2013年高考《考试大纲》调研卷 英语 答案与解析

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【考纲梳理与考向预测】 结合新课标高考权威命题信息,笔者就各题型对2013年新课标高考英语进行了合理预测:听力的设题仍以获取具体的事实性信息和简单的推理判断为主;单项填空部分将更加注重情景交际,淡化语法考查,加大一题多角度考查的力度;完形填空,还是以记叙文为主,但也有可能以议论文或说明文的形式出现,考生在平时训练时可以兼顾这几种体裁;阅读理解的考查题型应该不会有变动,更多地注重对篇章理解的考查,同时就某些对通篇理解起关键作用的细节也会巧妙设题;短文改错将覆盖冠词、连词、代词、名词单复数、主谓一致等,考点全面;书面表达将仍以半开放写作的形式出现,话题贴近考生生活,使每个考生都有很大的发挥空间。

【测试评价与备考策略】 本套试题的难度与2012年新课标全国卷相当。从统计结果看,试卷难度适中,测试效果好,同时也暴露了考生在复习过程中存在的一些问题:一是语法知识掌握不牢固,特别是分析句子成分的能力较弱,部分题目的得分率较低;二是阅读理解能力较弱,主旨大意题和推理判断题仍是考生在阅读中的薄弱环节;三是书面表达应对能力不强,考生平时习惯做信息充分的提纲式的书面表达题,而需要自己增加写作细节,需要自由发挥的部分却是很多考生的软肋;四是词汇量不足,制约了阅读速度和解题能力的提高。



第一部分 听力

1—5 CABAC 6—10 BBCAC 11—15 BABCA 16—20 BACBC 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空

21.D 【命题意图】 考查冠词。

【解题思路】 句意:我年轻点的时候经常与朋友开车兜风,只是为了其中的乐趣。drive表示\驱车出行\是可数名词,且此空处表泛指,故用不定冠词;名词enjoyment在这里表特指,故用定冠词the。 22.B 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 ——不好意思,我没有买到葡萄汁,不过给你买了一些橙汁。——这已经够了。多谢。That",ll do me.的意思是\这对我来说已经够了\符合语境。

23.D 【命题意图】 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】 句意:她想告诉经理她不想接受挑战,但是不知如何表达。put有\说,表达\之意。 24.B 【命题意图】 考查时态。

【解题思路】 句意:他现在是华尔街上一位成功的金融经理,但谁知道他曾经为了生存辗转多处做了八年的兼职。\做了八年的兼职\只是过去的动作,已经结束,故用一般过去时。 25.B 【命题意图】 考查连词。

【解题思路】 句意:我喜欢在家举办派对,但这需要花费时间和精力去准备。unless\除非\但是\ and\和\因此\。根据句意可知,应选B。 26.C 【命题意图】 考查状语从句。

【解题思路】 句意:我不理解他怎么能说一切都很好,既然很明显不是这个样子。连词when在句中引导状语从句,意为\既然,在……情况下\。 27.D 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 句意:一场震惊世界的美国校园枪击案导致二十名儿童和八名成人遇难。分析句子结构,此处应用现在分词作结果状语。 28.A 【命题意图】 考查倍数表达法。

【解题思路】 句意:即使从乐观的角度来看,中国的人均富裕程度也比不上美国的一半。倍数词+as...as...\是……的几倍\。 29.C 【命题意图】 考查代词。

【解题思路】 句意:那种疾病太可怕了,使得杰克生活艰难,一个问题接着另一个问题。another指(同类事物中的)另一个,再一个,符合句意。在谈及两个人或事物,并且已经说到其中一个,在说第二个时用the other或the other one;当说到几个人或事物,并且已经提到了其中一个或几个时,指剩下的通常用the others;指更多的同类人或事物时用others。 30.A 【命题意图】 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】 句意:火车慢慢地从车站驶出,但到了开阔地域时它就加速了。pick up \加速,学会\ up\在书籍中)查找\ up\张贴,建造\ up \构成,编造\。故A项符合句意。

31.C 【命题意图】 考查动词的时态。

【解题思路】 句意:忘记过去,抛下悲伤,你就会发现一个崭新的世界向你敞开大门。这里是\祈使句+and+陈述句\的固定句型,陈述句中要用一般将来时。

32.C 【命题意图】 考查宾语从句。

【解题思路】 句意:Dick喜欢画画,但他知道自己成不了专家。分析句子结构可知,have后的部分是个从句,作have的宾语,而该从句中又缺少宾语,因此用what引导。

33.D 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 句意: 这些空调是我们的畅销产品,因为它们操作简便,运转起来几乎没有噪音。在句型\主语+be +adj+to do\中,如果主语是动词do的逻辑宾语,用主动表被动。故D项正确。 34.C 【命题意图】 考查情态动词。

【解题思路】 句意:《全民健身条例》规定,公办学校应当积极创造条件向公众开放体育设施。shall用于第三人称,在条约、规定、法令等文件中表示义务或规定,意为\应,应该\。

35.A 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 ——别担心,我几年前就拿到驾照了,不是生手。——我可以松口气了!我会告诉我女儿路上一切都好。A项意为\可以松口气了\符合语境。B项意为\祝贺\项意为\多么令人惊讶啊\项意为\我很抱歉\。

第二节 完形填空

【解题导语】 本文是议论文。作者通过论述祖母讲的故事告诉我们:要成功,就要树立远大目标并采取行动,不能被环境所束缚。

36.C 【解题思路】 从后文\ 37 believed that there were no limits\可知,人的潜力是无穷的,我们不应该为自己设立\束缚或限制\。 37.A 【解题思路】 根据上文祖母对作者的教诲可知,她\确实\相信人的能力是无限的,因此用truly。

38.D 【解题思路】 从文章第一句中的\ work hard to achieve them\可知,如果我们不给自己设限,我们就能\获得\自己想要的一切。 39.B 【解题思路】 根据语境和搭配可知,这位农夫在乡村集市的比赛中获得一等奖,故用prize。win a prize\得奖,获奖\。 40.A 【解题思路】 从第五段可知,农夫把小萝卜种在牛奶瓶里,因此其\大小\和形状跟牛奶瓶一样。 41.D 【解题思路】 从上文可知,小萝卜的形状很特别,因此大家都感到很\好奇\。

42.C 【解题思路】 根据上文,此处应该是\最终\有一位绅士前来询问萝卜是怎样种出来的。 43.B 【解题思路】 从后文农夫介绍的情况可知,他种萝卜的方法很\简单\。

44.A 【解题思路】 农夫将萝卜放到瓶子里面养,所以萝卜没有其他地方可以生长,故A项符合语境。

45.A 【解题思路】 根据上下文,作者是以种萝卜来比喻生活,借此说明我们的生活也是由我们的环境所\塑造\的,故选shaped。 46.C 【解题思路】 根据语境,我们的生活由很多因素决定,其中包括能\影响\我们的人。 47.A 【解题思路】 根据语境,作者强调如果我们只是空\想\而不采取行动,就会止步不前。 48.D 【解题思路】 根据下文的\ a goal\可知,我们需要设定目标,周密\计划\采取行动。 49.B 【解题思路】 如果我们这样做了,我们的生活将呈现出\不同的\状态。

50.C 【解题思路】 根据上文可知,此处作者说明,要证实自己的\观点\故point符合语境。 51.A 【解题思路】 从上文作者论述的内容可知,此处作者建议我们阅读\成功\人士的传记。

52.D 【解题思路】 从成功人士的传记可知,设定目标确实能够使人获得成功,in fact\事实上\符合逻辑。 53.B 【解题思路】 从后文Mary Kay Ash所说的话可知,作者让我们记住这位名人的\智慧\。 54.C 【解题思路】 根据上文和此处的语境,作者强调我们的潜力无限,as far as\远至\符合语境。 55.A 【解题思路】 作者最后强调,如果我们要成功,就必须脱离\舒适\和安逸。 第三部分 阅读理解 第一节


【解题导语】 作者做每一次决定时,母亲都会给予信任和支持,使作者最终变得强大、独立。

【长难句解读】 She kept telling me how things were different in Puerto Rico, to always put on sunscreen, not to wander away from my grandmother, and other warnings.

分析:本句是个复合句,how在动词telling后引导宾语从句,动词不定式to always put on sunscreen, not to wander ...作宾补,构成tell sb. (not) to do sth.结构。

译文:她不停地告诉我波多黎各的情况多么不同,要常戴墨镜,不要离开祖母太远,还有其他的一些忠告。 56.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 从文章第一段母亲的诸多叮嘱和警告可知,母亲为作者的安全担心。故B项正确。 57.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 从文章第二段倒数第二句中的\ couldn",t wait to be out in the world on my own\可知,作者是想在外独立。故选C。 58.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 从文章第三段中的\ knew she expected nothing but the best from me.\可知,母亲对作者期望很高。故选A。 59.A 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 从文章最后一段最后三句话可知,作者对母亲给予自己的信任十分感激。故A项正确。


【解题导语】 本文摘取了未来的三则新闻,涉及延长寿命的药物,美国的老龄化问题以及环保能源的使用。 60.B 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据第一则新闻中的\ do the...But the sales so far are very good.\可知,虽然现在还不能确定这种药是否有作用,但到目前为止,这种药卖得很好,说明人们愿意试一试。 61.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第二则新闻中的\ 19,2035\以及\ the total US population of 378 million, people over 65 years old now make up 20% for the first time. The senior ratio was only 4.1% by year 1900, and 12.4% 30 years ago.\可知,美国65岁以上的老人在总人口中所占的比率从2005年的12.4%增长到了2035年的20%,这说明从2005年开始美国人口老龄化的速度很快。 62.A 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据第三则新闻的\ analysts believe that Re-Hydro will be the dominating fuel in the future.\可推知,这种能源将来会被广泛使用。


【解题导语】 这是一篇说明文,作者就进行科研工作的两种方式大团队和小团队进行了分析,列举了它们各自的优缺点,并给出了自己的建议。 【长难句解读】 Astronomy, the field in which I work, finds itself in an in-between state: historically, most work was accomplished by individuals or small groups, but that situation is changing.

分析:此句中含有in which引导的定语从句,修饰the field;冒号后的句子是对前一句的解释说明,而且是一个but连接的并列复合句。 译文:在我所从事的天文学领域,情况介于两者之间:历史上,大部分工作是由个人或小团队所做的,但这种情况正在变化。 63.C 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据第五段中的\ telescopes become larger and more complex, they require larger groups of engineers and scientists to build them, run them and interpret their results.\可知,由于现在的天文望远镜更大更复杂,所以需要很多的工程师和科学家。 64.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由第三段的第一句可知,小组或个人的工作更能让未来的老板赏识其成就。 65.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由第二段的第一句话和后文可知,大团队合作的好处在于参与者能参加比较大型的科研项目。 66.D 【命题意图】 考查主旨大意。

【解题思路】 本文就进行科研的两种工作方式大团队和小团队的优缺点展开说明,因此最好的标题应该是D。


【解题导语】 研究人员发现气候变暖导致地球上许多生物个体变小。 67.D 【命题意图】 考查主旨大意。

【解题思路】 全文主要说明了气候变暖导致许多生物个体变小这一现象,因此D项最适合作本文标题。 68.B 【命题意图】 考查词义猜测。

【解题思路】 根据句中的but可知,画线词所在部分与画线词前面的内容\大气中二氧化碳的增加将使生物个体变大\是转折关系,从而可以推测气温、湿度、营养等的变化对生物的影响战胜了二氧化碳增加的好处,即实际上生物个体变小了。 69.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 第三段研究人员提到\ do not yet know the exact mechanisms involved\其中\ exact mechanisms\指的是气候变暖影响生物个体大小的确切原理,因此A项正确。

70.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第四段最后一句\ is a recent report on warmer temperatures", negative effects on plankton(浮游生物), the base of the marine ecosystem.\可知,气候变化已对浮游生物产生了有害影响。 第二节

71—75 GCEBF 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错

A man in Hamburg, Germany, kept getting phone , but when he picked up a receiver there was no one on the other end of the phone. To begin


with, he paid the phone company ∧ block the number. Therefore , it was expensive just as



to stop one call, so he phoned the police. The police soon tracked the calls to a barber shop. Which happened was that every time someone



paid for the haircut by credit card, the credit card machine dialed the wrong number in mistake. It was quite beyond the police why somebody at


nobodythe barber",s or the credit card company noticed the problem. Fortunately, there had a happy outcome and the barber",s credit card phone was re-wasprogrammed.

第一处: 第一句中的phone改为phoned。get done为固定结构,表被动。 第二处: picked up后的a改为the。特指他的电话听筒。 第三处: company后加上to。不定式作目的状语。

第四处: Therefore改为However。上下文之间是转折关系。

第五处: 去掉as。此处并非as to结构,语境表明句中的to为不定式符号。 第六处: barber改为barber",s。该处表示一种所属关系,用所有格。

第七处: Which改为What。该处不表示在一定范围内选择,不能用Which。 第八处: mistake前的in改为by。by mistake\错误地\为固定用法。

第九处: somebody改为nobody。语境表明应用否定词,\没人发现问题\。 第十处: had改为was。该处为There be句型。 第二节 书面表达


Gains from Growing Pains

Growing up is not a very enjoyable time. It means we have to work hard. As for my childhood, my parents made me learn to play the violin so I had no time to play with other friends. I was very annoyed. I hated music, just because it was what they wanted me to do. Sometimes I felt puzzled and trapped. I even didn",t understand why I was a child.

Now looking back, I am so glad that my parents encouraged me to take music lessons. Music can enrich my life. I come to realize my parents are always pushing me along. Everybody is to experience growing pains, which are just small pains in life. A little hard work and sweat never hurt us. If we realize these pains are just small bumps on our road to success, we will realize our growing pains are actually growing gains. 附:听力参考材料 Text 1

M: Which cap did you finally decide to buy?

W: Well, I would have liked to buy the blue one, but it was 50 dollars, so I bought another one instead and saved 10 dollars. Text 2

M: The lecture this morning was so boring. W: I",ll say I had one eye on the clock the whole time. Text 3 M: I",m not feeling so well.

W: Get some rest and take these three times a day and you should feel better. If you don",t, come back and see me. Text 4

M: Does this bill belong to you? W: Oh, thanks. I",ve just lost five pounds. M: I",m glad that I",ve found the owner, otherwise I would have to go to the Lost and Found. Text 5 M: We",d better hurry. I think that",s our flight.

W: Have I got time to get a newspaper? M: Well, I don",t think we have time. Look! W: All right, well, you take that bag, and I",ll take this one. Text 6

M: Do you want your television repaired? W: Yes, but not by the man you suggested.

M: Why not? The repairman is very good and the charges are so reasonable. W: That may be, but I couldn",t find the place. M: But you couldn",t miss it. I told you it is at the first right after the railroad bridge. W: I took that. I went to the end of the road. There is no such place. M: Wait a minute. Perhaps it is the second right. Yes, I think it is. W: I should have known, whenever someone says \ can",t miss it\ you can be sure that you won",t find it. Text 7

M: Why are you looking so sad?

W: I fought with Paul again yesterday. We both mentioned divorce. M: First do you still love him?

W: I guess so. But he has so many problems which are small but make me angry. M: Come on, if you still love him, you shall find a better way to get along with him. W: A better way?

M: Yes, first when he is playing computer games, please don",t go directly and turn off the computer unless your house is on fire. W: Oh, hard to do like that, but will try.

M: Second you shall give him respect when staying with friends especially his. Man is sensitive about face. W: Well, well...

M: The most important thing is that don",t force him to apologize. You shall only let him know he is wrong, that",s all. Text 8

M: Do you like cooking?

W: I love it. I really enjoy making a meal from various ingredients and watching my friends enjoy it. M: To get a sense of satisfaction. W: That",s right. Do you enjoy cooking? M: I don",t like it. It takes up too much time and I really hate having to clean up after the meal. W: That",s life. Tiring but interesting. M: I can",t stand doing the washing up, drying up, and putting all the dishes away. W: You can ask the guests to help. My guests usually insist on doing the washing up. M: So, what kind of dishes do you usually make? I know you like Italian food. W: Italian, Indian, and Chinese. I",ve only recently started cooking English meals and I need some more practice. Text 9

W: Are you ready to order, sir?

M: Yeah. I have a fancy for some wine tonight. Can you recommend something for me? W: Our red wine is very famous. I",d suggest you try that. M: All right. What kind of red wine do you serve?

W: Here are a variety of red wines for you to choose. You can have a taste first and then make your decision. Here is the wine menu. M: The dry red wine looks quite good. I",d like to try this one. W: Then do you like any cheese to go with it? M: Why? Do I have to order that?

W: Oh, no. But cheese is the best thing to go with red wine. And we have really fresh cheese which will be free if you order red wine. Here are the pictures. Pick out something you like. M: That",s really nice. I",d like this one. It looks very attractive. W: What would you like for appetizer and dinner?

M: Croissant for appetizer and two beef steaks for dinner. W: How do you want your steaks, rare, medium or well-done? M: Medium, please? W: Anything for dessert? M: Sure. We",d like to have Black Forest Cake for dessert. W: OK. Please wait for a while. We",ll get it done quickly! Text 10

The people of Brussels will have to mind their manners from now on, with the city authorities announcing new fines of up to 250 euros (£200) for insults on the streets.

\ form of insult is from now on punishable, whether it is racist or otherwise,\ a spokesman said.

Brussels, home to the EU and many top international institutions, is known for its family-friendly and cultivated lifestyle but the mayor wants to crack down on the everyday unpleasantness found in any big city.

To do so, officials came to an agreement with authorities to impose fines of between 75 and 250 euros for insults, petty theft and so on.

The spokesman said the courts up to now had been too busy to take up such cases and as a result many police \ little interest to take any action over such incidents\

The issue was highlighted in a recent film by Belgian director Sofie Peeters who recorded in secret the everyday insults and exchanges she ran into on the streets of the city.


【考纲梳理与考向预测】 根据2013年新课标高考英语《考试大纲》可以看出,单项填空部分注重测试考生对英语语法、词汇知识和简单表达形式的掌握情况,并加强对知识点综合运用能力的考查,知识覆盖面广。完形填空和阅读理解部分,对语篇信息和篇章逻辑的把握将是2013年考查的重点。完形填空部分将会加大对预览全篇信息与捕捉具体信息能力的考查力度,即根据对前后句和前后段的综合理解和推断作出选择;阅读理解部分将会增加主观推断题、间接推理题的分量;短文改错会进一步考查考生综合运用英语知识的能力;书面表达将会以半开放作文的形式出现,既给出一定的提示内容,又要求考生根据提示内容进行适当的发挥,从而有效地考查考生的书面表达能力。

【测试评价与备考策略】 本套试卷具有良好的区分度,既全面考查了考生的基础知识和基本技能,又考查了考生分析问题、解决问题的能力,测试效果较为明显。对于单项填空部分,部分考生灵活性较差,就题论题,忽视语境在知识考查中的关键作用,其中的动词时态、非谓语动词、交际用语等仍是难点;做完形填空试题时,缺乏从整体上把握文章的能力,或对此重视不足,不能联系上下文做题,还有一部分考生对词汇的掌握仍有欠缺;阅读理解题中的推理判断、词义猜测和主旨大意题仍然是考生的薄弱环节,应该重点练习;对于短文改错部分,部分考生受思维定势的影响而掉进命题者设置的陷阱中;对于书面表达部分,有些考生的语言表达能力欠缺,文章连贯性不强,句式过于简单,缺乏想象,文字不够充实与生动。



第一部分 听力

1—5 CBCBC 6—10 CBABB 11—15 CBABC 16—20 CBBCB 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空

21.D 【命题意图】 考查冠词。

【解题思路】 第一个空应用不定冠词,泛指\一种国际性的语言\虽以元音字母开头,但它的发音却并非以元音音素开头,故第一空用a;第二个空后面有动词不定式作后置定语,是特指。 22.A 【命题意图】 考查定语从句。

【解题思路】 空处引导非限制性定语从句,并且在从句中作loves的宾语,因此用which。what不能引导定语从句;that不能引导非限制性定语从句;如果选D,则需将先行词前面的定冠词改为不定冠词,one表示泛指概念。 23.A 【命题意图】 考查代词。

【解题思路】 分析句子结构可知,此处应用one代替前面提到的单数可数名词robot,表示泛指,故可排除the one。it指上文提到的那个事物,即同名同物,that指代同名异物,但为特指,均可排除。 24.A 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 句意:由于已经当经理很多年了,Mr. Johnson发现重新做回一名普通职员很难。主语Mr. Johnson与work之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故应用现在分词形式;由空后的时间状语\ many years\来看,应该用完成式。 25.C 【命题意图】 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】 ——你应该二十分钟前就到这里的。——很抱歉,拥挤的交通使我耽搁了。C项表示\延误,耽搁\符合语境。A项表示\打击,罢工\项表示\运输,输送\项表示\使糊涂,使迷惑\。 26.A 【命题意图】 考查状语从句。

【解题思路】 句意:这位商人不论什么季节,总是穿着西装,打着领带,留着胡须。whatever在此引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what。此处为省略形式,补充完整为\ the season is\。 27.A 【命题意图】 考查倒装句。

【解题思路】 句意:直到十九世纪早期,人类才知道什么是热。not until表示否定,位于句首时,后面需要使用部分倒装,根据句意可知,此处应用一般过去时,所以选A。

28.D 【命题意图】 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】 句意:最近的一项研究得出一个意外结论,非洲象应被分成两个不同种类。keep up with\跟上\ up with\和好\ up with\追上\ up with\提出\。D项符合句意。 29.B 【命题意图】 考查动词的时态。

