for Malaysia Exporters through
China's E-commerce Market
According to McKinsey Global Institute, China’s e-tailing industry has posted 120% compound annual growth since 2003. The rapid development of e-commerce vastly improves the efficiency of shopping and the availability of products without the need to build out extensive networks of traditional physical stores, which will bring out great opportunities for Malaysia exporters.
2.Key driver: Expanded Broadband and 3G
There are hundreds of kinds of sharks in the world. Most are about two meters long. The biggest whale shark can grow to twenty meters in length. A shark has an extremely good sense of smell, which helps them find their food. Sharks eat fish, other sharks and plants that live in the ocean. Some sharks will eat just about anything.
Sharks are important for the world's oceans. They eat injured and diseased fish. Their hunting activities mean that the numbers of other fish in ocean waters do not become too gr
Part A Reading Aloud
How natural is the natural world? The story of how a particular view of the wild came to shape Africa. The only problem is, the more we look, the more we find this view to be at odds with the bigger picture. Because of a quirk of nature, grasses and trees have a different way of turning sunlight into food. When they die, they leave slightly different forms of carbon in the earth. And the main force behind these cycles is the climate. As geological time gave way to historical time, the h
Part A Reading Aloud
How natural is the natural world? The story of how a particular view of the wild came to shape Africa. The only problem is, the more we look, the more we find this view to be at odds with the bigger picture. Because of a quirk of nature, grasses and trees have a different way of turning sunlight into food. When they die, they leave slightly different forms of carbon in the earth. And the main force behind these cycles is the climate. As geological time gave way to historical time, the h
Part B Tapescript: W: Good morning, Dr. Brown. M: Good morning, Mary. W: You know what? I went to your lecture yesterday. M: How did you like it? W: It was really great. I learned a lot. M: Thank you. It’s part of the book that I’m going to publish. W: Can you tell me something more? M: It’s about silk history on production, culture, trade and so on. W: I’m looking forward to having a copy. M: Hopefully, it will be published in October.
Question 1: When did you start to have interest in silk hist
Part B: Tapescript: W: Happy New Year, Tom! I heard that you went back to your hometown in the countryside for the Spring Festival this year. M: Yes, my family and I went there together. It has been 13 years since we were back last time. W: How was it? M: It was great! I felt like I had a real Spring Festival. People lit fireworks in the countryside. It was so beautiful. W: Haven’t you seen fireworks before? M: Well, I’ve seen it only for an official ceremony in big cities. Fireworks are not allowed in
1、李林出国6年,请你代付租金,每年末租金10000元。银行存款利率5%。现在他应当为你在银行存入( 50757 )元。
2、A公司购买了一套生产设备,销售商提出的付款方案是:第一年末支付20万元,第二年末支付25万元,第三年末支付30万元,第四年末支付50万元。假定目前银行利率为5%,这套设备价款的现值是( 108.772 )万元。 3、张华每年年末定期存款20000元,存款年利率为8%,经过3年,该笔存款的终值是( 64928 )元
4、M公司从现在起建立一项基金,计划每年底存入该基金一笔固定金额用于偿还一批5年后到期的债券,到期值为210万元。假设该基金的年收益率为12%,则该公司每年提存的基金金额为( 33.06 )万元。
5、华泰公司年初存入一笔资金,从第4年年末起,每年取出3万元,至第八年年末取完,年利率为8%,计算最初时一次存入银行的款项为(9.51 )万元。 6、某企业要建立一项永久性帮困基金,计划每年拿出20万元帮助失学儿童,年利率为5%,现在应筹集的资金数额为( 400 )万元。
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