

性别与翻译的隐喻Gender and the metaphorics of translation

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Gender and the metaphorics of translationMade by Kyky (张琦)


Contents 1. The Author 2. Introduction 3.Theorists 4. Conclusion


Author 劳丽·张伯伦(Lori Chamberlain),(性别语 翻译的隐喻)认为,17世纪法语中的“不忠 的美人”这句关于翻译的隐喻表明,正如父 权体制下身居社会等级底层的女性,翻译在 文学等级秩序中也备受歧视。在传统翻译理 论中,忠实是翻译的第一要旨。但是,在翻 译实践中,译者背离原作的行为却屡屡发生。 钱伯伦认为,对文学等级中原作身份和原创 性的争夺制约了翻译的忠实性。



的例子是“不忠的美人”(les belles infideles)之类的歧视性隐喻以及斯坦纳的《通天塔之后》(After



Legal Translation II法律文本的静态对等翻译

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Legal Translation: strategies and objectivesThe school of interpreting and translation studies GDUFS

法律翻译的目的 法律翻译的目的法律翻译策略的确立与源法律文本制定的目标有着直接 和必然的关系, 任何策略的制定本质上都是为实现一定的 目标服务。从宏观上讲, 一个国家或政府制订法律条文的 主要目的是为了实现某种司法或治国理念。立法的目的 是如此, 执法的目的是如此, 司法的目的也是如此。从微 观上讲, 法律文本的制定在许多情形下是为了传意, 即把 立法者/ 统治者或法律文本制作人的意旨或意图传达给有 关人士: 让民众知法守法,当触犯或违反有关法律或规定时 , 他会受到什么样的惩处; 让当事人明白在一定的法律框 架或条件下他有什么样的权利和利益, 为了享有这些权益, 他应尽什么样的责任和义务; 如果没有尽到有关的责任和 义务, 他又会有什么样的后果或受到何种处罚。就这类法 律文本的译本而言, 它的目标或功能与源语文本也应该是 完全相同的。

法律翻译的目的译本的理想境界是将源语法律文本的作者( 立 法者或法律文本起草人) 写入文本的每一个意 图不折不扣


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第一章 翻译基础理论

1.1 什么是翻译

1.1.1 Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of

an equivalent target-language text. 1.1.2 In Other Words.

1.1.3 Classification of Translation. In terms of the mode: Oral Interpretation, Written Translation & Machine Translation. In terms of disposal: Full Text Translation, Abridged Translation (摘译) & Adapted Translation (改译). In terms of materials to be translated: Translation of 1) Scientific Materials.

The Standard of Translation

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Standardof Translationmade by 816


What’s the function of translation criteria ? A for plumb-line measuring the professional level of translation ; A goal set for translator to strive after.


Principles and Criteria of Translation a yardstick to guide the translation practiceand measure or assess the quality of translated version. The principles guide the translators’ practice, and the criteria lay emphasis on readers’ or critics’ evaluation of the translated text. In most cases, they are the two aspects of the

Translation Course

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Translation Course

Preliminary Remarks

一. Introduction to translation Do you know about translation? 1.What is translation ?

Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language.

翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地表达出来的语言. 2.Its importance 1) the cultural exchanges among countries, the social life and activities, the development

of history, in our learning of English language

2) an important media in conveying the emotion between human beings, in the expansion of know

Translation Test

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四级翻译样题 答题时间:30分钟 原文:145词,6句;译文:101词,7句 1.剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。 Paper cutting is one of China’s most popular traditional folk arts.

2.中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。

Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. 3.人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。

People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings.


During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, pape

Translation Course

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Translation Course

Preliminary Remarks

一. Introduction to translation Do you know about translation? 1.What is translation ?

Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language.

翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地表达出来的语言. 2.Its importance 1) the cultural exchanges among countries, the social life and activities, the development

of history, in our learning of English language

2) an important media in conveying the emotion between human beings, in the expansion of know

Translation - for - Senior - Three

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Translation for Senior Three (4)


1. 在你离开宾馆前,必须到服务台办理退房手续。(check)

Before you leave the hotel, you must check out at the service desk. ※ check the door locks / the correct answers / the shopping list ※ check in (at) 签到,登记

※ check out (of) 付账后离开旅馆 ※ write a check 开支票 ※ at the service desk

2. 他们请了一个私人侦探来帮助他们找到他们的儿子。(call)

They called in a private investigator to help them find their son. ※ call at some place 到??作短暂访问;停靠 call on sb. 访问;拜访 call for 需要;接某人一块走

call in 叫??进来;叫??进去 call up 打电话;唤醒;召集 call off

技术转让合同翻译中英文Translation-AssignmentAgreement - 图文

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Assignment Agreement 技术转让合同 This Technology Assignment Agreement is 本技术转让合同由A、B、C、D四个公司entered into by and among the four companies 签署,于___(时间)开始生效。 A, B, C and D, and is effective as of ___. A, B C and D are sometimes referred to A、B、C、D在下文中有时也被单独称作herein individually as \“合同一方”或被共同称作“合同方”。 as \RECITALS 前言 D provided funding to C for development of D为C开发此技术的某些方面提供了资certain aspects of such technology, received 金,并获得有关此技术的不可分割的权an undivided interest therein and may provide 益,同时将来可能继续向C提供资金。 funding to C in the future. C ass

Functional Theories of Translation

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Chapter 5 Functional Theories of Translation—by Group 4

The 1970‘s and 1980‘s saw a static move away from the linguistic typologies of translation shifts and emergence and flourshing inGermany of a functionlist and communicative approach to the analysis of translation. In this chapter, we look at:● Katharina


Reiss‘s early work on text type and language function;● Justa ● Hans

Holz-Mänttäri’s theory of translational action;

J. Vermeer‘s Skopos theory which centered on the purpose of the TT;● Christiane
