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一、 试译下列各句,注意保持原文的重复手段。

1. It is impossible to live in society and be independent of society.

2. If once virtue is lost ,all is lost.

3. Year after year and century after century the moon goes through its cycles.

二、 试译下列各句,注意用同义词表达原文中重复的词。 1. Easy come, easy go.

2. No pains, no gains.

3. A fall in the pit,m a gain in the wit.

三、 试译下列各句,用四字重叠词语表达原文中的斜体词。 1. The toasts were flat.

2. It was not evasive in my reply.

3. A slating sunlight dappled the grass.

四、 试译下列各句,用四字对偶词表达原文中的斜体字。 1. She is an awful fool of a woman.


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泽外都,新强调闻英的语一的点翻。译除对了译最者基还本有的更大高众的的要语求言。 文化知识之


传播第已一经,不关像注一时条事河流,紧缓跟缓时而代动步,伐等。待当观今赏社,会而是,信如钱息塘江大潮,迅猛、快速向受众袭来,一不小心就淹没在 期水之中,所以,新闻翻译者要时时事事做好准备,站



作能力对英语新闻的翻译有很大帮助。中英文新闻的写作规律、方法、结构大都一样,如果能写得一手漂亮的汉语消息稿,对英文稿的翻译也会有突破。 第三,熟悉各种新闻用语和用词。经常阅读国内外中英文各种媒体的报道,留意常用的新闻用词、新闻表

【摘要】随着我国经济的发展和国际商务交流的扩大,商标和广告语的翻译的重要性日益凸显,但目前一些商标和广告语的翻译还存在着失误。笔者认为译者要站在跨文化交际的角度,准确把握母语和目的语的文化差异, 遵循不同文化习惯,采用直译法、音译法、意译法等, 尽力做到译文和原文在音、形、义统一的同时,使翻译符合消费者的文化心理和审美情趣,以达到促销产品的 目的。【关键词】商标和广告语;文化差异;直译法;音译法;



【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

泽外都,新强调闻英的语一的点翻。译除对了译最者基还本有的更大高众的的要语求言。 文化知识之


传播第已一经,不关像注一时条事河流,紧缓跟缓时而代动步,伐等。待当观今赏社,会而是,信如钱息塘江大潮,迅猛、快速向受众袭来,一不小心就淹没在 期水之中,所以,新闻翻译者要时时事事做好准备,站



作能力对英语新闻的翻译有很大帮助。中英文新闻的写作规律、方法、结构大都一样,如果能写得一手漂亮的汉语消息稿,对英文稿的翻译也会有突破。 第三,熟悉各种新闻用语和用词。经常阅读国内外中英文各种媒体的报道,留意常用的新闻用词、新闻表

【摘要】随着我国经济的发展和国际商务交流的扩大,商标和广告语的翻译的重要性日益凸显,但目前一些商标和广告语的翻译还存在着失误。笔者认为译者要站在跨文化交际的角度,准确把握母语和目的语的文化差异, 遵循不同文化习惯,采用直译法、音译法、意译法等, 尽力做到译文和原文在音、形、义统一的同时,使翻译符合消费者的文化心理和审美情趣,以达到促销产品的 目的。【关键词】商标和广告语;文化差异;直译法;音译法;



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姓名杜寒利 学号201310412122 专业班级 英翻一班


说明:翻译下列句子,并在所省略的英语单词或词组下划线。 1.Peter is six years old. 彼得六岁。

2.She covered her face with her hands as if to protect her eyes 她用手蒙脸,好像是为了保护眼睛。

3.He that will steal a pin will steal a better thing. 今日偷针,明日偷金。

4.On hearing what I said, she threw a sharp glance at me. 一听见我说的话,她迅速瞥了一眼。

5.Every Jack has his Gill. 人各有偶。(破锅不愁无烂盖,男人自有女人爱。)

6.She was smooth and agreeable to meet. 她为人处事,左右逢源。

7.The true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them. 语言的真正的作用


【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

姓名杜寒利 学号201310412122 专业班级 英翻一班


说明:翻译下列句子,并在所省略的英语单词或词组下划线。 1.Peter is six years old. 彼得六岁。

2.She covered her face with her hands as if to protect her eyes 她用手蒙脸,好像是为了保护眼睛。

3.He that will steal a pin will steal a better thing. 今日偷针,明日偷金。

4.On hearing what I said, she threw a sharp glance at me. 一听见我说的话,她迅速瞥了一眼。

5.Every Jack has his Gill. 人各有偶。(破锅不愁无烂盖,男人自有女人爱。)

6.She was smooth and agreeable to meet. 她为人处事,左右逢源。

7.The true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them. 语言的真正的作用


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1. There has been this long lull with nothing particular turning up!

? Britain has been in too long a period of stillness without taking any particular action against the enemy!

2. Britain, other nations thought, had drawn a sponge across her slate. ? Other nations thought that Britain was completely conquered.. 3. The logistics of it vary according to geography.

? People in different regions have different sizes of personal space.

4. Individuals routinely commandeer booths and sets of facing seats meant for foursomes.

? It


【bwwdw.com - 博文网】

1. There has been this long lull with nothing particular turning up!

? Britain has been in too long a period of stillness without taking any particular action against the enemy!

2. Britain, other nations thought, had drawn a sponge across her slate. ? Other nations thought that Britain was completely conquered.. 3. The logistics of it vary according to geography.

? People in different regions have different sizes of personal space.

4. Individuals routinely commandeer booths and sets of facing seats meant for foursomes.

? It


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1. The breakthroughs would create as much danger as they would hope.

2. (We have been told that science is mysterious and difficult.) And so we let the exciting new knowledge slip from us, a little further every day, and our confidence with it; and then, face to face with the sense of our helplessness, we pretend that it is all a conspiracy among nuclear


3. When the media add interpretation and analysis, as they must to do their job fully, strong dislike of the messengers may become intense.

4. Every body has a

新 argument 题目翻译及重复题目总结

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1.woven baskets characterized by a particular distinctive pattern ... 2.A recent study of eighteen rhesus monkey...

3.Over the past two years, the number of shoppers... 4.Of the two leading real estate firms in our town...4

5.On Balmer Island, where mopeds serve as a popular... 6.Arctic deer live on islands in Canada's arctic regions...

7.We recommend that Monarch Books open a cafe in its town. 8.To serve the housing needs of our students...

9.Nature's Way, a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related prod


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龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:刘秦明 郭丽丽


摘 要: 文学和科学的研究原则和方法不同。文学翻译注重文学性和艺术性,科技翻译注重科学性、客观性和抽象性。本文对文学翻译与科技翻译进行了实例分析,从修饰与否、模糊程度和逻辑因素三个方面分析了文学翻译和科技翻译的不同,指出了文学翻译和科技翻译在选词、句式、语法方面的差异。

关键词: 文学翻译 科技翻译 修饰性 模糊程度 逻辑因素 一、引言

国内翻译界一般都认为科技翻译较文学翻译容易一些,诗歌翻译难度最大。因此,对科技翻译的重视不如对文学翻译的重视。张今把翻译作品分为应用文翻译、新闻报道翻译、科技作品翻译、社科作品翻译、文学评论翻译、散文翻译和诗歌翻译,指出:“当翻译的作品越富有文学性,其翻译难度就越困难。”他的观点主要是从翻译难易角度衡量不同类型文本的翻译。其实,科技翻译和文学翻译各有特点和难点,不能一概而论。它们在翻译方面具有许多区别。 二、科技翻译和文学翻译差异实例分析 (一)修饰性