【解题思路】 句意:警方在全城张贴了他们正在搜寻的那个男人的照片,那个男人与一起在银行外发生的谋杀案有关。根据句意可知,seek这个动作正在进行,所以用现在进行时。

30.B 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 句意:从沙漠旅行回来之后,他写了一封信给他的父亲,解释了他这些日子没有回家的原因。结合句意和句子结构可知,此处he与explain是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。

【易错点拨】 容易误选A项,考生容易错误地认为write和explain是两个并列谓语。实际上这两个动词间并没有连词,而且并列谓语通常是几个先后发生的动作,故可判断这不是并列谓语。 31.C 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 ——爸爸,我们去商店好吗?我想买一些糖果。——算了吧。难道你看不出来我现在忙着吗? Forget it \算了吧\符合语境。 32.D 【命题意图】 考查动词的时态。

【解题思路】 根据本句的时间状语从句可知,此处表示的是将来的时间,而且后半句强调的是\那时我就在桥的那头等你\表示将来某个时刻正在进行的动作,所以用将来进行时。

33.B 【命题意图】 考查情态动词。

【解题思路】 根据第一句的时态可知,说话人强调的是过去本来应该被告知此事,可实际上并没有这样,故应用should/ought to have been done。 34.C 【命题意图】 考查时态。

【解题思路】 句意:多年来,该国政府忽视了他们对精神病患者的责任。句中有\时间段\要用现在完成时。 35.B 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 上文提出问题\情况还好吗?\故应回答\我很好\同时对别人的问候与关心,应该表示感谢,故答案为B。

第二节 完形填空

【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过一位著名医生对于名声的态度,告诉了我们今天的先进知识在将来会变得落后,真正的智者会将生活看成是解决未知问题的过程。

【重点词语链接】 revolve 旋转 revolve around/round sth. 绕……旋转

The earth revolves round the sun. 地球绕太阳公转。 revolve around/round sb./sth. 以……为中心,围绕

My life revolves around my job. 我的工作是我生活的中心。

He thinks that everything revolves around him. 他认为一切事情都以他为中心。

36.D 【解题思路】 根据第一段可知,这位医生被看作他那个领域最有才华的人之一,因此这里指的是他的名声,故选D。 37.B 【解题思路】 根据下文内容可知,这位医生允许作者把他的回答呈现出来,因此选B。

38.A 【解题思路】 从前面的\ day will come\可知,此处指的是将来,因此这里选A,表示未来的时候。

39.C 【解题思路】 从下文的\ a craft practiced by witch doctors(巫医)\可知,此处表示将来的人们会把这位医生现在做的事情看作是一种巫术。因此选C。

40.D 【解题思路】 根据本段最后一句话中的\ foolish doctor\可知,将来的人们会搞不明白为什么现在的人们这么愚蠢,竟然在核成像过程中使用放射性染料,故选D。

41.A 【解题思路】 将来的人们会阅读这位医生的研究成果并认为他一定是一名愚蠢的医生。 42.B 【解题思路】 结合下文的内容可知,这位医生认为今天的\知识\可能成为明天的愚蠢。

43.C 【解题思路】 根据第一段中的内容可知,这位医生的同伴们认为他是他的领域中最有才华的人之一,因此这里表示现在这些\钦佩\他的学者,会被将来的知识分子否定,故选C。

44.D 【解题思路】 根据下文because后的内容可知,这位医生不会因为别人对他的技术的高度敬佩而自命不凡。 45.B 【解题思路】 对于他人对自己\技术\的高度敬佩,这位医生不会因此而自命不凡。

46.A 【解题思路】 结合上文的foolish和stupidity等可知,将来的人们会认为现在的人们是可怜的\傻瓜\。

47.D 【解题思路】 根据上文的内容可知,这位医生提到亚里士多德是为了证明自己的观点,故此处应表示亚里士多德在他的那个时代被认为是天才,故选D。

48.C 【解题思路】 这里指亚里士多德曾经热切地认为太阳围绕着地球转。

49.B 【解题思路】 亚里士多德在当时被看作天才,但是过了一些年之后就被伽利略和哥白尼\否定\了,他们认为他是一个傻瓜。

50.A 【解题思路】 从下文的\ that they have the answer to all problems\可知,这些人认为自己无所不知,因此这位医生认为这些人是\令人厌恶的\。

51.D 【解题思路】 下文的\ that they have the answer to all problems\表明这些人是\骄傲自大的\故选D。

52.A 【解题思路】 在这位医生看来,一个相当聪明的人,应该是承认自己的生活不过是寻求答案的过程的人。下文的\ truly intelligent person\是提示。

53.B 【解题思路】 与前面的questions呼应,指寻求这些问题的答案,故选B。

54.C 【解题思路】 真正聪明的人\意识到\生活是一系列的未知。上文提到的recognizes是提示。

55.D 【解题思路】 这位医生认为我们获得的答案很少是绝对的,而是通向下一系列未知事物的\桥梁\故选D。 第三部分 阅读理解 第一节


【解题导语】 这是一篇记叙文。面对许多要完成的作业和任务,作者的儿子感到束手无策。在作者的帮助下,儿子知道了做事应分清轻重缓急,一件一件地去处理。

【长难句解读】 He had a friend who could help him with Spanish, so we had to factor that time in.

分析:这是一个复合句。连词so连接了两个并列分句,前面的分句中who引导了一个定语从句,修饰friend,后面的分句是一个简单句。 译文:他有一个朋友,能够帮助他学习西班牙语,因此我们应该把这个时间考虑在内。 56.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据\ midterms are the next week! I need to study for them and I have to get help with Spanish.\可知,C项不是Bret的任务。 57.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章可知作者帮助儿子把需要做的事情,按照重要性排列出了顺序,因此选A。 58.B 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 通读全文内容可判断,作者在最后提到的那句格言说明了做事要一件一件地去做,这样就可以顺利地完成该做的事情了,故选B。


【解题导语】 这是一篇应用文,介绍了\我最喜爱的老师\征文比赛的参赛规则。

【长难句解读】 Winning students will win a $50 gift card and may have their essays published on weeklyreader.com. 分析:Winning students作主语,后一分句用了have sth. done结构。

译文:获胜者将获得一张价值50美元的礼品卡,他们的获奖作品可能会被刊登在weeklyreader.com。 59.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据Entries部分中的\ will be judged on the following criteria by Weekly Reader editorial staff\下面的内容可知,C项不属于评判参赛作品的标准。

60.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据Contest Deadline部分可知,参赛作品必须在2013年4月26日之前提交,故选B。 61.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文中的\ entry must include the entrant",s name... and email address.\可知,不需要老师的电话号码这一信息,故选C。 62.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文中的\ students will win a $50 gift card and may have their essays published on weeklyreader.com.\可知,获胜者的文章可能会刊登在这个网站上,故选D。


【解题导语】 这是一篇说明文,主要介绍了建筑师们现在重新利用木头来建造房屋的情况。并说明了该种房屋节省原料以及具有环保的作用等。

【长难句解读】 Concrete gives off nearly its own weight in carbon dioxide as it",s produced; the raw material for wooden skyscrapers, by contrast, literally grows on trees and absorbs carbon from the air as it does so.



63.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章第二段内容、第四段的\ gives off nearly its own weight in carbon dioxide...as it does so.\和倒数第三段的内容可知,木头建筑受欢迎是因为它环保,故选D。 64.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第五段的内容可知,他认为这种房子,可以像生产汽车或生产电脑一样,采取流水线的方式,因此选A。 65.A 【命题意图】 考查词义猜测。

【解题思路】 根据该词前后的内容\ regulations threaten\和\ growth of wooden structures in the bud\以及最后一段内容可推知,这个词在这里表示\阻碍\的意思。

66.C 【命题意图】 考查主旨大意。

【解题思路】 本文主要介绍了建筑师们利用木头来建造房屋的情况,该种房屋不但省时省力,而且还具有环保的作用,因此C项最能概括本文主旨。


【解题导语】 英国女王决定闲置桑德林汉姆庄园的温室,购买鲜花以便节省取暖费。 67.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第一、二段可知,女王决定购买鲜花而不是在温室里种植鲜花,目的是节约取暖费。 68.A 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据第三段可知,维持温室的温度需要支付高昂的取暖费。相比之下,购买盛开的鲜花更划算,更有意义。 69.B 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据\ only a small heated area left for houseplants and a few other select specimens\可知,英国女王在Norfolk宅邸中的温室中,还种植着一些植物。

70.B 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据第六段可知,由于圣诞节期间下大雨,泰晤士河水位过高,两个涡轮机无法正常运作,导致了测试不能如期进行。故选B项。 第二节

71.A 【解题思路】 结合空后面的\ the change\ \ observations about the caterpillar\和\ their observations\可知,这种做法是了解一个过程,因此选A。

72.G 【解题思路】 结合空后面的\",s why it",s best that you provide a hanging stick or branch where the cocoon could be attached to.\可知,本段主旨是给它们提供一个良好的环境,故选G。

73.F 【解题思路】 从本段中的\ not disturb the cocoon.\以及空前的内容可知,这是一次教给孩子们要有耐心的机会,故选F。

74.B 【解题思路】 结合空后面的\ not attempt to put it back to its original place.\可知,不要试图把它们放回原来的位置,最好的办法是不要碰它,故选B。

75.D 【解题思路】 根据空前面的\ be sure to have your kids at hand to witness this event\可知,为了确保孩子们看到这个破茧而出的时刻,所以应选D。

第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错

A recent survey shows that most students often communicate with our parents. But there are still some ∧ think it embarrassing to share


their ideas with them. Actually everyone should attach importance to the

family communication. It can strengthen the bond of the whole family or bridge the gap between children and parents. Besides, share your



personal problems and emotions will greatly help reduce the pressure on you and build up your confidence.

As for my family, we had a special dinner together every Saturday evening, over that everyone takes turns to share one problem. Then the




other try to suggest solutions. In this way the whole family could enjoy every single bit of life. I think my family will stick out the tradition forever.

第一处:our→their。【解题思路】 代词的错误。语境表示\大多数学生与其父母交流\这里应该用第三人称的形容词性物主代词their与most students呼应。

第二处:some后加who/that。【解题思路】 从句引导词的错误。根据句意可知,此处应有连词引导定语从句修饰some,并在从句中作主语,some指代students,指人,故此处应添加who/that。

第三处:删除第一个the。【解题思路】 冠词的错误。语境说\人人都应该重视家庭内的交流\这里的family communication是抽象名词,不能加冠词。 第四处:or→and。【解题思路】 并列连词的错误。这里表示并列与递进关系:它可以加强家人之间的纽带,并缩小父母与子女之间的隔阂。因此用and。

第五处:share→sharing。【解题思路】 非谓语动词的错误。用动名词短语作主语。

第六处:had→have。【解题思路】 时态的错误。语境叙述的是当前的情况,应该用一般现在时而不是过去时。

第七处:that→which。【解题思路】 关系词的错误。这里是介词+关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,连词在从句中作宾语,指代主句的a special dinner,应该用which引导这个从句。

第八处:other→others。【解题思路】 代词的错误。这里用the others指家里的其余成员。

第九处:could→can。【解题思路】 情态动词的错误。这里叙述的是现在的情况,故应用can表示\能够\而不是could。

第十处:out→to。【解题思路】 介词的错误。此处表示\我想我们家会永远坚持这个传统\。应用stick to。stick out表示\突出\。 第二节 书面表达

【思路导航】 本题要求考生写一个回帖。根据首句提示确定写作人称为第一人称,体裁为议论文。因为这里谈论的是一个普遍现象,基本时态应为一般现在时。但谈自己过去的经历时应用一般过去时。题目以网络帖子的形式提出了问题\怎样坚持自己的锻炼计划\。题目规定了三项任务:列举借口;谈论好处;提出建议。可以按此线索安排写作顺序,分三段进行写作。首先列举不能坚持锻炼的常见借口(如太忙、太累等);接着谈谈坚持锻炼的好处,如改善身体素质,提高学习效率等;最后提出建议,此部分可作为重点来写,可从\制订实用计划\找个锻炼伙伴\和\变换运动项目\等角度去发挥。

【范文赏读】 Hi, Lazy Bone,

I used to have the same problem! I used to tell myself I would work out later, because I was too busy to have sports, or I was too tired today...As a result, I never put my workout plan into practice.

As you know, exercise benefits us in many ways.Not only does it improve our health, it also makes us cheerful and raises our learning efficiency.Having realized the importance of exercise, I work out regularly at present.

I suggest you make a practical workout plan and set aside some time each day to do exercise.You can go in for sports you like and have various sports in a week.Above all, you",d better find a workout partner.In this case, both of you can inspire and monitor each other.Of course, you can reward yourself by treating yourself to some delicious food.

Wish you success!

Nancy 附:听力参考材料 Text 1 W: Don",t you think fishing is boring? You just sit by the water and wait all day long. M: No, I enjoy the quiet time of fishing. Text 2

W: Have you ever read Big Hotel by O", Henry? M: I",m afraid I haven",t.

W: What a pity ! You really should. It",s interesting, you know. I have a copy here. Would you like to read it? Text 3

M: Christmas is round the corner and I",m looking for a gift for my girlfriend. Any suggestions? W: Well, you have to tell me something about your girlfriend first. Text 4

M: When will you be leaving for your planned holiday in Hawaii? W: It",s out of the question. I",ve got a new job. I won",t be free until my training is over. Text 5

W: Have you got any ideas about what to buy for Ann",s birthday? M: Well, I",ve got a new schoolbag and I have promised to take her to a film. What about you? W: Oh, I haven",t decided yet. I",ll probably buy her that new music record as she likes it so much. Text 6

M: Where are you? I",ve been waiting for thirty minutes. W: How could that be? I came very early. M: Aren",t we meeting each other at the toy store, next to Gate C? W: No, at the bookstore, near Gate B.

M: Oh, no, I made a mistake. How can I get to you now? W: I",m on the other side. Just pass the flower shop. You",ll see me next to the Internet café. M: OK, but I want to buy some bread first. Do you know where to go? W: Yes. Walk past the music shop. Then you",ll find the right place on your side of the market. Text 7

W: Even though this question has been asked many times, I still ask you \ you really love me\ M: I don",t know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot lose you. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see.

W: If the day when the earth will be destroyed never comes, how is everything going on? M: I will love you until I don",t love you.

W: You mean I just can wait, wait for you till the time when you don",t love me? M: Maybe not.

W: I have never asked for anything, but I just want a simple and definite love. So goodbye. M: Well, bye. Text 8

W: Hi, Jerry, I heard you have fun with Peggy in Merry Park yesterday. M: Yes. We had a great time there. Why didn",t you come with us? We got there by bus in only ten minutes. W: I know, but the ticket is more expensive on the weekend. Also, I",ve been there many times since it opened five years ago. Did you try the Dandelion Seat there? It",s so popular that people have to wait for over an hour to get a ride. M: You mean those flower-like umbrellas that fly high in the sky?

W: Yes. I enjoyed riding on the Dandelion Seat and looking over the city. It was a great experience. M: Eh...I liked taking the train to get around the park better. I don",t think it",s fun to ride in the air. I",d feel like I could fall down any time.

W: Maybe you would like it more at night. It",s wonderful to see the beautiful lights below your feet. M: Well...I",m afraid of high places. W: Oh, I see. That",s too bad. Text 9

M: Dr. Wilson, can I talk to you for a minute? W: Sure, Fred. What is it? M: I",m worried about my grade in your English class. I really want an \ but...

W: I see. Well, it might be hard for you to get an \ far you have a \ average. You would need a 97 or 98 in your final exam to get an \ you think you can get that high a score?

M: Probably not. The problem is I have to have a \ average in all the subjects to get the prize from our government, or I",ll have to find a part-time job. I",m afraid it is difficult for me to put all my heart in my study if I have to work in my spare time. I",ll probably get an \ in history and a \ in maths, but I",ll get a \ in chemistry. W: It is a problem, isn",t it? You",ll have to get an \ in English to get a \ average. M: Yes, but things don",t look very good for me right now.

W: I gave two less listening tests this term than I usually do. That might have changed your grade a little. Maybe I",ll give everybody a chance to write a composition in English. Then you",ll have a good chance to get an \ M: That would be great. I",ll try my best. Thank you very much. Text 10

China",s television watchdog has cut down the amount of entertainment programs that satellite channels can broadcast. From the start of next year, each of the 34 satellite channels will be limited to two such programs each week.It was stated on Tuesday by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. A channel can broadcast a maximum of 90 minutes of entertainment every day during the prime time hours of 7:30 pm to 10 :00 pm. The watchdog will also control the total number of entertainment shows nationwide. During prime time every day, the 34 channels can show only nine

entertainment programs in total.The statement said they wanted to increase the number of news programs, educational programs and documentaries. Every channel has also been ordered to create a program that promotes traditional virtues and socialist core values. Channels have been told not to value the program by audience viewing figures but by the greater emphasis on social values.


【考纲梳理与考向预测】 依据2013年新课标高考英语《考试大纲》可知,2013年新课标高考英语命题仍将在\稳定中求发展\命题原则不变。听力部分对直接获取信息和推理判断的考查并重。单项填空会更加注重语法和词汇的运用,回归语言基础;突出重点,侧重考查动词、时态及复合句的用法;语境明确,将语法规则与实际运用结合。完形填空保持以往的命题风格,素材多为具有哲理的励志文章,文章可读性强,具有现实的教育意义,体裁以记叙文和夹叙夹议文为主。短文内容完整,结构严谨,层次分明,以考查实词为主。阅读理解部分继续保持较大的阅读量,语篇意识加强,设题方式灵活,提问深入,不仅要求考生理解文章的字面意思,还要求其理解文章的内在含义。短文改错的设题仍会坚持2012年的模式,将类似学生的习作设置成题目,反向考查考生灵活运用英语知识的能力,其中深层次的逻辑错误是难点。书面表达部分适当提高对考生的要求,开放性更强,给考生预留更大的发挥空间。

【测试评价与备考策略】 本套试卷以中档题为主,并有适当比例的基础题和拔高题,与2012年高考英语新课标卷的难度基本吻合,测试效果比较理想,说明考生经过大半年的复习后英语成绩有了明显的提高,能力有了较大的提升,但本次测试也反映出值得考生们关注的一些问题:



(1)熟记常考词汇,强化阅读训练。尽量掌握平时做题中出现的高频生词。同时,要扩大阅读量。(2)夯实基础,查漏补缺。可以准备一本\错题集\把学习过程中经常出错的题目写在上面。考前把这些错题重点看几遍,从而做到\温故而知新\。 (3)培养语感,强化写作。语感的形成,前提是要保证大量、有效的语言输入。我们要养成读英语短文,记英语日记的习惯。同时要多读英语,多讲英语,多写英语。只有坚持不懈、持之以恒,才能实现目标和理想。

第一部分 听力

1—5 BCABC 6—10 ABABC 11—15 ABAAA 16—20 ACBCB 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空

21.D 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 ——据报道他因为经济犯罪被判终身监禁。——真的吗?他真的是罪有应得。人们肯定会为之欢呼雀跃。由语境可知,D项\他活该\正确。

22.D 【命题意图】 考查并列连词。

【解题思路】 句意:从现在开始努力学习吧,否则你就不可能实现被牛津大学录取的梦想。根据句意可知,此处应选择or,表示\否则\。 23.B 【命题意图】 考查主语从句。

【解题思路】 句意:犯错误是在所难免的。重要的是你事后如何去应对。空处引导主语从句,且在从句中作主语,应用连接词what。故答案为B。 24.B 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 mail和package是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词作宾补,构成get sth. done 结构。 25.D 【命题意图】 考查比较级。

【解题思路】 句意:实际上我们星期二并不需要那笔贷款,但如果那时能到就更好。so much the better\那就更好了\。 26.D 【命题意图】 考查情态动词。

【解题思路】 句意:我们不应该把拥有洁净的饮用水看作是理所当然的。也许有一天,我们会用完它。shouldn",t\不应该\符合句意。故答案为D。

27.A 【命题意图】 考查动词的时态。

【解题思路】 句意:探险家Christopher Columbus到达了美洲,但他以为自己发现了东印度。discover这一动作发生在thought之前,表示过去的过去,应用过去完成时。故答案为A。

28.C 【命题意图】 考查介词短语辨析。

【解题思路】 ——你的圣诞假期过得怎么样?——尽管天气不好,但见到亲戚和朋友很愉快。but for\若非\ to \关于,至于\ spite of\尽管\ of\不管,不顾,不理会\。根据语境可知,应选C。 29.B 【命题意图】 考查连词。

【解题思路】 句意:学生们正在教室做游戏,这时一名持枪的男子进来并对着他们开始疯狂扫射。连词when意为\这时\可接短暂性动词。 30.A 【命题意图】 考查动词的时态。

【解题思路】 句意:自从在上个月的暴风雨中失去了家园、工作和公司,(灾区的)人们一直在接受资金援助。since\自从……以来\后常跟表示过去的时间点或用一般过去时的状语从句,主句用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。故答案为A。 31.C 【命题意图】 考查定语从句。

【解题思路】 句意:从图表中可以看出,我们城市的空气质量在过去的三个月中有所下降。空处引导非限定性定语从句,指代主句的内容,且从句位于主语与谓语之间,应用as引导,故答案为C。 32.C 【命题意图】 考查动词的时态。

【解题思路】 \你多久没有回家了?\五年了。去年餐桌上大部分的讨论都是有关他们何时能再见到我。\根据主句中的was和从句中的again可知,\再次见到我\是发生在\过去的将来\的动作,故用过去将来时。 33.A 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 根据空后内容可知,第二个说话人说他学习很努力,需要放松一下。Not really. 表示语气较弱的否定,意为\不完全是\",t mention it.\不客气\用于回应别人的感谢;Not to worry.\不要担心\ mind.\没关系,不用担心\用于安慰对方。根据语境可知,答案为A。 34.C 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 center on\集中于\ magical adventure story与center on是逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词作定语。having done不能作后置定语,故可排除A项。

