采购协议中英文对照版 - 图文

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Long-term Cooperation Agreement


Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd. (Seal) 授权代表人(签字):

Authorized representative (Signature):

年 月 日

Date: (MM) (DD) (YY)


Laird Technologies(Shenzhen)Ltd.


Authorized representative (Signature)

年 月 日

Date: (MM) (DD) (YY)


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This long-term cooperation agreement is made in Chang’an Town of Dongguan City between:

广东欧珀移动通信有限公司 ,其住所位于 东莞市长安镇乌沙海滨路18号。(以下简称“甲方”)

莱尔德电子材料(深圳)有限公司,其住所位于 深圳市宝安区福永镇和平社区福源一路德金工业区一区厂房 。(以下简称“乙方”)

Guangdong OPPO Mobile Telecommunications Corp. Ltd., an organization located at #18 Haibin Road, Wusha, Chang’an Town, Dongguan City (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”).


__Laird Technologies (Shenzhen) Ltd._, an organization located at _Building 1, Dejin Industiral Park, Fuyuanyi Road, Heping community, Fuyong Town, BaoAn District, Shenzhen City(hereinafter referred to as Party B).


Based on the principle of mutual benefit and friendly cooperation and to clarify responsibilities and obligations, Party A and Party B hereof come to the long-term cooperation agreement and various special agreements. All the agreements will come into force at stamping the common seals on the covers. This long-term agreement is composed of the special agreements below:

(标注*的协议表示包含。标注□的协议表示为可选项,?表示包含,×表示不包含,空白表示包含) (The agreements marked with * indicates being included. The agreements marked with □ indicates being optional, ? indicates included, × indicates excluded, and blank indicates included.) *《价格诚信协议》

Price Credit Agreement; *《廉洁保证协议》

White Hands Guarantee Agreement; *《保密协议》

Non-disclosure Agreement; *《坏料处理协议》

Defect Material Disposal Agreement *《环保协议》

Environment Protection Agreement *《品质保证协议》

Quality Guarantee Agreement; *《知识产权协议》

Intellectual Property Rights Agreement; □《来料包装规范协议》

Incoming Material Package Specification Agreement; □《快递送、退货责任协议》

Agreement on Express Delivery and Reject Responsibility;

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Trademark Use Authorization Agreement; □《委托加工协议》 OEM Agreement;


Supplier Agency Qualification and Supply Source Control Agreement

包含的各专项协议是本长期合作协议不可分割的一部分,与本长期合作协议具有同等法律效力。 All the special agreements are integral parts of the long-term cooperation agreement and are with equal legal force as the long-term cooperation agreement.


In case of new long-term cooperation agreement and special agreements signed between the two parties(referred to as agreement upgrade), the old version long-term cooperation agreement and special agreements (referred to as upgraded agreement) shall be automatically terminated at the moment when the new version long-term cooperation agreement and special agreements (referred to as new version agreement) come into force.


Party A and Party B hereof confirm that through friendly and fair consultations the two parties come to the long-term cooperation agreement and various special agreements. Both Party A and Party B hereof consider that the long-term agreement and various special agreements are the true expressions of the two parties and the two parties absolutely and entirely understand and agree on all clauses in the agreements. Both Party A and Party B hereof confirm that the long-term agreement and various special agreements shall not be deemed as format contract or format clauses. Moreover, both Party A and Party B hereof fully notice and entirely agree on clauses of responsibility in the long-term agreement and various special agreements, and absolutely accept all the clauses.

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Long-term Cooperation Agreement

1、双方合作项目为: 精密五金件加工 。

Cooperation content: ___ precision metal parts manufacture______________________________________ 2、交易币种: 人民币 ,含税___17__%(VAT)。

Currency used: __RMB______ including ____17___% tax (VAT); 3、付款条件:□月结 30 天

□货到 天,

□其他付款条件: ,

Payment: □ Net__30_____days AMS;

□ Payment made within _________days after receiving; □ Other payment terms: _________________ 付款条件定义:

Definition for payment condition:


Payment AMS terms: Net day payment means payment is made for the warehoused products accepted after inspection from the first day to the end of the month. All the products failed for release for warehouse due to quality issues during this month are excluded in settlement of this month; net 30 days means payment shall be made within 30 days counting from the first day of next month after supplying, and on analog of this for net 60/90 days.


COD terms: X days after delivery means payment shall be made X days after receiving. 4、订单下达 Order Placing

甲方以打印的并加盖甲方购货合同章的《订货合同》(包含《采购订单》、《备料合同》,下同)作为向 乙方下达采购订单的唯一方式。乙方收到甲方《订货合同》后需在一个工作日内对订单上的货物规格、 数量、单价、交期、付款方式等予以确认并签章后回传给甲方,以此作为双方确定《订货合同》的依 据。乙方如因特殊原因无法按时回传,可书面告之甲方具体的合同评审时间,经甲方许可后可适时顺 延确认时间。如乙方无故拖延《订货合同》确认时间而影响甲方生产计划,甲方将按每份合同延迟一 天要求乙方支付人民币伍佰圆的违约金。

Party B takes the only way to place purchase order to Party B by printed Purchase Contract (including Purchase Order, Material Contract, similarly hereinafter.) with special seal for purchase contract of Party A. Within one working day after receiving the Purchase Contract from Party A, Party B shall confirm product specification, quantity, unit price, date of delivery and payment on the purchase order and fax it back to Party A after stamping seal on it as proof of confirmed Purchase Contract by both parties. In case of failure to fax it back as scheduled due to special reason, Party B shall notify Party A about detailed contract review time. The confirmation time can not be delayed until consent received from Party A. If Party A’s production plan is affected due to unreasonable delay of confirmation time of Purchase Contract by Party B, Party A shall claim against Party B for RMB500 for each delayed day for each contract as penalty for breach of contract. 5、 订单变更

Order Modification

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If the valid Purchase Contract is modified (including but not limited to: cancellation, quantity increase/decrease, change of date of delivery) due to Party A, Party A shall fax a Purchase Contract Modification Agreement with purchase seal to Party B. Party B shall confirm, seal and fax back the Purchase Contract Modification Agreement within one working day after receiving it from Party A. In case that Party B fails to fax it back as scheduled, Party A shall deem it as that Party B has accepted the Purchase Contract Modification Agreement.



After receiving and confirming the Purchase Contract Modification Agreement from Party A, Party B shall immediately make arrangements of production and stock adjustment. In case of purchase order cancellation or quantity decrease in purchase order, Party B shall report actual production or stock situation to Party A within one working day. In principle, Party A shall assist in absorbing the produced or stocked materials of Party B, and the specific solution shall be reached after consultations between the two parties. In case of Party A’s loss caused by false quantity reported by Party B, Party A has the right to require Party B to undertake all the losses suffered by Party A.


任何人员的订单下达和变更指令,否则由此给乙方造成的一切损失由乙方自行承担;甲方以打印的并 加盖甲方购货合同章的《订货合同》或《订货合同变更协议》作为向乙方下达采购订单或变更采购订 单的唯一方式,乙方不得接受上述下单或变更方式以外的任何形式的订单指令,否则由此给乙方造成 的一切损失由乙方自行承担。

Supply Department of Party A is the only unit of Party A to place purchase order to Party B, and Party B shall not accept any new order or modification directives from any other personnel except those appointed by Party A. Otherwise, all losses caused to Party B shall be solely undertaken by Party B. Party B takes the only way to place purchase order or modify the purchase order to Party B by printed Purchase Contract or Purchase Contract Modification Agreement with special seal for purchase contract of Party A, and Party B shall not accept purchase order directives in any another forms for placing or modifying purchase order. Otherwise, all losses caused to Party B shall be solely undertaken by Party B. 6、价格 Price

双方交易价格按照生效的《订货合同》单价执行,定价方式及其他权责按双方签订的《价格诚信协议》 执行。

The purchase price is subject to the unit price specified in the valid Purchase Contract. Pricing method and other responsibilities and obligations are subject to Price Credit Agreement signed by the two parties. 7、交货 Delivery


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圆,最高限额为延迟交货总金额的10%;若延期8天(含)以上,甲方有权利单方面取消订单,因此给乙方造成的全部损失由乙方承担,同时甲方有权要求乙方承担因此给甲方造成的损失。若因不可抗拒因素导致乙方无法按时交货,乙方可不予承担延期交货违约责任,但必须在7个工作日内提供不可抗拒因素的相关证明。若因甲方原因导致乙方无法按时交货,乙方可不予承担延期交货违约责任。 Party B shall deliver the products to Party A at the place specified in the valid Purchase Contract, handle delivery formalities, and provide related certificates and data of the products. Party B shall undertake all charges and commodity risks before delivery including but not limited to charges for transport, insurance and discharging. In case of delayed delivery by Party B, Party B shall pay 1% of the delayed product value for each delayed day as compensation for breach of contract. The minimum amount of compensation for breach of contract is RMB500, and the maximum amount is 10% of the delayed product value; in case that the delivery is delayed for more than 8 days (inclusive), Party A has the right to cancel this purchase order, and all the losses incurred shall be undertaken by Party B. Meanwhile, Party A has the right to require Party B to make compensation for all the losses caused to Party A. In case of failure of delivery as scheduled by Party B due to force majeure, Party B shall not be held responsible for breach of contract. However, Party B is required to submit related certifications of force majeure. In case of failure of delivery as scheduled due to fault of Party A, Party B shall not be held responsible for breach of contract.



Party A reserves the right of changing the date of delivery in purchase contract (Requirement of advancing delivery needs confirmation of acceptance by Party B.), and Party B is required to try the best to arrange delivery following delivery schedule and related notifications from Party A. The extra charges of Party B due to change of delivery by Party A shall be borne by Party A, and Party B shall not be held responsible for any delay of delivery therefore. If Party B may anticipate the delay of delivery, Party B shall immediately notify Party A of the impossibility of delivery performance on schedule and the new date of delivery. 7.3未经甲方同意,乙方提前交货或多交货的,甲方有权拒收。

In case of no prior consent from Party A, Party A has the right to refuse delivery before scheduled time or beyond the quantity specified in the contract by Party B. 7.4交货时,乙方必须提供正式的《送货单》。《送货单》只能用无碳复写的纸张打印或手工填写,至少一


At delivery, Party B is required to provide formal Delivery Note. The Delivery Note is required to be printed or filled in by hand on carbonless copy paper at least in triplicate and to satisfy requirements from Party A of basic contents, format and instructions for copy use. The information including Party B’s supplier code, purchase order number, material code, material description, delivered quantity and consigner’s signature (full name is required.) registered and coded by Party A are required. The factors and quantity on the Delivery Note must be be consistent with actual delivery and instructions. Great care is required for billing of the same material with different purchase order numbers, and the principle of “first-in-first-out” must be followed. Resumed purchase orders that have been rejected and held for inspection shall be processed separately. In case data confusion is caused to Party A as Party B fails to follow “first-in-first-out” principle, Party A has

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the right to claim against Party B for RMB500 as compensation for breach of contract. 7.5报关资料的提供(若乙方境内交货则无此条款)

Provision of customs information (No such clause for delivery place in China.)


