I suppose that if a man has a confused mind he will write in a confused way, if his temper is capricious his prose will be fantastical, and if he has a quick, darting intelligence that is reminded by the matter in hand of a hundred things, he will, unless he has great self-control, load his pages with metaphor and simile.
I sincerely hope that your congratulations will be matched by your collective endeavour to seek a just and practi
第一章 课堂互动
1.1. He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.他想学习、掌握知识,也愿意把自己所学教给别人。 2. She is young enough to get married. 她还年轻,可以结婚。
3. From there I could see the whole valley below,从那里我可以看见下面的整个山谷,那田野、河流、村庄。这一切都很美丽,并且见到它,使我心驰神往。 4. We have 365 days in a year. 一年365天
5. He stood up straight with arms folded, and laughed at the cap hanging there on the pole. 他交臂直立,笑看帽子挂在杆子上那个样子。
6. Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.我们的儿子一定要上学,一定要出人头地。
7. Is the press a great power in your country. 贵国新闻界有很大的影响
本次串讲分三部分,上部分、课本中的重点内容; 中部分、考试题1; 下部分、考试题2。 课本中的内容占翻译试题的50%。只要课本中的内容掌握好了,通过考试是没问题的。因为考试万变不离其宗,即使是考课外的,也是以课本为依据的。所以请大家务必踏踏实实将课本里的重点内容把握好。在这里,我根据历年自考翻译考试的考试题型、考点,总结了一些考试中可能涉及到课本内容的重点、难点。 题型:
第一题:选择题(30分)。 80%来自于课本中每单元后的小结,非常重要,一定要看。 考点:看似简单的句子的翻译、俚语的翻译、翻译常识等。
第二题:短语翻译:英译汉、汉译英。后面我们给的补充材料中,会包括80%的题。 第三题:改错题:英译汉、汉译英改错。 第四题: 段落翻译。
下面开始看书,课本中重点掌握的章节: Unit 2 History Unit 4 Economy
Unit 8 Popular Science Unit 9 Law Unit 10 Speeches
其中Unit 4、Unit 8、Unit 10尤为重要。
P1 第一段最后一句,第二段短语:average hei
自考英汉翻译教程 词汇
1. fellow countrymen 同胞 2. average height 中等身材 3. gleaming eyes 闪光的眼睛
4. in his middle twenties 二十多岁 5. to be seated 招呼坐下
6. stand squarely 端正正地站着
7. more than ten years his junior 比他年轻十几岁 8. revolutionary road 革命道路 9. Chinese communist Party中 共 10. full member 正式成员 11. membership 党籍
12. keep a secret 保密 1. immeasurable contrast 迥然不同 2. to and fro 走来走去 3. upturn face 仰着脸
4. sweet spring 芬芳的春天
5. anger and bitterness 又气愤又苦恼 6. dense fog 大雾
7. tense and anxious 紧
I’ll see to it. 我会处理好 You flatter me. 你过奖了。 He is lying on his back. 他仰卧着。 There are some beautiful Chinese girls in the picture.
A: You alone here? 你一个人? B: I′m saving myself for you. 我在等你呀。 The old man stood from the chair. 老人站了起来。
It was divided into one hundred and eight squares and two commercial centers called the East Market and the West Market
(英 语 专 业)
Part One
Ⅰ. Multiple Choice Questions (30 points, 2 points for each)A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent to the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness.
1. For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home.
A. 对英国来说,我们的欧盟成员和世界贸易组织成员身份把这带到了家。
B. 对英国来说,我们参加欧盟和世界贸易组织把我们送到了家。
C. 对我们英国来说,我们参加欧
1.1 Translation Standards
翻译的标准之争由来已久,“文质之争”、“直译意译之争”、 “归化异化之争”,不一而足。 释道安:案本 严复:信、达、雅 傅雷:神似 钱钟书:化境 鲁迅:宁信而不顺(直译)vs. 赵景深:宁错而务顺
1.1Translation Standards 许渊冲:诗歌翻译的三原则 “三美”(意美、音美、形美)(beautiful in sense, in
sound and in form), “三化”(等化、浅化、深化)(equalization, generalization and particularization), “三知”(知之、好之、乐之)(comprehension, appreciation and admiration)
1.1Translation Standards林语堂:音美、意美、神美、气美、形美 郭沫若:好的翻译等于创作 朱光潜:译者“须设身处地在作者的地位,透 入作者 的心窍,和他同样感,同样想,同样地
Unit 4 [见教材P61]
Writing Between the Lines
Mortimer J. Adler(.)
莫迪摩尔. J. 阿德勒(美国)
①You know you have to read “between the lines” to get the most out of anything. ②I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading. ③I want to persuade you to “write between the lines.” ④Unless you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.
①I contend, quite bluntly, that
第三章 翻译的过程
第三章 翻译的过程
1. 阅读并分析原文
2. 将原文转换成译入语 3. 对译文进行修改 ? 即:
理解 表达
? 理解—可以从四个角度对原文进行分析
语法结构分析(grammatical analysis) 语义分析( semantic analysis ) 语境分析( analysis of the context) 语用分析( pragmatic analysis )
? 表达—译文需在四个层次上对原文负责 文本层次( textual level) 所指层次(referential level) 粘着层次(cohesive level)
自然层次(level of naturalness)。
? 一﹑理解-阅读并分析原文 ? at microlevel.
美国语言教学家Wilga M. Rivers 说过理解中要掌握三个层次的意
义,即词语意义、语法或结构意义以及社会和文化意义(the t
Chapter One Introduction