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Assignment 03 for \English for Studying\(Units6-7)
高级英语写作 作业03(第6-7单元)
Assignment (Students decide the title according to the theme of their essays. The theme
should be related to online learning issues.) title:
Essay writing Type:
400 words Length:
Punctuality and format of the submitted assignments should be strictly observed.
Write an exposition concerning issue(s) of online learning (Please decide the title according to
the theme of your essay.). You are suggested to follow these steps:
1. Generate ideas (What do I want to write about -- brainstorming?).
2. Organize the ideas (What ideas do I choose to present and in what order do I choose to present these ideas - narrow and focus?).
3. Produce an outline. 4. Write the first draft.
5. Self-assess the first draft by reviewing:
a) its organization (unity, beginning, ending, the topic
statement, information relevance, information arrangement, transitions, logic, etc.)
b) its construction of sentences (the use of subordination, clarity and preciseness, forceful writing) 6. Revise the first draft.
7. Peer-assess the second draft (ask your classmates or friends to assess the second draft.).
8. Revise the second draft and submit the third version.
Your assignment should include two parts: Part 1: the outline of the essay Part 2: the essay
You will find the tasks in Units 6 and 7 helpful for the completion of this assignment. In addition, the analysis samples from these two units (available in Tutorial Materials on the e-learning platform) can offer you a practical guide to a well-organized essay. Below are suggested issues you can discuss in your essay. You can choose one of them or develop your own focus.
1. Online learning helps its learners develop self-management skills.
2. Desirable features of the design of online learning platform. 3. Purposes for joining online learning. 4. Online learning requires Internet skills.
5. Ways to enhance interaction in online learning. 6. Online learning is suitable for in-service people.
7. The differences between online learning and classroom learning. 8. What to expect of the tutor in online learning. 9. Online learning brings challenges to its learners. 10.Desirable features of the courseware design. 11.The flexibility in online learning. 12.Discipline in online learning.
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