35.D 【命题意图】 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】 句意:在所有的地区,女人都比男人长寿。但是,与男人相比,社会、文化和经济因素可能影响女人发挥其自然优势。challenge \挑战\保证\确认\影响\。affect符合语境,因此答案为D。 第二节 完形填空

【解题导语】 本文为说明文,介绍了世界各地的一些迷信观念。

36.B 【解题思路】 根据本段的内容以及后文说到大部分迷信通常是消极的。故此处应为表示负面意思的词,evil意为\邪恶的\符合语境。 37.A 【解题思路】 大多数迷信与消极的东西相关。be related to意为\与……相关的\符合语境。

38.D 【解题思路】 数字13被很多人\认为\是不吉利的,尤其是当一个月的13号又是星期五的话就更不吉利了。

39.C 【解题思路】 根据破折号后的内容以及与后文的\ is considered incomplete\对比可知,此处应为completeness,意为\完整\。

40.A 【解题思路】 空处前后是12和13的对比,故应选In contrast表示\相比之下,相反\。in time\及时\ addition\除此以外\ particular\尤其\。 41.B 【解题思路】 在梯子下走也被很多人认为会带来厄运。

42.C 【解题思路】 一些人认为在梯子下走对上帝不礼貌,所以他们不会去冒这个险。take a risk意为\冒险(做某事)\符合语境。 43.A 【解题思路】 另外一些人也许担心从很高的地方\掉落\什么东西砸到他们头上。 44.D 【解题思路】 根据后文的\ the mirror was broken\可知,此处指\打碎\镜子。

45.B 【解题思路】 在古希腊文化中,许多人有这样的信念,认为镜子反映人的灵魂。belief意为\信念\符合语境。 46.C 【解题思路】 人们认为镜子反映人的灵魂,如果镜子碎了,灵魂也会\受损\。

47.B 【解题思路】 黑猫一直与运气相关联。后面\ black cat crosses your path\是提示。 48.A 【解题思路】 如果一只黑猫从你面前走过的话,\肯定\会给你带来厄运或者甚至死亡。 49.D 【解题思路】 参见上题解析。or意为\或者\表示选择关系。

50.D 【解题思路】 根据However可知,此处与前文为转折关系,故此处指的是在英国和爱尔兰,人们认为遇见黑猫是未来繁荣的预兆。 prosperity意为\繁荣,兴旺\符合语境。

51.A 【解题思路】 根据后半句\ many of these beliefs can still be found\可知,应选found。 52.C 【解题思路】 许多这些信念在现代社会中也能找到。

53.B 【解题思路】 哈佛大学的Dr. Kevin Foster认为这是人类对威胁的诠释和反应的例子。react to意为\对……作出反应\符合语境。 54.A 【解题思路】 很多人知道这种威胁是不正确的。

55.C 【解题思路】 似乎许多人宁愿更安全也不愿感到遗憾。 第三部分 阅读理解 第一节


【解题导语】 本文介绍了《纽约时报》前总裁Arthur Sulzberger Sr的生平。 56.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第一段第一句中的\ Sulzberger Sr died at the age of 86\和第四段第一句中的\ in New York City, 5 February 1926\可知,他出生于1926年,去世时86岁,由此可知他在2012年去世。 57.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第二段中的\ son, Arthur Sulzberger Jr, said in a statement that his father, whom he referred to by his childhood nickname of Punch, was ‘one of our industry",s most admired executives’. \可知,Punch, the old Marine captain指Arthur Sulzberger Sr。 58.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据倒数第二段中的\ security. But the paper refused, and then won the subsequent court case\可知,D项符合题意。 59.C 【命题意图】 考查词义猜测。

【解题思路】 根据画线词前面的\ was a strong believer in family ownership of newspapers.\可推测,画线词指的应是family ownership。


【解题导语】 本文是一则美国暑期表演艺术夏令营的广告。

【长难句解读】 They arrive as strangers but soon become friends as they learn popular songs and dances from each other",s cultures. 分析:本句为复合句。主句是\ arrive as strangers but soon become friends\引导一个时间状语从句。 60.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 \ lessons learned during these six weeks are profound(深远的)\及DATES部分的第一句表明,这个夏令营将持续六个星期左右。 61.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据\ overnight performing arts summer camp\可知夏令营可以提高孩子的表演能力;根据\ arrive as strangers but soon become friends as they learn popular songs and dances from each other",s cultures.\可知,孩子们在夏令营可以交到更多的外国朋友,了解更多的外国文化。A项意为\在美国旅游\文中没有相关信息支持。 62.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据DATES部分的最后一句\ are happy to arrange a special study room for late arrivals to make up for the missing lessons.\可知,对于来得晚的学生他们会安排补课。 63.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据PARTICIPANT FEE部分可知,每个初次参加夏令营的学生的学费是2 950美元。根据SPECIAL DISCOUNTS部分中的\ is a 20% fee discount for additional participants from your family if you have a brother or sister who is a Songs of Hope participant\可知,如果你的兄弟姐妹是夏令营的成员,那么你家庭中的另外的参加者可打八折。故答案为B。


【解题导语】 经过七年的精心策划和准备,Cameron成功地完成了去Challenger Deep的探险,并带回了许多珍贵的照片和录像。 【长难句解读】 The director, who returned to the surface in a speedy seventy minutes, believes this is just one of many trips he and other adventurers will be taking.

分析:who引导非限制性定语从句,believes后面是宾语从句,宾语从句中又包含了一个定语从句,\ and other adventurers will be taking\修饰先行词\ trips\。

译文:这个70分钟返回水面的导演认为这只是他和其他探险者将会进行的许多旅行中的一次。 64.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章第一句的\ years of careful design and planning\可知这次旅行经过了七年的准备,因此A项正确。根据文章第一段第一句后半部分可知B项描述不确切,且本段最后一句话的后半部分也是提示;此次旅行的时间是七小时,不是九个半小时,因此C项错误;根据第一段最后一句的\ photos and videos from this dark mysterious world\可知D项错误。 65.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章第三段的\ were no large alien creatures or mysterious footprints\可知A项错误;第三段的\ times larger than the Grand Canyon\说明它非常大,因此B项错误;第三段最后一句提到在那里只有虾状的生物,因此C项错误;根据第三段的\‘devoid(缺乏) of sunlight, any heat, any warmth’\可知,那里既黑暗又寒冷,因此D项正确。 66.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章第四段可知,机器发生了故障,因此Cameron先生不得不提前返回。 67.A 【命题意图】 考查主旨大意。

【解题思路】 文章主要是讲述James Cameron去Challenger Deep探险这件事情,因此A是最佳选项。


【解题导语】 最新的研究发现,学习音乐可以提高儿童的记忆力。 68.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据最后一段可知,D项正确。根据第五段可知B、C项错误;根据倒数第三段可知A项错误。 69.C 【命题意图】 考查词义猜测。

【解题思路】 根据画线词后的\ harmonies, rhythms and melodies(旋律)\推测,此处应表示\区分和声、节奏和旋律\所以选C。 70.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据倒数第三段中的\ children given drama(戏剧) and painting lessons had greater improvements in IQ scores than children who didn",t; children given music lessons did better than those given drama\可知,学习音乐课程孩子的智商提高得更多。 第二节

71—75 DEAGC 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错

The annual English Festival, which was

lasted one week, has just ended. There were all kinds of colorful activities, included English speech competition. Last Friday, we had an



honor of inviting Professor Smith to deliver a lecture on English cultural background information, such as English idiom . He was very learned and


humorous that he began his lecture with an amusing story to attract the attention of the audience and all of us was deeply impressed with his wisdom.


We admired him and took notes carefully, for he made himself understood with speaking slowly and clearly enough for us to follow her . He gave



us some practically ways to develop the sense of language and encouraged us to keep speaking English as much ∧ possible in our daily life.


as第一处:去掉was。【解题思路】 此处表示节日持续一周,应该使用主动语态。

第二处:included→including。【解题思路】 include与English speech competition是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。 第三处:an→the。【解题思路】 have the honor of表示\有幸做某事\。

第四处:idiom→idioms。【解题思路】 此处表示的是泛指概念,所以应用名词的复数形式。 第五处:very→so。【解题思路】 此处为so...that结构,所以把very改为so。 第六处:was→were。【解题思路】 主语为all of us,所以谓语动词用复数。 第七处:with→by。【解题思路】 表示方式时常用by。 第八处:her→him。【解题思路】 史密斯教授是位男士。

第九处:practically→practical。【解题思路】 修饰名词要用形容词,故用practical。

第十处:much后添加as。【解题思路】 as...as possible 为固定结构,表示\尽可能……\。 第二节 书面表达


Yu Youzhen lives in Wuhan, Hubei Province. She owns 17 apartments worth tens of million yuan. However, she has been working as a street cleaner for 14 years. She works hard in order to set a good example to her own children. She warns her children that if they don",t work, she will donate the apartments to the country. Under her positive influence, both her children have their own jobs.

It is clear that Yu Youzhen has become a role model of her children. With such a hard-working mother, two children know they should depend on themselves to earn their life. From what Yu has done, I truly realize that parents", behavior has lasting effects on their children. It is important that parents should care about what they do because their children will follow suit. 附:听力参考材料 Text 1

W: Guess what? I",ve got an email from Allen. He is now studying at a new school in California. M: Oh, why? I didn",t know he had transferred to another school. W: His mother changed jobs, so he had to move with her. Text 2 M: I",d like to rent a car for a day. How much does it cost? W: It",s 50 dollars a day. A day is from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.. Text 3

W: Dad, Jane is asking me to play with her. Can I go out now? M: Sorry, honey. You can",t go to play until you finish your homework. Text 4

M: Where is Miss King",s report, Ms. White?

W: I put it on your desk when you were at Mr. Smith",s office yesterday, Mr. Thomson. M: But I can",t find it now.

W: Oh, here it is, on the floor under your table. Text 5 W: We",re going to the museum this Sunday afternoon. There is a new exhibition of Chinese art. Want to come with us? M: I",d like to, but I",ll have to prepare for the coming exam. Text 6

M: Boxing Fitness Club. Can I help you? W: Yes, please. I",ve seen your advertisement in the newspaper. I",m thinking of joining your club. What are your business hours? M: We open at 9 a.m. and close at 9 p.m. during the week, and at weekends we open one hour later. W: OK. What facilities do you have?

M: We have steam room, swimming pool and Spa pool. You can have personal trainers if you like, and you can also choose group exercise classes. W: Group exercise classes? What are they?

M: We provide many popular group classes, for example, Yoga classes, Tai chi classes, and dancing classes. W: That sounds fabulous!

M: Yes. If you join our club now, you can get one month free. If you buy one year membership, you can get two months free. W: Thank you. I",ll visit your club tomorrow. Text 7

M: Well, here we are, next to the window. W: Great! Let",s order quickly so we can return to work on time. M: OK. What do you care for? W: Something light. I",m still full now.

M: There are three salads. Or you could have soup or a sandwich. W: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.

M: No, actually I ate out last night. We had a huge dinner at Ms. Liu",s Special Food, then a late snack at a little restaurant near my house. W: Oh, dear. Well, maybe you should have a salad. M: Yes, I think so! Now let",s decide on drinks. W: I",ll just have a glass of juice.

M: French food needs red wine, you know. W: But we",ll have a meeting this afternoon. M: OK, a Coke for me then. W: Let me order. Waiter! Text 8

M: Hello, Ann. I",ve heard Barbara and you are looking for an apartment. W: Yeah, we have spent a lot of time hunting.

M: Looking for an apartment in New York City is a really stressful and frightening process. And I have some good news for you. A friend of mine just moved out last week. You two can rent his apartment.

W: That",s great! Where is his apartment? M: It",s near the central bus station on the main road, and about 300 dollars a week, quite reasonable. It has two bedrooms, I think you two can share. W: Well, because I",ve been working at home most of the time, I",ve got to have my own room. Any other information? M: Yes, it",s got a very big and well equipped kitchen, and I know you like cooking. So that",s very convenient for you, but there is a small sitting room, and not much furniture yet. So let me know quickly if you want it or it will be taken. Text 9

M: Sarah, where am I going to stay in New York? W: I",ve booked you out in the Plaza Hotel, just at the airport terminal. M: Plaza Hotel? Wasn",t it possible to get me into the New York Plaza as usual?

W: Well, New York Plaza would have involved much more traveling for you. The company you",re visiting is located near the airport. M: Oh, I see. Yes, fine. Have you got the hotel phone number? W: Yes, I",ve got it for you from the travel agency. And at the next stop, you",ve been booked into the Star Hotel in Brazil. M: The Star? I",ve already stayed there twice and found it rather depressing. Is it possible to change the hotel? W: Of course, I will do my best. The last stop, Shanghai. M: OK. Is there anything else?

W: If possible, I will ask them to send the tickets off before we close today. That",s all in order now. Text 10

One way to build a student-centered learning community is through class meetings, which is a wonderful way to create a positive classroom environment and teach your students to be responsible and respect each other. Here are a few tips:

To start with, select a name for your class meeting. This will identify your class meeting as a specific activity with guidelines, rules, and expectations. Second, consider holding class meetings weekly or biweekly, depending on your needs and preferences. Third, plan approximately 15-20 minutes for each class meeting session. Fifteen minutes per week is a small investment to make in order to strengthen the bonds between you and your students. Next, set a specific time for your meeting and be consistent, according to the needs of your group. For example, schedule the meeting right before lunchtime on Fridays. Then, tell the students the purpose of class meetings. Most of all — have fun! This is a great strategy for establishing good relationships, building and maintaining relationships, decreasing misbehavior in your classroom, and increasing instructional time.


【考纲梳理与考向预测】 预计2013年新课标高考英语试卷的难度与去年相当,试题内容将侧重于通过语境考查考生实际运用英语的能力,强调在实际运用中体现语言的交际性和实用性。


【测试评价与备考策略】 测试发现,考生通过前段的复习已经较好地掌握了基础知识,提高了做题的基本技能。同时,考生还存在一些问题需要在以后的复习中重视并改正:


第一部分 听力

1—5 AACBC 6—10 CABCA 11—15 CACCB 16—20 ACBAB 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空

21.D 【命题意图】 考查冠词。

【解题思路】 第一空,take advantage of 是固定短语,意为\利用\故不用冠词;第二空, a better Nanjing 表示\一个更好的南京\表地名的专有名词前面如果有形容词修饰,用不定冠词,表示\一个……\。 22.A 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 句意:为了成为一名成绩拔尖的学生,孩子们不得不每天长时间地盯着书看,这会损害他们的视力。此处要用不定式表示目的。 23.D 【命题意图】 考查状语从句。

【解题思路】 \你还住在乡下吗?\是啊。我不想离开我那个房子,尽管它很破旧。\由语境可知,空处前后两句为让步关系,此处需要一个能引导让步状语从句的连词,故用though。 24.B 【命题意图】 考查倒装。

【解题思路】 句意:只有观察雨滴是怎样汇入小溪的,你才能理解实现梦想是需要众多小的成就的。only位于句首时句子要用部分倒装,即把助动词、情态动词、系动词be放在主语前面,故选B。 25.D 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 根据空后的\ permitting, we will.\可判断用\ depends\其含义为\视情况而定\。 26.B 【命题意图】 考查动词的时态。

【解题思路】 句意:在海鲜市场旁边长大,我的童年(记忆)里满是新鲜的鱼。提到长大的过程和童年,说明说话人现在已经不在童年时期,故用一般过去时。

27.C 【命题意图】 考查代词。

【解题思路】 句意:你记录了所有的对话,似乎每个和你谈过话的人都彼此略有差异。another\另一个,又一个\后需要跟名词;the other指两者中的另一个;the others相当于the other people/things,符合句意,故选C项。 28.A 【命题意图】 考查定语从句。

【解题思路】 空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词world-famous director,而且根据句意,后面应该表示的是\他的三部电影\因此用关系代词whose作定语。

29.C 【命题意图】 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】 把挂在外面的衣服收起来。你知道,乌云预示着大雨。promise在此意为\预示\。support\支持\邀请\提交\。 30.D 【命题意图】 考查动词时态。

【解题思路】 根据时间状语\ month\可知,说话人说的是将来的事情,故第一空应用现在进行时表示将来;第二空,would rather 后面应接一般过去时表示将来。

31.B 【命题意图】 考查表语从句。

【解题思路】 句意:中国在飞速发展,这也就是我认为我的那些跟中国打交道的同事应该访问中国的原因。用在系动词后,表示原因,因此用why引导表语从句。B项正确。

32.B 【命题意图】 考查副词。

【解题思路】 句意:我们是全心投入到这项工程中的,否则我们就不会来这儿了。otherwise\否则,不然\符合句意。however\然而,不过\此外,而且\因此,所以\。

33.A 【命题意图】 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】 ——Tom最近玩太多电脑游戏了。——是的,这也许是他期中考试失利的原因。A项表示\是……的说明(或原因)\符合语境。B项表示\对……负责,因……受到谴责\项表示\要求,请求\项表示\代表\。 34.C 【命题意图】 考查情态动词。

【解题思路】 句意:如果你非去不可,至少要等到雨停之后。must\必须\可表示说话人的主观看法,符合句意。can表能力或推测,may表示可能性时语气较弱,will表客观将来或意志、决心,均不符合句意。 35.A 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 ——你能帮我把这些信打好并用电子邮件发送吗?——当然可以。A项表示客气地接受或同意,意为\当然了,很愿意\符合语境。B项是对别人表示感谢时的一种礼貌回答,意为\不客气,很乐意效劳\项表示\别客气,不用谢\也是用于回答别人的道谢;D项表示\为何理由,为何目的\通常用来询问对方的意图。 第二节 完形填空

【解题导语】 作者在找工作的过程中对一名路人出手相助,并因此得到一家公司人力资源部经理的赏识,在这家公司得到了一份工作。 【重点词语链接】 (1) miracle n.奇迹 perform/work miracles 创造/产生奇迹

do/work miracles/wonders (for/with sb./sth.) (对某人/物)有奇效,极成功 (2)spread v. 展开;散布

spread oneself占用很多地方(如四肢摊开躺着) The water spread over the floor. 水流了一地。

36.C 【解题思路】 语境表示\当公交车停下时\ up表示\使车)停住(停下)\符合语境。pick up\捡起,接(某人)\ up\开始花时间从事\ up\建造\均不符合语境。

37.B 【解题思路】 她失业了,因此连房子也没有了,因此选B项。appointment\预约\钱\方向\均不符合语境。 38.A 【解题思路】 这里表示她在这一带无亲无故,因此选A项\家人\。

39.D 【解题思路】 结合语境的tonight判断,她无亲无故,没有住处,不知道自己晚上该到哪里住宿,故选D项。 40.A 【解题思路】 作者在钱包里翻找,拿出了一些车票和五美元。dig\翻找,搜寻\符合语境。 41.D 【解题思路】 这里叙述的是作者一连串的动作,因此选D项。

42.C 【解题思路】 根据语境可知,这里表示\在回家之前受冻15分钟\故应用before引导时间状语从句,表示\在……之前\。

43.B 【解题思路】 作者认为,只要能让她无论在哪里都会暖和一些,自己挨一会儿冻也是值得的。根据语境选B表示\值得的\。 accessible\易得到的,易进入的\可靠的\关心的,体贴的\。

44.C 【解题思路】 参见上题解析。因此这里用end up\最终处于\。

45.B 【解题思路】 联系上下文可知,作者给他人送去温暖,司机便不要他的车费,这里表示爱心的传播,因此选B项。 46.B 【解题思路】 这里表示作者上了公交车,然后去买车票,用fare表示\公共汽车、火车、飞机等的)票价\。 47.A 【解题思路】 公交车司机笑着告诉作者车票由他来付。

48.B 【解题思路】 作者上车之后,有位穿着职业装的女士叫我到她的座位那里去。这里用call sb. over表示\把某人叫/喊过去\。 49.D 【解题思路】 结合语境看,显然这位女士是被作者的善举打动,故用inspiring表示\鼓舞人心的\。 50.A 【解题思路】 由空后的句子可知,该空应用respond表示\反应,回答\。

51.D 【解题思路】 联系上下文可知,这位女士目睹了作者帮助别人的情景,想为作者做点什么,因此选D表示\目击,亲眼看见\。 52.D 【解题思路】 这里意为有个助理的位置空缺着,故用vacant表示\职位)空额的\。

53.B 【解题思路】 原来,这位女士是这家公司人力资源部的经理。turn out\最后结果是\符合语境。 54.C 【解题思路】 由语境可知,此处表示作者去公司参加求职面试,因此本空选C\面试\。

55.A 【解题思路】 作者当初帮助那个人的时候没想到会有这么多的回报。用expect表示\预料\。 第三部分 阅读理解 第一节


【解题导语】 \众口难调\这就是服务工作不好做的最大原因。但作者积极改进服务方法,满足人们的要求,用自己周到热情的服务赢得了顾客,受到了人们的好评。

【长难句解读】 I learnt how to say \ you like ...\ in several languages and tried to see everyone",s name badges (which also indicated where they were from) to make sure that they understood what I was saying to them.

