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五年级上册共六个模块,18单元,209单词(四年级186个单词) 五年级下册共六个模块,18单元,157单词(四年级172个单词)

五年级上册知识点 Module1 Routines and Dates

学习重点 1、掌握一月到十二月、四季的名称 2、用英语说出日期 日期的表示法有两种,如:“今天10月20日。”

a) 先说月份:Today is October the twentieth (20th) b) 先说日期:Today is the twentieth of October(20th) 3、掌握节日的名称及日期。(详见书本第13页)

例如: New Year's Day( January 1st ) Women's Day( March 8th) 4、能用英语说出学期的开始和结束

The autumn term begins in September and ends in January. 5. 掌握基数词和序数词,注意区分和运用

重点掌握:first,second,third,fifth,ninth,twelfth,twentieth. 基数词表示数量:three pandas三只熊猫。 序数词表示顺序:the second month第二个月


位置——除了“是”动词以外,他们都放在在动词的前面,如: (1)She often comes here . (2)She is always late . 7、能用英语谈论日常的活动(能写一篇小作文)


(1)定义:一般现在时表示已形成习惯、规律的动作或状态。 (2)特征:通常句子中有often、usually、或sometimes等等。 (3)肯定句的结构:

人称+动词:①其他人称(I、you、we、they、the boys……)+动词原形 ②第三人称单数(he、she、it、Tom、……)+动词“s/es”形式

例句:The boys like TV plays. Sally likes TV plays. (4)一般疑问句:助动词(Do/Does)+人称+动词原形

Do the boys like TV plays? Does the boy like TV plays? (5)否定句:人称+助动词否定形词(don’t/doesn’t)+动词原形

The boys don’t like TV plays. The boy doesn’t like TV plays. (6)记住:助动词一出,后面动词用原形。

Module2 Abilities

学习重点1、能用英语谈论人或动物的能力(能干什么) I can speak English. The monkey can climb trees. 2、能用英语说出15种以上的动物名称。


I/You/He/They/My mother can sing. Can you/he/they/my mother sing? I/You/He/They/My mother can’t sing.

4、注意“everyone”作为单数用: Everyone is here. Everyone likes flowers. 5、注意“not…at all”的使用:

He can’t skate at all .=He can not skate at all. He doesn’t like it at all .=He does not like it at all.

Module 3 Plants


1、能用英语说出一些植物(花,树木)的名称,并能写出十个以上有关植物的单词,并写上中文。 2、注意must和mustn’t的使用

(1)must必须 mustn’t禁止、不允许 (2)must/ mustn’t后面的动词用原形,

例如:I must go我必须走了 。We mustn’t pick flowers in the park. 我们不能在公园里在摘花。 3、掌握Can开头表示请求的句子的回答。

如:---Can I go with you? ---Sure./ Of course you can.

Module4 Travel

学习重点 1、 能说出十种以上的日常交通工具,并写上中文。2、注意使用交通工具的表示方法。 by(乘坐):by bus/by train/by spaceship 等, on foot(步行、走路) 3、时间的表达方有两种,

一种是直接表达法,直接按照“小时+分钟”的顺序读出时间,7:15-seven fifteen 7:30-seven thirty 第二种是逆读法,基本按照“分钟+小时”顺序读出时间,如:


7:10-ten past seven 6:15-a quarter past six 9:25-twenty five past nine ②半小时用half past, 如: 7:30-half past seven

③用to(超过半小时).读作“相差的分钟+to+下一个小时”,如: 7:45-a quarter to eight 4、介词的使用in、on、at在时间前的用法.

at-具体几点钟,如: at five o'clock (习惯用法:at the weekend) on-具体某一天,星期、日期前用,如: on Sunday,on May 1st, on weekdays

in-早上、下午、晚上, 如:in the morning /in the afternoon /in the evening in-年份、月份、季节前使用,如:in November月份 in winter季节 in 2005年份 5. 掌握时态:一般将来时态:表示将要发生的事情. 1)…be ( is \\ am \\are ) going to…动词原形. 例如 :表示某人将要去游泳

I am going to swim. You are going to swim. She is going to swim. 2)…Will … + 动词原形.

例如 :表示某人将要去游泳

I will swim. You will swim. She will swim.

Module 5 Zoo Animals




3、当我们想要提出请求或征询意见的时候,我们可以用“Would you like to + 动词原形”的结构 Would you like to go shopping with me? Would you like to water the flowers? Would you like to have lunch with my family? 回答:Yes, I’d love to./ Yes, of course.

4、当你看到不良行为时,能用英语进行规劝,请写出5个以上。(详见书本61页和90页) 例如:Don't kill us. Don't wake up a lion.