料,并将其及时准确地传真至甲方《订货合同》指定的传真上,同时与甲方指定联络人联系确认。 Party B is required to provide detailed information including packing list, invoice, net weight, gross weight, brand, place of origin and manufacturer 4 days prior to delivery, and timely fax the information to the fax number of Party A specified in Purchase Contract, and contact the appointed contact person by Party A for confirmation.


Types of products and carton marks provided by Party B must the consistent with the information submitted; 7.5.2乙方送货的外包装箱上的产地、品牌标识必须与提供的资料一致;

Place of production, brand marks on carton must the same as the information provided by Party B; 7.5.3凡产地是日本、韩国、欧盟、美国的货物,乙方必须提供无木质包装证明书;

Party B shall provide certificates of non-wood packing for all products with original place of Japan, Korea, European Union and USA;



In case of any modification in information concerning model, place of origin and production process of the products provided by Party B to Party, Party B is required to timely notify the appointed contact person of Party A in writing before delivery.



Quantity (indicates the quantity marked on external packing) of products delivered by Party B to Party A must be the same as the quantity stated in customs information provided by Party B to Party A. In case of discordance, Party B shall immediately notify Party A. Provided Party A hasn’t made arrangement for customs clearance when notified of the discordance, Party A has the right to claim against Party B for RMB20,000 as compensation for breach of contract; provided Party A has made the arrangement for customs clearance when notified, Party B shall undertake all the losses (including but not limited to customs forfeiture and penalty, and charges of customs clearance) caused to Party A, and meanwhile Party A has the right to claim against Party B for RMB50, 000 each time as penalty for breach of contract as.



If Party B has already submitted the related customs information to Party A but fails to make delivery as scheduled, Party B shall be held responsible for the delayed delivery. Moreover, Party A has the right to claim against Party B for RMB50, 000 for each breach of contract as penalty. 7.6收货 (若乙方境外交货则无此条款)

Receiving (No such clause for delivery place outside China.)


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After receiving the products from Party B, Party A is to issue a Note of Receiving for Quality Inspection. If the products pass the inspection, Party B may go to Party A to collect the supplier’s payment request copy of Delivery Note signed by warehouse keeper of Party A seven working days later by showing “Supplier Identification IC Card” issued by Party A. Party B is required to properly keep the Delivery Note signed by warehouse keeper of Party A as the important proof for payment request. For each lost Delivery Note by Party B, Party B is required to pay RMB50 for each breach of contract as penalty. In case that Party B issues a Certificate of Lost Delivery Note with no actual Delivery Note loss for attempting repeated payment request, Party B shall pay RMB1, 000 for each breach of contract as penalty. The compensation for breach of contract shall be deducted from the unpaid payment for products. 7.7包装要求

Packaging requirements


Product packages of Party B shall satisfy pertinent laws of the People’s Republic of China including the national standards of the related products, e.g. safety standard and environment protection standard. Otherwise, Party A has the right to refuse the delivery. Please refer to Incoming Material Packaging Specification Agreement signed by the two parties for details. 8、境内交货货款结算(若乙方境外交货则无此条款)

Payment for Domestic Delivery (No such clause for delivery place outside China) 8.1对帐时间:每月5-10日(月结付款)或交货后3-5天(货到×天付款)。

Time of account checking: 5th – 10th each month (Monthly payment) or 3-5 days after delivery (Payment made X days after receiving) 8.2对帐依据:《送货单》、《外购退货单》、《外协退货单》、《对帐单》、《收款通知》、《付款通知》、《供应商


Basis of checking account: Delivery Note, Return Note for Outsourced Product, Statement of Account, Advice of Collection, Credit Note, Advice of Payment, Compensation Claim against Supplier


Payment request information: payment request copy of Delivery Note signed by warehouse keeper of Party A and original Statement of Account and invoice sealed by Party B 8.4请款流程:

Procedure of payment request



Party B shall go to warehouse keeper of Party A to collect the Delivery Note for last month (or last time) by the 5th of each month (monthly payment) or 3 days later after delivery (payment made X days after receiving), and prepares Statement of Account according to the requirements from Party A. Party B shall send the Statement of Account by e-mail to business audit department of Party A for review by 10th of each month (monthly payment) or 5 days later after delivery (payment made X days after receiving). After Statement of Account is confirmed by both parties, Party B shall submit information for payment request to personnel of

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Party A in charge of account checking by 15th of each month (monthly payment) or 7 days later after delivery (payment made X days after receiving). 8.4.2《对帐单》编制要求:

Requirements for preparing Statement of Account:

1) 以《送货单》上甲方仓库人员签字的收货日期先后顺序编制《对帐单》,而不是以乙方开具《送


The Payment Statement shall be prepared based on the sequence of date of receiving marked by warehouse keeper of Party A on the Delivery Note instead of the sequence of date of issuing the Delivery Note by Party B. Receiving items shall comes first followed by returning items and then other payment or deduction items.

2) 以“实收数量”为准,金额需保留两位小数。

Take “Actual received quantity” as standard, and the amount shall round off to the nearest hundredth.


Requirements for submitting payment request information:

1) 必须经双方电话或邮件确认对帐无误后方可递交请款资料;

Payment request information can not be submitted until account checking is confirmed by both parties through telephone or e-mail communication;

2) 《送货单》请款联必须按《对帐单》上的《送货单》单号先后顺序整理,以甲方收货日期的先后


The payment request copy of the Delivery Note must be prepared based on sequence of Delivery Note number on the Statement of Account, and placed in chronological order, i.e. by receiving date of Party A; 3) 《送货单》请款联原件、加盖乙方公章的《对帐单》原件和发票三种单据缺一不可;

All of the original payment request copy of Delivery Note, the original Statement of Account sealed by Party B and invoice are required;

4) 发票上“货物及应税劳务名称”一栏的内容必须与甲方下达给乙方采购订单上的“描述”栏位内


The content in column of “Name of products and taxable labor service” on invoice must the consistent with the content in column of “description” on purchase order, and “tax rate” must be consistent with the “tax rate” on purchase order;


Payment deduction

需乙方承担的违约金及其他扣款项,甲方以《供应商赔偿申请》文件或《收款通知书》文件通知乙方; For the compensation for breach of contract and other deductions undertaken by Party B, Party A shall notify Party B by Compensation Claim against Supplier or Credit Note;


For the compensation for breach of contract and other deductions undertaken by Party A to Party B, Party A shall notify Party B by Advice of Payment. 8.5违约责任

Responsibilities for breach of contract



In case of delayed payment to Party B attributed to delayed account checking or submission of payment request by Party B, Party A shall not be held responsible for the delayed payment. Meanwhile, Party A has the right to postpone the payment due for the month till the next month.

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In case of delayed payment to Party B due to fault of Party A, Party A shall pay interest to Party B calculated according to the banking interest rate of demand deposit at the same period.



In case Party A fail to withhold input VAT due to fault of Party B (e.g. invoice beyond valid term of withholding, dirty invoice, lost deduction copy of invoice), Party B shall be fully liable for the loss of tax suffered by Party A.


造成的税局对甲方的罚款,由乙方全额承担,同时甲方有权利顺延一个月支付乙方已到期货款。 The issued invoice by Party B is prohibited to be modified by hand or cancelled without authorization. In case of modification or cancellation needed, Party B shall notify Party A in writing. Otherwise, all the penalty of tax from tax authority shall be undertaken by Party B, and Party A also has the right to postpone the payment due for one month;



In case of name change, account alteration or cancellation of Party B, Party B is required to make settlement for all transactions with Party A. In case of failure to make payment to Party B due to fault of Party B, Party A shall be free of any responsibility.


Payment for offshore delivery (No such clause for delivery place in China)

9.1甲方委托香港美高物流有限公司(MAINCO LOGISTICS LTD.)收货并代开支票付款。

Party A entrusts MAINCO LOGISTICS LTD. to receive the products and issue checks and make payment on behalf of Party A.


If any currency conversion shall be required in connection with the calculation of payment, both parties agree that such conversion shall be made using the exchange rate issued by the People’s Bank of China on that day. 9.3因乙方原因导致甲方货款支付延迟,其责任由乙方承担。

In case of delayed payment by Party A due to fault of Party B, Party B shall be held responsible for it. 10、增值服务

Value-added service


Party A encourages Party B to provide latest information of industrial technology, processing technique, materials and processing flows;


Party A encourages Party B to provide scheme with higher performance-price ratio and meanwhile Party B shall have the right to share the achievements ; 10.3乙方提供的有益于甲方的意见、建议经甲方采纳,在同等条件下,甲方承诺根据其为甲方带来的价值,


Provided suggestion made by Party B is adopted by Party A, Party A promises, under equivalent conditions, to reward Party B with certain preferential policy of allocation proportion when placing purchase orders, based on the profit brought to Party A. 11、供应商考核

Supplier evaluation

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Party A shall conduct comprehensive assessment and grading on Party B every month from aspects of price, quality, date of delivery, service etc. Party A has the right to adjust allocation proportion of purchase orders based on the assessment results. In case of super low grade of Party B, Party A has the right to enable supplier eliminating procedure.


Supplier Identification Recognition Smart IC Card issued by Party A

为保障乙方财产安全,避免乙方的货物、单据在甲方仓库被冒领,同时为方便乙方人员进入甲方厂区洽谈业务,甲方向乙方发行《供应商身份识别智能IC卡》。具体办理流程及相关权责,按双方签订的 《供应商身份识别IC卡领取协议》执行。

To guarantee the property safety of Party B and prevent false claim of Party B’s products and bills of document at warehouse of Party A, and for the convenience of Party B’s personnel to come to Party A for business as well, Party A shall issue Supplier Identification Smart IC Card to Party B. The detailed handling flow and related responsibilities and obligations are subject to Supplier Identification IC Card Collecting Agreement. 13、售后服务

After-sales service

13.1乙方承诺供货给甲方的产品品质可靠性期限为 个月(从甲方验收合格入库日算起),在品质


Party B undertakes that quality reliability term of the products provided to Party A is ____ months (starting from the date of releasing for warehouse after inspection by Party A). In case of any abnormality during the quality reliability term, except for accepting returned inventory by Party A, Party B shall also undertake after-sales service expenses therefore caused to Party A (including but not limited to maintenance, traveling, accommodation and aftermath expenses).