分析:这是一个复杂句式。learnt和tried为并列谓语,to make sure...为目的状语,其后跟that从句。在这个that引导的宾语从句中又包含一个由what引导的宾语从句。

译文:我学会了用几种语言说\你愿意……吗\并尽力看清楚每个人的胸卡(上面显示他们来自哪里)以便确保他们明白我对他们说的话。 56.B 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据第三段内容可知,人们的要求各种各样,作者想要满足每一个人的需求是不可能的,而且根据本段最后一句中的\ an hour of this it started to get old\可知,第一天的工作困难重重,作者疲于应付。因此选择B。 57.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由第五、第六段可知,作者学习多种语言以便沟通,而且用微笑服务,热情周到,并礼貌地赞扬别人的穿着,即作者靠\热情周到的服务\赢得顾客;第七段中的\一词也是提示。故D项正确。 58.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由倒数第二段可知,一开始人们并不理解作者的做法,并通过\ you sure?\提出质疑,也就是对作者的举动表示怀疑,故选择A。 59.C 【命题意图】 考查标题判断。

【解题思路】 通读本文可知,这篇文章讲述了作者在餐厅工作中热情服务,做好分内分外事,让人们打消各种顾虑,满意用餐的故事,同时文章中有\ even got an award for the best servers at the end!\的暗示,故C为最佳标题。


【解题导语】 这是一篇说明文,作者通过自己的经历引出\行为模仿\这一话题,并通过描述各种情景解释\行为模仿\及其影响。 60.D 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 从第一段最后一句话以及下文内容可推知,作者用自己的经历作为例子,是为了引出\ mimicry\这一话题,故选D。 61.B 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据文中对\ mimicry\的诠释中的关键词\ realizing it\ \ body postures to accents to drink patterns\等可判断B项的行为不属于行为模仿。

62.C 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 从最后一段的第一句可推知,人们对于研究结果有疑问,故选C。A项断章取义,最后一段只说这一发现对健康有影响,意识到行为模仿对饮食的重要影响对健康饮食有好处,而并未说行为模仿一定对健康有益;B项忽略了最后一段第二句中的\ least partly\故B项错误;D项是对最后一段的最后一句的错误理解。

63.B 【命题意图】 考查写作意图。

【解题思路】 本文第一段引出文章话题即\ mimicry\下文对\ mimicry\的概念和影响进行了说明,因此作者的写作意图是向读者介绍\行为模仿\及其影响。


【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了Museum of Northern Arizona的有关活动。 64.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章各个项目的参加者年级的限制可知,参加Dinosaurs的年级限制是在一到三年级,故C项正确。 65.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章最后一部分有关Grand Canyon Geology Program的介绍可知,在这个活动中,参加者可以了解到有关岩层和化石的知识。 66.B 【命题意图】 考查文章出处。

【解题思路】 本文主要是关于Museum of Northern Arizona的活动介绍,列举了各个活动的大体内容,故本文最可能出现在博物馆的网站上。


【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了法拉利与星巴克标识的由来。

【长难句解读】 The reason why Starbucks incorporated one in their company logo is that it was believed mermaids used to sing to sailors in order to make them walk away from their ship or to ground their ships.

分析:此句中why引导定语从句,修饰The reason,后面的that引导表语从句。

译文:星巴克的标识中有一只美人鱼的原因是人们认为美人鱼经常给水手唱歌,以诱使他们离开船只或使他们的船只搁浅。 67.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由第一段的后半部分可知,作者在看一部电影时,中间有个情节使他开始对一些公司标识的含义感兴趣。 68.B 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 由第一段中的\ try to sell us their products by...\可以推断,很多公司采用标识是为了让人们买其产品。 69.C 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据第二段的最后三句可以推断Ferrari汽车公司应该是由Enzo Ferrari创建的。 70.A 【命题意图】 考查词义猜测。

【解题思路】 根据这个词所在的这句话,可以猜测其为\包含\之意——在星巴克的标识里\有\一条美人鱼。 第二节

【解题导语】 本文是应用文,主要针对如何培养孩子的自尊心给家长提出了几点建议。

71. F 【解题思路】 第一段陈述了培养自尊的重要性。本空在第一段末尾,为过渡语,并结合下文内容可知,应填F。

72.D 【解题思路】 本段的大意是要表扬孩子。空前说在孩子做一件事的过程中,家长要对具体的行为和努力进行表扬,因此本空填D,意为:如果只表扬成功,那么孩子就会关注获胜的结果。

73.E 【解题思路】 本段的大意是要发现孩子的长处。本空填E符合段落主旨。意为:要经常指出孩子的优点,而且要具体。

74.C 【解题思路】 本段的大意是培养孩子的归属感。家长要关心孩子,倾听孩子的需求和想法。故本空选C。意为:无论他们提出的问题多么微不足道,家长也要表示关注。

75.A 【解题思路】 本空为段落标题。本段主要讲如何培养孩子独立做事的能力。因此本空填A,意为:培养独立精神。 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错

Do you know how it is that cats eat first and wash their hands and faces afterwards? One day a unlucky mouse was just about to be eaten

whyan with a cat. The mouse was quick-minded. He say to the cat, \",t you have any manner at all? Everyone knows you should wash your



hands and face before you eat.\ The cat ∧ ashamed at this and began to wash. Because the cat was washing happy , the mouse ran off, and so



the cat lost her meal. Ever since then cats have been

eaten first and washed them afterwards.

themselves第一处:how→why。【解题思路】 下文讲述猫先吃东西后洗脸的原因,故此处用why。 第二处:a → an。【解题思路】 unlucky的发音以元音音素开头,故应用an。

第三处:with→by。【解题思路】 eat的逻辑主语是cat,故应用by表示动作的发出者。

第四处:say→said。【解题思路】 文章是在讲过去的一个故事,结合文章中大部分动词的时态可知,此处也应用一般过去时。 第五处:manner→manners。【解题思路】 have manners 有礼貌。

第六处:ashamed前加was。【解题思路】 ashamed 为过去分词作表语,其前少系动词;因主语为第三人称单称,故应加was。

第七处:Because→While。【解题思路】 此处表示当猫洗脸时,老鼠跑了,前后两个动作是同时发生的,故用While引导时间状语从句。 第八处:happy→happily。【解题思路】 修饰动词应用副词。

第九处:去掉been。【解题思路】 cat与eat之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用主动语态。 第十处:them→themselves。【解题思路】 主语和宾语相同,宾语用反身代词。 第二节 书面表达

【思路导航】 本题要求写一篇有关野生动物保护的英语短文。根据提示可知本文可分三段来写:第一段写野生动物的生存现状;第二段谈谈你对野生动物保护的认识;第三段提出至少两条有针对性的建议。


From the media we know that the problem is serious that wild animals are hunted and killed without mercy, and some are even eaten by people. As a result, the number of wild animals in the wild is dropping sharply. Some rare animals such as golden monkeys and crocodiles are even in danger of disappearing.

If it goes on like this, wild animals will no longer exist one day. So we should attach importance to protecting wild animals. On the one hand, wild animals are our good friends, and protecting them is protecting ourselves. On the other hand, wild animals together with man make the harmonious world, that is, protecting them will help keep the balance of nature.

It",s time we took measures to protect wild animals! I suggest we should not eat or raise wild animals, and not wear clothes made of real leather or fur. What",s more, the government should make laws and regulations to protect wild animals and punish the criminals.

【亮点点击】 本文按要求非常成功地完成了写作:主题突出,段落分明,对野生动物的现状描写细致,认识和建议表达准确。具体来说,以下几点很有特色:(1)句式多样,如\ it goes on like this, wild animals will no longer exist on day.\ \",s time we took measures to protect wild animals!\过渡词的使用是本文的另一大特色,如as a result, on the one hand...on the other hand, that is, what",s more等。 附:听力参考材料 Text 1

M: How do you fight a cold? W: I don",t depend on medicine. I just try to get some rest. It seems that the body does certain natural recovering while you sleep. Text 2

M: Mary, it",s better to wait until Friday to leave. Don",t you agree? W: I couldn",t agree more. Text 3

W: Sir, is there still time for me to have a drink on this flight? M: Yes, but you",ll have to drink it fast because we",ll be landing in a second. W: OK. A cup of coffee, please. M: Please wait for a moment. Text 4 M: If you",d like to go there for dinner this evening, I",ll phone the restaurant. W: Thank you, but I promised my sister I",d take her to the airport. Text 5 M: I",ve looked through your application. You have experience in this position. W: Yes. I",ve worked in this position for three years. Text 6

W: What does the driving test require?

M: There are four parts. The first involves questions mainly related to traffic regulations, driving knowledge and emergency response. W: It",s a piece of cake. I have studied all those before.

M: The traffic regulations here are different from those of your own country; plus they are written in Chinese. W: Yeah, my Chinese needs to be improved. What about the other three parts?

M: The second is a practice road test in a controlled environment. The third tests your driving skills in a similar environment and the fourth tests your skills in the real world.

W: That sounds easy! I",m great when it comes to driving. Text 7

M: Hello. I",m looking for Mrs. Smith",s office. W: I",m Mrs. Smith. Come on in.

M: I was at the Student Health Services yesterday. They told me that I have a health problem. They told me to see you about it, so here I am. W: OK. Tell me your age, height and your weight. And show me your school identification card. M: 19 years old, 175 centimeters and 90 kilos.

W: OK. First I think you",d better give up some kinds of food. So say goodbye to potato chips and hamburgers. You are a bit overweight. M: Oh, no!

W: Yes, and goodbye to processed foods in general. But you can have almost all fruits and vegetables. M: All right. I will try my best to lose weight somehow. W: Good. And don",t worry too much. If you exercise regularly, you",ll start feeling better soon. Text 8

W: Professor Jones, you",re well-known in town as a professor of mathematics at the City College. We",re writing about what professional people do in their spare time for our paper. May I ask you a few questions about your favorite hobby? M: Sure, I love discussing my hobby with people. I",m a coin collector. W: How long have you been collecting coins?

M: Since I was 12 years old. My uncle gave me a book with spaces to put coins into. W: How did your interest grow?

M: I filled that book and continued to look at the coins that passed through my hands, searching for rare and old ones. W: Where do you find the coins for your collection?

M: Sometimes in my pocket change, but usually I buy them from other collectors or trade for others. W: What does your collection consist of now?

M: I have over 5, 000 valuable coins which have doubled in value. W: You seem very business-like in your hobby.

M: Well, do you think so? But my hobby is mainly based on interest.

W: Thank you for the answers, Professor Jones. I think people will like to read about your hobby. Text 9

M: Michelle, why are you dancing? I thought we had to study for our math test! W: Oh, hi, Drake! I was just doing some exercise. I thought you wouldn",t get here until later. Let me turn the music off. M: You exercise by dancing? I thought things like running and bicycling were considered exercise. W: Well, those are other good ways to work out, but I like to dance. It",s fun to move around to music, and you can definitely work up a sweat. Do you like to dance?

M: I sometimes dance at parties, but I am not a very good dancer. For exercise, I prefer playing soccer. I want to get really good this year. I hope to make the soccer team in the fall.

W: Cool! I know you like to go to the park on the weekends and play soccer. Maybe you should try dancing, and I will try playing soccer. M: Do you know how to play soccer? It is really very easy once you try, but it does take some practice. W: I can",t play soccer very well, even though I used to play a lot when I was a kid. If you teach me some of your soccer moves, I",ll teach you some dance moves! How does that sound? M: It",s a deal. If there weren",t the math test tomorrow, we could definitely go to the gym right now. W: Right. No more fun and games. Let me get my notebook. Text 10

From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and on weekends they are free to relax and enjoy themselves. Some watch TV or go to the movies. Others take part in sports. There are many different ways to spend their spare time.

Almost everyone has some kind of hobbies. It may be anything from collecting stamps to making model airplanes. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others don",t cost anything at all. Some collections are worth a lot of money. Others are valuable only to the owners.

I know a man who has a coin collection worth $250. He was very happy about his purchase and thought the price was reasonable. On the other hand, my youngest brother collects matchboxes. He has almost 600 of them but I doubt if they are worth any money. However, to my brother they are extremely valuable. Nothing makes him happier than to find a new matchbox for his collection.

That is what a hobby means, I guess. It is something we like to do in our spare time simply for fun. The value in dollars is not important. We do it for the pleasure it gives us.


【考纲梳理与考向预测】 2013年新课标高考英语科《考试大纲》体现出以下特点:(1)命题基本稳定,保证知识覆盖面,尽可能增加综合性与语境化的因素,强调语言运用;(2)试卷难度适中;(3)强调语言测试的交际性原则,加大对语言交际能力的考查力度,不仅考查语言知识,更侧重考查语言运用。


【测试评价与备考策略】 本套试题的命制非常重视\双基\对考生语言知识的运用能力考查到位,考查范围广,重点突出。尽管部分试题难度略有上升,但总体难度适中,能够较好地测试考生各方面的能力。同时,也不能忽略考生存在的以下问题:



(1)在词汇学习上,应注意在特定的、生活化的语境里掌握词汇,并重点掌握常用词的用法。 (2)在句法上,应掌握常用句型及其所适用的具体语境和话题。应当分类学习句型,在掌握传统的语法分类的基础上,按日常交际需要和实际生活话题进行分类,学会在具体语境中灵活运用句型。 (3)采取有力措施提高语篇理解能力,特别是增强语篇整合能力。为此,考生应当努力改变以往重语法、轻意义,重语句、轻语篇的学习习惯。 (4)增强语言运用的熟练程度,提高语言的反应速度,特别要提高对各种特定语境的反应速度,从而加大在有限时间内的语言信息处理量。(5)提高应试技能,准确把握时间,调整考试心态,进一步提高应试能力。

第一部分 听力

1—5 CBACC 6—10 BCAAB 11—15 BBCCA 16—20 CCAAC 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空

21.A 【命题意图】 考查冠词。

【解题思路】 根据语境可知,第一空,\个人信息的盗用\是特指概念,故用定冠词the;第二空,\有效的法律\表示泛指,且effective laws本身为复数形式,故不填。

22.B 【命题意图】 考查动词时态。

【解题思路】 句意:当他们听见一个女孩呼救时,他们已经在黑暗的乡村小路上闲逛将近两个小时了。根据句意可知,空处的动作发生在heard之前,且一直延续到heard这一时间,因此用过去完成进行时,故选B。 23.B 【命题意图】 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】 句意:根据目前的形势,快速解决争端的可能性微乎其微。stand\处于某种状态\符合句意。 24.C 【命题意图】 考查情态动词。

【解题思路】 根据语境可知,答语表示\哦,他不可能走远——他的外套还在这儿\",t have done表示对过去情况的否定推测,即过去不可能做了(某事),故C项正确。

25.C 【命题意图】 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】 根据语境可知,这位年轻人谦虚而努力,因此逐步建立了自己的地位。build up\建立\符合题意。take up\占据,从事\ up\抚养,教育\ up\搭起,张贴\。

26.A 【命题意图】 考查从句的引导词。

【解题思路】 分析题干可知,此处考查同位语从句的引导词,引导词本身无意义,也不作成分,故用that。 27.D 【命题意图】 考查固定用法。

【解题思路】 句意:你还是希望并等待某地的某个人来营救你,他魔杖一挥使你的生活马上有所好转吗?for the better\有所好转\。 28.A 【命题意图】 考查时态和语态。

【解题思路】 句意:你感觉那座桥有2 000米吗?看起来没那么长啊!此处measure为系动词,意为\尺寸为\。此处描述事实情况,应用一般现在时,故选择A项。

29.C 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 根据前后的逻辑关系可知,这位女士被子孙围绕,快乐地庆祝自己的90岁生日,因此用过去分词作状语。 【易错点拨】 注意being done表示\正在被……\。 30.C 【命题意图】 考查状语从句。

【解题思路】 根据句子结构和语境可知,人们通常认为住在其他地方比住在自己所在的地方要幸福,是地点状语从句。 31.B 【命题意图】 考查代词。

【解题思路】 分析题干可知,空处替代的是the method of teaching, 是特指概念,故用that。 32.B 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 根据语境可知,此处表示\同意\对方的观点,故用I",m with you there。 33.B 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 根据逻辑关系可知,后半句在句中作状语,其主语与主句主语不一致,因此要用独立主格结构;而\阳光\照射下来,前后是主动关系,因此用现在分词构成独立主格结构。

34.D 【命题意图】 考查介词短语辨析。

【解题思路】 根据语境可知,此处建议对方\提前\购票,in advance\提前\符合语境。at ease\舒服,自得\ detail\详细地\ at length\详尽地,最终\。 35.D 【命题意图】 考查情景交际。

【解题思路】 根据语境可知,因为没听明白对方的话,因此让对方说得慢一些,故D项正确。 【易错点拨】 C项与后面的回答\ of course.\不符。 第二节 完形填空

【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过讲述自己从害怕打针到决定注射流感疫苗的经历明白这样一个道理:恐惧可以让事情看起来比实际可怕,因此我们要克服内心的恐惧。

36.B 【解题思路】 由语境可知,作者从未注射过流感疫苗,对此有很多合理的解释。下面列举了原因。reasonable\合理的\符合语境。 37.D 【解题思路】 老板表示如果员工患流感的话,那么应该在家里工作。由语境可知此处应是老板的指示。 38.C 【解题思路】 不能冒险把病毒带到办公室。risk doing sth.意为\冒险做某事\。

39.D 【解题思路】 因此那些想在家工作的人便在街上到处走,想让有病的人对他们呼吸(他们想得病,以便于回家工作)。

40.A 【解题思路】 除了有可能在家工作外,还有一种可能性就是流感疫苗会产生\类流感症状\的副作用。apart from表示\除……外\。 41.B 【解题思路】 参见上题解析。possibility表示\可能性\符合语境。

42.C 【解题思路】 难道注射流感疫苗的全部目的不是避免\类流感症状\吗?point\目的,意图\符合语境。 43.A 【解题思路】 为什么注射流感疫苗呢?它可能给你带来正想要避免的东西。

44.B 【解题思路】 本段讲述的作者不注射流感疫苗的另一个原因,此处表示作者认为这没有道理。make sense意为\有道理,解释得通\符合语境。 45.C 【解题思路】 由下一句中的\ needles\可知,作者讨厌打针,因此选hate。 46.A 【解题思路】 此处指针头推过皮肤。push\推\符合语境。 47.D 【解题思路】 作者对打针的恐惧胜过流感,因此选afraid。

48.C 【解题思路】 由后面的\ are dying of the flu\可知,今年的流感季看起来很严重。terrible\厉害的,非常严重的\符合语境。 49.B 【解题思路】 由上文可知,一些人因为流感而死,所以公共卫生官员称之为\公共健康的危急时刻\因此选emergency。 50.A 【解题思路】 空处前后两句话是转折关系,因此用并列连词but。

51.A 【解题思路】 恐惧让人做一些奇怪的事情。由下文举的例子可知,strange\奇怪的\符合语境。

52.C 【解题思路】 有些大块头、有胆量的人看到不是很大的蜘蛛都会尖叫着跑开。他们害怕蜘蛛,因此此处应是\尖叫\。 53.C 【解题思路】 恐惧让强者变得脆弱。因此选weak。

54.A 【解题思路】 上段的最后作者提到的一句德国谚语:恐惧让狼变大。针对这句谚语,作者认为,现在是时候让狼缩小到本来的大小。动词shrink意为\使缩小\符合语境。

55.D 【解题思路】 此处指作者最终克服了内心的恐惧,决定下周见医生时注射流感疫苗,故填appointment,意为\和医生的)约定\。

第三部分 阅读理解



【解题导语】 作者通过自己上健身课的经历,体会到失败对成功来说是必不可少的。

【长难句解读】 If you believe that your talents are inborn or fixed, then you will try to avoid failure at all costs because failure is proof of your limitations.


译文:如果你相信你的天赋是天生的或是既定的,那么你会不惜一切代价去避免失败,因为失败证明了你能力有限。 56.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由作者和Calvin的对话,尤其第七段可知,在Calvin看来,\不断地锻炼肌肉直到举不动的时候,肌肉才会增长\。故答案为B项。 57.A 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 文章以乔丹为例,想说明我们要有一个成长的心态,可以利用失败来提高自己。故答案为A项。 58.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由文章倒数第三段第二、三句话可知,设定只有50%~70%的成功可能性的目标是最有效的。故选择D项。


【解题导语】 这是一篇说明文,主要介绍了珊瑚礁的一些基本情况及潜水欣赏珊瑚礁的注意事项。 【长难句解读】 It doesn",t matter if you choose just the snorkel or the scuba instead to spot the colourful underwater world, but try to touch as little as possible, be careful with the corals and don",t strike the fishes, because the complex ecosystem is very sensitive.

分析:此句由but连接的两个并列分句构成。第一个分句是\ doesn",t matter if...\结构;第二个分句包含三个祈使句和一个原因状语从句。


59.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第一段中的\ pollution, climate change and commercial fisheries are limiting the chance...\可知,污染、气候变化和商业捕鱼对珊瑚礁有影响,而海洋生物是不会影响珊瑚礁的,因此答案选D。 60.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由第三段的最后一句\ South Africa",s east coast offers much brightly coloured sea life.\和第四段可知,在南非的东海岸有很多的珊瑚礁,因此这里适合进行reef diving。 61.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由第三段中的前两句可知,珊瑚礁常位于温暖的、海水干净的海域。 62.B 【命题意图】 考查段落大意。

【解题思路】 第四段讲述了进行reef diving需要的设备,强调了不能一个人去,还提醒人们在海底要注意珊瑚和鱼类,这些都是潜水的注意事项,故选B。


【解题导语】 美国亚马逊公司新近研发了一款针对智能手机等移动设备的安全气囊,它在手机跌落过程中会自动弹出,使手机免受摔\伤\之苦。 【长难句解读】 Then, if it is determined that the device has been dropped, the technology will set off the release of airbags and could even include air jets to change its course in mid-air.


