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Unit 2 The Olympic Games



Warming Up部分通过讨论让学生了解古代和现代奥运会的异同。


Reading部分作者通过一个虚拟的采访向读者介绍了古代奥运会与现代奥运会的异同。 Comprehending部分帮助学生归纳他们已知的和刚学到的关于古代与现代奥运会异同,并且进一步讨论奥运会相关知识。

Learning about Language部分都同单元主题紧密相关,词汇和语法结构的呈现也尽可能地安排在相关的语境中。

Using Language部分通过一个希腊神话故事来引导学生进行读、听、说、写的综合训练。 Learning Tip部分鼓励学生在两人活动和小组活动中积极发言,这样既可以消除害羞的心理,又有利于学生掌握恰当的交际策略。 II.教学重点和难点 1.教学重点

(1) 本单元的生词和短语;

(2) 学会使用将来时的被动语态;

(3) 让学生熟悉奥运会—世界上最重要的体育盛会;能用英语就奥运会的基本知识进行


(4) 鼓励学生表达自己的兴趣爱好,要多让学生讲自己熟悉的话题。 2.教学难点

(1) 指导学生按类别归纳整理词汇,让学生学会有效的记忆词汇的方法;

(2) 引导学生发现本单元重点语言结构,让学生自己发现并感悟相关的语言规律,培养




第一、二课时:Warming up,Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehension 第三课时:Learning about Language

第四课时: Reading, Writing (Using Language)

第五课时:Listening, Speaking, Writing (Using Language) IV.教学步骤:

Period 1&2 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehension

Teaching Goals:

1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about the history of the Olympics. 2. To read an interview about the Olympics. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Leading-in

Purpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about mascots in the Olympic Games.

Show the pictures about the 2008 Olympic mascots (吉祥物). Ask Ss whether they know some other mascots (吉祥物). Step 2. Warming Up

Purpose: To lead Ss to the topic of this unit through a quiz.

Pair work: Get Ss to talk about the questions below, and then ask them to present it before the class.

1. When and where did the ancient Olympic Games start?

A. 776BC; Olympia B.393BC; Rome C. 1896; Greece 2. When did the ancient Olympics stop?

A. 776BC B. 393BC C. 1888AD

3. When and where did the modern Olympic Games start?

A. 1888AD; Pairs B. 776BC; Olympia C.1896; Athens 4. When did China first take part in the Olympics?

A. 1932 B. 1928 C. 1936

5. Who was China’s first gold medal winner and for what event?

A. Zhou Jihong; diving B. Lining; gymnastics C. Xu Haifeng; shooting 6. Do you know the three words that show the spirit of the Olympic Games?

A. taller, faster, stronger B. higher, swifter, stronger C. stronger, quicker, longer Suggested Answers: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B Step 3. Pre-reading

Purpose: To have Ss learn about some more about Olympics and arouse their interest. Individual work: Get Ss to answer this question individually.

1. How many events are there for the Summer and Winter Olympics? Can you list some of


2. When and where will the next Olympics be held? What do you think the Chinese team will

do in order to win more medals? Suggested Answers:

1. In the Summer Olympics, there are running, swimming, shooting, wrestling, jumping, football, basketball,

volleyball, table tennis, throwing. Javelin, weight lifting, gymnastics, boxing, etc. In the Winter Olympics, there are skiing, skating, ice hockey, ski jumping, sledding, snow-boarding, etc.

2. The 29th Olympics will be held in Beijing on August 18th, 2008. Step 4. Reading 1. Listening

Purpose: To get a brief understanding of the text. To train Ss’ listening ability. (1) Listen to the tape.

(2) Ask Ss to find the writing type and the main idea of the text. The writing type: conversational style (an interview).

Main idea: comparing the differences between Ancient and Modern Olympics. 2. Scanning

Purpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text.

Read the text quickly and find out the similarities & differences between Ancient and Modern Olympics.