To ensure a consecutive supply of maintenance materials for products of Party A, Party B has the obligations to supply maintenance materials for another two years after the delisting of the products of Party A. 13.3乙方应协助甲方及时清退甲方的库存坏料,具体按《坏料处理协议》执行。

Party B shall assist Party A in timely returning warehoused spoiled materials of Party A. Please refer to Spoiled Material Disposal Agreement for details. 14、业务终止

Business termination



If business termination is requested by Party B, Party B is required to notify Party A six months in advance by submitting Business Termination Notice in writing. Party B shall not stop supplying products until receiving consent in writing from Party A. Otherwise Party A shall deem the unsettled purchase order as delayed delivery. Party A has the right to suspend payment to Party B for the products provided for the last three months since the last shipment. After clarifying influence of supply termination and at the completion of aftermath disposal, Party A shall resume the payment to Party B for the unpaid balance.

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During normal transactions between the two parties, in case of business termination requested by Party A, Party A is required to notify Party B one month in advance by submitting Business Termination Notice in writing. Party A shall make normal payment to Party B during the aftermath period.



In case of accidents of serious quality problem, delivery date and corruption, Party A has the right to immediately terminate the cooperation with B, and meanwhile, Party A has the right to suspend payment to Party B for all the unpaid balance till an agreement reached between the two parties on disposal of the accident.



To terminate the cooperation between the parties, at settlement of all payments except for deposit for quality and white hands and at completion of returning all the spoiled materials in stock of Party A, the two parties shall sign a Certificate of Business Termination and this agreement is terminated simultaneously. However, the terms of Non-disclosure Agreement shall survive the termination. After termination of the agreement, in case quality problems in batch or serious quality deviation are caused to Party A by products of Party B during the valid warranty term promised by Party B, Party A shall also have the rights to hold Party B liable for breach of contract pursuant to the related clauses of quality guarantee. 15、协议解除

Termination of Agreement


In case of any of the following events, either party can notify the counterparty in writing to terminate this agreement.

(1)一方违反本协议之约定导致他方的协议目的不能实现,经他方以书面催告解释或补正后,于通知之 解释或补正期间内仍不解释或补正时;

Either party breathes the contract and thus makes the counterparty unable to achieve the goal of this agreement, and also fails to make explanation or remedy within the specified period after receiving written notice from the counterparty.


Either party has filed for bankruptcy or become subject to any bankruptcy proceeding. (3)一方经营状况严重恶化,致该方不能履行本协议权责的时;

Operation of either party has deteriorated significantly, and thus fail to perform the obligations and responsibility specified in this agreement.


Either party transfers property, surreptitiously withdraws funds, and evades liabilities.


If the observant party requests to terminate this agreement under the provision of this article, it shall not influence the rights of the observant party to claim against the defaulting party for compensation. 16、不可抗力的处理 Force Majeure

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Either party shall not be held responsible for breach of contract in case of failure of performing this agreement due to force majeure. However, the party encountering force majeure shall timely notify the counterparty in writing about the force majeure and try the best to take effective and reasonable measures to minimize the losses incurred to both parties. Provided Party B fails in normal supply and to perform obligations within 15 days due to force majeure, Party A has the right to cancel the unsettled purchase orders and qualification of Party B as supplier. All the losses incurred therefore shall be undertaken by Party B, and Party A shall not be held responsible. 17、一般条款

General Provisions.


This Long-term Cooperation Agreement together with other special agreements and supplementary agreements as well as related attachments constitute the entire purchase-supply agreement between the two parties, and the related special agreements, supplementary agreements and attachments are the integral parts of the purchase-supply agreement with equal legal force. During the valid term of this agreement, nether party shall make unauthorized modification or termination of this agreement. For the unmentioned matters, the two parties shall come to supplementary agreements after consultations. In case of any agreement upgrade, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated the moment the new version of this agreement is signed.


Provided any article in this agreement is adjudged as unenforceable in certain aspects by judicial authority while the unenforceability has no material influences on responsibilities and obligations of both parties, the balance of this agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.


One party waiving claim on the counterparty for its failure in performing responsibilities and obligations of this agreement shall sign a written document of waiver, which however shall not be construed as waiver for future events.


This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each, and the agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties.


This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.

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Price Credit Agreement


To ensure smooth transactions in good faith between the two parties and transaction price in accordance with market quotation, Party A and Party B hereby come to this agreement:


终交易单价。乙方保证供货价格符合市场行情,不高于市场行情下同等批量同等质量水平的最低价格。 Guided by the principle of integrity and honesty, Party B shall provide an authentic cost analysis and reasonable profit request, based on which Party A and Party B hereof shall come to a final price for transaction. Party B undertakes that the supply price is in accordance with market quotation and is not higher than the minimum price of similar lot size at similar quality level in the market.

2、 乙方需根据原材料市场价格的变动或生产工艺的变更及其它成本要素的变化及时调整供应给甲方产品


Party B is required to timely adjust unit price of the products provided to Party A based on change of market price of raw materials, production processing technology and other factors of costs. In case of price adjustment, the Purchase Contract entered before the adjustment shall stick to the original price, while the Purchase Contract after the adjustment shall use the new price. If the price of Party B is lower than the price of other suppliers providing the same type of materials to Party A, Party A has the obligations to place more purchase orders to Party B; otherwise, Party A has the right to decrease purchase quantity from Party B and even to cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier. Party B promises that the supply price for Party A is competitive among all clients, and that the price shall be no higher than the market average price agreed by Party A and Party B through consultations.

3、 甲方有权利到乙方实地考察了解乙方产品的成本构成情况,乙方有义务提供甲方合理要求之内的相关


Party A has the right to conduct site investigation on the cost composition of products of Party B, and Party B, as per reasonable request of Party A, has the obligation to provide information concerning the related cost factors including but not limited to invoice (including raw materials, equipment purchase invoices, purchase invoices for commissioned processing), original value of fixed assets, labor cost composition, production capacity of equipments, utilities and rent, and various production reports. If the product cost calculated by Party A based on obtained cost factors is remarkably lower than the product cost provided by Party B, selling price of Party B is higher than the price calculated by Party A, and Party B has no sufficient evidences to prove its rationality, Party A has the right to make payment according to the price verified and calculated by Party A, and reserves the rights to cancel purchase orders, take back price difference, refuse to pay the unpaid balance of products provided by Party B, refuse to refund the deposit of quality and white hands from Party B, and cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier.


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Both Party A and Party B hereof shall strictly keep cost information and unit price of transition confidential, and shall in no case disclose to a third party (unless otherwise stipulated by law).



To enhance market competence of products of Party A, under the condition of a stable market price, Party B has the obligations to try the best to assist Party A in lowering costs and realization of schemes. 6、价格不诚信的处理:

Disposal of discredit price:


If the quotation from Party B is remarkably far from the market price, Party A shall deem Party B as seeking for profiteering. Party A and Party B hereof agree to deal with it as follows:

6.1 乙方报价高于市场行情10%,甲方有权取消未结订单、要求乙方返还高于市场行情部分的差价、暂停


If quotation from Party B is 10% higher than the market price, Party A has the right to cancel the unsettled purchase orders, request Party B to refund the price difference that exceeds the market price, suspend due payment to Party B, and request Party B to pay a penalty of the same amount as the part higher than market price to Party A for breach of contract. Moreover, Party A has the right to cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier.

6.2 乙方报价高于市场行情20%,甲方有权取消未结订单、要求乙方返还高于市场行情部分的差价、暂停


In case of 20% higher of quotation from Party B than the market price, Party A has the right to cancel the unsettled purchase order, request Party B to refund the price difference that exceeds the market price, suspend due payment to Party B, and request Party B to refund twice the price difference for the part higher than the market price as penalty for breach of contract to Party A. Moreover, Party A has the right to cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier.

6.3 乙方报价高于市场行情30%,甲方有权取消未结订单、要求乙方返还高于市场行情部分的差价、暂停


In case of 30% higher of quotation from Party B than the market price, Party A has the right to cancel the unsettled purchase order, request Party B to refund the price difference that exceeds the market price, suspend due payment to Party B, and request Party B to refund three times of the price difference for the part higher than market price as penalty for breach of contract to Party A. Moreover, Party A has the right to refuse to refund the deposit of quality and white hands and cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier.

6.4 甲方因乙方价格不诚信而暂停支付乙方已到期货款的,双方就价格问题的处理方案达成一致后乙方方


In case of suspension of due payment to Party B for discredit price of Party B, the payment shall not be resumed until the two parties reach an agreement on solution of the price issue. However, the maximum period for payment suspension by Party A shall be 12 months. 7、一般条款

General Provisions


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In case of any upgraded agreement, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated the moment the new version of agreement is signed.


This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each. The agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties, and shall be valid till termination of the business.



This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.

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White Hands Guarantee Agreement


To embody the cooperation tenet of fairness, justice, equity and mutual benefit, and to ensure that personnel at all levels of Party A and Party B hereof will abide by professional ethics and laws and regulations, keep white hands, hand affairs impartially, and never abuse power for personal benefits and thus caused loss to the two parties, Party A and Party B hereof come to this agreement: 1、甲方从业人员应秉承如下原则:

Personnel of Party A shall adhere to the following principles:

1.1、在供应商考评时,应秉持诚信与公正的原则,选择其产品在品质、价格、交期和服务等方面最具优 势的厂家;

When performing assessment on supplier, they are to follow a principle of credit and fairness, and choose factories with the most advantages in product quality, price, delivery, service, etc. 1.2、不得向乙方收取、索取回扣或其他不正当利益;

They shall not accept or ask for backhander or other illegal benefits from Party B;



They shall neither accept gift, cash or cash equivalents (excluding mini notebook, desk calendar or other things priced less than RMB100), nor have Party B to reimburse any expenses that should be borne by themselves.

1.4、不得要求或者接受乙方为其住房装修、婚丧嫁娶、家属和子女的工作安排以及出国、外出旅游等提 供方便;

They shall not ask for or accept Party B’s help in house decoration, wedding or funeral, job arrangement for family members, going abroad or traveling.


They shall not recommend family members or relatives to Party B for material and equipment supply, project subcontract or other business activities.

1.6、不得参加可能对公正开展业务有影响的宴请和娱乐活动。如甲方工作人员确因实际情况须参加宴请、 进行娱乐活动的,须事先报上一级批准;

They shall not attend banquets or entertainment that will possibly affect the fairness of business operation. If personnel of Party A have to attend banquet or entertainment due to practical needs, a prior report to senior authority for approval is required.


They shall not hold any share of Party B (unless Party B is a listed company). 1.8、在合作期间,不得向乙方借钱或其他财物;

They shall not borrow money or any other property from Party B during the process of cooperation. 1.9、不得在合作过程中有意刁难乙方,利用职权谋取私利;

They shall not make things difficult for Party B on purpose for private benefits during the process of cooperation.


They shall not disclose business secretes of Party B. 2、乙方从业人员应秉承如下原则:

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Personnel of Party B shall adhere to the following principles: 2.1、不得给甲方人员回扣或其他不正当利益;

They shall not provide backhander or other illegal benefits to personnel of Party A.