译文:一旦系统确定手机正处于跌落状态,便会立即弹出安全气囊,甚至还会喷射空气以改变手机在跌落过程中的运行轨迹。 63.C 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 第一句话就提到一瞬间的粗心就可能带来极大的损失,接着提到iPhone掉下时会摔坏屏幕,维修屏幕应该价格不菲。故C项符合文意。

64.B 【命题意图】 考查词义猜测。

【解题思路】 根据文意和常识可知,打开气囊的作用应该是为了减缓冲击,soften意思是\使柔和,使缓和\符合语境。 65.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第二段以及第四、五段可以知道答案为B项。 66.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由最后一段中的\ expressed concerns about the practicality of its production\可知,他对这项发明投入生产的可行性表示担忧,故C项符合文意。


【解题导语】 研究人员宣称发现了第一张庆祝家庭圣诞节的录音唱片。

【长难句解读】 Some of the later recordings were made during World War I when three of the children, who appeared in earlier recordings were absent from recordings, away at war.

分析:本句为复合句。主句是\ of the later recordings were made during World War I\引导一个定语从句,修饰World War I, who引导一个定语从句,修饰\ of the children\。 67.B 【命题意图】 考查主旨大意。

【解题思路】 根据全文主旨句\ have discovered what they believe to be the first ever recordings of a family Christmas.\可知,研究人员宣称发现了第一张庆祝家庭圣诞节的录音唱片。故B项最能概括本文主旨。 68.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第三段中的\ Julia Hoffbrand, a researcher at the Museum of London who helped restore the recordings\可知,Julia Hoffbrand负责修复了录音唱片。

69.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第三段第一句中的\‘When I first heard the recordings, I jumped with joy,’ said Julia Hoffbrand\可知,当Julia Hoffbrand第一次听到这个录音的时候她感到非常兴奋。 70.B 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据最后一段中的\ and cylinders were expensive at that time, so you had to have a certain level of income to record\可知,留声机和蜡筒唱片当时都非常昂贵,一个家庭要有可观的经济收入才能录制唱片,故可推断Wall一家当时非常富有。 第二节

71—75 CGBFD 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错

Once a professor at Glasgow University put up a notice, which was

read: \ Brown will meet his class tomorrow.\ This means that he was going to give his student a lecture ∧ next day. One naughty



boy of the class saw the notice but wiped away the first letter of the word \ in the notice. Then the sentence becomes \ Brown will meet his lass tomorrow.\ that means the professor would meet his girlfriend. When the professor saw this, he didn",t take it serious . He, then,



simply left out other letter of the word. Finally, the word \ was turned in \ which mean , as we all know, \ stupid donkey\




第一处:去掉was。【解题思路】 read在此为不及物动词,表示\告示上写着\。

第二处:student→students。【解题思路】 根据\ class\可知,这里应指他的学生们,所以用复数形式。 第三处:next day前加the。【解题思路】 the next day 表示\第二天\。

第四处:but→and。【解题思路】 班上一个淘气的男生看到了,擦掉了class的第一个字母。这两句是并列关系。 第五处:becomes→became。【解题思路】 故事发生在过去,故此处用过去时。 第六处:that→which。【解题思路】 非限制性定语从句,指物,关系代词用which。 第七处:serious→seriously。【解题思路】 take it seriously认真对待。

第八处:other→another。【解题思路】 单词中的另一个字母,所以是another。 第九处:in→into。【解题思路】 turn into\变成\为固定短语。

第十处:mean→means。【解题思路】 which指代单词ass,故谓语动词应用单数。 第二节 书面表达

【思路导航】 根据要求本文应从三方面进行写作:(1)开门见山,点名主题;(2)根据所给提示从正反两方面对论点进行阐述;(3)你的观点。 【范文赏读】

Recently we have had a discussion about whether middle school students should go abroad for short-term overseas study tours. Opinions are divided as follows.

About 60% of us think it wise to go on short-term overseas study tours,through which we can get closer to some famous schools and have a better knowledge of them. Meanwhile, we can also experience the life of studying abroad ahead of schedule.

The rest hold different views. In their opinion, the fees are too high for most parents to afford. Besides, middle school students who spend most of their time at school,should spare some time with their parents. Worse still,some students do so only to satisfy their vanity.

Personally, short-term overseas study tours may be a motivation for me to study harder. It can also serve as a test showing whether a student is able to live an independent life abroad or not.

【亮点点击】 本篇文章内容完整,结构清晰,语言流畅。meanwhile,besides,worse still等词语的使用使文章衔接自然;through which引导的非限制性定语从句、whether引导的宾语从句等使文章档次有所提升。 附:听力参考材料 Text 1

W: I just bought the skirt at a sale. I paid only $56 for it. How do you like it? M: It",s very nice, but my sister bought the same thing for half the price. Text 2

W: Paul, did you take part in either of Helen",s last two family parties? M: No, I didn",t take part in either of them.

W: Why not? I know you are good friends and have grown to love each other. M: Yes, but her parents don",t like me any more. Text 3

W: Hi, John. What",s wrong?

M: I can hardly make ends meet these days. W: Me, too. I haven",t bought any new clothes for three months. M: Our income remains the same but prices just continue to rise. Text 4

W: My hand still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something. M: I",m not a doctor. But it",s not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest for a few days. Text 5

W: Do you have all your meals in the dining room? M: No, just lunch. W: How",s the food?

M: Not so bad. But I don",t think the cooking agrees with my taste. Text 6

W: Eddy, do you recycle? M: No, I don",t know how. I need help with figuring out the way to reuse things.

W: Then you are asking the right person. I recycle newspapers, plastic water bottles, juice bottles and cans. M: Really? Tell me how you recycle your newspapers.

W: Many ways. I recycle my newspapers by using them to clean windows, wrap presents and... M: But I only do my windows once a year.

W: Well, I also save toilet paper rolls and tightly roll newspapers into the paper rolls to start a fire for our fireplace. M: But I don",t have a fireplace.

W: Then you can send your used newspapers to the recycling centre. You know, old newspapers can be recycled and made into newspapers again. M: Yes, at least I can save some trees. Text 7

M: Guess what, Tina! The University of Auckland in New Zealand has offered me a scholarship. W: Great! When are you going? M: That",s just it. I may not go. What would you do if your boyfriend asked you not to go? W: Well, I would invite him to come with me. M: I",ve tried that. She said she won",t go. And she might break up with me. W: That",s ridiculous! If I were you, I would warn her not to try to control me. I missed a big opportunity once. M: What happened?

W: I was offered a job in Thailand, but my husband disliked the idea so I didn",t go. I should have taken the job. I",ve always regretted my decision. In my situation, what would you have done? M: Oh, I would have accepted the offer. W: Well, there",s the answer to your problem. Accept your scholarship. Text 8

W: My goodness, what a charming restaurant! It has such an old-country air about it. M: Yes, it",s one of the best Italian restaurants in town. The decoration is pleasant, the music is good, and the food is delicious. W: Is that the owner",s wife over there? She",s dressed in the very European fashion.

M: She is the owner. She goes to Italy every year to keep in touch with the trends in fashion and food, and in decoration too. But she doesn",t actually change the food or decoration here very much, or the restaurant would lose some of its attraction to the customers. W: Like the red and white tablecloths, you mean?

M: Exactly. And the music. But she always wears the latest style in clothing. W: Yes. Well, what shall we order? M: I",d like to have either seafood or chicken, since I had red meat last night. W: I",d like to try this beef dish and wine. M: OK. I",ll get the chicken dish and wine. Text 9

W: Good morning, I am calling about the job that was in the paper last night. M: Well, could you tell me your name? W: Candid Forseat.

M: Oh yes, what exactly is it that interests you about the job? W: Well, I thought it was just right for me.

M: Really? Could you tell me a little about yourself? W: Yes. I am twenty-three. I",ve been working abroad. M: Where exactly have you been working? W: In Geneva.

M: Do you have any special reason for wanting to come back? W: I though it would be nice to be near to the family. M: I see and do you speak other foreign languages? W: French and Italian.

M: Well, I think the best thing for you to do is to reply in writing to the advertisement. W: Can",t I arrange for an interview now?

M: Well, I am afraid we must wait until all the applications are in writing and we will then decide on the short list, and if you are on the short list, of course we shall see you. W: Oh, I see.

M: I look forward to receiving your application in writing in a day or two. W: OK. Thank you very much, goodbye. M: Goodbye! Text 10

Bill is my friend. We once shared a rented apartment at college. Living with Bill was fun. We soon found out that we had a lot in common and quickly became close friends. We always had really good discussions about everything: politics, environment, literature, music, and even cooking. But we felt unhappy with each other a couple of times about the housework. Bill often asked me to do more clean, while I thought life",s too short to worry about things like that.

When we graduated three years ago, we went our separate ways and since then our lives have been very different. I went back to my hometown and got a job as a production assistant for art exhibitions. I like my job because I",m helping young people to get involved in the arts. I",m not earning very much, but I get a lot of personal satisfaction from my job. Bill is earning a lot of money, but he doesn",t see me very often now. When he comes down for the weekend, we have a laugh, but our lifestyles are so different now that we don",t have very much to talk about.


【考纲梳理与考向预测】 分析2013年新课标高考英语《考试大纲》,我们可以清楚地看到,今年高考英语试卷仍将根据普通高校对考生文化素质的要求,参照教育部的《教学大纲》,并考虑中学教学实际进行命制,有利于中学素质教育的推进,有利于高校选拔人才。\稳定中求发展,发展中求创新\仍为今年的命题指导思想。具体表现在以下几个方面。(1)试卷的命制始终保持以下几个特点:突出语篇;强调运用;注重交际。语言知识题的命制原则为:保证知识点的覆盖面;尽可能增加综合性与语境化因素。语言运用题的命制原则为:语言必须放在实际的并尽可能不同的情景中进行考查;语言必须适合具体的交际场合。(2)今年高考英语试卷的难度将与去年保持一致。试卷将从各个不同的方面考查考生对英语知识的掌握情况。预计今年高考英语试题将进一步强调语言测试的交际性原则,加大对篇章结构分析能力的考查力度,具体表现在:(1)听力以真实的语料设题考查考生的听力理解能力。(2)单项填空部分会着重考查考生在语境中运用语法的能力和对词义的正确理解,加强对英语知识综合运用能力的考查,知识覆盖面广。(3)完形填空和阅读理解的选材可能会更加广泛,对整体篇章的理解能力将是今年考查的重点。特别是完形填空将会加大对篇章层面推断的考查,即要求考生从前后句和前后段的综合理解推断中作出选择。阅读理解题将会增加对深层推断题、主旨大意题的测试力度。

【测试评价与备考策略】 本套试题难度与2012年新课标高考英语试卷的难度相当,但部分题型难度略有上升。整套试题中没有偏、难、怪题,具有较好的区分度。测试效果较为明显,达到了预期的测试目的。从试题测试结果来看,考生基础知识掌握得较好,同时也具备了一定的综合能力,但也暴露了一些平时复习过程中存在的问题。(1)综合运用语言知识的能力不够,主要表现在单项填空部分的词义辨析和完形填空的答题上。这就要求考生在今后的复习中,注意对一词多义的记忆以及对同义词的辨析。(2)阅读理解的薄弱环节主要表现在利用文章结构特点进行推理判断和主旨归纳等方面。针对这一问题,考生应注意加强阅读训练,掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读速度。(3)书面表达部分要注意段落之间的连贯,表达上要注意尽量运用较高级的句式以及过渡性词语,同时要加强对各种体裁范文的积累。

第一部分 听力

1—5 BCBAC 6—10 CBCAC 11—15 CBACB 16—20 ACBBC 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空

21.C 【命题意图】 考查冠词。

【解题思路】 句意:英语已经成为全世界范围内的通用语言,而且本身也在不断变化。第一空,users泛指\全世界的使用者\不加冠词;第二空则特指前面提到的英语这门语言,故应加the。因此选C。 22.B 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 第一个说话人提议去看电影,故选B项,表示同意对方的建议。A项用于回答对方的道谢,C项表示\你 )去吧\项表示\别客气\都不符合语境。

23.D 【命题意图】 考查状语从句。

【解题思路】 句意:我觉得你没必要买这么一本英语词典,除非你每天都要用它。根据句意,这里应用unless引导条件状语从句,表示\除非\。 【易错点拨】 本题易误选C。since引导时间状语从句时表示\自从\引导原因状语从句时表示\既然\陈述已经发生的动作。 24.C 【命题意图】 考查句式。

【解题思路】 句意:无论你的年纪有多大,重返课堂都会提升你的事业,甚至是智力。从语意的连贯来看, 这里是\祈使句+and+陈述句\结构,因此选C。

25.C 【命题意图】 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】 句意:你的作文写得很好,但是篇幅略显短些。你把它扩充一下会更好。由句意可知,应是把作文篇幅\扩展\故选择C。 26.C 【命题意图】 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】 句意:随着求职季的到来,许多毕业生都感到焦虑不安。kick off\会议、活动等)开始\符合句意。put off\推迟\ off \飞机)起飞\ off\出发,动身\。

27.D 【命题意图】 考查动词的时态。

【解题思路】 语境表示事故发生的时候该公司的董事长正在国外的一个旅游胜地。事故发生在过去,故此处应用过去进行时表示当时正在进行的动作。

28.B 【命题意图】 考查定语从句的引导词。

【解题思路】 分析题干可知,引导词本身作地点状语,修饰a point in life\生活中的一个阶段\因此用where。

【易错点拨】 注意,有些不是表示地点的名词,如situation, stage, case, point等,后面的定语从句也用where引导。 29.A 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 句意:由于要种上许多花草树木,我们新建的学校看上去将更美。因为主句的时态为一般将来时,所以种植花草树木的动作应发生在将来,因此非谓语动词用动词不定式,且花草树木与种植之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故A项正确。 30.C 【命题意图】 考查强调句。

【解题思路】 分析句子可知,该题为强调句,强调的部分是由not...but...连接的动名词短语。 31.D 【命题意图】 考查代词。

【解题思路】 语境表示\我\以前读过的他的小说都比不上这一本,前面提到\ of his novels\故这里应用none表替代,表示\三者或三者以上)都不\其他选项均不符合句意。

【易错点拨】 本题易误选A或C。none可指人或物,注意其用法(=no+前述名词);而no one= nobody,只用来指人,不与of连用;注意none与 neither的含义区别,none是\三者或三者以上)都不\是\两者)都不\。 32.B 【命题意图】 考查情态动词。

【解题思路】 句意:你得注意,食用过多的方便面可能对我们的身体造成伤害。may表示\可能\符合句意。 33.A 【命题意图】 考查时态。

【解题思路】 由句意可知,\后来这个数字被大大地减少\是后发生的动作并且发生在过去,plan是在此之前的打算,故应该用过去完成时,表示过去的过去。

34.C 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 第一个说话人提出要看看销售的房子,此时应该用C项作答,表示\请这边走\。A是餐饮用语,\请自便\我请客\不客气\。 35.A 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 句意:据报道,最近几个月出现在我国很多地区的雾霾已经引起了大家对空气质量的注意。从句式结构看,这里应该用\主语+be reported+不定式\结构,由于此处不定式的动作已经发生,故用完成式。 第二节 完形填空

【解题导语】 Oscar本是一只流浪狗,但是它非常幸运地被Joanne Lefson收养,并和主人一起到世界各地去帮助更多的流浪狗。 36.B 【解题思路】 根据下文内容可知,Oscar和主人一起环游世界,因此答案是B。 37.A 【解题思路】 此句的意思是:Oscar成为世界上第一只旅行200 000公里的狗。

38.D 【解题思路】 文章下文讲的是Oscar的故事,故此处应是指故事的开始,因此答案是D。

39.A 【解题思路】 根据下一句中的\ officials at the rescue center were 40 to kill him\可知,救助中心没有为它找到合适的家。fail to do sth.\没有做成某事\。

40.C 【解题思路】 根据文章全文可推知,因为Oscar是一只流浪狗,在没有给它找到一个合适的家的情况下,救助中心打算杀掉它。 41.B 【解题思路】 因为Oscar当时只有两岁,因此B项最适合。其他选项都没有上下文暗示。

42.D 【解题思路】 由下文可知,Joanne Lefson将Oscar收养了。因此可推知她看了Oscar后就喜欢上了这只狗。 43.A 【解题思路】 由下文Oscar随主人一起环游世界可推知,它是一条令人称奇的狗。

44.D 【解题思路】 Joanne Lefson用行动告诉人们一个与普遍认识相反的事实,因此educate\教育\符合句意。 45.C 【解题思路】 \ or disturbed\和\ great dogs\之间是一种转折关系,因此答案用but。

46.A 【解题思路】 这里强调流浪狗的经历在某种程度上和人有点相似,都经历过一个不顺利的阶段,因此用similar。

47.B 【解题思路】 本段描述的是Oscar和主人一起环游世界的情况。2009年,Oscar和它的主人开始了这一旅程。set off\出发,动身\符合文意。 48.B 【解题思路】 根据空后的\ happy home for all the dogs that reside inside shelters\可知,Oscar和主人想为所有的流浪狗找到家。 49.C 【解题思路】 Oscar和主人到过20 000多个流浪狗收容所。

50.D 【解题思路】 由倒数第二段可知,Oscar到过许多著名的地方,因此它是幸运的。 51.A 【解题思路】 后面提到的几个地方都是非常著名的,因此答案是A项。 52.D 【解题思路】 此处前后是递进关系,表示\甚至\因此用even。

53.A 【解题思路】 上面做的事还不够,后面还提到了Joanne Lefson开始重游他们去过的地方,因此用enough。

54.B 【解题思路】 由后边的\ have now begun revisiting the places\可知,Joanne和Oscar并没有在旅程结束后回家,因此选择instead of。 55.C 【解题思路】 由revisiting这一单词可推知,他们重新去了他们最喜欢的地方。 第三部分 阅读理解 第一节


【解题导语】 这是一篇人物传记,主要介绍抽象表现主义的先驱杰克森·波洛克,他是20世纪最有影响力的艺术家之一,以其在帆布上很随意地泼溅颜料、洒出流线的技艺而著称,他的作品往往具有让人难以忘怀的自然品质。 56.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由文中前四段的内容可知,杰克森·波洛克受过美国画家、墨西哥画家以及西班牙艺术家的影响,文中没有提到英国画家的影响,故答案为D项。

57.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由第一段第一句话\ Pollock was born in Wyoming in 1912.\及第四段中的\ when he was in his late twenties, Pollock suffered a mental breakdown.\可知,他因为酗酒而精神崩溃大概发生在三十年代后期。 58.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由第二段中的\ are large images that the artists paint directly onto a wall.\可知答案应为D项。其余选项没有依据。 59.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由文中第一段中的\",s early works were similar to his teacher",s kind of painting.\可得出答案。


【解题导语】 本篇为科普类说明文。漫长的冬日里,即便积极的人也会感到身体不适,对于少数人来说,情况会更严重,他们会患上季候性情感紊乱这种多发于冬季的抑郁症。

【长难句解读】 Another therapy uses a \ simulator\ that is turned on early in the morning and gradually increases in brightness, allowing your body to wake up naturally.

分析:本句为复合句。主句为Another therapy uses a \ simulator\引导定语从句修饰先行词\ ‘dawn simulator’\ \为现在分词短语作伴随状语。

译文:另一个疗法使用\黎明模拟器\它在大早上就打开了,然后逐渐增加亮度,让你的身体自然醒来。 60.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由第一段、第二段内容可知A、B、C均与SAD的情况相符,由下文的建议可知自然光可以减轻症状,故答案为D。 61.C 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。 【解题思路】 由第三段中的\ it isn",t recommended for people with skin sensitivity\可知答案为C。其余选项与本段内容不符。 62.B 【命题意图】 考查词义猜测。

【解题思路】 判断时需要找出该句谓语动词的主语,which指代前面的\ and anxiety\它们是消极因素,因此答案应选B。 63.B 【命题意图】 考查主旨大意。

【解题思路】 本文主要介绍了应对季候性情感紊乱的几种方法,故B项最能概括本文主旨。the blues\忧郁,沮丧\。


【解题导语】 许多大学生认为只要他们努力学习,就应当得到高的分数,但是专家认为,努力和结果不能等同。 64.A 【命题意图】 考查主旨大意。

【解题思路】 根据全文内容尤其是第一段中的\ believe students are owed a good grade simply because they put a lot of effort into a class.\可知,文章主要讨论的是\付出努力是否应该得到高分\。 65.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第三段的第二句\ 66% agreed that a professor should consider effort and not just the quality of a student",s work when deciding grades.\可知,大多数的学生不同意教授只根据功课的质量来决定分数。 66.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第四段的第二句\ critics like to say...everyone gets an award just for trying, so no one will feel rejected.\可知,一些批评家认为\无论是谁,只要参与活动就应该得到奖励\。 67.C 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据倒数第二段中的\ the team accept him anyway, just because he tried so hard?\的反问来看,他想让学生知道\努力不等于好结果\。


【解题导语】 一个印度妇女来到美国后,发现人们认为她的名字很难读,这使她在工作中处于劣势,因此她成立了一个公司,教人们怎样读别人的名字。

【长难句解读】 \ realized it was not only me who had a difficulty to pronounce name, but a lot people actually had faced that awkward moment where they meet someone else and, they don",t know how to pronounce their name,\ said Dube.