Module 6 Directions

学习重点1、能用英语说出一些公共建筑物和学校建筑的名称。 2、能用英语问路,如: 1)Where is the canteen, please? 2)Could you tell me the way to the canteen, please? 3)Could you tell me how to get to the canteen, please? 4)How do I get to the canteen, please? 5)Is the canteen near here? 6)Is the zoo on the right or on the left? 3、能用英语回答某地的位置,并记住以下的一些表达方式:

turn right out of the hotel 在宾馆外面 on the left / right 在左边 / 在右边 turn left / right 转左 / 转右 go straight ahead 一直往前走

take the second left 在第二个拐弯处左拐 take a No.216 bus 乘坐216号公共汽车 4、注意询问别人或道谢的礼貌用语,如: (1) Thank you very much./ Thanks a lot. 两句都可以回答:You’re welcome./ Not at all. (2) Excuse me. (用于打扰别人的时候。)


一 、名词复数的构成方法:

1.一般直接在词尾加上“ s” (book—books)

2.以x. s .ch .sh结尾的直接加上 “es” (box—boxes , dress—dresses) 3.单.复数同形: fish , sheep .

4.大多数以f(fe)结尾的,变f(fe)为v再加上“ es”.(knife—knives shelf—shelves)

5.以y结尾的,y前是元音字母的直接加上“s”(boy—boys ); y前是辅音字母的变y为i再加上“es”(factory—factories) 不规则的复数:

Unit 4

1、It’s time to…与 It’s time for…的区别:

It’s time for bed /class/school/breakfast/lunch/dinner.(time后加名词)

It’s time to go to bed/school/have breakfast/have lunch/have dinner. (time后加动词) 2、联系动词fell / look / get/ become等后可以加形容词,例如: I feel tired / hot / cold / hungry. He looks tired / hungry / pale. Unit 5

1、What’s the matter? / What’s the matter with you? 2、短语:give s.b. a checkup 给(某人)检查身体 plenty of 大量的 (可修饰可数或不可数名词)

There is plenty of water. There are plenty of eggs in the basket.

walk a lot 走很多路 eat a lot 吃很多东西 take the medicine three times a day 一天服药三次 take long 花很多时间 Never too much of good food. 好的东西也不能吃太多。 airsick 晕机 backache 背疼 earache 耳疼 hurt 伤;疼得

Module 3 Our School and Our Class

一.学习重点1、能就“自己学校和班级” 的话题进行交谈。 2、能就“比较建筑物”的话题进行交谈。 1、巩固形容词比较级和副词比较级的句型

1) His school is better than mine. 2) My new school is much larger than the old one. 3) Does the new school have more classroom than the old one? 4) She gets up earlier than us 2、情态动词would及must、need的否定式的用法及一些交际用语: 1) You needn’t go to school by bus. 2) We mustn’t pick the flowers.

3) Would you like to visit our new school? Yes, I’d love to. 4) Welcome to our school. Thank you. 注意的问题:

1、比较两样(种)东西时形容词的变化 形容词和副词的比较级:


small – smaller new – newer old – older tall – taller weak – weaker short – shorter cheap – cheaper fresh – fresher clean -- cleaner; fast – faster B.以不发音的单音节和部分双音节的形容词的比较级,在词末加-r:

nice – nicer fine – finer large – larger white – whiter late – later C.以辅音字母加y的单音节和部分双音节的形容词的比较级把y改为i, 加er: easy – easier ugly – uglier heavy -- heavier friendly – friendlier hungry –hungrier tidy – tidier happy – happier pretty – prettier; sorry – sorrier early – earlier

D.以单元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的单音节形容词和副词双写最后一个字母加-er: big – bigger fat – fatter thin – thinner

E.部分单词属于不规则: good/well – better bad/badly – worse many – more 例句:

1) This dictionary is thinner than that one. 2) Is your shirt better than mine?

3) Does our classroom look bigger than yours? 4) My mother always gets up earlier than me. 2、代词的作用:

第一人称 单数 第二人称 单数 第三人称 单数 第一人称 复数 第二人称 复数 第三人称 复数 代词主格 代词宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 I Me My You You Your he/she/it him/her/it his/her/its We Us Our You You your they them their Mine Yours his/hers/its Ours yours theirs 例句:

1) I often help him and he often help me too. 2) They like us and we like them too. 3) My house is smaller than your house. Yours is larger than mine.

4) Our pictures are better than their pictures. Ours pictures are better than theirs. 3、still 与yet

still 用于肯定句和疑问句:

He still works at Guangming Farm. Does she still study at that primary school? yet 用于否定句: They don’t start to work yet. 4、有next, this, that的时间状语不需要加介词。

We’ll visit Beijing next week. I’m going to see that film this Sunday. 5、比较时表示程度:

Is your new school much larger than the old one?

He is one cm taller than me. Mary is one year older than me. 7、quite a lot (of) 相当多

8、千位数的表示法: 2,345 (two) thousand (three) hundred and forty-five Unit 8

短语:1.have to 不得不 You have to get up earlier than us.