2.2、不得向甲方人员赠送礼品、现金或现金等价物等财物(人民币壹佰圆以内的价值微小的笔记本、台 历等除外),不得为甲方人员报销任何应由其个人承担的费用;

They shall neither provide gift, cash or cash equivalents (excluding mini notebook, desk calendar or other things priced less than RMB100), nor reimburse any expenses for personnel Party A that shall be undertaken by themselves.


They shall not provide help to personnel of Party A in house decoration, wedding or funeral, job arrangement for family members, going abroad or traveling.


They shall not recommend family members or relatives of Party A for material and equipment supply, project subcontract or other business activities.


They shall not invite personnel of Party A to banquet or entertainment that will possibly affect the fairness of business operation.


They shall not allow personnel of Party A to hold any share of Party B (unless Party B is a listed company). 2.7、在合作期间,不得借钱或其他财物给甲方人员。

They shall not lend money or any other property to personnel of Party A during the process of cooperation. 2.8、不得在合作过程中有意刁难甲方,利用职权谋取私利;

They shall not make things difficult for Party A on purpose for private benefits during the process of cooperation.


They shall not disclose business secretes of Party A. 3、品质&廉洁保证金

Quality and white hands deposit 3.1 “品质&廉洁保证金”的定义:“品质&廉洁保证金”是指乙方产品可能存在质量问题并给甲方造成


Definition of “quality and white hands deposit”: “Quality and white hands deposit” means the deposit Party B pays to Party A for the risk of causing harmful influence or losses to Party A, including but not limited to: economic loss due to potential quality problems in products from Party B; hidden quality danger of products of Party A due to unauthorized change in production technology, quality standard or product brand without consent from Party A; harm and losses incurred by illegal measures taken by Party B against White Hands Guarantee Agreement.

3.2双方合作后,乙方同意交纳 币(币种) (金额大写)作为乙方“品质&廉洁保证金”,缴纳方式可以通过电汇、从货款中扣除等方式执行。甲方收取“品质&廉洁保证金”后,开具《品质&廉洁保证金收款收据》作为收款凭证。

At signing the agreement, Party B agrees to Pay __________(Currency) __________ (amount in word) as “quality and white hands deposit” by way of wiring or deduction from product payment. After receiving the “Quality and white hands deposit”, Party A shall issue a Receipt of Quality and White Hands Deposit as a

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At termination of business between the two parties, when Party B applies for refunding the deposit, Party B is required to show the original Business Termination Certificate and Receipt of Quality and White Hands Deposit signed by related departments of Party A. Financial personnel of Party A shall refund the quality and white hands deposit of Party B with interests within 3 months after receiving the payment request documents from Party B. The interest shall be calculated counting from date of issuing Receipt of Quality and White Hands Deposit by Party A and based on banking demand deposit interest rate of the same period. 4、违规处理

Treatment for break of rules

4.1乙方若检举甲方人员在双方合作过程中违背上述原则,违反甲方《廉洁守则》的,甲方将按甲方《廉 洁守则》的相关规定给予乙方检举人员1-50万元的高额奖励,同时对甲方违规人员按《廉洁守则》相 关规定执行处罚。

If Party B impeaches that personnel of Party A have broken the abovementioned rules and Rules of White Hands of Party A during the cooperation, Party A shall put a premium of RMB10,000-500,000 on the impeaching personnel of party B under the provisions of Rules of White Hands of Party A. Moreover, the personnel of Party A who breaks the rules shall be punished according to Rules of White Hands. 举报途径:

电子邮箱: hello.ceo@163.com 电话:13609699999;13826965000 Prosecution method:

E-mail: hello.ceo@163.com

Tel: 13609699999;13826965000



Provided it is verified that personnel of Party B has violated the abovementioned rules and taken illegal measures during the process of cooperation, Party A has the right to cancel purchase order, take back price difference, refund quality and white hands deposit, refuse to pay all the unpaid balance, and cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier.



Party A and Party B hereof promise that if illegal action is found taken by one party during the cooperation, the counterparty has the right to complain to legal person of the party and even resort to the court.



Provided it is verified that Party B has irregular action such as smuggling or issuing false voucher during transaction with Party A, Party A has the right to refuse to refund the quality and white hands deposit of Party B, make no payment for the unpaid balance, and Party B shall also be held responsible for all the economic losses caused to Party A. 5、一般条款

General Provisions

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In case of any agreement upgrade, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated the moment the new version of agreement is signed.


This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each. The agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties, and shall be valid till termination of the business.



This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.

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Non-disclosure Agreement


To protect commercial secretes of Party A and Party B hereof,following the principle of fairness, equity and mutual benefit, the two parties involved hereby reach this non-disclosure agreement:


All the information provided by Party A to Party B are in the scope of commercial secrets, and Party B has the obligation to keep them confidential. The scope of commercial secrets of Party A that Party B has the obligations to keep confidential includes but is not limited to the followings: 1.1模具合同(包含品种,规格,数量、价格因素,交期等信息)、模具检验标准及产品检验标准;

Mold contract (including variety, specification, quantity and price factor, delivery date, etc.), mold inspection standard and product inspection standard;


All information, parameters, drawings, fixtures and tools concerning parts of the product; 1.3涉及甲方产品的外观、功能等方面的模型、样机;

Models and samples of products concerning appearance and function of Party A;


Any product marked with “OPPO” or equivalent signs including IC card, LCD display, packing material such as color dispenser, product manual, handbag, advertising product and casing; 1.5甲方提供的模具技术、模具专利、产品专利、开发的系统流程;

Mold technology, mold patent, product patent and system flow of development provided by Party A; 1.6在乙方正在生产的甲方的模具状况、生产机型、订单明细(包括颜色、数量、交期等)等细节;

Information of mold produced by Party B, product model, detailed information of purchase order (including color, quantity and date of delivery) of Party A, etc.;


Original technical data and actual product of Party A concerning appearance, industrial design, color matching, trial product of mold (including elements of trial mold and sample of coating) of the model that have not entered market yet;


Other structure design schemes to which Party A owns intellectual property rights, and information and actual product with exclusive LOGO of Party A; 2、对甲方上述商业秘密,乙方承担以下保密义务:

Party B has the following obligations to keep the abovementioned commercial secretes of Party A



Take active measures to protect the abovementioned commercial secretes in case they are learnt or used by a third party;



Ensure that all the employees of Party B to whom disclosure of commercial secrets of Party A is to be made

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will not have the commercial secrets disclosed, and ensure that all the employees of Party B for whom the commercial secrets of Party A are inaccessible shall not detect or obtain in illegal method (including but not limited to searching, browsing and copying on computer); 2.3不得向任何第三者披露甲方的商业秘密;

Do not disclose the commercial secretes of Party A to a third party;



Unless for performing obligations specified in the agreement and with prior consent from Party A, Party B shall not directly or indirectly use the abovementioned confidential information and intellectual property rights for benefits of Party B or anyone else;


Do not permit (including lending, presenting, releasing, transferring, etc.) or assist a third party in using the commercial secrets of Party A;


Party B acknowledges that Party A has set up special system of public statement and information disclosure, and promises to strictly abide by this system;



In case of termination of cooperation with Party A due to any reason, Party B shall not use the commercial secretes of Party A to provide service to the enterprise in competition with Party A (including self-invested enterprises);



All the related information and all the confidential information concerning intellectual property rights of Party A possessed, used, supervised or controlled by Party B, are under ownership of Party A, and shall all be returned to Party A at termination of cooperation. All the information are prohibited to be copied, faxed and transmitted through network in case of no authorization;


为,甲方有权视违法情节和危害程度,采取向警方报案、采取强制措施、追究刑事责任等非常手段。 Party B agrees on the scope of commercial secretes specified by Party A. Disclosure of the commercial secretes of Party A in any form purposely or by fault is illegal. Party A has the right to report to the police, take compulsory measures and claim for criminal responsibility based on illegal condition and harm extent. 2.10乙方如发现甲方的商业秘密被泄露或者自己过失泄露秘密,应当采取有效措施防止泄密进一步扩大,


When Party B finds that the commercial secretes of Party A are disclosed or divulged for fault of Party B, Party B shall take effective measures to stop further disclosure and timely report to Party A; 2.11本协议规定的商业秘密所有权始终全部归属甲方,乙方不得利用自身对属于甲方商业秘密资料的不同


All the commercial secretes specified in this agreement are under the ownership of Party A, and Party B shall not apply for intellectual property rights by making use of learning about the commercial secretes of Party A it has learnt to any extent, those legally owned by Party B before signing this agreement excluded. 3、甲方保密义务:

Non-disclosure obligations of Party A:


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Based on requirements of Party B on the sample, DEMO panel, test and inspection tool/software, drawing, specification etc. provided by Party B to Party A, Party A accordingly has the obligation to keep them confidential as per this non-disclosure agreement. 4、保密期限

Term of non-disclosure


Party A and Party B hereof confirm that non-disclosure obligations of Party B come into force on signing of this agreement till the confidential information is voluntarily disclosed by Party A. Whether Party B will continue further cooperation with Party A or not will not affect the performance of non-disclosure obligations by Party B; 5、违约责任

Responsibility for breach of contract



Provided Party B fails to perform non-disclosure obligations stipulated in this agreement, Party B shall pay RMB500, 000 as compensation for breach of contract. In case that the compensation for breach of contract is not sufficient to compensate for the losses of Party A, Party A has the right to claim against Party B for the insufficiency.



If Party B violates this non-disclosure agreement, Party A has the right to take all legal actions including deducting payment, suspending payment, cancelling supplier qualification, legally claiming for all the losses etc. to defend all the rights and interests of Party A. 6、特别条款

Special Provisions

6.1对于甲方专用物料(如塑胶外壳,五金外壳,按键,镜片,电池,触摸屏,耳机,充电器,数据线、彩盒、说明书、手提袋、广告制品等,),乙方应妥善管理,不得以任何形式外流至假货市场或其它损害甲方利益的场所。如查证物料确实从乙方处外流,乙方应向甲方支付每次伍拾万圆人民币的违约金;情节严重者,甲方有权利不予支付乙方未付货款并取消乙方的供应商资格,同时追究乙方法律责任。 Party B shall properly keep the special materials of Party A (e.g. plastic casing, hardware casing, key, lens, battery, touch screen, earphone, charger, data cable, color dispenser, product manual, handbag and advertising product), and shall not have them flow into false product market or other places harmful to Party A. If it is verified that materials have flown out from Party B, Party B shall pay Party A RMB500,000 for each outflow as compensation for breach of contract; in case of serious outflow, Party A has the right to make no payment for the paid balance of Party B and cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier, and Party B shall be investigated for legal responsibility.