分析:引号中是一个主从复合句。but前面的部分中有一个省略了that的宾语从句,作realize的宾语,在宾语从句中又有一个强调句it was...who,强调了not only me,but后面的部分中where引导了一个地点状语从句。

译文:我意识到并不仅仅是我有读他人名字的困难,很多人都面临着那个尴尬的时刻,当他们遇到其他人的时候,却不知道该怎么读他们的名字。 68.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章第四段可知,是她和她的同事Mary做产品介绍的经历,使她产生了开办Audioname的想法,因此选A。 69.A 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 从倒数第二段的\ any place that they interact with other people, basically they can have this audio pronunciation next to their name.\可知,通过她的这个网站,人们在任何地方都能够读出其他人的名字了,故她的这个想法使人们之间的互相介绍变得更加容易了。 70.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章最后一段的最后一句话\ thinks a service like Audioname offers a better choice.\ 可知,她对Audioname感到满意。 第二节

71—75 DBGCF 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错

Long long ago, there lived the man who was so lazy that no job was fit of him. In order to make a living he one day went to a neighbor of



him for help. The neighbor advised him ∧ work as a cemetery caretaker as it was the most

easiest job one could find in the world. The lazy man is delighted and soon became a cemetery caretaker. But to everybody",s surprising he


surpriseresigned his job three days before he got it. \",s unfair.\ He said to the neighbor angry . \ the cemetery all the others are lying still while I am


the only one who have to stand.\


第一处:the→a。【解题思路】 从前有一个人,表泛指,故用a。 第二处:of→for。【解题思路】 fit for sb.为固定结构。

第三处:him→his。【解题思路】 此处表示他的邻居中的一个,应用 his 指代他的邻居。

第四处:advised him后加to。【解题思路】 advise sb. to do sth.\建议某人做某事\为固定结构。 第五处:去掉most。【解题思路】 easy的最高级是easiest,不用most修饰。 第六处:is→was。【解题思路】 本文故事发生在过去,故此处用一般过去时。 第七处:surprising→surprise。【解题思路】 to one",s surprise \让人惊讶的是\为固定搭配。 第八处:before→after。【解题思路】 结合语境可知,他得到工作后三天就辞职了。 第九处:angry→angrily。 【解题思路】 修饰动词应用副词。

第十处:have→has。 【解题思路】 who指代的是the only one,是单数,故应用has。 第二节 书面表达

【思路导航】 该题目属于半开放式作文。半开放式作文只给出主题或几点提示,要求学生围绕提示合理发挥,拓展主题,组织篇章,写出一篇内容充实的短文。(1)做题前要认真审题,把握所有信息,确定要写文章的体裁,并迅速组织写作素材,思考行文格式。(2)罗列提纲,思考表达方式。经过审题,考生要列出写作的要点,找出恰当的表达方式:用哪些词语、句型比较合适,用哪些时态比较好,用哪种语态,用什么过渡词和过渡句等等。(3)组织语言,展开写作。写作时,要运用熟悉的词汇、句型等,对于没有把握的地方,要灵活变通;要尽量运用多样化的句式,注意长短句的结合、简单句和复合句的结合;要注意上下文的衔接,过渡要自然;还要注意书写规范,做到卷面干净,字迹清晰。

【范文赏读】 Dear Sir/Madam, I",ve just learned in today",s paper that you are looking for a Chinese-English translator. I",m really fond of this position and hope to work for you. I graduated from Sichuan International Studies University and got a degree in translation three years ago. Since then, I",ve worked as a Chinese-English translator for full time. I",m into English and computer and I type very fast. I once won first prize in the school computer competition. I",m patient and have great attention to details. Besides, I",m outgoing and good at organizing activities such as English evenings, lectures on interesting topics. I believe that my education and experience will prove useful for work in your office. I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience.

I",m looking forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours, Jason Mei

【亮点点击】 本文用地道的语言表达了题目中要求的全部内容要点。行文结构十分明晰,句式使用熟练、准确、流畅。运用了一些好词汇及短语,如:be into, have great attention to details, obliged, at one",s convenience等。 附:听力参考材料 Text 1

M: Do you speak only English or does your teacher explain language points to you in Chinese? W: Oh, we never speak Chinese in class! Mr. Zhang gives us lectures only in English, too. Text 2

M: Hello, General Manager Office. What can I do for you?

W: Yes. This is Tina speaking. Mr. Black, may I have this afternoon off please? Text 3

M: Have you been to China? W: No, but it",s my plan for the coming year. I",ve been saving money. Text 4

W: Have you decided on what you",ve going to do this Saturday? M: No, not yet. What is it?

W: Please do me a favor — go to the People",s Theater with my friend Dick at 7: 30 that night. I",m busy at the weekend. Text 5 W: We",ve been sitting here the whole afternoon. Why not relax for a while? M: I",d like to, but I have to finish my reading today, and tomorrow I",m going to report it in Professor Johnson",s class. Text 6

W: I work so hard that I do not have the energy to exercise. M: That",s just an excuse. You can always find some time to exercise.

W: But I work hard all the time for long hours. Often I have no time for lunch. Yet, I am still getting fatter.

M: Dick, you know that work is not the same as exercise, for it is stressful but not relaxing. And skipping meals will not help you lose weight. In fact your body will only store fat if you miss meals. W: I know you",re right, but what can I do?

M: How about going for a walk instead of sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper after dinner every night? W: But I",ll miss the news. It",s important in my business to keep up with events in China.

M: I see, I see. Have you got a portable radio? You can listen to the news and get healthy at the same time. W: That",s a good idea! Text 7

M: May I help you?

W: I got a flat on the highway. I put on the spare tire. Could you take a look at it for me? M: The tire was still worn below the legal limit of 1-6 mm of tread. W: Can you get me a new tire?

M: Let me have a look. 275 R15. Oh yes! We keep some of this kind in stock. W: How soon do you think you could get to it? M: Well, you see, we",re pretty busy at the moment. But I could get it ready in an hour. W: Oh, I",m from out of town and I have quite a long drive ahead of me. M: How far do you have to go?

W: Mm let me think. I believe there are about thirty-five miles left. M: I think that spare can get you at least that far. W: Do you think so? M: Sure. Text 8

M: Are you interested in sports?

W: Sure. I love sports and doing sports can keep us healthy and strong. M: Which is your favorite sport?

W: Jumping, I think. I am good at jumping and I am the high jump record breaker in the seventh sports meeting of our school. What about you? M: I prefer running to jumping. You know, I often enter for the 200-meter dash in the sports meeting. W: Oh, I forget. Which sportsman do you like most?

M: I like Louis. He won 8 Olympic gold medals. In my eyes, he is the best runner in the world.

W: But Yao Ming is my favorite. He plays basketball so well. And everyone in our class likes playing basketball.

M: Is that so? In my class, almost all the boys like playing football and we all admire Ronaldo, king of the football world. Text 9

M: Have you heard about Alice and David? W: No. I suppose they had another fight, didn",t they? They",re always quarreling in daily life. M: Oh, no. Believe it or not, they",re going to get married. W: Really? You must be joking. I can hardly believe it. M: Me, too. It",s sure that they",ve gotten engaged. I got it straight from the horse",s mouth. David called me this morning. W: So when did this all happen?

M: It was last weekend while they were on their ski trip. W: Ok, it could be true, but I can",t imagine that they",ll be getting along well after their marriage. M: In my eyes, it",s likely that they",ll be living a happy life in the future. As a Chinese saying goes, \ discord, no concord.\ W: I wish you were right about that. Well, when are they getting married? M: Next June.

W: Please send my best wishes to them. M: With pleasure. Text 10

One day a rich man took his son on a trip to the country so he could have his son see how poor country people were.

They stayed one day and one night in the farmhouse of a very poor farm. On the way back home at the end of the trip the father asked the son, \ did you think of the trip?\

The son replied, \ nice, Dad.\

The father then asked, \ you notice how poor they were?\ The son replied, \ I guess so.\

The father then added, \ what did you learn?\

To this question, the son thought for a moment and answered slowly, \ learned that we have one dog in the house and they have four. We have a fountain in the garden and they have a small river that has no end.\

\ have brightly colored lanterns in our garden, while they have the stars. Our garden goes to the edge of our yard, but for their back yard they have the whole horizon!\

At the end of the son",s reply, the rich father was speechless. His son then added: \ Dad, for showing me how poor we really are.\


【考纲梳理与考向预测】 2013年新课标高考英语《考试大纲》表明,今年新课标高考英语试卷的命题将更加注重能力立意,向着立体化的综合测试方向发展。阅读理解仍将保持较大比重,同时更突出题目的实用性;绝大多数考点将会被置于较为真实的语言交际情景中,单纯考知识记忆的题目将会越来越少;更加注重体现时代特色,注意联系社会生活实际和德育渗透。

【测试评价与备考策略】 本套试卷完全按照2013年新课标《考试大纲》编写,试卷的区分度较为理想,难度适中,测试效果较为明显,能够达到预期的测试目的。



总之,考生应有计划、有步骤地通过测试、比较、归纳、反思、联想、延伸等手段使知识得到强化,使应试技巧得以掌握,应试能力得以提高。 第一部分 听力

1—5 CBAAC 6—10 BABCC 11—15 BACCB 16—20 AACBB 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空

21.A 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 从答语的第二句可以判断答话人并不在意住哪间房子。故选A项\我不介意\。B项表示\我确信\项表示\没问题\项通常用来表示\同意\均不符合语境。

22.B 【命题意图】 考查时态。

【解题思路】 根据语境可知,作者还没有吃完早饭,一会儿就吃完,finish是一个瞬时动词,因此此处用现在进行时表将来。 23.B 【命题意图】 考查并列连词。

【解题思路】 句意:因为我只能买得起一样东西,所以我或者买一个相机或者一个CD机。根据\ I can only afford one\可知,应是在a camera和a CD player之间选择一个,所以either...or...\或者……或者……\符合句意。 24.B 【命题意图】 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】 根据空后的\ users for music downloads\可知,此处的意思是\向下载音乐的个人用户收费\所以选B。 25.B 【命题意图】 考查副词辨析。

【解题思路】 ——Johnson是一个有十多年经验的合格的司机。——尽管如此,我也不会雇用他。你知道诚实是我要考虑的最重要的因素。根据答语中的\ won",t hire him\可知,此处应用Even so \尽管如此\。 26.C 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 动词fine和句子的主语people有逻辑上的动宾关系,并且be likely后接动词不定式,所以选C。 27.D 【命题意图】 考查状语从句。

【解题思路】 句意:每当我乘公交车或地铁,我都打开MP4,听汉语课。根据句意可知,此处应用whenever表示\无论何时,每当\。 28.C 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 动词hire和句子的主语the advertising company有逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词作状语,表示原因。 29.B 【命题意图】 考查名词性从句。

【解题思路】 句意:我们以前从未遇到过这样的事情,我们不知道接下来该如何处理。分析句子成分可知,空处引导宾语从句,且从句主谓宾齐全,根据句意可知,从句缺少方式状语,所以选B。 30.A 【命题意图】 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】 句意: 如果他们不合作,三班和四班都完成不了这项工作。根据句意可知,应选team up with\合作,(与某人)结成一队\。come up with\找到(答案)\ up with \容忍,忍受\ up with\赶上\。 31.C 【命题意图】 考查情态动词。

【解题思路】 句意:众所周知,青少年喜欢吃的东西未必是他们应该吃的东西。should\应该\符合句意。 32.B 【命题意图】 考查动词时态。

【解题思路】 根据前面的\ been working\以及\ 2006\可知,毕业这一动作发生在过去,应该用一般过去时。 33.C 【命题意图】 考查倒装句。

【解题思路】 ——苹果公司对这件事是什么态度?——苹果公司没有直接调查这件事情,也不想调查。根据前面的\ not look into\可知,后面的内容也应表示否定,应用nor/neither+助动词/情态动词+主语的形式,故选C。 34.C 【命题意图】 考查定语从句。

【解题思路】 分析句子结构可知,此处考查\介词+关系代词\引导的非限制性定语从句,并且先行词是人,所以应选of whom。 35.B 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 ——我用一下电话你介意吗?——请便。Be my guest.\请吧\用于礼貌地同意别人的请求,符合语境。Take it easy.\别急,沉住气,从容点\ from it. \完全相反,绝非,远非如此\ mind.\用于安慰)没关系\。 第二节 完形填空

【解题导语】 到国外旅游语言不通是大问题,但有时即使语言不通也能交流。Jenny就有过这么一次有趣的经历。 【重点词语链接】 (1)escape v. 意外发出(声音);逃走 A deep sigh escaped his lips.他不由深深地叹了一口气。

He broke down the locked door and escaped.他砸开上锁的门后逃走了。 (2)fun n. 有趣的经历(活动),娱乐

Everyone joins in the fun.每个人都来一起玩。

36.C 【解题思路】 由该句中的\ she always got attracted by it (她总是被它所吸引)\可知,她\热爱\这个国家。 37.B 【解题思路】 Jenny与印度女孩Leela(她的朋友)在一起,故用stay。accompany为及物动词,不可与with连用。 38.A 【解题思路】 她在印度属于外国人,所以受到了(当地人的)注视、关注。gaze\凝视,注视\符合语境。

39.D 【解题思路】 从下文中的\ was so difficult for her to communicate and converse in this new environment and culture.\以及50空后的\ don",t have language problems\可知,这是指\她总会遇到语言障碍\项正确。

40.A 【解题思路】 Jenny总是遇到语言障碍,而下文中在孤儿院发生的事却没有因语言不通而受影响,这着实令人感到奇怪,故用strange。 41.B 【解题思路】 根据空后的\ one fell somewhere between the ages of fifteen days to one-and-a-half years old\可知,这些孩子都很\小\故用tiny。

42.D 【解题思路】 因为迟疑了一会儿,所以Jenny是\慢慢地\走向孩子们,坐在他们旁边。

43.A 【解题思路】 由一个孩子对她微笑以及下文中她立即被那个孩子吸引并抱住那个孩子可知,她(紧张的)思想\放松\了一些。 44.B 【解题思路】 根据下文中的\ sang a little more\可知答案为B。

45.D 【解题思路】 上文提到小孩的微笑吸引了她,那么此刻这个小孩继续做的事情应是向她\微笑\。

46.B 【解题思路】 从这个小孩的嘴里吐出的词虽与Jenny哼唱的词不同,但旋律是相同的。与后面的the same相对,此处应选different。 47.A 【解题思路】 根据上文中的\ repeating after her\可知答案,此处表示\再次重复\。

48.D 【解题思路】 上文提到Jenny与孩子玩得很好,另一个孩子想加入进来一起玩耍。the fun指代上文的欢乐场景。 49.B 【解题思路】 \ million smiles together\为夸张手法,指的是他们一起\分享\快乐。

50.A 【解题思路】 由\ blurted(脱口而出) an explanation\可知,这是直接发自心里的声音,故选择straight。

51.C 【解题思路】 这是Jenny在向朋友炫耀:看,我在这里没有语言问题了。我们说话了,我们在交流!文中第一段\ was so difficult...environment and culture.\也是提示。

52.A 【解题思路】 那一天,Leela和在场的其他人看到这种感人的、很少用言语的交流,都感到很惊奇,故用amazing。

53.A 【解题思路】 这时,她明白了:我们是人,我们有能力相互交流。understand\理解,明白\考虑\证明\低语,低声抱怨\。故选择A。

54.C 【解题思路】 参见上题解析。

55.B 【解题思路】 我们都有与他人交往的本能,这种本能来自人的内心深处。lead to\导致,引起\ from\来自……\ out\爆发\ off \出发\。故选择B。 第三部分 阅读理解 第一节


【解题导语】 文章讲述了Joseph Paredes求学的艰苦过程,他将成为家里第一位大学毕业生。

【长难句解读】 Although Joseph never doubted that he would be a college graduate, other people assumed he wouldn",t because he didn",t come from a family of high income.

分析:Although引导让步状语从句,该状语从句中又包含了一个由that引导的宾语从句;主句里面包含了一个宾语从句和一个原因状语从句。 译文:尽管Joseph从未怀疑自己将成为一名大学毕业生,但是其他人认为他不会,因为他来自于一个低收入家庭。 56.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章第三段的第二句尤其是\ the least amount of power\和\",s thesis helps...work.\可知D项正确。 57.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章第三段最后一句可知他取得了一定的成绩,第四段和最后一段均提到家庭对他的影响很大,因此C项正确。 58.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章倒数第二段的\ people assumed he wouldn",t because he didn",t come from a family of high income\可知,他并非来自一个富裕家庭,因此很多人认为他不能毕业。


【解题导语】 牛津东区近来发生了一些团伙抢劫案,受害者多是学生模样的年轻男性。针对这一事件,警方提出三条针对性的建议。

【长难句解读】 The victims have all been young males of student age and appearance who have been walking alone between 7 pm and the early hours of the morning.

分析:这是一个复合句,young males后有两个定语,一个是介词短语of student age and appearance,另一个是定语从句who have been walking alone...。

译文:受害者皆为学生模样的年轻男性,他们都在晚上七点到凌晨这段时间内独自行走。 59.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 第一段提到发生在牛津东区的抢劫案是团伙作案,且使用刀具进行威胁,故D项正确。第二段提到受害者主要是学生模样的年轻男性,并不是青年学生,故A项错误;作案时间为晚上七点到第二天凌晨,B项中的\ at night\与原文不符;有些受害者从O2和Regal这两个地方就被人跟踪,并不是抢劫案发生在O2和Regal,故C项错误。 60.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由第一条建议中的\ someone tries to take something from you by force, it may be best to give it to them\可知,如果有人要用武力拿走你的东西,最好的办法就是给他们。故选C。 61.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由最后一段中的\ Thames Valley Police on 101 for non-emergency reporting\可知,C项错误。 62.D 【命题意图】 考查写作目的。

【解题思路】 本文首先利用两个段落介绍了发生在牛津东部地区的抢劫案件,抢劫对象为学生模样的年轻男性,然后介绍了三条具有针对性的建议,因此本文旨在让那些年轻男性(包括学生)在走夜路时注意安全。故D项正确。


【解题导语】 在福州进行的一次金鱼展览非常有趣,它吸引了世界各地的选手参赛。

【长难句解读】 And, while looks were important, it was the weight that the judges got most impressed by — the more nicely rounded the contestant was, the better, because that clearly is a sign that it had not suffered any major hardship or illness during breeding.

分析:本句为主从复合句。while引导让步状语从句;\ was the weight that...\是强调句型;because引导原因状语从句;\ it had not suffered any major hardship or illness during breeding\是同位语从句,解释说明\ sign\。

译文:尽管外表重要,但是令评委印象最深的是重量——鱼越圆就越好,因为那是鱼在生长期间没有受伤或者生病的标志。 63.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章第一段最后一句的\ first International Goldfish Championship attracted 3,000 contestants(选手) from 14 countries\可知C项正确。

64.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章第三段尤其是第二句的内容可知,金鱼的这五个特征能够告诉裁判金鱼之间是怎样交际的,因此B项正确。 65.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章第四段最后一句中的\ that clearly is a sign that it had not suffered any major hardship or illness\可知D项正确。 66.A 【命题意图】 考查词义猜测。

【解题思路】 因为这是一次金鱼展览,裁判们已经对它们进行了评判,因此谁是赢家将很快被公开。


【解题导语】 给学龄前儿童读书时,很多老师和父母关注的是图画,但研究表明,此时教孩子关注图片旁的单词更有利于培养孩子的拼写、阅读和理解的技能,而且老师只需稍微调整教学方式就能做到。

【长难句解读】 If you get children to pay attention to letters and words, it makes sense that they will do better at word recognition and spelling. 分析:这个句子使用了if引导的状语从句,从句使用了get sb. to do sth.这一固定用法,表示\让某人做某事\主句中it作形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语。

译文:假如你让孩子们关注字母和单词,那么他们将在单词识别和拼写方面做得更好。 67.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 第一段说老师和家长在给学龄前儿童读故事书的时候通常只注重图画,但一项新的研究表明,关注书页上的字母和单词能更好地培养孩子们的阅读能力,由此可推断B项正确。 68.C 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 由第三段中的\ need only a small change in the way they teach\和\ you get children to pay attention to letters and words...word recognition and spelling.\可知,C项正确。 69.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 从第四段可知,STAR这一项目的目的是检测给学龄前儿童在课堂上定期阅读的短期和长期效果,因此选D。 70.C 【命题意图】 考查文章出处。

【解题思路】 文章主要讲述了一项关于学龄前儿童教育研究的新发现,故最可能出现在教育这一版块。 第二节

71—75 DCGAF 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错

Postman Sam got present and money from the people for whom he had worked when he retired in


last week. They loved him for his wonderfully work. Sam retired after 40 years of send letters in the place of South Manchester. He get



a lot of presents and flowers from his workmates too, and he got an farewell party by the Women",s Institute of the town. His wife Jill said, \",d

alike ∧ thank all the people who came and gave presents. I thought my husband did that he could do. But today she understand how great my




husband is but what an important job he had.\

第一处:present→presents。【解题思路】 他上周退休的时候,从他服务过的人们那里收到礼物。由第二句中的\可知,present应该用复数形式。 第二处:去掉in。【解题思路】 像last year, last summer等表示时间的短语前不用介词。 第三处:wonderfully→wonderful。【解题思路】 修饰名词要用形容词。 第四处:send→sending。【解题思路】 介词后的动词要用动名词形式。 第五处:get→got。【解题思路】 本文是讲过去的事情,所以用过去时态。

第六处:an→a。【解题思路】 元音因素前用an,辅音音素前用a。 farewell的读音以辅音音素开头,故用a。 第七处:like后加to。【解题思路】 would like to do sth.是固定结构。

第八处:that→what。【解题思路】 that和what虽都可引导宾语从句,但that在从句中不作成分,只起连接作用,而本句did后明显缺宾语,he could do也缺宾语,故只能用what。

第九处:she→I。【解题思路】 直接引语中,Jill应该说\我\。

第十处:but→and。【解题思路】 前后为并列关系,不表转折,故用and。 第二节 书面表达


Recently, we had a discussion on how to make learning English relaxing and fun. Most students believe that there are many ways to do so. First of all, we can have more interactive activities in class, such as discussions, interviews, story-telling and role-play. In this way, we can have more fun learning English. Secondly, we can take part in more out-of-class activities like English speech contest and English evenings. Thirdly, we need to find more

opportunities to communicate in English with people, whether they are English teachers or classmates, foreigners or Chinese, because using English is the best way to learn.

