牛津译林版九年级英语上册unit 8课件

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牛津译林版九年级上册英语(新)学案:Unit 6 Task

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9A Unit 6 Task

班级: 姓名: 得分:


1.学会在正式写作前先列出提纲。 2.学习会简单的电视剧本。


知道下列短语的意思: 一.预学导航

receive a message with guns in their hands be pushed into a minibus open the back door of sth. 二.预习成果 翻译下列词组

1.收到一条信息____________________________________________ 2.打开某物的后门 ____________________________________________ 3.打电话给警察____________________________________________ 4.穿警服的三名男子____________________________________________ 5.手中拿着枪____________________________________________ 6.被推进一辆

中考英语(牛津译林版)复习学案:九年级上册 Unit 1 Revision

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课题:9A Unit1 Revision

班级 姓名 学号


考点1 eat up 吃光,吃完

[点拨] eat up为“动词+副词”结构,其中,up意为“彻底地,完全地”。

(eat- - ) eat sth. up eat up sth. 把它(们)吃光eat 考点2 keep all her things in good order 使她所有东西保持井然有序 使??保持井然有序 考点3 come up with想出(主意)

[点拨] come up with与 同义。 考点4 show off炫耀

[迁移] great in? 对??显示出(很大的)兴趣 show sb sth=show sth sb 向某人展示某物 带领某人参观某地 sb. sp. 在展览


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Unit 8单元复习


()1. If you don’t go to the cinema tonight, _____________.

A. so will I

B. neither do I

C. nor will I

D. so I will

()2. You’re not going to believe__________ little children can bring us________ much fun.

A. so; so

B.so; such

C. such; so

D. such; such

()3.The police haven’t confirmed if the man has _______ to do with the murder, if he _______ , he will be taken to the police station.

A. something; does

B.anything; has

C. something; has

D.anything; does ()4. I was really nervous before the speech competition. Thank Go

新译林牛津英语九年级上册Unit 5 全单元教案

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课 题 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 9A Unit5 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 1. To master the different art forms in English. 2. To learn to say your favorite art form. Students can tell about their favourite art forms and reasons. Students can tell about their favourite art forms and reasons. 教学过程 集 体 备 课 Step 1 Warming up 备 课 札 记 1. Free talk: Do you like art? How many art forms do you know? 2. Show some pictures of art forms. 3. Learn some new words: art forms, talent, musical, drama, photography, pop. Step 2 Comi


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牛津译林版九年级英语上册复习导学案 - 图文

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课 题 9上Unit 1 主 备 课 型 Fu Jinhuan Revision 主核 Ma Haixia 5.25 使用者 【学习目标】 Lu Li 使用日期 1.Revise the words, phrases and grammar in Unit1. 2. Can do some exercises. 第一次集体备课(通案) 【导入新课】 The Ss should read the words in the unit , review the grammar part. 【板书课题】9上Unit 1 【学习目标】 1.Revise the words, phrases and grammar in Unit1. 2. Can do some exercises. 第二次备课(个案) Understand studying aims. the 【自学指导】 Task 1 Revise the important phrases 1.share... with与某人分享 2.eat up吃光 3.keep in good order按照顺序放好


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Unit 8 Detective stories

Comic strip and Welcome to the unit

1. Why are you dressed like that, Eddie? 你为什么穿成那样,埃迪?

be dressed 表示―穿着‖

be dressed in +服装/颜色

e.g. She is dressed in red today. 她今天穿着红色的衣服。 dress up / dress up as /dress sb. / dress oneself/get dressed 装扮/装扮成/为某人穿衣/为某人自己穿衣/穿衣 2. What‘s a detective? 侦探是什么?

detective story/novel 侦探小说

3. A detective is someone who looks for clues to something important. 侦探是寻


clue to sth. e.g. The only clue to the identity of

牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit8复习练习 (3)

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1.What do you think of the two blouses?_____of them are very nice.





2..Where is the dog? It _______on the floor in the sitting room.

A.is lying

B. are lying



3.Does Sandy like to wear the ______boots?Yes.It matches her skirt.

A.red long leather

B.red leather long

C.long red leather

D.long leather red

4.How beautiful Lucy is! She lookd smart _____red.

Yes,the red clothes are very wonderful ______her.

A.on;in Bin; on C.on; on D.in; in

5.I’d like to live in a house ____so

牛津译林版九年级上册 9A Unit 1-8 语法和知识点

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译林版牛津英语9A Unit 1-8语法和知识点总结

9A U1 语法和知识点复习


1.and 表示并列关系,用于肯定句中。I like apples and bananas. 2.or表示选择关系 , you can stay at home or go out.

or 在否定句中也表示 并列关系。I don?t like apples or bananas. 3.but 表示转折关系。He is very young ,but he knows a lot. 4.so表示因果关系。He got up late ,so he was late for school. 5. both …and…连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 例如:both Lucy and Lily (study) hard

6. neither…nor….和 either … or…和not only…but also连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和最近的主语保持一致(就近原则) 例如:neither my parents nor she (know)it 知识点:

1. Look at the sign, it


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牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit1-Unit4重点词组归纳大全 U1

1. 同意(某人)agree with sb/what one said agree to one’s plan/idea/advice 同意做某事 agree to do sth

2. 吃完eat up 被吃完( sth ) be eaten up 3. 非常有条理 be well organized

4. 保持….井井有条 keep …..in ( good ) order 5. 炫耀 show off

6. 有足够耐心做某事 be patient enough to do sth 7. 为某人重复语法规则 repeat grammar rules for sb 8. 向某人解释语法规则 explain grammar rules to sb

9. 提出新的想法 come up with new ideas = think of new ideas 10. 对…都好奇 be curious about … 11. 成为一个会计 make an accountant

12. 整天光工作不说