(1) What are the similarities? How often What for Both are held every four years. Both are held not for money but for honour. Beliefs They are the same. Swifter, Higher, and Stronger. Competitors Events Men are allowed to take part both in ancient and modern Olympics. Some events are the same, such as running, jumping, shooting, and throwing. (2) What are the differences?

Games Country Competitors Prize Events Ancient Summer Only Greece Only men Olive wreath A few Modern Summer & winter Countries from all over the world Men and women Medal Many more 3. Read the passage carefully and silently and finish Ex2 (P11).

Suggested Answers:

(1) Pausanias is amazed that many countries take part in the Olympic Games and women too and there are two sets of Games-the Winter and the Summer Olympics.

(2) Because Li Yan has explained that it is a great honour to host the Olympic Games.. (3)He thinks that so many things have changed in the Olympic Games that he fears that the spirit of the Olympics may have changed too.


You know our government has tried its best to compete for hosting the 29th Olympic games. It has cost a lot of money. Do you think it is worthwhile? Why? For your reference:

It is worthwhile to host the Olympic games. To host Olympic Games can make our culture and people understood by the other peoples. To host Olympic Games can make our country known to the whole world. To host Olympic Games can stimulate our economy, and help to speed up its development. 5. Imagination

Imagine what we will do and what we can do for the 29th Olympic Games. For your reference:

Maybe we can serve as volunteers to help the foreign visitors and athletes from all over the world. So at present we should study hard. Especially we should try our best to learn English well.

6. Summary

As we have finished the passage we’ll sum up what we have learned. First let’s see the writing skills. It is written in a conversational style. It’s in a very interesting way. It adopts a dialogue between Pausanias who lived 2000 years ago and a Chinese gird in modern world. Through their dialogue, the differences and similarities between the ancient and modern Olympic Games are made known to the readers. Just because it is in a conversational style, there are quite a few oral spoken English and elliptical phrases.

Through the comparison between the ancient and modern Olympic Games, we have learned the differences and the similarities between them. Now we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can have a deep understanding of the Games. From the passage, we can also get to know that the Olympic Games are developing and improving. It’s our duty to make the Olympic Games better and healthier. We know that one of the slogans for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is Green Olympic Games. It shows that people are paying more and more attention to our environment. 7. Language points

Purpose: To train Ss’ language capacity.

Divide Ss into four groups and ask each group to discuss how to understand and use the new

words and analyze the following phrases. Give Ss enough time to learn the language points by heart.

take part in…, in order to, find out, used to, be admitted as…, compete against…, for the honour of…, be admitted to…, play a role, as well as, , as a matter of fact, compete for…, proud of…,

8. Retelling

Purpose: Train students’ ability of summarizing and expressing.

We can see the text is written in a conversational style. And there are two speakers. One is Pausanias, a Greek writer 2000 years ago, the other is Li Li, a Chinese girl. Now let’s change it into a narrative style. In other words, let’s describe the ancient and modern Olympic Games in our own words. Who would like to have a try? For your reference:

The ancient Olympic Games began in Greece and were held from 776 BC to AD393. It was held every four years. At that time, there were not so many sports as today. And women were not allowed to take part in the games. There were not Winter Olympics at that time. Winners got the olive wreath as the prize. The motto was swifter, higher and stronger.

The modern Olympic Games began in 1891. They’re held every four years. There are many new sports in the Olympics. In the summer Olympics there are over 250 different sports. Women are not only allowed to join in but also play a very important role. Now the competitors compete for medals. The motto is swifter, higher and stronger.

Winners got the olive wreath as the prize. The motto was swifter, higher and stronger.

The modern Olympic Games began in 1891. They’re held every four years. There are many new sports in the Olympics. In the summer Olympics there are over 250 different sports. Women are not only allowed to join in but also play a very important role. Now the competitors compete for medals. The motto is swifter, higher and stronger.

