2022八年级英语上学期暑假检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版
更新时间:2023-04-19 07:34:02 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载
()1.I like English very much , so I listen to the tape in the morning .
A: usually B : hardly C : never D :sometimes
( )2.—does he do sports every day ?
—He does sports for two hours every day .
A: How many B: How often C: How long D: How much
( )3.You can get much about the World Expo on the Internet . A: map B: picture C : ticket D : information
( )4. many children like sugar , I think they had better try not to eat it too often .
A: Because B : when C: Although D : If
( )5.Does the girl do ?
A : morning exercises
B : eyes exercises
C : math exercise
D : eye exercise
( )6.My eating habits yours .
A : are the same as
B : is the same as
C : is same as
D : are the same for
( )7.I have two sisters . of them are like me .
A : Both
B : All
C : One
D : First
( ) 8.A young man usually sleeps more than an old man
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A: do B ; sleep C : does D : is
( )9.If you work hard ,you'll get good
A : grades
B : notes
C : lesions
D : answers
( )10.The woman mage her son finally after she told him some jokes .
A : laughed
B : to laugh
C :laugh D:laughing
二.完形填空Do you want to keep 1 Exercise often,please.If you usually go to work by bus,from now on you'd better go to work by bike or 2 .If you always 3 late in the morning and only eat supper every day,I think you should have the clock wake you up 4 and do some morning exercises 5 .You can breathe (呼吸) the fresh air and have a 6 diet .Do you like to eat 7 ,for example,potato chips,hamburgers or hot dogs?Sure they're 8 .But I think you should eat more 9 and fruit instead of (代替) them.Too much junk food is not 10 for you.() 1.A.clever B.tall C.healthy D.thin () 2.A.by bus B.on foot C.by car D.by plane ()3.A .exercise B.go to bed C.have breakfast D.get up () 4.A .early 4fc64f0fcd84b9d528ea81c758f5f61fb6362872te C .quickly D.quietly ()5.A .inside B.outside C.at home D.in the bedroom () 6.A .full B.balanced C .good D.bad ()7.A .meat B.salad C.junk food D.potatoes ()8.A .cheap B.well C .expensive D.delicious ()9.A .vegetables B.noodles C .dumplings D.juice ()10.A .bad B.good C .hungry D.worse
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A.because he had done something wrong
B.because he had a lot of gold in the fields
C.The writer didn’t say anything about why the farmer was put in prison D.For nothing
( )2.The farmer’s wife was much worried about _____ . A.her husband B.their farm
C.planting potatoes D.herself
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( )3.The farmer told his wife _________first.
A.not to dig the fields B.to dig the fields
C.to ask the prison guards for help D.to find the gold in the fields
( )4.Why did the prison guards dig the farmer’s fields?
A.They wanted to help the farmer
B.Their leader ordered them to do so
C.The farmer asked them to do so
D.They wanted to find out the gold
( )5.Why did the farmer ask his wife to plant potatoes at
once? Because _____.
A.their fields had been dug
B.the gold was found out
C.the prison guards asked him to do so
D.the prison guards were digging the fields
look at the sky at night, the moon looks bigger than the stars. Actually,
is much smaller than the stars and the sun. It's much smaller than the
ut the moon is much closer to us than any star. That is why it looks so
you hold a coin close to your eye, it looks big. If you look at it across
moon, it looks small.
moves around the earth. It makes one trip in about four weeks. The moon
flat to us. But it is a round ball, like the earth.
nce thought the moon had fire on it. They thought the fire made it brig
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【本资料精心搜集整理而来,欢迎广大同仁惠存!】 6 / 12 ht. Now we know the moon is like a mirror.
gets its light from the sun. gives us light and warmth. It makes plants grow and turns leaves green. It
possible on our earth. It is a life giving star. )1.The moon looks bigger because .
tars are smaller than it
B:it en the son and the earth
closest to the earth D: it can get light from the son
: It takes _______ for the moon to go around the earth.
than a we
B .nearly a month
C .half a year
D .more than a year
: The moon is bright because _______.
is some fire on it B .it is near the sun, too
is a big mirror on it
D .it can get light from the sun . The passage tells us _______.
un is not the biggest star B .the sun is bigger than any other star
the sun can shine
D .the sun is one of the farthest stars
to us . Why do we call the sun "a life giving star"?
se it gives us warmth.
se there are some living things on it.
se plants and animals can’t live without it.
se people have to live in the dark without it.
Who Is the Best Salesman in the World?
Harry finished his college and wanted to find a job in the city. One day he saw an advertisement in a window. It said, "Wanted.
【本资料精心搜集整理而来,欢迎广大同仁惠存!】9 / 12
A:Carlos,do I look heavy ?
B: No , you look fine . You look very healthy .
A : Yeah , but I’m 1
B : I don’t think 2. . 3. often do you
exercise ?
A ; Hardly 4. .I 5 like to exercise .
B : But you play tennis , don’t you ?
A : Oh ,yes , once a week .
B ; well,that’s 6. exercis e . Do you walk very much ?
A ; I walk to school every day .
B ; Great !Do you eat a lot 7. junk food ?
A ; 8 , I hardly ever eat 9. . And I eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day .
B : How 10. do you go to the doctor ?
A : Twice a year .
B : So , you exercise , you eat well , you see your doctor , you are fine . You look fine .
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2022八年级英语上学期暑假检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版04-19
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