6.2 对于上述甲方专用物料,乙方不得以何形式提供给其他个人(甲方样品阶段乙方提供给甲方工程师签样除外)。如甲方查证物料确实从乙方流出,乙方应向甲方支付每次伍万圆人民币的违约金,情节严重者,甲方有权利取消乙方的供应商资格。

Party B shall not provide the abovementioned special materials of Party A to any individuals in any form (At sample phase of Party A, the sample provided by Party B to engineer of Party A for approval is excluded.). If the materials are proven to be outflow from Party B, Party B shall pay Party A RMB50, 000 for each outflow

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as compensation for breach of contract; in case of serious outflow, Party A has the right to cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier. 7、一般条款

General Provisions


In case of any agreement upgrade, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated as long as the new version of agreement is signed.


This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each. The agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties.


This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.

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Intellectual Property Right Agreement

为保护双方的知识产权,本着公平合理、平等互利的原则,双方经友好协商达成如下知识产权协议: To protect intellectual property rights of both parties and following the principle of fairness, equity and mutual benefit, Party A and Party B hereof come to this agreement on intellectual property rights: 1、产品保证责任

Responsibility for product warranty


Party B makes the statement and commitment as follows:


Ownership of products provided by Party B is free of legal right restriction or limitation.



Party B ensures that Party A has the right to directly or indirectly use, export, sell, distribute and market the products provided by Party B over the world free of any other use restriction stipulated in agreement or for intellectual property right protection or extra charges.


Party B and the products provided by Party B will comply with laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and other pertinent directives, as well as international standards for safety application. 2、知识产权

Intellectual property rights


Party B promises that the products of Party B shall not be in infringement with patent, trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights of any country and region.



If a third party prosecutes or claim for any rights against Party A, agent, employee or client of Party A due to any of the followings circumstances, Party B shall demur, discuss or negotiate with this third party or bring a law suit, and Party B shall make full compensation to Party A for all indirect losses therefore caused to Party A, including but not limited to the payment made by Party A to the customer or third party as compensation for breach of contract, increased inventory cost, as well as compensation expenses, premium, settlement fee, legal fare, retaining fee, and charges for vehicle paid by Party A:

A、任何有关侵害第三方人之专利权、著作权、商标权、营业秘密、技术密窍或任何知识产权权利之 行为。

All actions in infringement of patent right, copyright, trademark right, operation secrets, technical know-how or intellectual property rights;


This product arouses harmful action that caused personnel injury or property damage; C、乙方违反第1条保证之任一条款的规定。 Party B violates any provision of Article 1.


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All the provisions in this article are also applicable for the agreements signed before and after this agreement on any purchases of products from Party B between Party A and Party B hereof. 3、共同合作成果归属

Ownership of cooperation achievements



Party A and Party B hereof respectively have their own intellectual property rights in software and hardware design including: any original work, discovery, invention, patent right, technical know-how and operating knowledge. The development achievements from cooperation between the two parties are under the ownership of both parties. With no consent in writing from one party, the counterparty is prohibited to disclose or sell the cooperation contents or development achievements to a third party. In case of breach of this provision by one party or its employee, this party shall pay the counterparty RMB500,000 unconditionally and immediately as compensation for breach of contract. 4、一般条款

General Provisions


In case of any upgraded agreement, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated as long as the new version of agreement signed.



Provided any article in this agreement is adjudged as unenforceable in certain aspects by judicial authority while the unenforceability has no material influences on responsibilities and obligations of both parties, the balance of this agreement shall remain valid and enforceable. 4.3本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方签章后生效。

This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each. The agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties.



This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.

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Environment Protection Agreement


To ensure that products of Party A fully comply with all requirements of environment protection regulations, Party A and Party B hereof enters this agreement through friendly consultations:

1、 乙方保证向甲方交货的所有产品,符合甲方有毒有害物质含量管控标准(见附表)。

Party B promises that all the products provided to Party A comply with Standard of Hazardous Substance Content of Party A (refer to the attachment).

2、 乙方保证向甲方交货的所有产品,均符合截止交货日时之欧盟《化学品注册、评估、授权和限制制度》(简称:REACH法规)最新公布的限制物质管控标准。

Party B promises that all the products provided to Party A will comply with the updated Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) of European Union by the date of delivery.

3、 若甲方发现乙方提供给甲方的产品中管控物质的含量不符合甲方有毒有害物质含量管控标准或交货时


In case that Party A finds the content of the restricted substances in products supplied by Party B is not in compliance with Standard of Hazardous Substance Content of Party A or the updated REACH directives by the date of delivery, the products shall be disposed in the following ways:


支付违约金人民币贰万圆。乙方须提供整改报告给甲方,在得到甲方书面许可后,方可恢复供货。 If the products do not comply with the restriction standard attached while complying with the European Union restriction standard, Party A has the right to request Party B to stop the supply temporarily, and Party B is required to pay Party A RMB20,000 as compensation for breach of contract. Party B is required to submit a report on correction to Party A, and the supply cannot be resumed until Party B received consent in writing from Party A.



In case that the products from Party B do not comply with the European Union restriction standard by Party A during the process of on-site inspection in the factory of Party B, Party B shall pay Party A RMB50,000 as compensation for breach of contract. In addition, Party B shall undertake all losses therefore suffered by Party A (including but not limited to charges for rework and material waste for rework.).



In case that products from Party A is found not in compliance with the European Union restriction standard during sampling inspection by competent authority or when used by customer after entering market, Party B shall pay Party A RMB50,000 as compensation for breach of contract. In addition, Party B shall undertake all losses therefore suffered by Party A (including but not limited to charges for rework, waste of material for rework, loss for calling back of the sold machine by Party A, and punishment from competent authority to Party A).


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In case of objection from Party B to judgment made by Party A, sampling inspection can be performed by a entrusted third party (lab approved by the state) to make test on content of hazardous substances. If the test result from the third party shows that it still fails in satisfying the restriction standard in the attachment, Party B shall undertake the charge of test performed by the third party; if the test result shows that it satisfies the restriction standard in the attachment, Party A shall undertake the charge of test performed by the third party. 4、 有毒有害物质含量管控标准(见附表)的含量标准以产品中所含“均质物质”为据;(“均质物质”就


Standard of hazardous substance content (see attachment) is based on “homogeneous substance” contained in the products (“homogeneous substance” means the minimum unit split mechanically.)

5、 REACH法规SVHC(高关注度物质)清单中的“含量”是以乙方供给甲方的单个产品来计算,限值含量


“Content” in SVHC list of REACH directive is calculated based on single product provided by Party B to Party A, and limited content is subject to standard of European Union.



Single SVHC concentration of the products provided to Party A by Party B must be <0.1%. If single SVHC concentration of the products provided to Party A by Party B is ≥0.1%, Party B is required to provide SDS to Party A, and delivery can not be made until Party B receives consent in writing from Party A.



List of SVHC is subject to the updated REACH directives. If the restricted substances contained in the products from Party B fail to satisfy the updated standard, statement in writing is required to be submitted to Party A, and delivery can not be made until Party B receives consent in writing from Party A. 8、一般条款

General Provision


In case of any upgraded agreement, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated as long as the new version of agreement signed.



Provided any article in this agreement is adjudged as unenforceable in certain aspects by judicial authority while the unenforceability has no material influences on responsibilities and obligations of both parties, the balance of this agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.


Legal force of this agreement shall be not changed because of reorganization, resignation of the signatory, company evolution or variation of producing places.


This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each. The agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties.



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This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.

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Attachment: Standard of Hazardous Substance Content 类别 Classification 序号 No. 1 2 ROHS指令 ROHS Directives 3 4 5 6 包装指令 Packaging directive 7 名称 Name 铅及铅化合物 Pb Pb and its compounds 镉以及镉化合物 Cd Cd and its compounds 汞以及汞化合物 Hg Hg and its compounds 六价铬化合物 Cr6+ Cr6+ compounds 多溴联苯 PBB PBB 多溴二苯醚 PBDE PBDE 包装材料中铅、镉、汞、六价铬含量总和 Total of Pb, Cd, Hg and Cr6+ in packing material 含量 (单位:PPM) Content (Unit: PPM) <400PPM <10PPM <400 PPM <400 PPM <400 PPM <400 PPM <80 PPM 1、使用其作为物质或制品的成份,浓度小于 0.005%; Used as composition of material or product, its concentration shall be less than 0.005%; 2、在半成品或成品中或它们的部件中,以含有PFOS的结构或特殊部件的局部结构计算,浓度小于 0.1%,对于纺织品和其它有涂层的材料,PFOS的量小于1μg/m2; In semi-finished product or finished product or their parts, it is to calculate based on structure or local part of special component containing PFOS, and shall be at a concentration of less than 0.1%; PFOS contained in textile product and other materials with coating shall be less than 1μg/m2; 汞<5PPM 镉<20PPM 铅<4000PPM Hg<5PPM Cd<20PPM Pb<4000PPM 各供应商不得有意添加有毒有害物质,不可使用不明来历的回收料 No any suppliers are allowed to add hazardous substances purposely, nor use reclaimed materials of unknown origin 备注 Remarks 8 全氟辛烷磺酸PFOS PFOS 要求:完全符合欧盟 2006/122/EC 指令 Requirement: fully satisfy EU 2006/122/EC directive 电池指令 Battery directive 9 电池 Battery 电池按本体重量计算有害物质含量 For battery, content of hazardous substance is calculated based on its weight

备注: 1、电池指令:为甲方供环保电池、遥控器附带电池、其它组件产品附带电池的供应商,电池需按此标准执行; 2、包装指令:为甲方供各类纸箱、说明书、布袋、打包带、打包扣、泡沫、扎线、提手、标签、珍珠棉袋、气泡袋、

胶袋、产品缓冲材料、胶带、托盘、辅肋产品包装材料等按包装指令标准执行; 3、物质含量管控标准,不包括欧盟各法规有毒有害物质豁免部分;


Note: 1. Battery directive: As for supplier of environment-friendly battery, battery attached to remote controller

and battery attached to other components, this standard shall be carried on batteries supplied;

2. Packaging directive: For various paper carton, product manual, cloth bag, strapping band, foam, banding

thread, handle, label, pearl bubble bag, air bubble bag, plastic bag, cushion material, adhesive tape, tray, auxiliary product packing material etc. supplied to Party A, packaging directive shall be followed;

3. Substance content control standard does not include exemption part of hazardous substance in all

directives of EU;

4. At shipment of products to Party A by Party B, environment protection label is required on external

carton and minimum package.