Period 3 Learning about language

Teaching Goals:

1. To enable Ss to master some new and useful words and expressions.

2. To get Ss to have knowledge of this grammar point: future passive voice. 3. To learn the methods of word formation Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Warming Up

Make preparations for the grammar by reminding Ss of several important sentences in the text. (1) When and where will the next Olympics be held?

(2) I live in what you call “Ancient Greece” and used to write about the Olympic Games more than 2,000 years ago.

(3) All countries can take part if they reach the standard to be admitted to the games. (4) The next Olympic Games will be held in my hometown.

(5) It is just as much as a competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win an Olympic medal.

Step2. Word formation

1. Rules of word formation

Turn to page 12, finish Ex 1 and find out the rules of word formation.

Suggested answers: 1.compete 2.admit 3.athlete/competitor 4.standard 5.regular basis 6.replace 7.motto 8.responsibility 9.gymnasium 10.take part in

(1) By adding–ing to a verb, we can change the verb into a noun, which means we can “doing some sport” into “ the name of the sport”.

(2) By adding–er to a verb, we can change the verb into a noun, which means we can change “doing some sport” into “the person who does the sport”. 2. Means of word formation

Affixation, conversion, and compounding are the chief means of word-formation in English. Do Ex2 and Ex3 of P12. Suggested answers:

Ex2: 1B 2B 3B 4C 5B

Ex3: athlete compete admitted standard homeland responsibility olive wreath

Step3. Grammar

Turn to page 13 and do Ex1. And tell the class the formation of future passive voice.

We can follow the following ways of formation to turn the future tenses into the future passive voice:

? be going to be done, ? be about to be done, ? be to be done, ? will\\shall be done, ? would\\should be done. Do Ex2 of P13.

Suggested answers:

1. will be allowed

2. will not be allowed, will be taken away 3. will be allowed

4. will not be excused, will be told, will be punished 5. will be allowed, will be fined

Step 4. Summary

1. Summary of the future passive voice Affirmative I will (shall) You will He\\She\\It will We will (shall) You\\They will Negative I will (shall) not You will not He\\She\\It will not We will (shall) not You\\They will not Interrogative Will (Shall) I Will you Will he\\she\\it Will (Shall) Will you\\they 2. Summary of phrasal verbs in the passive voice

We should note that all the phrasal verbs are used as a whole. For example:

(1) At last they put out the fire. → At last the fire was put out.

(2) They will put up a notice on the wall. → A notice will be put up on the wall. (3) Have you sent for a doctor? → Has a doctor been sent for?

(4) I have never heard such a thing before. → Such a thing has never been heard of before. (5) We must take good of the children here. → The children must be taken good of here.

(6) His classmates laughed at him for the foolish mistake. → He was laughed at for the foolish

mistake by his classmates.

Period 4. Reading, Writing (Using Language)

Teaching Goals: 1. To learn more about the ancient Olympic Games.

2. To learn to imagine and write an ending of an unfinished passage.

Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Leading-in

Purpose: To review some words related to the passage.

Stimulate Ss’ interest in fairy tales about the ancient Olympic Games.

T: In the first text, we have learned something about the Olympic Games, yes or no? S: Yes.

T: Can you still remember where the ancient Olympic Games started? S: Greece

T: What do you call the people or the language of this country? S: Greek

T: Greece is an ancient country full of stories; do you think so? S: Yes.

T: Now, let’s look at the picture coming from the ancient country.

King Princess Hippomenes Goddess

T: Class, it is obvious that the two pictures tell us a magical legend. Do you know what happened to the four persons? S: No

T: Ok, next let’s turn to page 14 and read the story about the four persons. Step 2. Reading 1. Skimming

Purpose: To get a brief understanding of the passage.

Read the text quickly and find out the relationship among the four persons. 2. Scanning

Purpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text.

