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Unit 9 Basic Statistical Analysis of Random Errors (随机误差的统计学基本分析)

Random errors are those variables that remain after mistakes are detected and eliminated and all systematic errors have been removed or corrected from the measured values.【eliminate】后,并且所有系统误差被从测量值中移除或修正后,保留下的那些变量【variable变量、变化n.】)

They are beyond the control of the observer.So the random errors are errors the occurrence of which does not follow a deterministic pattern.确定性的】模式【pattern】而发生的误差)

In mathematical statistics, they are considered as stoc


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Uuit1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学) Geomatics Defined(测绘学定义)

Where does the word Geomatics come from?(Geomatics-测绘或地球空间信息学,这个名词是怎么来的呢?) GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS=GEOMATICS or GEO- for earth and – MATICS for mathematical or GEO- for Geoscience and -MATICS for informatics. (大地测量学+地理信息学=GEOMATICS 测绘学 或者 geo 代表地 球,matics 代表数学,或者 geo 代表地球科学,matics 代表信息学)

It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people.(据说测绘学这个词对不同的人有不同的 理解)

The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced


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Uuit1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学) Geomatics Defined(测绘学定义)

Where does the word Geomatics come from?(Geomatics-测绘或地球空间信息学,这个名词是怎么来的呢?) GEODESY+GEOINFORMATICS=GEOMATICS or GEO- for earth and – MATICS for mathematical or GEO- for Geoscience and -MATICS for informatics. (大地测量学+地理信息学=GEOMATICS 测绘学 或者 geo 代表地 球,matics 代表数学,或者 geo 代表地球科学,matics 代表信息学)

It has been said that geomatics is many things to many people.(据说测绘学这个词对不同的人有不同的 理解)

The term geomatics emerged first in Canada and as an academic discipline; it has been introduced


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Unit1 What is Geomatics? 3页

Data plotting (presentation) is handled through the use of mapping and other illustrative computer programs; the presentations are displayed on computer screens (where interactive editing can occur) and are output on paper from digital plotting devices. 数据绘图(描述,表达)是通过使用绘图和其他示范的计算机程序;这种表达显示在电脑屏幕(可以进行交互式编辑)和通过数字绘图设备输出到纸上。 Once the positions and attributes of geographic entities have been digitized and stored in computer memory, they are available for use by a wide variety of users. Through the use


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Section 2 The Reliability of a Survey and Errors


Since every technique of measurement is subject to unavoidable error, surveyors must be aware of all sources and types of error and how they combine. If the accuracy of a measurement is defined as the nearness of that value to its true value (a quantity we can never know) then a surveyor must ensure that the techniques he chooses will produce a result that is sufficiently accurate. He must know, therefore, how accurate he needs to be, how to achieve this accuracy and


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Section 2 The Reliability of a Survey and Errors


Since every technique of measurement is subject to unavoidable error, surveyors must be aware of all sources and types of error and how they combine. If the accuracy of a measurement is defined as the nearness of that value to its true value (a quantity we can never know) then a surveyor must ensure that the techniques he chooses will produce a result that is sufficiently accurate. He must know, therefore, how accurate he needs to be, how to achieve this accuracy and

高级英语1 Unit10 The Artist in America 翻译

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1 This day, devoted to the memory of Robert Frost, offers an opportunity for reflection which is prized by politicians as well as by others and even by poets. For Robert Frost was one of the granite figures of our time in America. He was supremely two things—an artist and an American.




2 A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, also by the men it honors, the men it re-members.


3 In Am


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工业工程的真正价值Real IE Value

In additi on, the IE now has a greater opport unity to concen trate on any one of a broad variety of areas that many compa nies now recog nize as in dividual departme nts-i nclud ing simulati on, operations research, ergonomics, material handling and logistics.


Work-measured Labor Standards 基于作业测量的劳动标准

If you are a manu facturer, cha nces are you have a bill-of-materials (BOM) system to determ ine sta ndard parts cost. Do you also


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Text:Everybody’s Problem—Hazardous Waste


Every year ,billions of tons of solid wastes are discarded in the United Stastes. 美国每年丢去10亿吨的固体废物。These wastes range in nature from common household trash to complex

materials in industrial wastes ,sewage sludge ,agricultural resideus ,mining refuse and pathological wastes from institutions such as hospital and laboratories.


The U.S Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) estimated in 1980 that at least 57 million me

英语专业听力教程4 Unit10

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Unit TenZou ili

Outline1. Dictation & News report 2. New contents Section 1 Listening and Translation Section 2 Insulating Your Home The University in the Knowledge Society Section 3 News 3. Summary & Assignments

Dictation & News report1. Dictation

2. News report

Section One

Listening Tactics

Listening and Translation1.

Some of America’s best universities have accepted an

unusually low percentage of students for admission this fall.今年秋季,美国一些最好的大学的新生录取率反常的低。 2.

College admissions officials say the main reason is thathigh