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Defect Material Disposal Agreement


To ensure a timely disposal of spoiled material in stock of Party A and speed up turnover of funds of Party A, following the principle of fairness, equity and mutual benefit, Party A and Party B hereof enter this agreement:

1、 批量不良品的处理

Disposal of defect product in batch


Defect products in batch means the whole batch of products delivered by Party B that fail to pass the inspection conducted by quality department of Party A, defect products in batch that fail to be released for warehouse, or the products warehoused by Party A proving to be troubled with hidden quality risk when used or tested by Party A. Party A shall return all the defect products in batch to Party B. If the products have been warehoused by Party A, the payment for the returned materials shall be deducted from the unpaid balance of Party B. 2、“来料坏”不良品的处理:

Disposal of “bad incoming material”:


“Bad incoming material” indicates the defect incoming material from Party B which is confirmed by Party A and Party B hereof during production of Party A after passing inspection of Party A to release for warehouse. Party A shall return all “Bad incoming material” to Party B. The payment for the returned materials shall be deducted from the unpaid balance. Unit price of the returned material shall be subject to the highest unit price of the product provided in the month. The freight charges and all other expenses for returning the materials shall be undertaken by Party B. 3、“生产坏”不良品的处理

Disposal of product “spoiled in production”


“Bad production” indicates the defect products produced due to immature production technology or mis-operation during production of Party A. For the “Bad production” defect products, the two parties agree

on the following method as disposal (The following content is required.): 4、“保修坏”不良品的处理

Disposal of product “spoiled in maintenance”


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“Bad repair” indicates the defect products produced in maintenance and repair works of Party A. For the “Bad repair” defect products, the two parties come the following method as disposal (The following content

is required.): 5、“呆滞料”的处理

Disposal of “excess material”



“Excess material” indicates the material free of defect and warehoused by Party A which kept idle for use due to change of production plan of Party A. For the “spoiled material”, the two parties come to the following method as disposal (The following content is required.): if the spoiled material are universally used in the market, Party B has the obligations to assist Party A in dealing with it. The actual price shall be negotiated by

the two parties. If the spoiled material is special for Party A, it shall be (The following content is required.): 6、“特采料”的处理

Disposal of “specially purchased material”


“Specially purchased material” indicates the material supplied by Party B that fails to pass inspection of Party A but is used selectively for emergent production of Party A. The extra expenses for using “specially purchased material” of Party A shall be undertaken by Party B including labor cost for selecting the material, management expenses and extra labor cost and drive cost due to reduced efficiency. Labor cost shall be calculated at ¥12.00/H, company drive cost shall be calculated at ¥20.00/H, and management charge shall be calculated at ¥500.00/batch.

若塑胶件/按键类/五金/镜片因尺寸或性能测试问题需特采、电子料或辅料因超期需特采(超期限收值见下表),则乙方需按特采批次货款总额的20%支付违约金给甲方,违约金最低限额人民币伍佰圆。 In case of special purchase of plastic part/key/hardware/lens due to dimensions or performance test, special purchase of electronics or auxiliary material due to overdue delivery (Refer to the table below for overdue term), Party B is required to pay Party A 20% of the total amount of the specially purchased material of this batch as compensation for breach of contract. The minimum amount of compensation for breach of contract is RMB500. 电子料与辅料超期限收控制表 Control List of Overdue Electronic Material and Auxiliary Material 物料种类 Type of Material 超期限收值物料分类 Classification of Material (月) Overdue Term (Month) 第 32 页 共 49 页 Page 32 of 49

晶振、极管、IC、阻容感、滤波器、ESD元件、T卡 电子元 件类 Electronic parts Crystal oscillator, electrode tube, IC, resistance, capacitance, inductance, filter, ESD component, T card 锂电池芯、充电电池、PCB半成品、LCM、摄像头、充电器、扬声器、受话器、耳机、麦克风、振动马达 Li-ion battery cell, rechargeable battery, PCB semi-finished product, LCM, camera, charger, loudspeaker, receiver, earphone, microphone, vibrator motor 锡膏 Solder paste 锡丝 Solder wire 助焊膏 Solder flux 白电油 辅料 Auxiliary materials White oil 抹机水 Machine cleaning reagent UV胶 UV glue LOCTITE 3517(黑胶) LOCTITE 3517 (Black glue) ZYMET 1728(黄胶) ZYMET 1728 (yellow glue) 红胶 Red glue 注:若乙方交货给甲方的产品其生产日期与交货日期间隔超过上表“超期限收值(月)”,即视同乙方交货的产品超期。 Note: If production date and date of delivery of the products supplied by Party B to Party A is beyond the “Overdue Term (Month)” in the table above, it shall be deemed as that the products delivered by Party B is beyond the shelf life limit. 9 5 24 5 9 9 9 6 12


Method of returning defect material



At each delivery of Party B, Party B is required to firstly go to the warehouse of Party A for disposal of spoiled materials in stock of Party A. In case of a long circle of delivery of Party B and long interval of delivery, and if there are plenty of spoiled materials of Party B in the warehouse of Party A, purchase personnel of Party A shall fax an inventory list of spoiled materials to Party B, and Party B is required to arrive at the warehouse of Party A within 3 working days after receiving the fax for disposal of the defect material. In case Party B fails in disposal of the defect material within 15 working days after receiving the

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fax, Party A has the right to unilaterally return the defect material. The actual defect material shall be disposed by Party A, while Party B shall undertake all the related responsibilities and losses. 7.2乙方送货时甲方品检不合格的批量不良品,乙方须接到甲方品检不合格通知后的15个自然日内提走不


If the products supplied by Party B fail to pass the inspection in batch by quality control personnel of Party A, Party B is required to withdraw the defect products within 15 working days after receiving the notification from Party A about the fail in passing the inspection. Party A shall not be held responsible for keeping the defect products beyond the specified term.



In case Party B fails to arrive at the site of Party A for disposal of the defect material kept in the warehouse of Party A, Party B may issue a letter of authorization to entrust personnel of Party A to dispose on behalf of Party B with “Supplier Identification IC Card” issued by Party A. During the disposal by personnel of Party A, all the charges therefore (e.g. charge for express, package) and related responsibilities shall be undertaken by Party B.



In case of objection from Party B tor the result of inspection of Party A on defect products, Party B shall apply for re-inspection in writing within 10 working days after receiving the returned products, and the two parties may perform re-inspection; in case of no objection in writing from Party B to the inspection results of Party A, Party A will deem that Party B has accepted the inspection result, and Party A has the right to dispose according to the abovementioned disposal methods of different spoiled materials. 8、退货业务的办理

Disposal of returned products 8.1批量不良品的退货业务

Return defect product in batch


In case that the products supplied by Party B fail to pass the inspection in batch, Party B shall directly go to the receiver in charge of the material of Party A for handling formality of returning. Return Note of Quality Control signed by both parties shall be served as proof of actual material handover. By showing the copy for supplier of the Return Note of Quality Control, Party B shall go to the appointed personnel of Party A for issuing a release pass. Return Note of Quality Control is required for financial settlement. 8.2其他类型的退货业务 Other types of returning


In case of the defect products found after passing the inspection of Party A and being released for warehouse, Party B shall directly go to the receiver in charge of the material of Party A for handling formality of returning. Return Note of Quality Control signed by both parties shall be served as proof of actual material

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handover. By showing the copy for supplier of the Return Note of Quality Control, Party B shall go to the appointed personnel of Party A for issuing a release pass. Return Note of Quality Control is required for financial settlement. 9、其他约定

Other stipulations



Even if business between the two parties is terminated, the related obligations in the After-sales Service Agreement shall survive till all the defect products (or spoiled material) in stock of Party A are all cleared up. 9.2考虑到不同材料的差异性,如有必要双方可签署《售后服务补充协议》。

Taking differences between various materials into consideration, the two parties may come Supplementary Agreement on After-sales Service if necessary. 10、一般条款

General Provisions


In case of any upgraded agreement, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated as long as the new version of agreement signed.



Provided any article in this agreement is adjudged as unenforceable in certain aspects by judicial authority while the unenforceability has no material influences on responsibilities and obligations of both parties, the balance of this agreement shall remain valid and enforceable. 10.3本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自双方签章后生效。

This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each. The agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties.



This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.

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Quality Guarantee Agreement


To ensure quality of the products provided by Party B to Party A, Party A and Party B hereof reach this agreement:


Inspection rules and standard:



Party B shall ensure that the products supplied to Party A comply with the pertinent laws and regulations and has acquired the legal qualification to produce such kind of products. Otherwise, all the legal responsibilities therefore shall be undertaken by Party B.

1.2 甲方对乙方提供的产品验收时的抽样方案按国家标准GB/T2828.1-2003《逐批检查计数抽检程序及抽样

表》中一次正常抽样方案进行抽样,检查水平II 级。特殊检验: S-3 抽样方案,(0,1)判定数组。 When Party A conducts inspection on the products provided by Party B, the sampling plan shall be subject to the single normal sampling plan specified in the national standard of GB/T2828.1-2003 Sampling Procedure for Lot-by-lot Inspection by Attributes and Sampling Plan at inspection AQL II. Special inspection: S-3 sampling plan (0, 1) determinant array. 1.3 甲方向乙方提供相关检验标准(包括检验标准、可靠性试验作业指导书、检验参数表,详见协议附件),

并对乙方样品进行核对、封样,依此做为来料检验、实验的依据。乙方对于甲方的检验标注需仔细核实验证,确认其产品品质可完全满足甲方要求,乙方签署该协议即视同认可甲方的检验标准/实验标准。 Party A shall provide Party B with related inspection standards (including inspection standard, working instruction on reliability test, inspection parameters. Refer to attachment of the agreement for details.), and check and seal the samples from Party B as basis of incoming material inspection and test. Party B shall carefully check and clarify the inspection standard of Party A, and make sure that its product quality can fully satisfy the requirements of Party A. Signing this agreement of Party B is deeded that Party B agrees on the inspection standard/test standard of Party A.

1.4 在执行过程中若双方对相关检验标准有异议,可提交相关书面资料给对方并予以协商,达成一致后方


In case of any objection to related inspection standards from either party during performing this agreement, the party shall submit the related information in writing to the counterparty for negotiation, and modification will not be made unless an agreement is reached. In case of upgrading of the inspection standard, the new version will come into force at signature and seal of the two parties on the upgraded inspection standard, and the old version is invalid at the same moment.

1.5 乙方作为专业生产厂家,技术和试验手段应强于甲方,乙方不能完全依赖于甲方现有的试验手段来保


As a professional manufacturer, technology and test measures of Party B should be superior to those of Party A. Party B shall not entirely relies on the existing test measures of Party A to guarantee the quality of the products. Therefore, Party B has the responsibilities and obligations for the quality reliability and consistency of products provided to Party A. In case of quality problems of the products from Party A due to fault of

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Party B (including but not limited to products returned from market for maintenance and called back from market), Party B is required to undertake minimum 50% of the responsibility. 1.6 乙方供货给甲方的产品,必须提供每批次的出货检验报告给甲方品检部门。

The products supplied by Party B to Party A must be attached with outgoing inspection report of each batch to quality department of Party A.

[ □ 可选项,方框打勾表示此项必须执行]

[ □ Optional, a tick mark in the box indicates that this must be performed.] 1.7乙方首次交货的产品,必须提供首件报告/全检报告,并附对应样品15-20件。

The first piece inspection report/full inspection report is required for the first shipment of products from Party B, and 15-20 pieces of corresponding samples are also required. [ □ 可选项,方框打勾表示此项必须执行]

[ □ Optional, a tick mark in the box indicates that this must be performed.] 2、关键原材料质量控制

Quality control on key materials

2.1 为了保证乙方供货给甲方产品质量的一致性和稳定性,乙方应对其配套的原材料实行认定和定点供货。

To ensure a stable and consistent quality of the products supplied by Party B to Party A, Party B shall determine and appoint special supplier of the matching materials.

