Unit 1
Genetically Modified Foods—Feed the World?
I. Comprehension and Appreciation
1. What is the author’s overall position on this issue? Is he for or against genetically modified foods?
He is on the side of GM foods, and he thinks that fears that genetically modified, pest-resistant crops might kill good insects as well as bad appear unfounded.
2. Do you know GM foods are already part of our lives? What kind of GM foods have you had? How does the author support the fact that the genetic is out of the bottle? Have you g
Unit 1
2.1901年,伯特兰·罗素悖论的发现打击了他其中的一个数学家同事。在19世纪后期,弗雷格尝试发展一个基本原理以便数学上能使用符号逻辑。他确立了形式表达式(如:x =2)和数学特性(如偶数)之间的联系。按照弗雷格理论的发展,我们能自由的用一个特性去定义更多更深远的特性。
3.1903年,发表在《数学原理》上的罗素悖论从根本上揭示了弗雷格这种集合系统的局限性。就现在而言,这种类型的集合系统能很好的用俗称集的结构式来描述。例如,我们可以用 x代表整数,通过n来表示并且n大于3小于7,来表示4,5,6这样一个集合。这种集合的书写形势就是:x={n:n是整数,3 4. 表面上看,似乎任何一个关于x的描述都有一个符合要求的空间。但是,罗素(和策梅洛一起)发现x={a:a不再a中}导致一个矛盾,就像对一群理发师的描述一样。x它本身是在x的集合中吗?否定的答案导致了
Unit 1
2.1901年,伯特兰·罗素悖论的发现打击了他其中的一个数学家同事。在19世纪后期,弗雷格尝试发展一个基本原理以便数学上能使用符号逻辑。他确立了形式表达式(如:x =2)和数学特性(如偶数)之间的联系。按照弗雷格理论的发展,我们能自由的用一个特性去定义更多更深远的特性。
3.1903年,发表在《数学原理》上的罗素悖论从根本上揭示了弗雷格这种集合系统的局限性。就现在而言,这种类型的集合系统能很好的用俗称集的结构式来描述。例如,我们可以用 x代表整数,通过n来表示并且n大于3小于7,来表示4,5,6这样一个集合。这种集合的书写形势就是:x={n:n是整数,3 4. 表面上看,似乎任何一个关于x的描述都有一个符合要求的空间。但是,罗素(和策梅洛一起)发现x={a:a不再a中}导致一个矛盾,就像对一群理发师的描述一样。x它本身是在x的集合中吗?否定的答案导致了
Unit 1
2.1901年,伯特兰·罗素悖论的发现打击了他其中的一个数学家同事。在19世纪后期,弗雷格尝试发展一个基本原理以便数学上能使用符号逻辑。他确立了形式表达式(如:x =2)和数学特性(如偶数)之间的联系。按照弗雷格理论的发展,我们能自由的用一个特性去定义更多更深远的特性。
3.1903年,发表在《数学原理》上的罗素悖论从根本上揭示了弗雷格这种集合系统的局限性。就现在而言,这种类型的集合系统能很好的用俗称集的结构式来描述。例如,我们可以用 x代表整数,通过n来表示并且n大于3小于7,来表示4,5,6这样一个集合。这种集合的书写形势就是:x={n:n是整数,3 4. 表面上看,似乎任何一个关于x的描述都有一个符合要求的空间。但是,罗素(和策梅洛一起)发现x={a:a不再a中}导致一个矛盾,就像对一群理发师的描述一样。x它本身是在x的集合中吗?否定的答案导致了
1.这两个国家之间的和睦友好有助於这一地区的繁荣。(contribute to ) 2. 私人银行尝试用各种新奇的方法向客户反复灌输他们的价值观。(inculcate) 3. 这个代表强调,坚持社会平等的观念才能解放大众和发展社会生产力。
4. 他为增加家庭收入而选择放弃自己喜欢的工作。即使他每天辛苦劳作,但妻子还是弃家出走。 5. 一切事件都证明并将继续证明这些估计的正确性。(bear out) 6. 人生气时不按情理看事情,他所受的冤屈似乎比实际的更糟。 7. 他的任务是制定详细政策,使得市场经济和清洁环境能够共存。 8. 他们的前途与所服务公司的前途息息相关。(be bound up with)
9. 有了这种合伙人身份所赋予的首席动议者的优势,我们期待在那个新兴商业中占取最大份额/获取最大利益。(confer)
10. 不鼓励人们增加产量并由此努力改善其物质生活条件,而只是激励他们艰苦奋斗,这是不对的。(exhort)
2.如今,由于人们寿命增长、结婚推迟、离婚率上升,这种观念已经为多种家庭生活方式所取代。(consensus, give way to)
Unit 1
No doubt everyone has to apologize for his life, sooner or later. When we appear at the Last Judgment and the Recording Angel reads out a list of our sins, we will presumably be given an opportunity to apologize, in the old sense of rebuttal and in the new sense too, by way of confession and plea of repentance. In this life, it is better to apologize (in the new sense), but promptly, voluntarily, fully and sincerely. If the error is a matter of opinion and un-punishable, so much the better--an apology the
Unit 1
No doubt everyone has to apologize for his life, sooner or later. When we appear at the Last Judgment and the Recording Angel reads out a list of our sins, we will presumably be given an opportunity to apologize, in the old sense of rebuttal and in the new sense too, by way of confession and plea of repentance. In this life, it is better to apologize (in the new sense), but promptly, voluntarily, fully and sincerely. If the error is a matter of opinion and un-punishable, so much the better--an apology the
Unit 1
No doubt everyone has to apologize for his life, sooner or later. When we appear at the Last Judgment and the Recording Angel reads out a list of our sins, we will presumably be given an opportunity to apologize, in the old sense of rebuttal and in the new sense too, by way of confession and plea of repentance. In this life, it is better to apologize (in the new sense), but promptly, voluntarily, fully and sincerely. If the error is a matter of opinion and un-punishable, so much the better – an apology th
II. Vocabulary
1. Considerable expertise is required to be a successful trial lawyer. 1。相当的专业知识,需要一个成功的律师。
A. know-how 技术 B. authority 权威的 C. prudence谨慎 D. resolution分辨率 2. So it came about that even in ancient times tales of Moon voyages were written without any trace of magic and the earthiness of something that might be possible.
A. footprint 足迹 B. measurement测量 C. remainder 剩余的 D. sign 标志 3. I’d like to come with you, but that’s not a promise. Don’t build on it
第1课 A
1、For some______reason,she was attracted to Paul,a narrow-minded gug. 2、With major life_______like losing a loved one,for instance,the mind’s first reaction is denial.
3、Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic_______equipment. 4、They used pressure_______to force them to return,including cutting food and water supplies.
5、I was _______with longing for those innocent days of early childhood. 6、Police said they believed the attack was in_______for the death of the bombing.
7、He ________hasty note to his w