HND 大综合2 planning
Personal assessment of skills ......................................................................................... 2 Title of the project .......................................................................................................... 2 Objectives of the project ................................................................................................ 2 Statement of issues of investigate .................................................................................. 3 Reasons for the choice
Personal assessment of skills ......................................................................................... 2 Title of the project .......................................................................................................... 2 Objectives of the project ................................................................................................ 2 Statement of issues of investigate .................................................................................. 3 Reasons for the choice
HND大综合 GU2 第2部分Developing部分范文
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 A Brief of what I am writing
Since the Chinese opening policy actualized in China in 1978, China keeps a high speed of growth rate. Brining in and utilizing foreign investment would be one of the most important strategies of basic national policies. Putting in practice of this strategy, China had resolved the fund lacking and low level of technology and management problems in economy construction. Under the leadership of Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, China was testified of the most amazing econom
理学院 课程设计说明书
课 程 名 称: 数据结构与算法A设计实践 课 程 代 码: 6015059
题 目 二: 排序综合 年级/专业/班: 2013/信科/2班 学 生 姓 名: 冯金慧 学 号: 3120130902209 开 始 时 间: 2015 年 12 月 28 日 完 成 时 间: 2016 年 01 月 10 日 课程设计成绩:
学习态度及平技术水平与实际时成绩(30) 能力(20) 创新(5) 说明书撰写质量(45) 总 分(100) 指导教师签名: 年 月 日
学院名称: 理学院 课程代码:_6015059________ 专业: 信科 年级: 2012
一、 设计题目
理学院 课程设计说明书
课 程 名 称: 数据结构与算法A设计实践 课 程 代 码: 6015059
题 目 二: 排序综合 年级/专业/班: 2013/信科/2班 学 生 姓 名: 冯金慧 学 号: 3120130902209 开 始 时 间: 2015 年 12 月 28 日 完 成 时 间: 2016 年 01 月 10 日 课程设计成绩:
学习态度及平技术水平与实际时成绩(30) 能力(20) 创新(5) 说明书撰写质量(45) 总 分(100) 指导教师签名: 年 月 日
学院名称: 理学院 课程代码:_6015059________ 专业: 信科 年级: 2012
一、 设计题目
Tricol plc a company who makes a range of furniture and kitchenware. And one of its most popular products is the ‘Zupper’ expandable table.
The purpose of writing this report is to do the variance analysis, project evaluation and to compare the budget and actual data by using the technique.
Part A
Possible Reason for Variances
1. Material
Direct Material – Total - £2,400 F made up:
Direct Material Usage –£20000 F
(Level of significance –usage/total budgeted Material costs = 8,000/64,000 = 12.5% > 3%, should be
Business Law
Section A
1.1 Legislation:
The term ‘legislation’ refers to parliament law is Act of Westminster Parliament or the Scottish Parliament. The phrase can also refer to Regulations ( usually issued in the form of Statutory Instruments)which have been introduced by a Government Minister or other approved body but it is important to stress that these individuals or bodies derive their authority from one of the Parliaments.
1.2 Identify the three legislative bodies that can make laws for
●Examples of EU lega
1. Introduction _________________________________ 2 2.The Strategic Role Of The IPD In Reducing Costs ___ 2 3. The Objectives of The IPD in Making a Decision to Source Oversea ________________________________ 3 4. The Components of the Firm’s International Purchasing Cycle ______________________________ 3 5. The Relationships Between Purchasing and Other Department ___________________________________ 4 6. The Contribution of the IPD to the Appraisal of Overseas Suppliers _____________________________ 5 7 The Need fo
The report of marketing about Trusty-Land Food
Candidate Name:
Candidate Class:
Candidate SCN:
World count:
Table of contents
Introduction: (3)
Findings: (3)
Product: (3)
Price (4)
Promotion (5)
Place (7)
Services Marketing (8)
People (8)
Processes (8)
Physical Evidence (9)
Change of marketing environment (9)
Conclusion: (10)
Reference: (10)
This report uses Service Marketing Mix to analysis of the Trusty-Land Food Company. Service Marketing Mix is composes of 7 Ps. I uses product, price, promotion, place to analyze the Trusty-L
1、《小企业会计制度》适用于在中华人民共和国境内设立的( D)。 A.个体工商户
B.对外筹资、经营规模较小的企业 C.私营企业
2、会计资料的质量特征主要体现在(C )两个方面。 A.实质重于形式 B.准确性和完整性 C.真实性和完整性 D.准确性和真实性
3、按财政部《会计档案管理办法》的规定,下列(D )不属于会计档案的范围。 A.会计凭证 B.会计移交清册 C.会计档案销毁清册 D.年度财务预算
4、从外单位取得的原始凭证如有遗失,应当取得(D )盖有公章的证明,并注明原来凭证的号码、金额和内容等,由经办单位会计机构负责人、会计主管人员和单位领导人批准后,才能代作原始凭证。 A.单位负责人 B.经办人员
C.审计部门 D.原开出单位
5、发包人或者出租人应当自发包或者出租之日起(D )内将承包人或者承租人的有关情况向主管税务机关报告。 A.60日 B.50日 C.40日 D.30日
6、( C)人,是指依法定方式签发票据并将票据交付给收款人的人。 A.承兑 B.付款 C.出票 D.收款
7、( C)是出票人签发的、委托办理银行在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人