These ideas sound reasonable and practical. From my experience, there are many other interesting and relaxing ways. For example, we can listen to English songs and watch English movies. We can also watch English programs on TV or join English clubs or make English pen-friends on the Internet.

All in all, what we need is more free time and more space. 附:听力参考材料 Text 1

W: Hi Bob, I haven",t seen you for quite a few days.

M: Well, I just flew back from Paris. I had been in London for a week, too. Text 2

W: Why don",t you give up smoking? It",s such a bad example to the children. M: It",s one of the real pleasures in my life. That",s why. Text 3

M: This machine has so many buttons. I can",t figure out which one makes it run. W: You",d better read the instructions first. Pressing the buttons improperly may cause the machine to break down. M: Oh, I see. Text 4

W: Were you given or did you earn pocket money as a child?

M: I was given half a dollar a week by my father, but on condition that I behaved myself. If I didn",t behave well, I wouldn",t receive it. Text 5

W: Dad, can I have some friends over at the weekend? M: It really depends on how many. I mean just four or five. W: Thanks, Dad. Text 6

W: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Alelo Bookstore?

M: Certainly. Go down this street until you reach the corner, and then turn right. Keep walking until you see the shopping center. Another right turn and see the McDonald",s. Then you go inside and then go out through the backdoor, turn left and cross the road. The Alelo Bookstore is right there. W: How long will it take? M: I think about 30 minutes.

W: Seems not within walking distance. Can I take a bus?

M: Well, pity no bus takes you straight there. You have to change buses. Taxis will be more convenient. W: Well, I",ll walk. Thank you very much. M: You",re welcome. Text 7

W: Hey, you. Can",t you be a bit faster? You make the whole group wait for you. M: How can you blame it on me? I",m having trouble in operating this kind of machine. It is designed for you right-handers. W: You always complain about these machines. But you are not the only one using the left hand. M: Really? I don",t know any others who are the same as me. W: To tell you the truth, I",m also left-handed. M: You?

W: Yeah. You should spend some time getting used to it in advance. Then you can do it quickly. M: Is that what you have done? W: Yes.

M: OK, I will try. Text 8 W: You",ve been offered a corner room on the fifth floor with a nice view of the park. Shall I send your luggage to your room? M: No, I haven",t got any. I wasn",t intending to stay the night in town, but I missed my plane. By the way, do you happen to have a store? I need a toothbrush and some envelopes.

W: We have one on the left of the hall, but it is already closed. M: I really need these things. Is there a store anywhere that",s open at this hour? W: Yes, there is. And that",s not difficult to find some. Just ten minutes", walk. There is one open for 24 hours. Turn right when you leave the hotel. Go to the second stoplight and turn left. You",ll see the store on the right-hand side of the road. Text 9

M: Wow, we are starting for the picnic at last! Just the right weather, isn",t it? W: Yes, we are lucky. M: I",ll say we are! Do you know, last time when we planned a picnic, it rained. Some of us started, and they got caught in the sudden shower. But I was one of the wise ones who had a look at the sky and stayed right in my nice dry house. W: By the way, Clifford, who",s picking us up? M: George. At least he said he would.

W: Can we depend on him? Though it is not the rush hour, he is a lazy boy and hates getting up like a child. M: Never mind, Lydia. Take it easy. Well, what",s your plan before the picnic? I",m going to do a bit of fishing myself. What do you have in mind? W: I",m going to take a walk around and take in the fresh air.

M: Good idea. Not a bad place to enjoy the scenery. There are some wonderful views from the hills around. But no walking for me, I",ll stick to fishing. W: Well, everyone has his way of relaxation.

M: Oh, I hear a car outside. I guess it must be George.

W: Yeah. It",s him. That",s his nice blue car. I",ll know it anywhere. Text 10

Hello. Welcome to our class for beginning computer users. Typing skills are required for this course. In a moment you",ll begin typing the text I",ve placed on the stand next to each keyboard. First, however, I",d like you to look at the screen in front of you. There are no words on it yet, but it does contain two important objects, the end mark and the action point. You",ll be learning more about these later. Right now, please place your fingers on the keyboard and prepare to use it as if it were a typewriter. For example, to type capital letters, hold down the Shift key. Don",t stop typing at the end of a line. When you type a word that is too long to fit at the end of the current line, the computer will automatically move the word to the beginning of the next line. If you make a mistake while typing the text, you can correct it by using the Backspace key. Now please prepare to begin typing.


【考纲梳理与考向预测】 仔细研读2013年新课标高考英语《考试大纲》可知,新课标高考英语试题的考试形式、考试内容、重难点以及试题难度与2012年基本保持一致,仍将侧重于对英语基础知识和基本能力的考查。这表明了2013年新课标全国卷将更加注重体现时代特色,注意联系社会生活实际,注意德育渗透。

【测试评价与备考策略】 本套试卷难度与2012年新课标全国卷持平,试题的区分度比较理想,反映出考生总体水平较高,语言功底较扎实,达到了预期的测试效果,但也暴露出了一些问题:(1)听力试题中有些推理判断题得分较低,反映出对对话的整体把握有欠缺;(2)单项填空部分受思维定势的影响而错误较多,语法知识的实际运用还需要更灵活;(3)完形填空试题的处理暴露出对语篇和上下文的掌握不够;(4)阅读能力和解题技巧还有待提高,长难句的理解和综合推理判断方面的能力要加强;(5)短文改错的答题能力有所提高,但答题还要进一步规范,书面表达还要在语言锤炼方面下工夫。


另外,考生要更好地把握高考命题规律,扩大词汇量,强化语篇训练,夯实基础,查漏补缺,培养语感,强化写作。 第一部分 听力

1—5 BACCC 6—10 ACCBC 11—15 BBCCB 16—20 CBACC 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空

21.C 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 ——我可以再看看这个车然后告诉你更多内容吗?——不用麻烦了。我晚会儿自己给销售小姐打电话。根据答话人说的\",ll telephone the salesgirl for details myself later.\可知,Don",t bother.\不用麻烦了\符合语境。 22.A 【命题意图】 考查动词短语辨析。

【解题思路】 句意:现在采取行动已经晚了,记者们已经得知此事。get hold of\得到,获得\符合句意。get rid of \摆脱,丢弃\ to\坚持\ lead to\导致\。

23.D 【命题意图】 考查定语从句。

【解题思路】 句意:他在2013年1月1日因开车打电话而受到严厉处罚,这一天新的交通法规开始实施。定语从句的先行词是January 1, 2013,定语从句中缺少时间状语,故用when。 24.B 【命题意图】 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】 句意:最近美国科学家所进行的一项研究表明,随着人年龄的增长,记忆力会衰退。reject \拒绝接受\衰退,衰弱\使大小、数量等)减少\数量)减少\。结合句意可知,应选B项。 25.C 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 第一空,my life后边的内容在句中作宾补,且它与surround之间是被动关系,因此选择surrounded;第二空,children与scream之间是主动关系,因此用现在分词形式作定语。

【易错点拨】 本题容易选择B,考生误认为是spend...doing句型。 26.C 【命题意图】 考查it的特殊用法。

【解题思路】 I like it when...是固定句式,表示\我喜欢……\此处it无实义。

【思路拓展】 某些动词,如love, like, dislike, hate等后面不能直接接宾语从句,需在从句前加it。 27.B 【命题意图】 考查动词时态。

【解题思路】 句意:她到的时候我非常生气,因为我已经等了三个小时。根据句意可知,\等\的动作发生在她到达之前,且因句中有for three hours,因此应用过去完成时,由于\等\的动作一直持续了三个小时,故应用过去完成进行时。 28.C 【命题意图】 考查副词。

【解题思路】 句意:他是一位有才华的艺术家,而且还是一位颇有名气的作家。根据句意可知,应选moreover。however\然而,不过\否则,不然\ moreover\此外,而且\因此,所以\。 29.D 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 句意:长期曝露在阳光下,窗帘已经被晒褪了色。窗帘和曝露存在被动关系,应用被动结构;又因句中的for a long time,故应用完成时。因此选择D。

30.B 【命题意图】 考查状语从句。

【解题思路】 句意:公司在电话中安装了一个特殊的软件以免有人用它来办私事。For fear that \以免\符合句意。 31.C 【命题意图】 考查名词性从句。

【解题思路】 分析句子结构可知,空处引导主语从句,所以排除B和D。语境表明拿的是两本中的任何一本,有明确的范围,所以用whichever。 32.C 【命题意图】 考查情态动词。

【解题思路】 句意:你在那儿往上爬太傻了。你会杀了你自己的。根据句意可知,空处是对过去动作所导致后果的一种推测,因此选C。might have done表示\本来可能会\符合句意。 33.B 【命题意图】 考查动词时态。

【解题思路】 句意:柬埔寨一18个月大的小男孩每天直接喝母牛的奶水已经有一个多月了,并且身体状况良好。这里用现在完成时,表示动作从过去开始,持续到现在,并有可能继续下去。 34.A 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 ——噢,我真的不知道穿哪件好看。——慢慢来,买衣服不用那么急。根据题干中的\",s no hurry\可知,Take your time.\别着急,慢慢来\符合语境。Take it easy.\别紧张\ on.\加油\",t worry.\别担心\。 35.D 【命题意图】 考查强调句。

【解题思路】 of后的部分为宾语从句,且为强调句式,强调的是who。因为宾语从句中需要用陈述语序,故答案为D。 第二节 完形填空

【解题导语】 一个星期一,一个素不相识的人的善意帮忙,使得作者郁闷的一天变得开心快乐,同时也让作者意识到帮助他人的意义。 36.A 【解题思路】 由首句\ are usually pretty busy for me.\可知,此处用typical表示这一天和往常的星期一一样。 37.C 【解题思路】 作者准备去上班,心里想着这一天需要完成的工作。accomplish\完成\符合语境。

38.B 【解题思路】 作者去开自己的车,却发现它不见了,这是令人惊奇的,故用surprisingly。excitedly\激动地\有趣地\匆忙地\均不符合语境。

39.D 【解题思路】 此处是作者回忆自己停车的情景,所以用parked。

40.B 【解题思路】 作者丢了车,去拖车的地方和公安局找。表示到某个地方时可以用make a trip to。

41.A 【解题思路】 由上下文信息\ stations\ the policemen decided that\及常识可推知,作者认为警察把他的车拖走了。

42.C 【解题思路】 到上午10点钟左右,作者还是找不到车,因此警察认为车实际上被偷了。actually\事实上,实际上\符合语境。normally\通常\好奇地\最后\。

43.D 【解题思路】 大早上发现自己的车被人偷走了,作者认为这一天都被搞乱了。mess up\弄糟,搞乱\符合语境。

44.D 【解题思路】 由\ realize that my license was missing too along with my car\可知,用only加不定式作结果状语,意为\不料,竟然\。 45.C 【解题思路】 作者把整个事情的来龙去脉讲给租车公司的人听。story\叙述,描述\符合语境。

46.B 【解题思路】 他对作者的遭遇感到非常遗憾,主动提出带作者去最近的车管局办理副本驾照。offer to do sth.\主动提出做某事\符合语境。 47.A 【解题思路】 参见上题解析。

48.C 【解题思路】 作者不知道为什么这位素不相识的人愿意抽出时间帮他。take some time off one",s day\从一天中抽出时间\。

49.D 【解题思路】 根据第三段首句\ in the day I went to pick up a rental car at an enterprise\可推知,作者是去租车,因此此处表示那个人租给了作者一辆车。

50.B 【解题思路】 发生的一连串事情让作者一整天都很烦闷。annoyed\生气的,烦恼的\。

51.A 【解题思路】 由48空前的\ complete stranger\可知答案。a complete stranger\素不相识的人\。 52.A 【解题思路】 陌生人的善举让作者非常感动,故A项正确。

53.D 【解题思路】 此处指的是作者受陌生人做法的启发,想给其他人一个惊喜(surprise),故答案为D。

54.C 【解题思路】 作者准备一些笑脸形状的巧克力,第二天把它们放到一些同事的桌子上。leave\把……留在某处\符合语境。 55.B 【解题思路】 根据文章主旨可知,世界上还有很多美德需要我们慢慢去发现,故goodness\善良,美德\符合语境。 第三部分 阅读理解 第一节


【解题导读】 本文讲述了一个儿童作家根据与癌症抗争的妻子和一位残疾运动员的事迹创作了一部励志小说Unstoppable的故事。 56.B 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据第二、三段可知,Tim Green目睹了妻子与疾病作斗争的过程,她所表现出来的精神,给了Tim创作的灵感。 57.A 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据最后一段尤其是\可知,Jeffrey Keith对Tim Green的这部小说Unstoppable评价很高。 58.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章的最后一段可知,这部小说向那些面临可能和癌症无关的挑战的青少年传递了一种信息:只要你相信你能行,你就是不可阻挡的。


【解题导语】 本文介绍了几本各具特色的伦敦旅游手册。

【长难句解读】 Produced by the same people who put together London",s principal listings magazine, this is right up to date with what",s happening in the city — very much its home ground.

分析:Produced by the same people who put together London",s principal listings magazine在句中作状语;what",s happening in the city — very much its home ground是宾语从句。

译文:由汇编伦敦基本演出信息杂志的人员制作的这本地图册,内容体现了这个城市的最新变化,尤其是主要地段的。 59.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据Guidebook A中的\ is concise enough to cater for those staying for just a couple of days\可知,应选C。 60.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据Guidebook D中的\ spend anything on admission charges\以及\ obvious bargains (National Gallery, British Museum, etc.) are almost lost among an impressive range of places which cost nothing to visit\可知,答案为C。 61.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据Guidebook B中的描述,尤其是\ is a model of the clear, professional design\可知,D项正确。 62.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据Guidebook C中的\ guide surpasses its competitors in its sheer depth of knowledge and in the detail it provides.\可知,B项正确。


【解题导语】 一个越南人心系乡村教育,通过建立\父母图书馆\帮助学校提高教学质量。

【长难句解读】 They say asking students to repeat everything a teacher says to the class harms their ability to think for themselves.

分析:asking students to repeat everything a teacher says to the class harms their ability to think for themselves是宾语从句。a teacher says to the class是定语从句,修饰everything。

译文:他们说让学生重复老师说的话会损害其独立思考的能力。 63.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章第四段可知,老师的教学方法只是依靠听写,没有创造性。因此A项正确。 64.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第六段内容可知,B项正确。 65.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据倒数第二段最后一句可知,学生思考问题更富创造性。因此C项正确。 66.D 【命题意图】 考查主旨大意。

【解题思路】 文章首句点明了主旨:一位越南人希望通过建立\父母图书馆\来提高乡村教育质量。故D项正确。


【解题导语】 有研究称,在罗马帝国和中国汉朝鼎盛时期的200年间,温室气体排放量大增。这否定了联合国的观点,即人为造成的气候变化是从1800年左右才开始的。

【长难句解读】 Celia Sapart of Utrecht University in the Netherlands and his team studied the record of the atmosphere trapped in Greenland",s ice and found the level of heat-trapping methane(甲烷) rose about 2,000 years ago and stayed at that higher level for about two centuries.


句意:荷兰乌德勒支大学的Celia Sapart和他的团队研究了格陵兰岛冰块所含气体的资料记载,发现吸热的甲烷的含量在大约2 000年前上升,并在这个较高水平上保持了约两个世纪。 67.D 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 从文章开头可知,Celia Sapart的研究发现人为的气候变化在大约2 000年前,即公元元年左右,就已经开始了,而联合国气象科学家们的观点是这一变化在1800年左右开始的,故选D。 68.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 由第三段可知,当人们砍伐森林造农田,使用木炭熔化金属制造武器的时候就会释放甲烷,由此可知选B。 69.A 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 从文章第三、四、五段可知,砍伐树木、燃烧化石燃料、经济增长以及人口增加都会影响甲烷的排放量,从而影响气候变化,由此可知,人类活动会影响地球气候的变化,故选A项。 70.A 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 第四段说1800年之前产生的甲烷只占过去2 000年总量的10%,而工业革命之后排放的甲烷则占90%,由此推断,1800年之后的排放量占过去2 000年甲烷总量的90%。 第二节

71—75 DBGEA 第四部分 写作 第一节 短文改错

It",s said that in 300 AD, there was a kind old man name Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave them to


presents. Today, Father Christmas are an imaginary figure, but nearly all young children believe in them . They think he is ∧ happy old




man with a long white beard and a red robe. In the night of December 24 every year, Father Christmas comes up the chimney of the fireplace to


downput presents by the children",s beds of or fill their stockings. So while children go to bed that night, they hang up their stockings, and on Christmas

whenmorning they woke to find them full of presents. Of course, it",s really their parents who fill the stocking .


第一处:name→named。【解题思路】 过去分词作定语,表示\被叫作Saint Nicholas\。 第二处:去掉to。【解题思路】 give sb. sth. =give sth. to sb.\给某人某物\。

第三处:are→is。【解题思路】 主语为Father Christmas圣诞老人,是单数,故谓语动词应用is。 第四处:them→him。【解题思路】 参见上题解析。

第五处:happy前加a。【解题思路】 happy old man为单数形式,应用不定冠词a修饰。

第六处:In→On。【解题思路】 表示早上,中午,晚上等词有修饰语时,其前面的介词用on不用in。 第七处:up→down。【解题思路】 此处表示圣诞老人从烟囱下来。

第八处:while→when。【解题思路】 上床睡觉是瞬间动作,故此用when。while作\当……的时候\讲时后常跟延续性动词。

第九处:woke→wake。【解题思路】 本文讲述圣诞节一大早,孩子们醒来发现袜子里装满了礼物,描述的是一般现象,因此用一般现在时。 第十处:stocking→stockings。【解题思路】 根据句中的\ parents\可知,stocking应用复数形式。 第二节 书面表达

【思路导航】 本题要求就微博的好处写一篇短文。首先,要根据题目所给要点,确定写作内容,注意时态和人称的运用;其次,要针对要点补充完善具体内容,发挥想象力,适当进行扩展;此外,还要注意关联词的使用,使文章前后连贯。


Assisted by advances in networking technology, more and more students prefer to share their life and experiences by using microblog.

First of all, we can write the latest news about our life on the microblog to make friends know it. We are glad to share our daily life and thoughts with each other. By reading their comment we can track each other",s activity, strengthening our relationship in a way. We can exchange the new things happening in school, comfort and cheer up each other. What",s more, through it we can adjust our mood. Using it as a diary, whenever we have trouble or suffer from pressure, we can find a way to relieve the tension. Also, we can share our plans on the micro blog every day and show our progress. Thus we can get a sense of accomplishment and build up confidence.

Personally, it is a good idea to express oneself on the microblog. Not only can you get news and information quickly but also you can share your feelings, understanding of life and even small things with others.

【亮点点击】 本范文较好地完成了写作任务。全文结构合理,层次清晰,较好地使用了连接词,使全文通顺连贯。此外,正确地运用了高级的词汇和句型结构,体现了良好的语言运用能力。 附:听力参考材料

Text 1

W: Thirty dollars is too much for a traveling bag like this. Can I have it for twenty? M: Sorry, twenty is the price of a plastic bag, not this one. Text 2

M: Kate, your schoolbag is heavier than Jane",s and mine. W: Yes, Bob. But Lucy",s is even heavier. Text 3

W: Jack, what are you reading?

M: A book about the life of movie stars.

W: Wow, it must be very interesting! Did you buy it at a bookstore? M: No, I borrowed it from the school library. Text 4

W: Come to the party with us. Everybody needs to take a break every once in a while. M: I guess I might as well. I",ve been studying so long, I just can",t concentrate. Text 5

M: Do you ever book concert tickets on the Internet? I",m nervous about giving my credit card details, so I don",t. W: That doesn",t worry me at all. It",s really convenient and you don",t waste time waiting on the phone. Text 6

M: Hello,Robert speaking. W: Hi,it",s Emma. I am glad you are there. It",s about our appointment on Wednesday morning. I am afraid I can",t make it now. M: Oh,that",s a shame.

W: I am sorry. There was a change in my business partner",s plan and Wednesday is the only day she is able to see me. M: That",s OK,but we need to find another date.

W: I could manage sometime Thursday. How about you? M: Sorry,I",ve got an important meeting all day. What about Friday? W: I",ll go to an exhibition in the morning,but I could come to your office after that. M: Great,look forward to seeing you then. Bye. Text 7

W: Good morning,Plaza Hotel. Can I help you?

M: Hello,I am just checking the room rates. How much is a single room? W: Well,sir,the singles are now from 180 to 240 dollars. M: And the doubles?

W: The double rooms are now 270 to 330 dollars. M: That includes tax I suppose.

W: No,but the price does include breakfast and service charge is extra. M: Thank you very much. I think I",ve got that. That",s singles from 180 to 240 dollars,doubles to 270 dollars. W: No,the price of doubles is from 270 to 330 dollars. M: Oh,I see. And can I get an extra bed if we need one? W: Yes,of course. An extra bed is 45 dollars. M: Ok,that",s fine. Thank you very much. W: You",re welcome. Text 8 M: Hello.

W: Hello. Is this Russell? M: Yes, it is.