2.2 乙方应对关键原材料实行严格的进货检验,凡不具备某项材料进货检验条件者,应建立严格的委托检 验制度和质量档案。

Party B shall perform strict inspection on the key incoming materials. In case of no incoming material inspection condition available, Party B shall set up a strict entrusted inspection system and quality record. 2.3 乙方应对原材料实行严格的批次管理,严禁使用超期原材料。

Party B shall perform strict management on batch of the raw materials, and the raw materials beyond shelf life shall be strict prohibited for use.

2.4 乙方违反上述2.1~2.3的“关键原材料质量控制”相关条款,每次乙方须支付违约金人民币伍仟圆。

If Party B violates relevant provisions of 2.1~2.3 thereinbefore in “quality control on key materials”, Party B shall pay RMB5,000 as compensation for breach of contract for each breaking.

2.5 乙方对原材料、重要辅料或原材料厂家需要变更时,必须提前通知甲方,并提供有关样品送甲方实验。 甲方书面同意变更后,乙方方可使用变更后方案生产。

In case that Party B demands to change raw materials, main auxiliary materials or material suppliers, Party B shall notify Party A in advance, and submit the related samples for test to Party A. Party B is not allowed to change the scheme for production until receiving consent in writing from Party A.

2.6 若甲方有可靠证据证明乙方的供应商不合格,甲方有权要求乙方更换供应商,或是给乙方指定供应商,


If Party A proves with reliable evidences that the supplier of Party B is unqualified, Party A has the right to request Party B to replace the supplier, or appoint supplier for Party B. If Party B refuse to cooperate with Party A, Party A has the right to suspend the qualification of Party B as a supplier till Party B’s correction satisfies Party A. If Party B has the key process contracted to a third party that is uncertified by Party A without authorization, in case of the first time found, Party B shall pay RMB20,000 as compensation for breach of contract; in case of the second time found, Party A has the right to require Party B to pay RMB30,000 as compensation for breach of contract, refuse to refund the quality and white hands deposit of

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Party B and suspend the qualification of Party B as a supplier till Party B’s correction satisfies Party A; in case of a third time found, Party A has the right to make no payment for the unpaid balance, and cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier. 3、生产过程工序控制。 Process Control

3.1 乙方应在形成最终产品的一些关键工序上建立必要的质量控制点,监控工序质量和产品质量,确保产品


Party B shall set up quality control points on certain key processes of forming the final product to supervise process quality and product quality for ensuring a consistent and stable quality of the products. 3.2 甲方认为有必要时将派人前往乙方考察或监督生产,乙方应给予配合。

If Party A thinks that it is necessary to dispatch personnel to Party B for review and supervision on production, Party B shall assists Party A in its performance.

3.3 乙方应有详细的《作业指导书》指导生产过程中的各种工序控制,需包含操作顺序、方法条件、注意


Detailed Working Instruction if required for Party B to provide guidance on each process control during production, and it should include operation steps, method and conditions, precautions, equipment used, tool and fixture, measuring and testing devices, etc. 4、质量水平控制

Quality level control

4.1 为确保产品在使用过程中的一致性和可靠性,乙方必须实行严格的批次管理。同一批次交货产品的生

产时间跨逾不能超过3 个月,否则甲方有权予以退货,甲方认可的特殊原因除外。乙方交货给甲方的产品在乙方的库存期不能超过 3 个月,否则甲方有权予以退货,甲方认可的特殊原因除外。

To ensure consistent and reliable quality of products during using, Party B is required to perform strict batch management. The production term of the products in the same shipment shall not exceed 3 months. Otherwise, Party A has the right to return the products, those caused by special reasons in the view point of Party A are excluded. The products delivered by Party B to Party A shall not be warehoused by Party B for over 3 months. Otherwise, Party A has the right to return the products, those caused by special reasons in the view point of Party A are excluded. ( □ 此4.1为可选项,?表示签署,×表示不需签署,空白表示签署)

( □ This 4.1 is optional: ? indicates confirmation, × indicates no confirmation needed, and blank

indicates confirmation)



If Party A finds in use that nonconformance rate of the products supplied by Party B fails to satisfy industrial standard or AQL specified in the agreement, or even finds quality problems with products in batch, Party A has the right to return the products or make deduction of the payment at the highest unit price of purchase of this month when the last shipment is delivered. Furthermore , after receiving feedback information on quality from Party A, Party B shall take effective measures as improvement and remedy as soon as possible, and shall promise to submit a correction report in writing to Party A within a certain period.

4.3 乙方应严格按相应标准或技术协议的要求进行周期试验、可靠性试验并妥善保存原始实验记录以备甲


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Party B shall perform periodic test, reliability test and properly keep the original test record for future check by Party A strictly in compliance with the corresponding standards or requirements as per technical agreement. If Party A finds that Party B fails to provide the original test records, test data are false or no test is conducted following the requirements (Failing to present the sample of test before expiration will be deemed as no test made.), Party A has the right to return the products supplied by Party B, and claim RMB5, 000 from Party B for paying as compensation for breach of contract for each time.

4.4 甲方发现乙方所供原材料有质量问题时需及时通知乙方。乙方接通知后必须尽快组织分析和处理,并


When Party A finds that the raw materials supplied by Party B have quality problems, Party A shall timely notify Party B. Party B is required to organize analysis and make disposal as soon as possible after receiving the notification, and submit an analysis report within the period specified by Party A (in case of no clear requirements for time, Party B shall submit primary analysis result within 2 working days, and submit quality analysis and correction report in writing within 5 working days) to Party A. In case Party B fails in submitting the report or performing correction measures within the time promised, Party A has the right to request Party B to pay RMB200 as compensation for breach of contract. Before the quality problems are properly settled, Party A has the right to suspend payment to Party B for the unpaid balance and qualification of Party B as a supplier.

4.5 甲方在乙方现场考察或甲乙双方品质沟通中,乙方承诺要进行的改善措施,需按时执行到位。若乙方


During on-site investigation made at Party B or communications between Party A and Party B hereof on quality, the correction measures promised by Party B shall be performed as scheduled. In case Party B fails to perform as scheduled, Party A has the right to request Party B to pay RMB200 for each unperformed measure of correction.



If Party B (as agent) changes the brand of supplied products without consent from Party A, Party A has the right to refuse to refund the quality and white hands deposit of Party B.

4.7乙方供货产品采取OEM 代工的,必须经甲方认可,否则甲方有权不退还乙方的全额品质&廉洁保证


In case of OEM products supplied by Party B, approval from Party A is required. Otherwise, Party A has the right to refuse to refund the quality and white hands deposit of Party B.

4.8 某物料退货后乙方未经甲方品质工程师同意就再次送检,乙方需每次支付违约金人民币壹仟圆;乙方


If Party B sends returned products for inspection again without consent from quality engineer of Party A, Party B shall pay RMB2,000 each time as compensation for breach of contract; if the same kind of quality problems are found in other batches again after improvement of the defect material, incase of the first time, Party B shall pay RMB500 as compensation for breach of contract; in case of the second time, Party B shall pay RMB2,000 as compensation for breach of contract; in case of the third time, Party B shall pay

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RMB2,000 as compensation for breach of contract, and Party A has the right to suspend the qualification of Party B as a supplier; in case of any losses therefore caused to Party A, all the direct economic losses suffered by Party A shall be undertaken by Party B. 5、变更控制

Modification control

5.1 一级变更:乙方供货给甲方的原材料如需停止生产,必须提前6个月以书面形式通知甲方。

Modification level 1: If Party B requests to stop producing the raw materials to be supplied to Party A, Party B is required to notify Party A in writing 6 months in advance.

5.2 二级变更:乙方生产厂址变更,设计变更,模具修改,关键工艺变更,材料或关键辅料变更,必须提


Modification level 2: In case of modification of production placse, designs, molds, key processes, materials or key auxiliary materials of Party B, Party B is required to notify Party A 3 months in advance; in case of emergent batch quality accident, Party B is required to notify Party A in writing within 2 working days after the accident takes place.

5.3 三级变更:乙方流水线调整,标签变更,型号料码变更,必须提前1个月以书面形式通知甲方。

Modification level 3: In case of adjustment of production line, change of label and change of model material code, Party B is required to notify Party A in writing 1 month in advance.

5.4 四级变更:乙方质量或技术负责人变更、负责甲方业务的业务人员变更、主要设备更换,必须提前1


Modification level 4: in case of change of principal in charge of quality or technology of Party B, change of business personnel responsible of business of Party A and change of main equipment, Party B is required to notify Party A in writing 1 week in advance; in case of restart up the products after stopping production for over 3 months, Party B is required to notify Party A in writing 1 week in advance.

5.5 上述四个等级变更若乙方未在规定时间内以书面形式通知甲方,甲方有权要求乙方支付人民币贰万圆


If Party B fails in notifying Party A of the changes abovementioned within the specified term, Party A has the right to request Party B to pay RMB20,000 as compensation for breach of contract. In case of quality problems and losses caused to Party A, Party B shall undertake all the losses of Party A.

