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Module 1


What’s your the question? 2.他在最近的考试中得了个“D”,也就是说,他又不及格。

He got a “D” in the latest exam, , he failed again. 3.这道题我做不出来,因为它非常不容易。

I can’t solve this problem because it is easy. 4. 孩子们的表演给他们留下了深刻的印象。

They the performance of the children. 5.我的朋友有粗鲁的方式与我谈话。

My friend had a talk with me . 6. 我从我父亲那儿学到了很多。



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Book2 Moudle1 1. diet n 2. fat n. 3. fit adj. 4. flu n. 5. rare adj. 6. toothache n. 8. wealthy adj. 9. rarely adv. 10. proverb n. 11. anxious adj. 12. captain n. 13. injure vt. 14. injury n. 15. pain n. 16. painful adj. 17. normal adj. 18. lifestyle n. 19. head vi. 20. eye vt. 22. lung n. 23. throat n. 24. breathe vi. 25. pneumonia n. 27. symptom n. 28. X-ray n. 29. awful adj. 30. insurance n.

7. unhealthy adj. 21. overweight adj. 26. prescription n. 31. questionnaire n. Book2 Moudle1


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Module 1 My First Day at Senior High

My name is Li Kang. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. It is the capital city of Hebei Province. Today is my first day at Senior High school and I’m writing down my thoughts about it. My new school is very good and I can see why. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen b


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Book2 Moudle1 1. diet n 2. fat n. 3. fit adj. 4. flu n. 5. rare adj. 6. toothache n. 8. wealthy adj. 9. rarely adv. 10. proverb n. 11. anxious adj. 12. captain n. 13. injure vt. 14. injury n. 15. pain n. 16. painful adj. 17. normal adj. 18. lifestyle n. 19. head vi. 20. eye vt. 22. lung n. 23. throat n. 24. breathe vi. 25. pneumonia n. 27. symptom n. 28. X-ray n. 29. awful adj. 30. insurance n.

7. unhealthy adj. 21. overweight adj. 26. prescription n. 31. questionnaire n. Book2 Moudle1


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1. Few people are able to of the future but we can imagine it.

A. make a use B. make a decision C. make a promise D. make prediction 2. You can that all the goods are delivered on time. A. depend it on B. rely on it C. put it on D. take on it 3. Could I have a cigarette? I seem to of them.

A. have run out B. use up C. run out D. have used up 4. You can find the map of China like a cock. A. looked B. shaped C. shaping D. rejected

5. The little boy many questions at me, leaving me emb


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外研版高一英语必修一重点词组Module 1

1. in other words 换句话说

2. look forward to (doing) sth.期盼(做)某事

3. at the start/beginning of 在……开始的时候

4. at the end of 在……结束的时候

5. go to college/university 上大学

6. be pided into 被(划)分成……

7. take part in 参加

= participate in sth

8. be similar to 与……相似


9. one’s attitude to sth 某人对某物的看法

10. be impressed with sth.对……印象深刻

11. leave/have/make an impression on sb.


12. mind doing sth 介意做某事

13. all kinds of after-school activities


14. by oneself 单独,独立

15. be disappointed with/in sb



16. be disappointed at/a


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Lesson six

Section One Tapescript Dialogue 1

— Is that Mr. Smith’s son? 那是Mr. Smith的儿子吗

— No, it isn’t. It’s Mr. Morgan’s son. 不,那是Mr. Morgan的儿子 — Is he Irish? 他是爱尔兰人吗

— No, he isn’t. He is Welsh 不,他是威尔士人 Dialogue 2

— Where are your parents now? 你的父母现在在哪儿? — They are in Zagrepp. 他们在萨格勒布 — Is that in Austria? 那是在奥地利吗? — No. It’s in Yugoslavia. 不,是在南斯拉夫 Dialogue 3

— Who is the girl by the door? 门边的女孩是谁? — It’s Jone Smith. 是约翰史密斯 — Is she a nurse? 她是护士吗?

— No. She’s a librarian. 不,她是图书管理员 Dialogue 4

— My hat and coat, please

外研社必修一module 1

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Section Ⅰ Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary 基础巩固


1.Do you like________(都市的) life or country life?

2.The dangerous ________(罪犯) was sent to prison.

3.The wish of fully using the natural __________(资源) will eventually come true.

4.When she was ________(逮捕), the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter.

5.Beginners are expected to be familiar with the content of the reading ________(材料)before they come to the class.

6.Buying a secondhand car is a ________(冒险的) business.

7.Please don't ask me to make any__

外研社必修4 Module 6

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introduction reading

A Trip Along the Three Gorges 三峡之旅

introduction reading

introduction reading

introduction reading

introduction reading

introduction reading

introduction reading

introduction reading

Introduction-1 :What can you see?

From the picture I can see….. It is clear that there is….. (natural scenery, dam大坝, cloud and mist 云雾,…..

introduction reading

Reference:参考资料 The Yangtze River, which flows for 6,380 km, is the longest river in China. The most beautiful part was the Three Gorges. The Qutang Gorge, which was only 8 kilom


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Lesson six

Section One


Dialogue 1

— Is that Mr. Smith’s son? 那是Mr. Smith的儿子吗

— No, it isn’t. It’s Mr. Morgan’s son. 不,那是Mr. Morgan的儿子

— Is he Irish? 他是爱尔兰人吗

— No, he isn’t. He is Welsh 不,他是威尔士人

Dialogue 2

— Where are your parents now? 你的父母现在在哪儿?

— They are in Zagrepp. 他们在萨格勒布

— Is that in Austria? 那是在奥地利吗?

— No. It’s in Yugoslavia. 不,是在南斯拉夫

Dialogue 3

— Who is the girl by the door? 门边的女孩是谁?

— It’s Jone Smith. 是约翰史密斯

— Is she a nurse? 她是护士吗?

— No. She’s a librarian. 不,她是图书管理员

Dialogue 4

— My hat and coat, please. H