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.................................................................................................................................. - 1 - 第一册....................................................................................................................... - 3 - Unit1 A .............................................................................................................................. - 3 - Unit1 B . (4)

Unit 2 A (6)

Unit 2 B (7)

UNIT 3 A (9)

UNIT 3 B (11)

UNIT 4 A (12)

UNIT 4 B (14)

UNIT 5 A (16)

UNIT 5 B (


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Pre-reading activities 1.

1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F 2

1 Jack’s problem is solved by a carpenter. He told Jack to cut the legs off the bed. And then Jack was certain that nobody was sleeping under it when he got into bed.

2 The answer is open-ended. For example, you might have the fear of darkness, the fear of heights, the fear of snakes or spiders, the fear of flying, etc. Some suggestions on how to overcome fears are listed below for reference. First, you analyzed your fear and had a clear picture of what yo


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Section A

Pre-reading activities


1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F


1 Jack’s problem is solved by a carpenter. He told Jack to cut the legs off the bed. And then Jack was certain that nobody was sleeping under it when he got into bed.

2 The answer is open-ended. For example, you might have the fear of darkness, the fear of heights, the fear of snakes or spiders, the fear of flying, etc. Some suggestions on how to overcome fears are listed below for reference. First, you analyzed your fear and had a clear picture of


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unite 1


T2 daredevil bungee jumping cup of tea feel good achievement T3 C-D-E-B-A

T4 1 2 4

T5 B C B C B

T6 started off a huge business teacher taught me so much

about life imprisoned survived inpressed ability or the skills




T2-1 3

T2-2 e g c b f a d

T2-3 90 minutes true landmark 10 times focus make

this challenge seven miles four months outstanding achievement

Shot conversation B C A D C

Long conversation B A A C



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Unit 1 The Way to Success 课文A

Never, ever give up!


As a young boy, Britain's great Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, attended a public school called Harrow. He was not a good student, and had he not been from a famous family, he probably would have been removed from the school for deviating from the rules. Thankfully, he did finish at Harrow and his errors there did not preclude him from going on to the university. He eventually had a premier army career whereby he was later elected prime minis


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unite 1


T2 daredevil bungee jumping cup of tea feel good achievement T3 C-D-E-B-A

T4 1 2 4

T5 B C B C B

T6 started off a huge business teacher taught me so much

about life imprisoned survived inpressed ability or the skills




T2-1 3

T2-2 e g c b f a d

T2-3 90 minutes true landmark 10 times focus make

this challenge seven miles four months outstanding achievement

Shot conversation B C A D C

Long conversation B A A C


新视野大学英语I(第三版)Unit3 词汇和例句

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1. campus 大学或学院的校园

All freshman students live on campus. When they are in their second year at college, they may live off campus.

所有大学一年级的学生都住在校园里。大学二年级时,他们可以住在校外。 2. scholarship 学问 学识 学术研究

This book series is regarded as a magnificent work of scholarship. 这本丛书被认为是学术巨著。

3. Frontier (思想的)前沿; (知识的)新领域

They were very excited about their work on the frontiers of medicine, for they were developing a medicine that might be able to cure lung cancer.

4. Transform 使改观;使变形;使转化

The president of the university said that they were try

新视野大学英语I(第三版)Unit3 词汇和例句

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1. campus 大学或学院的校园

All freshman students live on campus. When they are in their second year at college, they may live off campus.

所有大学一年级的学生都住在校园里。大学二年级时,他们可以住在校外。 2. scholarship 学问 学识 学术研究

This book series is regarded as a magnificent work of scholarship. 这本丛书被认为是学术巨著。

3. Frontier (思想的)前沿; (知识的)新领域

They were very excited about their work on the frontiers of medicine, for they were developing a medicine that might be able to cure lung cancer.

4. Transform 使改观;使变形;使转化

The president of the university said that they were try


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讲 稿 讲 稿 内 容 Unit Three Love your neighbor (1) I. Listening to the world A. Sharing Scripts V = Val; W1 = Woman 1, etc.; M1 = Man 1, etc. Part 1 V: Hi. I live in a block of flats and I know a few of my neighbors really well. We like similar things so we socialize quite a lot. Today, I’m going to ask people about their neighbors. How well do you know your neighbors? Part 2 W1: Um, I know my neighbors quite well. I moved in a year ago and I live in the middle flat, and, it’s a house that’s broken into thre


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Unit 1 TEXT A

Language focus Word in use


1.whereby 2. pursuit 3. inhibit 4. maintain 5. patriotic 6. transcend 7. endeavor 8. dedication 9. prestige 10. nominate

Word building


-ant inhabit participant attendant pollutant descendant contestant tolerant resultant neglectful resourceful boastful respectful inhabitant participate attend pollute descend contest tolerate result -ful neglect resource boast respect


1.resultant 2. tolerant 3. pollutants 4. inha