Read the text again and then do the following true or false questions. (1) Atlanta could run faster than any man. ( )

(2) At first Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta. ( ) (3) Atlanta was not confident she would win. ( )

(4) She made as many men as she could share her pain. ( )

(5) Her father did not refuse her wish to choose a husband in a race. ( ) Suggested Answers: (1) F (2) F (3) F (4) T (5) T 3. Reading and answering

Purpose: To make Ss further understand the text. Read the text in silence, and answer the following questions.

(1) What was Atlanta’s problem? (2) What were Atlanta’s rules?

(3) Why did Hippomenes think that the men who ran the race were so foolish? (4) What made Hippomenes change his mind? (5) Whom did Hippomenes turn to for help? Suggested Answers:

(1) Atlanta could run faster than any men in Greece. But she was not allowed to run in the Olympic Games.

(3) Hipppomenes could not understand why so many young men

(2) She promised to be

wanted to risk their lives. married to a man who (4) Atlanta’s beauty made him understand his amazement and could run faster than

her. If he could not change his mind.

run as fast as her, he (5) He turned to the Goddess of love for help.

4. Talking and writing

Group work

Ask Ss to talk about the possible ending in groups of four. After discussing, let every student write down the result they have got. And then ask some Ss to read out their results.

For your reference (Various possible endings are allowed. Here are three kinds of different results.):

would be killed.

(1). Hippomenes was killed because of losing his race. (2). Hippomenes ran faster than Atlanta and married her.

(3). Atlanta and Hippomenes fell in love with each other at first sight. In spite of this, he still had to run the race, and unfortunately he lost the race and was killed by the king without being stopped by Atlanta in time. Atlanta was so sad that she killed herself before Hippomenes’ dead body. 5. Homework.

Get Ss to read and underline all the useful expressions in the passage. Copy them to your notebook as homework after class. Useful expressions in The Story Of Atlanta:

be allowed to, hear of…, as fast as, change one’s mind, ask… for …from…, pick up, confident about…, compete with…

Period 5 Listening Speaking & Writing

Teaching Goals: 1.To Learn to talk about hobbies.

2. To develop Ss’ listening ability. 3.To learn to write about hobbies

Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Listening Purpose:

1. To get the main information in the listening part. 2. To develop Ss’ listening ability

3. To learn about the real ending of the story of Atlanta.. 1.Before listening, try to work out the order of Ex3 (P15). Suggested answers:

(4)One man wanted to win and marry Atlanta very much. (11)Atlanta married him and they lived happily ever after. (7)When the race began ,Atlanta ran past him. (5)He asked the Goddess of Love for help. (1)Atlanta was a very beautiful princess.

(3)Many men tried to compete with her, but failed and so were killed. (9)She stopped to pick them up.

(6)She gave him three golden apples. (10)She ran too slowly and he won.

(8)He threw the golden apples one after another. (2)She could run faster than any man in Greece. 2. Listen to the tape and finish Ex4 (P15).

Answer: This is a story of how a man marries a princess by winning a race with a Goddess’ help.

3. Listen to the tape again and finish Ex5 (P15)

Answer: don’t want, to die, to go away, will not be run, her rules, will marry the man, runs faster, Come on

4. Discuss the questions of Ex6 (P15)

5. After finishing the three exercises, ask Ss to retell the passage with expression. Step 2. Speaking

Purpose: To get Ss to talk about records about high tight-rope walking. Group work

Carry out a survey of the interests in the class and write down the names of the classmates who have the same interests. You can carry out the task like this. Which do you like, sports, music or collections? Which of the sports do you like best? What is your favorite sport?

Are you interested in table tennis?

After the survey, the Ss who have the same interests sit together and please work in groups of four to talk about their interest. At last, let Ss present their dialogues.

Step 3. Writing a description

Purpose: To learn to write a passage entitled “My favorite sport”.

Step 4. Homework

1. Go to the library to read or get online to search in order to find more information on the

Olympic Games and the ancient Greek mythology. 2. Finish the exercises in the Workbook.

