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Become popular with... 受。。。欢迎 Be at stake 有风险,成问题 Be similar to... 与。。。相似 Catch up with... 赶上。。。 Go up sharply 急剧增长 Have... On hand 随时备有。。。 Make a/the transaction 进行交易 Over the wireless network 通过无线网络 Steer clear of 绕开,避开 Take...into consideration 考虑到, Throw... To the wind 全然不顾。。。 Be infamous for 因。。。而臭名昭著的 Find oneself doing sth 发现或意识到自己正在做某事 Hold the same values 具有相同的价值观 In one sitting 一次;一口气 More than ever 更加,越发 Practise a religion 皈依教门 Rather then 而不是 Stumble over 结结巴巴的说 Value...as... 把...珍视为...
Be part of... 成为。。。的一部分 Be synonymous with 与。。。同义 Come to life 被唯妙唯俏的描绘 Complete with 具有 From that moment on 从那一刻起 Set one’s eyes on 看到 Single out 使突出 Unit3
1)Some experts
argue_that one-on-one instruction helps
children learn effectively.
2) The public is entitled to know how much of their wallet is
at risk in the banking world. 3) We should secure shelter for wild animals that could be
attacked and killed.
4) The best way of reporting news is not just to quote the words of authority_figures. 5) The web gives its users
access to world-class
communication tools and worldwide markets.
6) As a developing country, China is shouldering the challenging task of economic development and environment protection 7) The costs of retirement will_go up sharply as the
number of the aged increases in the coming decades.
8) Shall we proceed_ with the planned investment? 9) Business plans often assume_ that it is easy to gain a share of a large or fast-growing market.
10) The safest_passwords_ are usually a combination of letters and numbers, which are at least 8 bits long. Unit4
1)Even if we are in a difficult time, we will not shrink from our responsibility.
2) Africa is the most racially diverse region in the world. 3) All creatures on the earth are interdependent on each other: they interact with one another in some ways. 4) The parents’ obligation to raise their kids does not go as far as depriving their children of social practice. 5) With hard work any obstacle can be overcome. 6) Zhang is a Chongqing native ,and you may consult him about the local specialties.
7) In the market-driven economy, the company aims at the
maximization of utility and benefits. 8) To study a phenomenon properly, researchers must first have a way to measure it. 9) Another argument in favour of the author valued him as a great novelist.
10) They wouldn’t behave so cruelly if they respected life Unit5 Unit3
When I first went to Japan, I soon discovered that our American model of a salesman going to a customer’s office, giving his sales speech and then expecting to close the sale just does not work in Japan. First of all in Japan, you generally 1 need an introduction to meet a prospective buyer. Often, an appointment is arranged 2 through a third person. Once you have an appointment to 3 see the man that you want to do business 4
with, the introduction and getting to know one another can be a timely 5 process. Your prospective customer has to get to know the person with 6 whom_he is going to do business. A certain period of time is required for each 7 party to learn more about one 8 another. In the beginning, business is 9 not the main item of conversation. It is more 10 about getting to know one another. This opens the door to a good basis of communication between the two parties. Unit4
Training is the process of teaching newly recruited 1
employees the basic skills required to perform their jobs satisfactorily.Nowadays training 2 is concerned with_ more than teaching technical skills such as training a mechanic how to 3 operate a machine. To compete in today’s ever changing market, a firm must be 4
responsive for customers’ needs. This 5 calls for a workforce that is more than technically trained. More and more 6 employers are realizing the role of training opportunities in strengthening employee commitment and that the most devoted employees 7 turn out to be those who enjoy continuing developmental opportunities to better themselves. 8 On the other hand, a large gap still exists in the training process — many companies offer little investment for staff training. There is 9
no denying that further training and developmental
means of enhancing an
opportunities for employees are not only a means of raising their job satisfaction but also a 10 employer’s competitiveness. Unit5 翻译 Unit3
1)当进口产品时,我们必须考虑我们的支付能力。(take into consideration)
We must take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods.
2) 食品安全与民生紧密相关。(security)
Food security is closely connected with people’s livelihood. 3) 他们在法庭上对控诉进行了非常成功的辩护。(defence) In the court, they made a very successful defence against the charges.
4) 这种游戏特别受年轻人的欢迎。(popular with) The game is especially popular with young people.
5) 在那个紧要关头,他不顾一切地冲了上去。(throw caution to the wind)
At that critical moment, he rushed forward and threw caution to the wind.
6) 在经济学上,通货膨胀意味着货物和服务的市场价格猛烈增长。(go up sharply)
In economics, inflation means the market prices of goods and services will go up sharply. Unit4
1)我们的谈话仅仅围绕与文化差异有关的事。(encompass) Our conversation merely encompassed the things relating to cultural differences.
2) 我试图一口气读完整本小说。(in one sitting) I tried to read the whole novel in one sitting.
3) 当她对约翰更了解以后,她比以往任何时候都更加爱他。(more than ever)
She loved him more than ever when she got to know John better. 4) 在面试期间,许多求职者会很紧张,会结结巴巴用词不当。(stumble over)
During the interview, many job applicants would get nervous and stumble over their word context.
5) 许多公司宁愿要更便宜的电脑,而不是功能更强的电脑。(rather than)
Many companies would prefer cheaper computers rather than more powerful ones.
6) 在跨文化交际中,深刻了解西方文化的多样性是必不可少的。(diversity)
A thorough understanding of the diversity of Western culture is a must incross-cultural communication. Unit5
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