W: This is Vicky. I didn",t recognize your voice. M: I",ve got a cold. I probably sound different. W: You sure do. Is it serious? M: No. But I",ve got a sore throat and a headache. W: That",s too bad. I was calling to see if you wanted to play tennis next weekend. M: I really can",t say right now. Would you mind calling back later in the week? W: Sure, no problem. But I hope you can make it. I",ve really improved. You",re not going to believe it. M: You",re right. I don",t. Text 9

W: Could you bring this note to Professor Li for me today?

M: Sure, no problem. Asking for leave again? You have been absent from class five times this semester. W: I know. But attending Miss Li",s class is just a waste of time. No more than one third of her students will go to her class. M: I agree that Miss Li doesn",t teach so well. Most students either sleep or do other things in her class.

W: Yeah, my boyfriend plays the video game every time in class with me. Or I chat with my friends through text messages. M: Fortunately her class is just an elective course, not as important as compulsory courses. W: Right, so we must spare some time to attend selective courses. M: But isn",t it too impolite to be absent?

W: What can I do? I have things to do in the Students", Union. M: Oh, I thought you just gave an excuse on this note.

W: Sometimes I will try various excuses. But this is my last time asking for leave. Or I will have a bad record.

M: Yeah, besides, your credit will be deducted. That is kind of serious.

W: I have been absented from many classes this semester just because of my work in the Students", Union. M: You can",t write with one hand and draw with the other. W: I am thinking about quitting my job in the Students", Union. But before that, I must do my job. Bye. Don",t forget about that note. M: You can count on me. Text 10

W: Why did you decide to take a working holiday?

M: I wanted to experience a different culture, and a working holiday seemed like the best way to do that. W: Where did you go and why?

M: I went to Canada because its working holiday programs accept people over the age of 30. I started in Vancouver because I had already established connections there. I would probably stay in Vancouver throughout my working holiday for the sake of convenience. W: What were you most worried about before you left?

M: I was, and still am, a bit worried about finding a job when I return home to Taipei. W: Where did you stay and work during your working holiday?

M: I got a house in Vancouver, and I worked as an assistant to a Chinese medicine doctor. W: What was the biggest challenge you faced?

M: I wondered about a lot of things before I left. I got a lot of assistance from my friends at church, though, so since arrived in Canada, I haven",t really run into any huge obstacles.

W: What was the most important lesson you learned?

M: I spent a lot of time alone there, so I had learnt to really appreciate who I am. W: Would you do it again?

M: For me, this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.


【考纲梳理与考向预测】 根据2013年新课标高考英语《考试大纲》可知,2013年新课标高考英语试题的题型设置、考查方式以及试题难度与2012年基本相同。试卷将以中等难度题为主,将侧重于通过语境来考查考生实际运用英语语言的能力,强调在实际运用中体现语言的交际性和实用性。

【测试评价与备考策略】 本套试题难度适中,设题新颖,创新度高。全卷无论是语言知识输入部分还是语言知识输出部分都凸显了语言知识在语境中的综合运用,知识点的考查完全体现了2013年新课标高考英语《考试大纲》的精神和要求,与近年来新课标高考试题的重点和难点一致。测试结果表明考生对语篇中的前后联系重视不够,阅读理解中深层次设题的判断失误较多以及书面表达中语言表达不够地道,因此要进一步强化语言知识在语境中的运用。具体表现为:(1)单项填空部分中,考生未能真正理解所给语境的内涵,造成语言知识脱离语境而独立存在;(2)完形填空在语篇的理解上错误率较高,要在语篇\一体化\上多下工夫,只有做到\瞻前顾后,上下求索,左顾右盼\方可形成正确的判断;(3)阅读理解中涉及深层次设问的判断失误较为明显,即:推理判断题、标题判断题和词义猜测题。只有立足语境,真正领会作者的弦外之音、写作意图、语篇层次和发展方向,方可选出答案;(4)书面表达中考生只是关注要点的完整、句子的正确、语篇的连贯,却忽视了目标语表达的地道性,在以后的学习中考生要加强对地道英语的积累,学以致用。

第一部分 听力

1—5 BCABA 6—10 ACBCC 11—15 ABBAC 16—20 ACBAB 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空

21.A 【命题意图】 考查冠词。

【解题思路】 句意:我得到的圣诞礼物是一个漂亮的iPad,一个我期盼已久的礼物。第一空,一个iPad表泛指,又因attractive以元音音素开头,故用不定冠词an;后半部分是an attractive iPad的同位语,对其进一步解释,故用不定冠词a。 22.A 【命题意图】 考查介词短语辨析。

【解题思路】 句意:现在越来越多的人意识到我们不应该以牺牲环境作为代价来发展经济这一事实。at the expense of \在牺牲(或损害)……的情况下\符合句意。in the face of \由于,因为\ in spite of \尽管\ account of \由于,因为\。 23.D 【命题意图】 考查倒装。

【解题思路】 首先我们听到了爆炸声,然后传来了尖叫声和哭声。我们不知道这些声音持续了多久。then置于句首,谓语动词是come, go, jump等,且主语是名词不是代词时,句子要用完全倒装。 24.B 【命题意图】 考查动词辨析。

【解题思路】 句意:听到这个消息,她心里一沉,尽管很失望,但她还是勉强挤出一丝微笑。manage\完成(困难的事),勉力完成\ a smile\勉强挤出一点笑容\。

25.A 【命题意图】 考查连词。

【解题思路】 句意:Jane说她今天生病了没来上课,但是刚才我看见她在逛街。根据句意可知,这里两句话之间是转折关系,故选择yet,相当于but。 26.D 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 句意:调查清楚地表明,如果你能让那些真正优秀的人讲述他们自己的事情,他们会更加喜欢你。考查get sb. to do...结构,表示\让某人做某事\。

【易错点拨】 做题时容易受中间非限制性定语从句的影响,忽略主体结构get sb. to do sth.,因此,做题时要理清句子的结构,辨清主要成分和修饰成分。

27.B 【命题意图】 考查情态动词。

【解题思路】 根据语境可知,此处是对过去情况的肯定推测,故用\故选B。 28.A 【命题意图】 考查名词性从句。

【解题思路】 句意:政府应该在作决定前考虑是否会对人和环境造成影响。根据句意,此处应该用whether,表示\是否\。 29.A 【命题意图】 考查时态。

【解题思路】 句意:Mr. White承诺在我遇到困难的时候会帮助我,但他没有。根据句意,应选择过去将来时。 30.D 【命题意图】 考查非谓语动词。

【解题思路】 现在分词短语weighing less than 40 pounds和介词短语under the age of four同时作定语,修饰children,因为children和weigh是逻辑上的主谓关系,故D项正确。

31.D 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 ——没有足够的训练你怎么能完成这么长距离的比赛?——不用担心。我会完成的。根据语境可知,答案为D项。 32.D 【命题意图】 考查时态。

【解题思路】 ——到底是什么让你应聘导游的职位?——这是我一直都在寻找的工作。根据语境可知,应选择现在完成进行时,表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作。

33.D 【命题意图】 考查状语从句。

【解题思路】 ——你按时收到你订购的书了吗?——没有。不知怎么的,两星期后我才收到。本题考查It is(was/will be...)some time before...句型,意思是\多久之后才……\。

34.D 【命题意图】 考查定语从句。

【解题思路】 句意:那些对世界作出巨大贡献的人应该受到极大的尊重。该空引导定语从句,先行词前有such修饰,关系代词应选择as。 35.D 【命题意图】 考查交际用语。

【解题思路】 ——如果你愿意的话,我可以送你一程。——好呀,谢谢你。Why not?\好呀,为什么不\表示同意对方提出的建议。 第二节 完形填空

【解题导语】 文章讲述了作者与同事们在非洲资助当地人修教堂的一次经历。 【重点词语链接】 head朝着……行进

It is not clear how many of them will be heading back to Saudi Arabia tomorrow. 尚不清楚他们当中有多少人明天将折回沙特阿拉伯。

36.B 【解题思路】 根据上下文和该句句意可知,我们是一个经营咖啡生意的公司,从非洲进口咖啡,B项符合语境。import\进口\出口\。 37.B 【解题思路】 结合第三段第一句话可知,我们到那里去调查咖啡加工厂。survey\调查,勘测\故选择B项。 38.B 【解题思路】 由本句后半部分的\ flood\可知,那天大雨倾盆。

39.D 【解题思路】 我们调查完最后一个咖啡农场,就驱车踏上返回旅馆的行程。journey\旅行,行程\符合语境。 40.C 【解题思路】 由文意可知Ola挥手示意把车停下来,wave有\挥手示意\之意,符合语境,故选择C项。

41.C 【解题思路】 由语境可知,他应该是把手放到\耳朵\上,听某种声音,继而问我们是否知道音乐声是从哪里传来的。C项符合语境。 42.D 【解题思路】 实际上我们已经在丛林里了,所以大家都耸耸肩。practically\事实上,实际上\。

43.A 【解题思路】 我们在丛林中遇到了一个非常简陋的方形建筑。come across\偶然碰到\符合语境。 44.B 【解题思路】 由下文可知,人们正在做弥撒,因此这个建筑是教堂。故选择B项。

45.C 【解题思路】 很多人在里面,Ola决定要参与进去,并鼓励我们和他们一块唱歌跳舞。get involved\介入,参与进去\符合语境。

46.B 【解题思路】 Ola把相当于100美元的当地货币放到了桌子上。suitable\合适的,适宜的\相等的,同等的\相似的\ related\有联系的\。

47.D 【解题思路】 另一个人也把相当于100美元的当地货币放到了桌子上。another\再一,又一\。more表示类似的意义时,不能置于数词前。 48.C 【解题思路】 这时唱歌声已经达到了狂热的程度。at this point\这时候,此时此刻\。

49.A 【解题思路】 give a blessing\祝福,赐福\。牧师为我们祝福,谢谢我们的礼物。blessing符合语境和人物的身份。

50.A 【解题思路】 和每个人握手以后,我们就返回我们的宾馆。head back\回去\。head可以作动词,意思是\朝……行进\。 51.D 【解题思路】 导游打电话来说,消息已经传开了,一些游客慷慨捐赠,帮他们修缮教堂。spread\传开\符合语境。 52.D 【解题思路】 根据上一段可知,应该是捐赠钱来\修缮\教堂。fix\修理,安装\。

53.A 【解题思路】 几个月以来他们一直在向上帝祈祷,希望会有奇迹发生,使他们的教堂得以修缮。pray\祈祷,祷告\。

54.B 【解题思路】 当Ola捐出了这些钱,他们感到自己的祷告有了回应。donate\捐赠\符合语境。collect\收集\投资\借出\均与语境不符。

55.C 【解题思路】 作者跟着Ola经历了许多这样的事情,深受感动,希望自己可以伴随Ola及这个公司继续走下去。continue\继续\。

第三部分 阅读理解



【解题导语】 圣诞节期间商店里不断播放的圣诞歌曲不但让我们情绪高涨,而且还刺激我们的购物欲望。

【长难句解读】 Often we are told that we have the freedom to choose where we want to shop, but during Christmas the use of music in this way is so common that our freedom to choose disappears.

分析:本句为but连接的并列句结构,where we want to shop是choose的宾语,but后的分句为so...that...结构。

译文:我们通常被告知可以自由选择我们想去的购物场所,但是圣诞节期间,无处不在的循环播放的圣诞音乐使我们的自由选择权也消失了。 56.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第四段内容可知,这些喜庆的歌曲,会改变圣诞购物者的心情,影响他们的时间概念和他们购买的产品种类,故选B。 57.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第七段内容可知,放慢商店里的音乐节奏能让顾客误以为时间过得更慢,这样顾客可能就会花更多时间来仔细查看货架上的商品。故选择A项。

58.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据文章倒数第二段可知,一个常见的诀窍是把当前的热门歌曲拿来录制器乐版,可以在一天当中的不同时段放慢或加快音乐节奏,从而对顾客的行为产生不同的影响。故选择B项。 59.D 【命题意图】 考查标题判断。

【解题思路】 本文主要讲述了这样一个现象:圣诞节期间商店里不断播放的圣诞歌曲会在无形中刺激我们的购物欲望。故D项最能概括本文主旨。


【解题导语】 本文是某网络论坛网民就\更为严格的枪支控制法规能否降低持枪犯罪率\这一话题进行的讨论。

【长难句解读】 Just by simply putting stricter laws in place on who can own them, it will greatly reduce the crimes involving guns.

分析:现在分词involving guns作定语修饰crimes。介词短语\ simply putting stricter laws in place\作方式状语。who can own them是宾语从句。

60.D 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据第二个帖子的最后一句\ law only affects those who try to obey the law to arm them to protect themselves.\可以判断,jb1988对枪支控制是持反对态度的。

61.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第三个帖子的第二句中的\ the more people own guns, the easier it is to get access to one, the higher the chance of people using it to kill somebody is\可以得出,cstephie13认为拥有枪的人越多,被枪杀死的人也会越多。 62.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据最后一个帖子的最后一句\ guns doesn",t make any sense!\可知,eebnflow是反对枪支控制的。


【解题导语】 一些环保人士及企业家征集回收利用塑料垃圾以减少污染的建议。 63.D 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 根据第一段中的\ for ideas on how to ‘capture gold’ — that is, how to collect and convert plastic waste into new plastic or fuel\可知答案。

64.D 【命题意图】 考查短语理解。

【解题思路】 根据倒数第二段前两句可知,D项正确。 65.B 【命题意图】 考查推理判断。

【解题思路】 根据倒数第二段中的\ the companies that have come up with such solutions have not achieved the economies of scale that would allow them to function profitably.\可知,从事塑料回收利用的公司没达到盈利的规模。 66.A 【命题意图】 考查标题判断。

【解题思路】 文章围绕回收再利用塑料垃圾而展开,从第一、二段内容可以看出,塑料垃圾如果被回收再利用,将可以带来巨大的财富,因此A项正确。


【解题导语】 温布尔顿女高为学生设立了\失败周\让学生敢于失败,并从失败中吸取教训。

【长难句解读】 The pupils are hugely successful but can sometimes overreact to failure even though it can sometimes be enormously beneficial to them.

分析:本句是一个并列句,其中,but后的分句又是一个复合句。but连接并列句,表示转折;even though\即使\引导让步状语从句。 译文:这些学生是极其成功的,但有时候会对失败做出过激反应——即使失败有时候对她们特别有利。 67.C 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 从文章第一段可知,失败周的目的是让女生敢于冒险,从失败中吸取教训,培养恢复能力,而C项是对文章信息的曲解。 68.B 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 从文章第三段最后一句可知,尽力避免失败是有害的。 69.A 【命题意图】 考查细节理解。

【解题思路】 从文章第三段第三句中的\ parents and tutors joining in with tales of their own failures\可知,父母和导师会向女生们讲述自己的失败经历。

70.D 【命题意图】 考查词义推测。

【解题思路】 从画线词后面的\ the girls doing things they really want to do\可知,恐惧失败是有害的,会让女孩们不敢去做她们真正想做的事情。故选D项。 第二节

71—75 BEDGC

第四部分 写作

第一节 短文改错

There were many people in the bus and no vacant seats. When a woman got off , a man near the door attempted to rise, but she had


forced him back into his seat. \ you,\ she said, \ please don",t do that. I am perfect able to stand.\ \ madam, let me...\ began the


man. \ ask you to keep your seat,\ interrupted a woman with the hands on her shoulders. So the man tried to rise, and said: \ will you

thehisButkindly permit me to...?\ \ no,\ said the woman and again force him back. At last the man managed to get up, say : \ you carried me


three block beyond my house. I wanted ∧ get off.\



第一处:off→on。【解题思路】 由下文可知,此处是一个妇女刚上车,一个男人试图起来。 第二处:去掉had。【解题思路】 文章记叙的是过去发生的事,故用一般过去时。 第三处:perfect→perfectly。【解题思路】 修饰形容词应用副词。 第四处:a→the。【解题思路】 特指前面提到的妇女,故用定冠词。

第五处:her→his。【解题思路】 此处指妇女把她的手放在男人的肩膀上(阻止他为自己让座)。 第六处:So→But。【解题思路】 男人想起来,可是妇女不让,前后是转折关系,故用but。 第七处:force→forced。【解题思路】 动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时。

第八处:say→saying。【解题思路】 say与句子主语是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词做伴随状语。 第九处:block→blocks。【解题思路】 三个街区,所以用复数。

第十处:wanted后加to。【解题思路】 want to do sth.\想要做某事\是固定搭配。 第二节 书面表达


A survey about the relationship between students and teachers,family members or classmates is being made by a research study group of our school. Generally speaking,we are getting on well with each other. However,there exist some problems. Some students are easy to lose their temper because of anxiety and study burden. Sometimes they are too self-centered. What",s worse,they sometimes quarrel with others,and even turn a deaf ear to their parents and teachers and speak against their parents and teachers,which is very disappointing.

In my opinion,we middle school students should make our efforts to improve the situation. First,we should respect our parents and teachers as well as our classmates. Second,when we are not feeling happy,we can have a heart-to-heart chat with our friends or teachers or even parents. It is likely that they can understand us better and give us some reasonable advice. 附:听力参考材料 Text 1

M: Would you like to go to the mountain with us on Friday?

W: I would enjoy that very much if I didn",t have to take an exam on Saturday. I think I",d better stay home and study. Text 2

M: Do you think that you can have these shirts finished by Friday morning?

W: I",m sorry. I couldn",t possibly get them done by then. Saturday afternoon would be the earliest you could have them. Text 3

M: Have you heard Mr. Brown will have to have the operation?

W: That",s what I want to tell you. When I visited the hospital this afternoon, I learned they had finished the operation around 8:30. The doctor seems to think that Mr. Brown is going to be all right now. Text 4

M: Do you remember the ceilings in the old flats?

W: Sure. They were very high and gave you a feeling of a lot of space. I wonder what the height of the old ceilings was. M: At least 3 meters. But today",s flats usually have ceilings no higher than 2.7 meters, and some only 2.3. Text 5

W: Hi, John! Welcome back! What a day! M: I was really lucky with the weather. W: Good hotel?

M: Not too bad. Food was average, but I was right on the beach. You should have gone with me instead of camping in the mountain. Text 6

M: Maria, you look tired. Are you all right?

W: Well, yes...I am a bit tired actually. I haven",t been sleeping well these last couple of days. M: Is that because of the increased work load at the office? W: Yes, that",s probably the reason.

M: I bet you haven",t been getting enough exercise, huh? W: Hardly any. I can",t afford the time. I am engaged all day long. M: Yon must make time. You must do more exercise. Text 7

M: Good morning, Dr. Ellis, good to see you again. Where are you off to this time?

W: Well, I have to be down in New Orleans at the end of this week. Is there still room on any of the flights? M: I",ll see. When do you want to leave? W: Thursday night or Friday morning at the latest.

M: I",ll see what",s available. Yes, there are still a few seats available but it",s the last flight on Thursday night leaving New York at 9: 45. W: Well, when would we arrive in New Orleans? M: Just before midnight, 11: 55.

W: Not ideal, but it could be worse. Reserve a seat for me on that one, then. M: Gladly, are you still traveling for business this time?

W: I",m supposed to attend a medical conference over the weekend, but I hope I",ll have a chance to get in some jazz, too. I",ve always been a great jazz fan.

M: OK. I",ve made you a reservation. Shall I bill your credit as usual? W: Yeah, that",s fight. M: Have a good trip. W: Thank you. Text 8

W: Did you go out today?

M: With my bad luck, what good would it have done if I",d gone out? W: If you",d looked for a job, you might have found one.

M: But I",ve been looking for over a year. Today wouldn",t have been any different. W: I know how bad you feel. But if you don",t keep on looking, you",ll never get a job. M: If I",d stayed in Snowdon in the first place, I wouldn",t have had so much trouble.

W: What would you have done? There are more people out of work there than here. M: I could have had a farm of my own if I",d stayed there.

W: You, up in the mountains, with nobody to talk to but the chickens.

M: I don",t like the city. There are too many people. There",s too much noise, too much dust. W: I like it here.

M: Yes, because you were brought up here. This is really your home.

W: Well, maybe we should go to your hometown for a visit anyway. We could see your aunt and uncle. M: You really mean that? I",d like to see the island again and feel the sunshine there. Text 9

W: Hello, I",d like to speak to Mr. Hill, please. M: Hill speaking.

W: This is Kate Morrison. You remember me, don",t you? M: Of course. I do. What",s the matter? Has anything happened?

W: I don",t want to trouble you, but I",m worried. We",ve got examinations next month. M: Oh, I see. Well, everybody worries about examinations.

W: But I may fail, and my parents may want me to go back to Canada. They may not send me any more money.

M: You won",t fail, though of course you may fail if you don",t work at all. You must begin right away. One of your teachers was talking to me about you. You can pass the examinations. W: Are you sure?

M: Of course, I am. If you worry, you may fail, so you shouldn",t worry.

W: You",ve helped me a lot. I feel sure of myself now. Would you like to come to another party here tonight?

M: Another party? You must be mad. But thank you for the invitation. I",ll come if I can. Of course, you won",t pass the examinations if you have parties every night. Text 10

On June 12th, Peter had a surprise when he woke up in the morning. He found that the floor of his room was flooded. When he looked out of the window, he saw many cars upside down in the street. It was a sad day for Peter",s hometown, which is a mountain city. In the twenty-four hours up to noon, nearly seventeen inches of rain had fallen. Usually about sixteen inches of rain falls in the whole month of June. Roads in the high area were washed away. Tons of mud and rocks crashed down on the houses below. Sixty-four people died in the flood and more than 2,500 people lost their homes. For some time after the flood,helicopters continued to rescue people. Tractors and lorries worked hard to clear away the rocks and earth. Many people sent money and life necessities to the victims of the flood and helped them rebuild their hometown.

