

牛津译林版高中英语必修2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplaine

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【整合】牛津译林版高中英语必修2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained-Task 同步练习



2.________________n. 奖,奖品 vt. 授予,奖励 3.________________vt. & vi. & n. 攻击;进攻 4.________________n. 足迹,踪迹 5.________________vt. 考试;检查

6.________________n. 保护区;储备vt. 预订;保留,储备 7.________________vt. 使确信,使相信 8.________________vt. 联系,关联 9.________________n. 祖先,祖宗

10.________________vt. & vi. 生存,挺过(难关等) 11.________________vi. 不同意 12.________________n. 幽默

13.________________n. (一)打;十二个 【答案】 1.discount 2.award 3.attack 4.track 5.examine 6.reserve

牛津译林版高中英语必修三Unit 2《Language》(Grammar and usage

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单元:Unit 2 Language

板块:Grammar and usage



Teaching aims:

1.To learn all noun clauses and help students judge different noun clauses.

2.To learn question words in noun clause.

3.To learn how to use it as an empty subject.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

I. Go over the different noun clauses such as subject clause, object


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Unit 1 Laughter is good for you


1. A stand-up comedian may make fun of an audience member, or he or she might decide to tell different jokes in response to the reactions of an audience.

单口喜剧演员可能就某一观众开玩笑,或是根据观众的反应讲不同的笑话。 (1) make fun of – 开……的玩笑,嘲笑… 意思相当于laugh at Don’t make fun of people with disabilities. 不要嘲笑残疾人。 【相关拓展】

注意fun 是不可数名词,与fun有关的短语或句型有: have fun =have a good time 玩得开心 It is fun to do sth. 做某事有趣

What fun it is to do sth! 做某事多有趣啊! (2)response n. 回答,答复;反应,反响 in respo

牛津译林版高中英语必修一Unit 2《Growing pains》背景知识拓展

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Unit 2 Growing pains

It's no secret that most busy American mothers use the TV set as a live-in babys itter. In some households the TV holds a child's attention for the half hour or two while mom works on dinner; in others it is the child's constant daytime compan i on. Is there any harm in this?

Debate rages over the question, and research is published showing that TV reduces attention span, makes children jumpy or inclines them to violence. In today's cartoon David Horsey makes fun of the cla ims of "children's TV", the spe


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Unit 2The environment



Is our environment being destroyed by greed?

The environment has been suffering from all forms of damage;especially in recent years global warming seems to be the main problem.Many times,environmental worsening,in the form of running out of natural resources,and air,water and land pollution,is caused by the irresponsible behavior of humans.Nations,like the United States,set themselves above the ruin and damage of the environment.However,it will be unfair to state that

高中英语 Unit1 Advertising reading教案 牛津译林版必修4

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课题:M4U1 Advertising reading

Step 1 Revision and lead-in

Review about different ads.

talk about more ads.

Step 2 Comprehension of the text


1. Guide students go through the whole article, especially pay attention to the

titles and the subtitles of the article.

2. Ask Ss to skim the article and answer the questions on Page 2

What do advertisements encourage people to do?

What does PSAs stand for?

What are PSAs meant to do?


Ask Ss to find the main idea of each paragraph.

Para.1 Brief introduction of ads

Para.2 What is a


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1. 一个有经验的工人 an experienced worker=a worker with rich experience 在?方面没有经验 be inexperienced in sth. 一次难忘的经历an unforgettable experience 体验不同的文化experience different cultures 2. 谋生 earn a living=make a living 挣钱 earn money=make money 赢得美名 earn a reputation 博得某人的尊敬 earn one's respect 3. 尊敬某人 show respect for sb. =respect sb.

4. 致力于;献身于devote oneself to+n./doing sth.=be devoted to+ n./doing sth. 把(人生、时间、劳力等)专用于?? devote sth. to sth./doing sth. 某人对??的奉献/热爱 one's devotion to sth./doing sth. 5. 平均 on

高中英语 Unit2 Language重点词汇讲解 牛津译林版必修3

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U2 重点词汇讲解


1. confuse v. 使迷惑,使困惑

1) The heavy traffic confused the new driver. 繁忙的交通使司机不知所措。

2) We tried to confuse the enemy. 我们试图迷惑敌人。


confusing adj. 令人迷惑的,令人不解的

3) Your explanation is confusing. 你的解释令人迷惑。

confused adj. 感到迷惑的,感到不解的

4) I am confused about the problem. 对这个问题,我很困惑。

5) If the situation is confusing, you will get confused. 如果形势令人困惑,你会被弄糊涂的。

6) There is a confused look/expression on his face. 他脸上露出迷惑的表情。2. be made up of …由……组成,可与consist of 互换

1) The class is made up of 15 girl students and 20 boy students.

= The

高中英语 Unit 1 School life试题(含解析)牛津译林版必修1 -

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Unit 1 School life


1. take hard classes学习有难度的课程 Be passionate about learning. 对学习充满热情

I once had an advisor that said to me when I expressed fear of a difficult class, \


2. Show Up, Every Time展示自己,每时每刻 Make your classes your highest priority. 将学习放在最重要的位置

If you’ve got children, I understand that this isn’t always possible. Children should always come first. But if you don’t show up for your classes, you’re not getting that education we discussed in No. 1.


牛津译林版高中英语必修模块三 Unit1 Project 教学设计

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Unit1 Project教学设计

年级 组别 课 题 课标 要求 高一英语备课组 审阅 (备课组长) 审阅 (学科校长) 课 型 新授课

M3 Unit1 project 本节课是以听、说、读、为主的project教学课,理解鲨鱼和鸽子的一些知识。 1. Enable the students to master the structure of each text. 2. Get to know different types of sharks, shark attacks and how to 知识与能力 教 学 目 avoid shark attacks. 3. Master the reasons why pigeons can carry messages and find their way. 过程与方法 标 Self-study, comparative analytical method, inductive method and cooperative learning are adopted in teaching process. 情感、态度与价值To improve students’ abil