

how to write a critique

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wikiHow to Write a Critique

Three Parts:ReadingNon-Fiction CritiqueFiction CritiqueCommunity Q&A

A critical essay or critique summarizes, analyzes and comments on a creative or non-fiction work. Critiques can be an informal handwritten document on an author's draft or a polished paper on published prose. Either way,不管怎么样 learning how to write a thoughtful critique will improve your critical thinking as a writer and reader.


Obtain a clean copy of the work from a bookstore or the writer. Make sure there are no other annotat

how to accept the offer

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Online Payment of Acceptance Fee

Congratulations on your successful application for admission for study at City University of Hong Kong!

You will receive an official offer letter, a reply form and other information about admission from the University by mail.

1. Acceptance of the Admission Offer

To confirm your acceptance of offer, you need to complete the following by the specified deadline:

Complete, sign and return the reply form (enclosed to the offer letter) to the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies;

Pay the accep

how to protect wildlife

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How to protect wildlife

Wildlife faces threats from habitat destruction (生境破坏), pollution and other human actions. Although protecting wildlife can seem overwhelming(无法抵抗的)at times, small actions in your own neighborhood can help protect many different animals. As the saying goes, think globally and act locally. You can protect wildlife for future generations. Here are some instructions:

1. Create wildlife friendly areas in your backyard. When choosing your lawn and landscaping, choose native plants that can provide food an

How to Make a Good Composition

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年 级:石油工程09级 专业(方向):油藏工程 姓 名:雷雨 学 号:2009440101 学 期:2011-2012第一学期 成 绩:


How to Make a Good Composition

In English language skills the writing is considered one of the important issues. It is a short-term goal to learn English - one of the required examination; and a long-term goal of learning English - the ability to communication. Needless to say, English writing is a basic knowledge, basic skills. Thus, it is very difficult to write an excellent essay in English if there is no

How - to - teach - English - grammar

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How to teach English grammar

Abstract: Throughout the process of high school English teaching, grammar teaching is the foundation which can help students improve their basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. But a lot of students are poorly aware of the importance of grammar teaching. There are some principles of grammar. Firstly, the value of grammar in foreign language teaching is very important. Secondly, there are three ways of presenting grammar in the classroom. Finally, we should teach

How America Lives (for class)

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何兆熊 综合教程 5 How America Lives 课文作者介绍、背景及其讲解。根据课文内容介绍了文中提到的美国不同时期的发生的历史事件及其相关历史人物,其中包括1950到1980年代美国的经历及其政治事件。例如,美国60年代的肯尼迪总统、美国人权运动、越南战争、美国反文化运动(包括嬉皮士等)、冷战时期以及美国60--70年代的流行音乐(包括甲壳虫乐队和约翰-列侬;鲍勃-迪伦等以及他的名曲 the answer my friend is blowing in the )

How America Lives

何兆熊 综合教程 5 How America Lives 课文作者介绍、背景及其讲解。根据课文内容介绍了文中提到的美国不同时期的发生的历史事件及其相关历史人物,其中包括1950到1980年代美国的经历及其政治事件。例如,美国60年代的肯尼迪总统、美国人权运动、越南战争、美国反文化运动(包括嬉皮士等)、冷战时期以及美国60--70年代的流行音乐(包括甲壳虫乐队和约翰-列侬;鲍勃-迪伦等以及他的名曲 the answer my friend is blowing in the )

How America Lives

何兆熊 综合教程 5 How


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What Can We Do to Prevent Poverty

Nowadays, the issue of poverty has caused more and more people’s concerns. It is widely seen that a great number of people still live without enough food to eat and a safe house to prevent them from the wind and rain outside. Individually speaking, some measures can be taken to prevent it.

First of all, it is practicable for us to donate the old things we don’t need to those in poverty. In this way, not only can we make a contribution to the poor, but also we can make full use of those things

How far Kunming - 图文

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昆明市在中国城市综合实力榜中的位置 年度 2004 2005 2006 排名 28 38 53 总得分 65.5000 47.351 劳动力与资源人口与经济社会发展 基础设施 环境保护 利用/ 循环经发展 济 18.1750 16.1466 17.6419 5.1117 8.4240 23.028 17.8041 -3.339 2.544 7.3139 在由中国社科院发布的中国城市综合实力榜中,昆明最近5年的排名在不停地大幅度下降:2004年排名第28位,2005年排名第38位,2006年排名第53位。同时,城市竞争力排名从2003年以来也呈不断下降趋势,2007年已经落到了第73位,2008年城市综合竞争力排名也仅第61位。

Part 1 梦想与现实

2003年,堪称昆明城市化进程的一个重要分水岭。随着新昆明重大发展战略的出台,这座温吞已久的春城猛然提速,迸发出不凡的渴望。 但5年来的大建设、大跨越,被中国社科院发布的中国城市综合实力榜开了一个极大的“玩笑”。


How to write a letter for advice

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How to write a letter for advice


? 写作指导

英文建议信属于应用文写作范畴,是向征询建议者就某事提出写信人的建议和忠告。高考中此类信件多属于半开放性作文,要求考生根据所给的材料(多为征求建议信),提出合理化建议,或者给出有针对性的解决办法。 建议信要写明写信的原因、建议的内容、提出建议的理由,并且提出的理由要合情合理,语气一定要委婉礼貌。此外,建议信要写得简明扼要、目的明确、语言要具有合理性和说服力。



正文——委婉地提出建议及改进措施,或提出忠告。 末段——礼貌地总结并期盼对方的回复。



2.Body:中心记述部分;层次分明。 3.Ending:小结,呼应主题。

? 万能句式

? 开头常用句式

I am writing to express my views concerning? I would like to suggest that? You’d better?/ It’


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Definition(定义)A summary is a short account/paragraph giving the main points of something longer or detailed.

3 Styles of PassagesStyles(体裁) Functions(功能)

Narration (记叙文) Argumentation (议论文) Exposition (说明文)

describe a person or an event, with afterthoughtsshow the writer’s point of view introduce something, eg. a phenomenon

Task 1: How to find the key sentences or key words?体裁 记叙文 关键句 抓住who, what happened, 及the writer’s purpose



通常抓住首段和尾段 抓住首段或各段首句

Task 2:Recognize the styles of 3 given passages and fin