项目评估 自检自测试题
第一章 导论 一、单选题
1. 通过购置生产资料的活动增加经济生产能力,实现经济增长的投资方式是()。 A. 直接投资 B. 间接投资 C. 金融投资 D. 非生产性投资 答案解析: A
2. 通过货币所有权的转移取得投资回报的投资方式是()。 A. 直接投资 B. 实业投资 C. 金融投资 D. 生产性投资 答案解析: C
3. 项目评估的主体是()。 A. 贷款银行或金融机构 B. 项目业主 C. 项目发起人 D. 中介咨询机构 答案解析: A
4. 可行性研究的主体是()。 A. 贷款银行 B. 金融机构
C. 项目业主或项目发起人 D. 中介咨询机构 答案解析: C
1. 投资具有以下特征()。 A. 投入资金多 B. 占用时间长 C. 实施风险高 D. 影响不可逆 答案解析: ABCD
2. 项目评估的内容包括()。 A. 项
第一部分 交际用语
Afternoon, sir. Where to?---A. Please get me to the airport?
Ami,I want this report typed today.---it’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir.
Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?----Yes, thanks, doctor.but I still feel dizzy. Are you sure about that?---D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive. Can I help you to ge it down?---Thanks , it’s so nice of you.
Can I take your order now?----Just a moment. Two friends are coming.
Can you turn down the radio, please?---- A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud Can you
第一部分 交际用语
Afternoon, sir. Where to?---A. Please get me to the airport?
Ami,I want this report typed today.---it’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir.
Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?----Yes, thanks, doctor.but I still feel dizzy. Are you sure about that?---D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive. Can I help you to ge it down?---Thanks , it’s so nice of you.
Can I take your order now?----Just a moment. Two friends are coming.
Can you turn down the radio, please?---- A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud Can you
第一部分 交际用语
Afternoon, sir. Where to?---A. Please get me to the airport?
Ami,I want this report typed today.---it’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir.
Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?----Yes, thanks, doctor.but I still feel dizzy. Are you sure about that?---D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive. Can I help you to ge it down?---Thanks , it’s so nice of you.
Can I take your order now?----Just a moment. Two friends are coming.
Can you turn down the radio, please?---- A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud Can you
第一部分 交际用语
Afternoon, sir. Where to?---A. Please get me to the airport?
Ami,I want this report typed today.---it’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir.
Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?----Yes, thanks, doctor.but I still feel dizzy. Are you sure about that?---D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive. Can I help you to ge it down?---Thanks , it’s so nice of you.
Can I take your order now?----Just a moment. Two friends are coming.
Can you turn down the radio, please?---- A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud Can you
第一部分 交际用语
Afternoon, sir. Where to?---A. Please get me to the airport?
Ami,I want this report typed today.---it’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir.
Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?----Yes, thanks, doctor.but I still feel dizzy. Are you sure about that?---D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive. Can I help you to ge it down?---Thanks , it’s so nice of you.
Can I take your order now?----Just a moment. Two friends are coming.
Can you turn down the radio, please?---- A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud Can you
第一部分 交际用语
Afternoon, sir. Where to?---A. Please get me to the airport?
Ami,I want this report typed today.---it’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir.
Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?----Yes, thanks, doctor.but I still feel dizzy. Are you sure about that?---D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive. Can I help you to ge it down?---Thanks , it’s so nice of you.
Can I take your order now?----Just a moment. Two friends are coming.
Can you turn down the radio, please?---- A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud Can you
第一部分 交际用语
Afternoon, sir. Where to?---A. Please get me to the airport?
Ami,I want this report typed today.---it’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir.
Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?----Yes, thanks, doctor.but I still feel dizzy. Are you sure about that?---D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive. Can I help you to ge it down?---Thanks , it’s so nice of you.
Can I take your order now?----Just a moment. Two friends are coming.
Can you turn down the radio, please?---- A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud Can you
第一部分 交际用语
Afternoon, sir. Where to?---A. Please get me to the airport?
Ami,I want this report typed today.---it’ll be ready in the afternoon, sir.
Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?----Yes, thanks, doctor.but I still feel dizzy. Are you sure about that?---D. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive. Can I help you to ge it down?---Thanks , it’s so nice of you.
Can I take your order now?----Just a moment. Two friends are coming.
Can you turn down the radio, please?---- A. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud Can you
众所周知,美国是全球信息通信技术发展与应用最为发达的国家,也是电子政务的发源地。早在1993年,当时的副总统戈尔所领导的全国绩效评估委员会(National Performance Review, NPR)便针对行政过程与效率、行政措施与政府服务的品质进行了重新的探讨,提出了“运用信息技术再造政府(reengineering through information technology)”的思想。1994年,美国政府又制定了《政府科技服务远景》,为电子政务的深入发展确立了新的目标。由于实现电子政务,从1992年至1996年的数年间,美国政府员工减少24万人,关闭了近2000个办公室,减少开支1180亿美元,在对居民和企业的服务方面,政府的200个局确立了3000条服务标准,作废了16万多页过时的行政法规,简化了3万多页规定。在初尝胜果后,克林顿政府更坚定了推行电子政务的决心。1999年12月,克林顿总统向各行政部门和机构签发了关于“电子政府”的备忘录,该备忘录引发了许多行动,诸如使国家的制度和事务能够在网上得到,确保商业机密和个人隐私得到保护,给残疾人提供接入服务。由此可见,美国政府既是电子政务国家理念的倡导者,也是电子政务实践