牛津英语7下 unit 8 reading 2

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Tomas—an exchange student in our schoolHe comes from Hungary. (匈牙利) Now he can speak Chinese well.


If Tomas comes to our class, where will you take him? What are you going to do with him ?


I ll show him around our school. Our campus(校园) is very beautiful.


I d like to take him to Xuanwu park(玄武湖). There are a lot of trees in it. The sky is blue and the air is very fresh. In the morning, the park is quiet and many people like jogging in it. We can fly kites too. It

牛津英语8A Unit4 Reading Giant pandas教

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牛津英语8A Unit4 Reading Giant pandas教案设计

金坛市华罗庚实验学校 张蔚莹

设计题目 教学内容 牛津英语8A Unit4 Reading Giant pandas 1.It tells us something about giant pandas. It’s helpful to enhance the students’ awareness of the need to protect giant pandas and other wild animals, try to live peacefully with the animals because we live in the same world. 2.Language Focus The students will be able to use the following words and patterns . outside bamboo leaf… The baby panda look like grow into… Sadly, it’s very difficult for giant pandas t

牛津7A Unit8 Period3(ReadingⅡ)同步练习含答案

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牛津7A Unit8 Period3(ReadingⅡ)同步练习含答案

7A Unit 8 Fashion



1.来自 ___________________ 2.一双(副) __________________________

3.欢迎来到___________________ 4.在90年代 __________________________

5.从家到学校_________________ 6.为 筹款__________________________

7.看上去很酷_________________ 8.举行时装表演________________________


1.I like wearing trainers because they are very____________(舒服的).

2.There are different____________ (风格)of clothes in the fashion show.

3.There’s a meeting in the____________ (女-2)Club every Friday after

初中牛津英语7B Unit1 Reading I练习

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7B Unit1 Reading I


( ) 1. I live _____ my parents ______ a town. A. in; with B. with; in C. in; on D. with; on ( ) 2. ---Where is your mother, Tom? --- Oh, she is taking a shower in the ______. A. kitchen B. bedroom C. balcony D. bathroom ( ) 3. The little girl likes to ______ her apples with her friends. A. give B. share C. use D. buy ( ) 4. ---Bob, would you like to come to our dinner party? ---_____________. A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, I’d love to C. No, I wouldn’t D. S

8B Unit7 Period2(Reading I)

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8B Unit7 International charities

Period2(Reading I)


1.His grandma should get_______(医疗的)help in time.

2. The_______(病例)is not common. Doctors are having a discussion about it. 3. Don't worry. He will be_______(治愈)in a few days.

4. Dr Wang has_______(做手术)on three people with arm problems since 6 a.m. 5.-This new sports car is on sale(上市)now. Will you take one7 -Sorry. I can't_______(买得起)it.

6. Please give the_______(病人)some soft food. They have just finished their operations. 7. Tom couldn't take part in the sports

牛津英语7A Unit 2单元检测

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牛津英语7A Unit 2单元检测

新港中学 初一备课组



一、 单项选择(20分)

( )1、Who can help ? I think can.

A、I, I B、me, I C、me, me D、I, my

( )2、t find .

A、He, him B、He, it C、His, it D、His, him

( )3、Hello, Sandy, Can I sit here?

A、Yes, you are B、Yes, I do. C、No, I can’t D、Yes, you can

( )4、I like to TV, but my father likes to books.

A、watch, read B、watch, look C、watch, see D、read, look at

( )5、Please get some the China Space Museum.

A、information of B、informati

人教版选修7 unit2 reading

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Unit 2 Reading Satisfaction Guaranteed

True or false.

1. Claire didn’t like the idea at the beginning, but she agreed to it at last. 2. When Tony, the robot, offered to help dressing, Claire was pleased to accept it. 3. Tony was eager to help Claire. He scanned quite a lot of books in the library, but he could find no ways out.

4. It was Claire that first decided to invite Gladys and her friends to her house. 5. The company was satisfied with Tony’s report because he had successfully made a woman fall in love with him. A

牛津英语 7B Unit 8 单词词汇练习

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牛津英语 7B Unit 8 单词词汇练习

牛津英语 7B Unit 8 单词词汇练习

姓名__________ 班级__________ 得分__________

1. 有乐趣的;使人快乐的;令人愉快的 ________________________________________

2. 理想的;完美的;最合适的 __________________________________________________

3. 不吸引人的;无趣的;无聊的 ________________________________________________

4. 不需要的;不必要的;多余的 ________________________________________________

5. 有趣的 ___________________________ 26. difficult adj. adj. ______________

6. 实验;实验 _________________________ 27. swim v. n. _________________

7. 组织;筹备 _____________

八下Unit7 SectionB reading

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新人教版八年级下册英语Unit7 SectionB 2a-2e教学设计


1. Teaching Aims 1) Knowledge objects

Key Words: bamboo, research, awake, excitement, illness, adult, remain, wild, government...

Key Phrases: run over, fall over, die from, cut down 2)Ability objects

Be able to find specific information and understand the passage by scanning. Learn to talk about the facts of pandas by using the numeral and the comparisons of adj. and adv. 3)Moral objects

Let the students know protecting animals is our duty. Encourage students t

译林牛津英语 8A U2 Reading 成分划分 答案

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8A U2 成分划分练习


01. Daniel is visiting an online club (called Schools Around the World).


02. Here are two articles (on the website) (about different school lives).


03. My name is Nancy.


04. I am in Year 8 (at Woodland School near London).


05. It is a mixed school.


06. Boys and girls have lessons [together].


07. [Among all my subjects], I like French [best].


08. Learning foreign language is fun.


09. Our school has a Reading Week [every year].


10. [During the weeks], we can borrow more books [from