
更新时间:2023-12-04 10:35:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


U1\\15. Then the mother put her body over her daughter’s, strapped the seat belt over both of them and prepared to crash. For no earthly reason, our landing gear held and our touchdown was not the tragedy it seemed destined to be. It was over in seconds.

然后妈妈把她的身体在她女儿的,用安全带在他们都准备崩溃。不知什么原因,飞机的起落架着陆,我们不似乎注定要发生的悲剧。这是在几秒钟内结束。 16. The voice I heard that day never wavered and never acknowledged doubt, which seemed emotionally and physically impossible. Not one of us hardened business people could have spoken without a tremoring voice. Only the greatest courage, strengthened by even greater love, could have borne that mother up and lifted her above the chaos around her. That mom showed me what a real hero looks like. And for those few minutes, I heard the voice of courage.


U2\\1. The simple truth is that if you want to be heard by your husband, you must speak a language he understands.


2. An example: A friend of mine is married to a wealthy money waster who

used to drive like a madman — tailgating, speeding, weaving between lanes. My friend repeatedly expressed her fear about his dangerous habits but he didn’t modify his behavior; money was the language he spoke. She gave him one final warning: slow down or else. He didn’t, so without showing off, she withdrew $40,000 from their bank accounts and bought herself a luxury convertible. I hear he’s a pretty safe driver now.


U3\\ 1. As an engineer my brother is acquainted with all facts about stress. He used to test metal components for the level of physical stress at which they would fracture, shatter or break in half. Some metals can bear more stress than others, but they all have a point at which they will be overcome by the pressure being exerted. People are pretty much the same, except that stress begins as mental pressure before it becomes physical. There is a level of stress at which some part of you will snap.


U4\\ 22. I don’t know how strong I’ll be if I move to a foreign country and try to speak in another language with fluent speakers. Especially, I don’t know how strong I’ll be if I don’t have a network of my friends or the same white house with green board, the old streets with blinking road lamps, and sounds of cars whizzing by during the dark of night. I can’t rear myself away from the scent of jasmine that drifts through my window during long summer nights and the sound of the sprinklers completing a morning routine.


23. But I guess that’s how things go. If you want to make it somewhere, you have to pay the prices. And that’s the story of most people all around the world. That’s how we, as humans, have come so far in living history.

但我想那是多么惬意的事情。如果你想让它的地方,你要支付的价格。这是全世界大多数人的故事。这就是我们,作为人类,已经到目前为止生活史。 24. This new girl, my new friend, is still having a hard time adjusting to the school and the country. Her English is improving progressively over the weeks. With each day, she is closer in understanding the world around her. I believe in her. I know she can do it.


U5\\ 23. Rental businesses have come up with temporary blackout dates and adding extra charges for peak times. In the real world, we have to talk, either in person or through social networks to sort out the logistics.


24. In an ever-connected world with resources which are declining in amount, we have no choice but to collaborate with neighbors and even strangers to spread the wealth. It is not only good taste. Increasingly it is beginning to make good sense.


U6\\1. An M.R.I. was a huge trial for someone as old and crippled as my mother. The first few times she had them, while still living in Florida, I was not with her; I’d asked only afterward about the awful banging and claustrophobia inside that tube. But once I became her regular M.R.I. escort, I found there was so much more to this appointment for her. It came as a revelation to me that these tests are far different for someone in her 80s than for someone in her 50s.


