unit2bridging culture

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Unit 1 College culture

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Unit 1 College culture Vocabulary and structure 1 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in the box. characterize industrial launch frustration issue profound prospect denounce protest destruction ultimately bracelet emphasize opportunity gender 1 2 1The manager decided to _____________ a sales promotion. 2The fate of a nation is _____________ dependent upon the quality of its people and its 3Hundreds of people took to the streets to ______________ against police brutalities. 4The 1980s were _______


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Unit | FourPunctuality and CultureUnit | Four

Unit Goals:What You Should Learn to Do1. Make / keep / postpone an appointment according to a work timetable 2. Make reservations according to the timetables of flights and trains 3. Understand and make up schedules for different purposes 4. Write: a timetable a schedule

What You Should Know About1. Punctuality in social activities 2. Planning a work day / week 3. Use of verb tensesUnit | Four

ContentsTalking Face to FaceSection ⅠSection Ⅴ

Appreciating Culture TipsSection Ⅱ

Being All

新课标综合教程2翻译及答案Unit 1 College Culture

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Unit 1 College Culture

Active reading (1)

Dealing with unfamiliar words

3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.

1 a subject that people discuss or argue about (issue)

2 a chance to do something (opportunity)

3 the most important and powerful people in the country (establishment)

4 an area of land containing all the main buildings of a university (campus)

5 something such as a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law etc


6 to start a major activity (lau

Unit 1 College Culture-新标准大学英语2教案

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New Standard College English Integrated Course

Book II

Unit 1 College Culture

(Teaching Plan)

(6 periods)


Students will be able to: 1. To grasp the main idea

2. To master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

3. To conduct a serious of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.

4. To write a paragraph in the form of an argumentative

Lesson procedure Period 1-2 Active Reading (1) Active Reading (1)

Period 3-4 Active Reading (2) P

Unit - 8 - The - Spread - of - Western - Culture - Threatens - Local - Cultures

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Unit 8 The Spread of Western Culture Threatens Local Cultures

Wole Akande

The aggressive spread of market economics and communication technologies often under the control of Western multinationals brings new challenges to local cultures and values in Africa and other non-Western societies. Sometimes it seems as if a tidal wave of the worst Western culture is creeping across the globe like a giant strawberry milkshake oozing over the planet, with a flavor that is distinctly sweet, sickly and manifestly homogenous.



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Unit 7 Culture

Exercise I Vocabulary and Structure

Section A

Directions: Choose the best word to complete each of the following senten ces

1.He left the spot immediately, afraid of being ________ in the car accide nt. D

A. connected

B. taken

C. seated

D. involved

2. As the dictionary says, “ graciousness”means being polite, kind and generous.A

A. literally

B. gracefully

C. exactly

D. constantly

3.He insisted that she ________ improve her oral English by doing a lot of practice.D

A. could

B. would

C. might

D. should

4.We don't believe that t

The Differences Between Chinese Culture And Western Culture

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The Differences Between Chinese Culture And Western Culture----A brief introduction

SummerChina: People often say “夏日炎炎“,“火辣夏 日”。They connect summer with the extremely hot. Great Britain: Summer in the Sonnet of Shakespeare is different ,”Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.(我能不能拿夏天同你相比?你 啊,比夏天来的可爱和煦)The great poet compared lover to the summer,lovely and warm. Reasons: China and the UK at different latitudes.China is continental climate,extremly hot in summer.But the UK is oceanic

新编实用英语综合教程 Unit 4 Punctuality and Culture

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Unit | FourPunctuality and CultureUnit | Four

Unit Goals:What You Should Learn to Do1. Make / keep / postpone an appointment according to a work timetable 2. Make reservations according to the timetables of flights and trains 3. Understand and make up schedules for different purposes 4. Write: a timetable a schedule

What You Should Know About1. Punctuality in social activities 2. Planning a work day / week 3. Use of verb tensesUnit | Four

ContentsTalking Face to FaceSection ⅠSection Ⅴ

Appreciating Culture TipsSection Ⅱ

Being All

新牛津版九年级unit 2 culture shock课文部分及练习

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新牛津版九年级unit 2 culture shock课文部分及练习适用于上海深圳广州沈阳版本


Unit 2. Culture Shock


1. culture n. (C/U) – adj. ______________

nation n. – adj. ______________ -- international adj.


① I like and meeting people from .


② Moving to London was a bit of after ten years of living in the country. 共享同一文化背景的人可以更好地了解彼此。

People who share the same can understand each other better.

③ Cultural differences between our two societies 两

Greek culture, Roman culture and the roots of Europe

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Greek culture

Greek culture, Roman culture and the

roots of Europe

Wang Lei 201097087

Greek culture

As we all know, ―Europe‖ first was a Phoenician princess who was kidnapped by Zeus in the disguise of a bull. But ―Europe‖ for the ancient Greeks also became all countries to the West and to the North of Greece, just like all countries to the East were named ―Asia‖.

So, whatever geopolitical developments the continent has gone through in the last 2500 years, Europe owes its very name to th