2、leave Don’t leave your things here. (遗留) He usually leaves school at half past five. (离开) 3、have a harder job to do 有更艰辛的工作要做 I have something to do. I have nothing to say. Unit 9

far 的比较级1)farther(更远)具体的.一般表示距离

2)further(进一步)抽象事物 一般表示学业深造

最高级 farthest/furthest

Module 4 Wild Animals


1)能就“野生动物”的话题进行交谈; 2)能就“比较动物”的话题进行交谈。 1、掌握比较级和最高级的句型

1) Giraffes’ legs are longer than horses’ legs. (形容词比较级) 2) Elephants are the biggest animals in the world. (形容词最高级) 3) Deer run faster than giraffes. (副词比较级)

4) Of all animals, cheetahs run (the) fastest. (副词最高级) 5) Who works hardest in our class? (副词最高级) 2、谈论身高体重的句型

1) It can be 30 metres long. 2) It weighs over 150 tons. 注意的问题:


A.hard – harder late – later high – higher fast – faster early – earlier B.well – better much – more badly – worse far – farther 例句: 1)Kate runs faster than me. 2)Sally swims better than Judy,


A.small – smallest new – newest old – oldest tall – tallest

big – biggest fat – fattest thin – thinnest hot – hottest; B.good – best many – most well – most bad/badly -- worst;

例句: 1) Our classroom is the biggest here. 2) Meihua is the tallest girl in her class. 3) Russia is the largest country in the world. 4) He runs fastest in the team. Unit 10

1、 形容词最高级前一般加the,副词最高级前一般可加the或不加the:

Blue whales are the biggest animals in the world. Of all animals cheetahs run (the) fastest. 2、重要短语

on land 在陆地 can be 可以是 more than 多于 over 超过

weigh v. The baby weights 4 kg. weight n. My weight is 70 kg. ton 吨 ton of … (多少)吨的……

have no = have not any He has no brothers or sisters. He has not any brothers or sisters. 9、neither … nor… 既不……也不……; 不是 …… 也不是 ……

Neither she nor I know him. He is neither a teacher nor a student. Unit 11

1、 cheetah 猎豹 leopard 豹 2、deer 一般复数用deer; 有时用deers

Module 5 Eating Habits

学习重点 1、能就“吃的习惯”的话题进行交谈; 2、能就“比较食品”的话题进行交谈。 1、谈论“食物”和“用餐”的用语

1) Which do you prefer, hamburgers or pizza? 2) Pizza is more delicious than hamburgers.

3) I’m so full. 4) Where shall we have dinner? 5) Which food would you like? 6) Do you agree with me?


1) The hamburgers are more delicious than the sandwiches

2) This food is more horrible than that one. 3) Fish is the most delicious food, I think. 4) This picture is the most beautiful here. 5) I think this is the most important thing. 注意问题:

1、 shall 的用法 shall用于第一人称(I, we), 可以表示“将”或者表示建议 “……好吗?” 1) I shall go to the park tomorrow. 2) Where shall we have dinner? 3) Shall we play game here? 2、双音节和多音节的形容词的比较级和最高级分别用more, most 来表示。 已学双音节的形容词、副词加-er/-est已学双音节的形容词、副词加的例词 heavy easy dirty ugly lovely sorry pretty friendly sunny cloudy windy cloudy 3、多音节的形容词加more/most的例词

beautiful delicious important interesting difficult excited horrible dangerous 例句:

1) The lady in red is a famous movie star. And the movie star in white is more famous than her in the USA.

2) The book about animals is very interesting. It is more interesting than the one about the plants.

more/most的例词 famous slowly boring 3) Which is the most dangerous, snakes, crocodiles and lions? 4) The old men walk more slowly than the young men. 5) This programme is the most boring one at the party. Unit 13

1、Can we eat at Jimmy’s today? 我们可以在Jimmy餐厅吃东西吗?

2、inside adv. 在内;adj. 内侧的;内部的;n. 内侧;内部 反义词:outside 3、pizza 不可数名词 hamburger 可数名词 4、I’m so full. 我太饱了。

Module 6 Weather

学习重点 1、能就“天气”的话题进行交谈; 2、能对天气进行比较。 1、比较天气的句型

1) It’s much colder today than yesterday. 2) It’ll be hotter tomorrow than today. 3) It’s going to be cooler next week than this week. 2、谈论天气的其它句型

1) What’s the weather like there today? It’s sunny, hot and dry. 2) What will the weather be like there tomorrow? What is the weather going to be like there tomorrow? 3) What’s the temperature? It’s ten degree(s) centigrade. 3、标示天气的名词和相应的形容词及其之间变化的规律

sun – sunny wind – windy cloud – cloudy rain – rainy fog – foggy snow snowy


– sunny – sunnier – sunniest windy – winder – windiest

rainy – rainier – rainiest cloudy – cloudier – cloudiest

foggy – foggier – foggiest wet – wetter -- wettest dry – drier – driest 5、表示温度的读法

0℃ zero degree centigrade 2℃ two degrees centigrade -3℃ three degrees below zero centigrade 6. 问天气/温度可以用下面的句型

What’s the weather / temperature like today / tomorrow? It’s hot and dry. The temperature is 38 degrees centigrade. 7、新西兰在在南半球,那里的季节跟中国刚好相反。

8、great! (这条消息)太好了! It sounds great. 连系动词 9、ski 滑雪 skate 溜冰

10、You’d better … = You had better … 你最好……

You’d better take more warm clothes. 你最好多带一些暖和的衣服。

