

牛津版七年级英语上册Unit Two

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牛津版七年级英语上册Unit Two (My Day)学案 内 容 应 掌 握 的 语 言 知 识 背诵 中心 任务 本 单 元 词 组 与 句 型 Unit 2 My Day 1. 掌握下列单词的用法: exercise best chat first spend library swimmer mail send twice newspaper much both talk busy trip each price world difficult 2. 能够掌握相关的语言介绍自己的学校生活,课外活动等现实生活情况。 背诵Reading(P24), 学会运用其中的重点词组和句子. 学会介绍自己的校园生活。 1. 掌握下列词组 my favourite lessons chat with each other play games be all nice to me do morning exercises spend two hours a day doing my homework a memb


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Unit 1 This is me!

Reading (I)

I. Teaching aims and learning objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. fluently read the passage about the four students at Sunshine Middle School; 2. find out some detail information about the passage by reading carefully; 3. introduce oneself and others in English.

II. Teaching contents

1. New words and phrases: grade; student; reading; classmate; slim be good at; after school

2. New structures: I have short hair. Her hair is long.

七年级英语上册 Unit 8 Fashion.教案 (新版)牛津版

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Unit 8 Fashion.教案

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn some new words about fashion.

2. Arouse the students’ interests in fashion and learn to enjoy nice things. Step 1. Lead-in

Enjoy a short video about a fashion show, teach the word “fashion”. And draw the Ss’ interest in the following words and expressions. Step 2. Presentation

Show some pictures to learn the new words: fashion n. 时装;时尚, 风尚 think about 考虑

spend vt. 度过;花费(钱、时间等) lazy adj. 懒惰的

blouse n. (女子穿的)短上衣,衬衫 tie n. 领带 lend vt. 借给

Step 3. Learn some words


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( ) 11. Lucy wants to be _______swimmer but her sister Mary wants to be _________ engineer.

A. a, a

B. an, an

C. a, an D. an, a

( ) 12. -- ________ is your new classmate from?

A. How

B. When C. Where D. Who

( ) 13. -- ________ your parents like watching TV at night? --No, they ________. A. Does; doesn’t

B. Do, don’t

C. Does, do

D. Do, do

( ) 14. It ______ rains at this time of year so the weather is very dry.


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七年级英语学科期中考试试题卷 2010.11


一、根据你所听到的内容选出正确答案10% 1. What would the man like ?

A. B. 2. What’s Mike’s sister?

A B 3. Where is Andy from?

A B 4. What’s on the desk?

A B 5. What class is the girl in?

A. Class Two B. Class Four C. Class Five 6. How many stu


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Unit 1 This is me!

Reading (I)

I. Teaching aims and learning objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. fluently read the passage about the four students at Sunshine Middle School; 2. find out some detail information about the passage by reading carefully; 3. introduce oneself and others in English.

II. Teaching contents

1. New words and phrases: grade; student; reading; classmate; slim be good at; after school

2. New structures: I have short hair. Her hair is long.


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2015年广州新版牛津英语七年级上册单词&短语Unit 1


1 German adj. 德国的

2 *blog n. 博客

3 grammar n. 语法

4 sound n. 声音

5 complete v. 完成

6 hobby n. 爱好

7 country n. 国家

8 age n. 年龄

9 dream n. 梦想

10 everyone pron. 人人;所有人

11 Germany n. 德国

12 mountain n. 山;山脉

13 elder adj. 年长的

14 friendly adj. 友爱的;友好的

15 engineer n. 工程师

16 world n. 世界

17 Japan n. 日本

18 flat n. 公寓



1 close to (在空间、时间上)接近

2 go to school 去上学

3 (be) good at 擅长

4 make friends with 与......交朋友

5 all over 遍及

6 ’d like to = would like to 愿意



1 daily adj. 每日的;日


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2013人教版七年级上册英语单词表(最新版) Starter Unit 1 adj. 好的 n. 早晨;上午 早上好!

interj. (用于打招呼)嗨;喂 interj. 你好;喂 n. 下午 下午好! n. 晚上;傍晚 晚上好! adv. 怎样;如何 / v. 是

pron. 你;你们 你好吗? pron. 我 v. 是

adj. 健康的;美好的 n. 感谢;谢谢 adv. 好;可以 Starter Unit 2 / pron.&adj. 什么 v. 是

pron. 这;这个

prep. (表示使用语言、材料等)用;以 n. 英语

adj. 英格兰的;英语的 用英语 n. 地图 n. 杯子 n. 尺;直尺 n. 笔;钢笔 n. 橙子

n. 夹克衫;短上衣 n. 钥匙 n. 被子;床罩 pron. 它

art. (用于单数可数名词前,表示未曾提到的)一(人、事、物) pron. 那;那个 v. 用字母拼;拼写

interj. (用于客气地请求或吩咐)请 Starter Unit 3 颜色

n. 红色(的) n. 黄色


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项目 基本目标 Unit 1 Making friends

词汇 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 title n. 题目,标题 greeting n. 问候 dear adj. 亲爱的 address n. 地址 street n. 街道 magazine n. 杂志 hobby n. 业余爱好 chess n. 国际象棋 restaurant n. 餐馆 as prep. 作为 badminton n. 羽毛球 12 tennis n. 网球 13 engineer n. 工程师 14 middle n. 中间 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 词组 work as; be keen on; at school; in the middle; best wishes; in glasses; on the right; on the left; one of the best; in the world; next to; be friendly to; in the future; be kind to; do exercise; last for;


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Unit 5 Let’s celebrate Task

Teaching Aims:

1. Write a passage about the festival and how to celebrate it 2. Learn how to make posters Teaching importance:

1. New words and phrases and pronunciation 2.Learn how to write posters Teaching Preparation

Multi-media, pictures about different festivals Teaching Contents: Basic contents:

words: west candle way light shine through

phrases:in the west in many ways give a treat of some candy

Other contents phrases:make …out of shine throug