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dream palace capital balcony beach sea town wooden over river climb ladder into second child quiet rain while sitting room its fifth garden flat street seventh share neighbour friendly dining room grow most cook more than armchair bedside table coffee coffee table

梦;梦想;做梦 皇宫,宫殿 首都 阳台 海滩 海 镇,市镇 木制的,木头的 在…的上方;多于 河;江 爬,攀爬,攀登 梯子

到……里面 第二的 孩子;儿女 安静的

下雨;雨、雨水 当……的时候 起居室,客厅 它的

第五(个);第五的 花园;菜园 公寓,套房 街,街道 第七的;第七 合用;分享 邻居 友好的 餐厅 种,种植 大多数的 烹调,煮 超过,多于 扶手椅 床头柜 咖啡



cupboard lamp bookcase shower sink bathroo

牛津译林英语7B U1-U4词组

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7BUnit 1 Dreams homes



3. 你最喜欢镇里的哪一家餐馆?

4. 他总是第一个到学校。

5. 你想住在哪?

6. 了解不同国家的理想家园

7. 这照片出自哪个国家?

8. 俄罗斯的首都是哪?


加拿大: 法国:

日本: 俄罗斯: 英国: 美国:

10. 世界各地的家园

11. 想要住在离伦敦15英里的小镇上

12. 坐在厨房里品杯茶

13. 和我的狗在花园里玩的好开心啊!

14. 住在莫斯科中心的公寓里

15. 和我姐姐合住一间卧室

16. 喜欢躺在床上或坐在阳台上听音乐

17. 我梦想有我自己的卧室。


19. 看着窗外的沙滩大海是件酷事

20. 客厅是聊天看电视的最好地方。

21. 制作了几段他英国房子的视频

22. 希望有一天参观你在山脚下的公寓

23. 他们在家吗?

24. 轮流捎个口信/留言

25. 让他回个

26. 这座塔1815 英尺高。

27. 邀请我朋友在家庭影院看电影


29. 澳大利亚的天气和中国的天气的确不同。

30. 请约翰接好吗?

7B Unit 2 Neighours



牛津译林版7B Unit1单元练习含答案

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( )1. There are ___________ days in a year.

A. three hundreds and sixty five B. three hundred and sixty five C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundred sixty-five

( )2 Please turn to Page _________ and look at the ________ picture in this unit . A. twentieth ;one B. twenty ;one C. twentieth; first D Twenty ; first ( )3. Could you tell me how to _____ that in English?

A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak

( )4.____ people


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Unit 1 Dream homes


1. Bob has many storybooks and he oftens them with his friends. 2. It is about 116 (英里)from Yancheng to Nantong. 3. Do you often watch TV in your(卧室)? 4. Does Millie have her o bike? 5. Mum is cooking in the k . Let’s go and help her. 6. There are a lot of(海滩)in Hong Kong. 7. My father reads newspapers on the(阳台).

8. It is very comfortable to have a s after running. 9. Don’t play with(小刀), or you may hurt yourself. 10. Do you have a (书房)in y

译林牛津版初中英语7B U6复习导学案

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7B U6复习导学案



hurry that outside by pass fall hit alone

locked notice through surprise period become excited enough

decide enter towards forget reach climb fail


hurry up carry…for sb. go riding take…out of… stand up get away go through put up a little

from then on

become smaller and smaller too…to… pass by look up jump down ran after climb up


1. hurry匆忙

_______, we still have some time. 不要匆忙,我们还有时间。 hurry up 快点 hurry to 赶往某地 in a hurry 匆忙地,仓促地

hurry away 匆匆离去

2. You complain too much. 你真会抱怨。 compl


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Unit 1 Dream homes


1. Bob has many storybooks and he oftens them with his friends. 2. It is about 116 (英里)from Yancheng to Nantong. 3. Do you often watch TV in your(卧室)? 4. Does Millie have her o bike? 5. Mum is cooking in the k . Let’s go and help her. 6. There are a lot of(海滩)in Hong Kong. 7. My father reads newspapers on the(阳台).

8. It is very comfortable to have a s after running. 9. Don’t play with(小刀), or you may hurt yourself. 10. Do you have a (书房)in y

牛津译林版英语7B Unit3单元测试卷含答案

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7B Unit3 Welcome to Sunshine Town单元测试卷


( )1.Yi Jianlian,______ NBA star,will continue_______match this season. A an;the B.an;a C.a;the D.the:a

( )2.The boys don’t.have to go far if they need help_________ the homework. A.do B.with C.about D.doing

( )3.一How far is your family from here? 一It?s about ten________walk. A.minute’s, B.minute C.minutes’ D.minutes ( )4.一What shall we do tomorrow? 一Why ________to the cinema?

牛津英语7B Unit 2 neighbors教案(2012版)

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Unit 2 neighbors

Comic strip and welcome to the unit 教学目标

1、 能识别并掌握各种职业及工作场所的名称。 2、 能用简单的英语谈论自己所居住的社区。 教学内容 四会内容

词汇:neighbour will visitor like

句型:I’m going to visit our new neighbours. 三会内容

词汇:wow waiter neighbourhood 教学准备

1、 社区配套设施的图片。

2、 从事不同职业的人的图片。 3、 配套磁带或光盘。 教学步骤

Welcome to the unit Step I复习

1、 教师向学生呈现一篇日记,让他们用场所的名称填空。

Tomorrow is Saturday. My family are all free. My parents do not need to work in their and I have no lessons at . So we decide to go outside to enjoy the weekend.

In the morning, my father

2017 牛津译林英语 7B 语法专题七 情态动词和感叹句

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Unit 7 Abilities 语法专题七 情态动词和感叹句

一 核心语法内容梳理

1 情态动词can, could的用法 1)can 的用法

Can表示某人具有某种能力,意思为“能,会”,也表示客观的可能性,是“能够,可能”的意思,后接动词原形,适用于所有人称。 2)could为can的过去式,表示“能,可以”,另外could可用来代替can,表示更为客气委婉的语气,用来提出要求。

2 感叹句的用法



What a clever boy (he is)! 多么聪明的孩子!

2)以how开头的感叹句,how作状语,修饰形容词,副词或动词。如: How blue the sky is! 天空多么蓝啊!


Isn’t it a lovely view? 多

最新牛津译林版7B Unit1 Welcome to the unit课时练含答案

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◆Welcome to the unit (单元导入)

一、想一想,你能给下列国家找出其首都吗? Countries Capitals ( )1. Iraq A. Tokyo ( )2. Greece B. Rome ( )3. Thailand C. Baghdad ( )4. Egypt D. Athens ( )5. the UK E. Beijing ( )6. Philippines F. Washington DC ( )7. Russia G. Bangkok ( )8. France H. Cairo ( )9. the USA I. London ( )10. PRC J. Manila ( )11. Italy K. Paris ( )12. Japan L. Moscow 二、选择填空。

( )1. Which of them isn’t a capital city?

A. Paris B. London C. New York D. Moscow

( )2. –What