5.6 乙方生产甲方所需产品的模具在甲方量产后(数量2500套以上)如需改模, 乙方须持甲方供应部采购


In case the molds of Party B for producing the products to be supplied to Party A need mold modification after mass production of Party A (with a quantity of over 2,500 sets), Party B is required to perform the modification only by Mold Modification Notice signed by purchase personnel from purchase department of Party A. In case of mold modification without authorization, all the losses therefore caused to Party A shall be undertaken by Party B. Furthermore, Party A has the right to request Party B to pay RMB20,000 as compensation for breach of contract. ( □ 此5.6为可选项,针对于有开模业务的厂家,?表示签署,×表示不需签署,空白表示签署) ( □ This Term 5.6 is optional. For the manufactures with mold-making business: ? indicates

confirmation, × indicates no confirmation needed, and blank indicates confirmation) 6、质量责任赔偿

Quality responsibility compensation

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6.1 来料批次性不良

Spoiled incoming materials based in batch

甲方生产时发现乙方所供材料不良,经甲乙双方确认不良率超过“单批允许最大不良率(A)”时, 甲 方有权要求乙方支付违约金。违约金计算方式如下:

If Party A finds spoiled materials supplied by Party B during production, and nonconformance rate confirmed by Party A and Party B hereof is beyond “maximum allowable nonconformance rate for single batch (A)”, Party A has the right to require Party B to pay compensation for breach of contract. Compensation for breach of contract shall be calculated using the following formula:


Compensation for breach of contract= (actual nonconformance rate of the material - maximum allowable nonconformance rate for single batch (A)) × coefficient (B) Yuan, the upper limit of compensation for breach of contract is “upper limit of deduction for spoiled materials in batch (D)” (A、B、D的数值见协议附表《来料不良赔偿额度分类表》)

(Refer to the attached Control on Upper Limit of Nonconformance Rate of Material for the values of A, B and D)

不良率超过单批允许最大不良率时,即为批量不良,对于批量不良,乙方除需承担违约金外,还需承担甲方因此产生的重工费用。如因此给甲方造成损失,则甲方的直接经济损失由乙方全额承担。 If nonconformance rate is above the maximum allowable nonconformance rate for single batch, it is deemed as a defect batch. For the defect batch, Party B shall undertake expenses of Party B for rework besides the compensation for breach of contract. In case of losses caused therefore to Party A, Party B shall undertake all the direct economic losses to Party A. 6.2 严重的单个不良

Serious individual defect product

甲方检验、生产中发现乙方来料出现严重的个别不良,经甲乙双方确认后,乙方除接受退货之外,还须按“个别严重不良扣款金额(C)”×来料严重不良数量”支付违约金给甲方,并赔偿甲方因此产生的重工费、挑选费等直接损失;若因乙方来料严重不良引起甲方市场投诉退机,乙方还需按每台退机人民币伍佰圆元赔偿甲方售后服务处理费用,并赔偿甲方因处理品质投诉产生的一切费用(包括但不限于车旅费、住宿费、善后处理费等);若因乙方原因导致甲方市场退机率超过0.3% ,则乙方除需要赔偿甲方上述损失外,甲方同时有权不予退还乙方已交付的品质&廉洁保证金。若甲方产品因乙方所供材料问题引起危害消费者安全的事故(如烫伤、起火、爆炸等),乙方除须承担甲方由此造成的一切损失外,另需承担人民币壹万圆的违约金,同时甲方有权不予退还乙方已交付的品质&廉洁保证金。 (严重个别不良现象、C的数值见协议附表《来料不良赔偿额度分类表》)

In case of serious individual defect product found by Party A during inspection and production from the materials supplied by Party B, after being confirmed by Party A and Party B hereof, Party B shall accept the returned products and pay Party A the compensation for breach of contract calculated by “deducted amount for serious individual defect product (C) × quantity of serious defect incoming material”, and make compensation to Party A for direct losses including charge of rework and selection therefore; in case of complaint and returned products to Party A from the market due to serious defect products supplied by Party B, Party B shall also pay RMB500 for each device returned to Party A as compensation for after-sales service expenses, as well as making compensation to Party A for all the expenses (including but not limited to charge for vehicle, accommodation and aftermath disposal) of dealing with quality complaint; in case the return rate of devices from market to Party A exceeds 0.3% due to fault of Party B, Party B shall pay Party A for all the aforesaid losses caused to Party A, and Party A has the right to refuse to refund the quality and white hands

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deposit of Party B. In case of safety accidents (e.g. scald, fire accident, explosion) caused to consumers by the product of Party A attributed to the materials supplied by Party B, Party B shall undertake all the losses therefore caused to Party A and pay RMB10,000 as compensation for breach of contract; meanwhile, Party A has the right to refuse to refund the quality and white hands deposit of Party B

(As for serious individual defect phenomena, refer to the attached Control on Upper Limit of Nonconformance Rate of Material for value of C.) 6.3 重工费用处理

Rework Expense Disposal

经双方确认因乙方来料质量问题导致甲方产品重工,乙方须按以下计算方式赔偿甲方重工费用: 重工费用=单位人工成本×重工耗用总工时+单位动力成本×重工设备启动时长+实际物料损耗+管


其中单位人工成本按¥12.00/小时计;单位动力成本按¥20.00/小时计;实际物料损耗指甲方 重工导致的报废料总成本,管理费用按¥500.00/批计。

Both parties acknowledges that if products of Party A need reworking for quality problems of incoming materials supplied by Party B, Party B is required to pay Party A the rework expenses calculated as follows: Rework expenses = unit labor cost × total man-hour spent for rework + unit drive cost × operating hour of equipment for rework + actual wastage of material + management fee

Including: unit labor cost is calculated by ¥12.00/h; unit drive cost is calculated by ¥20.00/h; actual

wastage of material indicates the total cost for wastage caused to Party A by rework; and management fee is calculated by ¥500.00/batch.


A、整机重工数量大于5000台小于等于10000台时,乙方须承担人民币叁万圆的违约金; B、整机重工数量大于10000台时,乙方须承担人民币伍万圆的违约金。

If production of Party A is affected by rework, Party B shall compensate for breach of contract as specified below besides paying Party A the expenses of rework:

A. In case quantity of reworked devices is more than 5,000 and less than 10,000, Party B shall pay RMB30,000 as compensation for breach of contract;

B. In case quantity of reworked devices is more than 10,000, Party B shall pay RMB50,000 as compensation for breach of contract; 6.4 混料、少料、多料的处理

Disposal of material mixing, material shortage and material excessiveness 6.4.1 若乙方境内交货,则按如下方式处理:

In case of delivery made by Party B in China, the disposal will be as follows: 来料中如整箱混料,乙方需按10:1承担违约金,即违约金=单价×混料数量×10。

In case of material mixing of incoming material for a whole carton, Party B shall make compensation at ratio of 10:1 for breach of contract, meaning compensation for breach of contract = unit price × quantity of mixed materials ×10 来料中零星混料,乙方需按20:1承担违约金,即违约金=单价*混料数量*20。

In case of sporadic mixing of incoming materials in a carton, Party B shall make compensation at ratio of 20:1 for breach of contract, i.e. compensation for breach of contract = unit price × quantity of mixed materials ×20 整批错料,乙方需一次性承担违约金人民币壹仟圆。

In case of material mixing in batch, Party B shall make a one-off payment of RMB1,000 as compensation for breach of contract.

第 42 页 共 49 页 Page 42 of 49 来料少料,若甲方在来料检验时发现少料,则A类料乙方按2:1承担违约金,B/C类料乙方按10:

1承担违约金 ;若甲方在生产过程发现乙方来料少,则乙方需按1:1补料给甲方。

Shortage of incoming materials: in case of shortage of incoming materials found by Party A during inspection, Party B shall make compensation at ratio of 2:1 for Class A materials and 10:1 for Class B/C materials for breach of contract; in case of shortage of incoming materials found by Party A during production, Party B shall make supplementary supply to Party A at ratio of 1:1. 乙方因来料混料需承担的违约金最低限额为人民币贰佰圆(低于贰佰圆按贰佰圆计),最高限额为


The minimum amount of compensation for breach of contract by Party B due to mixed material is RMB200 (Less than RMB200 shall be counted as RMB200.), and the maximum amount is RMB10,000. 耳机、数据线、电池、适配器因来料条码与实物不符合造成的混料,乙方需每例支付违约金人民币


In case of material mixing due to discordance of incoming material barcode of earphone, data cable, battery and adapter with actual products, Party B shall pay RMB1,000 as compensation for breach of contract for each case.如乙方来料混有非甲方产品,乙方需每次支付违约金人民币伍千圆。

If materials not for Party A found in the incoming materials supplied by Party B, Party B shall pay RMB5,000 for each case as compensation for breach of contract.如因乙方来料混料造成甲方损失,则甲方直接经济损失由乙方全额承担。

In case of losses caused to Party A by mixed materials supplied by Party B, all the direct economic losses of Party A shall be undertaken by Party B.如乙方来料多数,则甲方做盘盈处理,不予办理订单收货、不支付货款。

备注: 混料除了指混有不同物料外,还包含混有技术更改前后的物料。

If the actually supplied materials are more than what is stated in purchase order in quantity, Party A will dispose as inventory overage, and make no receipt or payment.

Note: Besides mixing of various materials, material mixing also refers to mixing of materials before and after technical change.


In case of delivery made by Party B offshore, the disposal method is as follows:乙方来料多数的部分,甲方做盘盈处理,不予办理订单收货、不支付货款;乙方来料少数部分,乙


If the actually supplied materials are more than what is stated in purchase order in quantity, Party A will dispose as inventory overage, and make no receipt or payment; in case of shortage of incoming material supplied by Party B, Party B shall make supplementary supply to Party A to meet the purchase order.若乙方来料混料,则甲方按实际清点的应交货品数量收货,实际清点数量与应交数量的差异,按执行。

In case of mixed material supplied by Party B, Party A shall receive the shipment by quantity actually counted for products required to deliver. For difference between the actually counted quantity and the quantity required to deliver, it shall be disposed under the provision of如因乙方来料多数、少数以及混料造成甲方损失(包括但不限于海关罚没、品质事故等),则甲方


In case of losses caused to Party A due to nonconformance of quantity of material and mixed materials supplied by Party B (including but not limited to customs fine and confiscation and quality accident), Party B shall undertake all the direct economic losses of Party A.

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备注: 混料除了指混有不同物料外,还包含混有技术更改前后的物料。

Note: Besides mixing of various materials, material mixing also refers to mixing of materials before and after

technical change.

6.5 实验不合格的处理

Disposal of materials failing in test


If the products supplied by Party B to Party A fail to pass the type test of Party A, Party A has the right to return the whole batch of products; in case of the same kind of problem existing after improvement of Party B, Party B shall pay RMB500 for the first time as compensation for breach of contract, RMB1,000 for the second time and RMB2,000 for the third time, meanwhile, Party A has the right to suspend the qualification of Party B as a supplier; in case of losses therefore caused to Party A, Party B shall undertake all the direct economic losses suffered by Party A therefore. 6.6安规及认证要求

Requirements for safety and certification

6.6.1对于规定需符合安规要求的材料,若经甲乙双方认定的第三方测试机构检测不合格,乙方须承担甲 方由此造成的所有经济损失,并承担每次人民币壹拾万圆的违约金。

If the materials demanded to satisfy requirements for safety fail to pass the inspection conducted by a third party testing institute approved by both parties, Party B shall undertake all the economic losses therefore to Party A, and shall also pay RMB100,000 each time as compensation for breach of contract.



In case that certification by related departments of the state is required for the material supplied by Party B to Party A, Party B shall submit all the certification information in compliance with the national standards; in case of change or abnormality of product certificate of Party B, Party B shall timely notify Party A. In case of losses caused to Party A due to fault of Party B, Party B is required to undertake all the losses therefore to Party A, and pay RMB100,000 for each time as compensation for breach of contract. Before Party B makes compensation to Party A for the abovementioned losses and performs specified obligations, Party A has the right to suspend the qualification of Party B as a supplier and payment of all the unpaid balance and deduct the quality and white hands deposit of Party B. 7、一般条款

General Provisions


I In case of any upgraded agreement, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated as long as the new version of agreement signed.



Provided any article in this agreement is adjudged as unenforceable in certain aspects by judicial authority while the unenforceability has no material influences on responsibilities and obligations of both parties, the balance of this agreement shall remain valid and enforceable.

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This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each. The agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties.



This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.

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