
更新时间:2024-04-21 02:57:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


ImagJ是一款简单的图像处理与分析软件,可以用来进行WB定量分析。 一、利用ImagJ对WB条带进行灰度分析 1、File——》open 打开WB片子 2、把图片转化成灰度图片 image——》type——》8-bit 3、消除背景影响

process——》subtract background 选择50基本可以 4、设置定量参数

analyze——》set measurements,点击面积,平均密度和灰度值及Integrated Density 5、设置单位

analyze——》set scale ,在“unit of length”的方框里输入“pixels” 6、把图片转换成亮带,Edit——》invert 7、选择Freehand


当测定完所有条带,选结果中的“Edit ”的“SelectAll”,然后复制数据“IntDen”到Excel表即可进行分析


二、利用ImagJ对WB条带进行密度分析 1、File——》open 打开WB片子 2、如条带不正,需修正

image——》transform——》rotate 调节angle值,直到条带水平为止

3、选中矩形选项,圈中第一个条带,然后 analyze——》gels——》select first lane(快捷键ctrl+1),然后移动第一个条带上的矩形到第二个条带上,analyze——》gels——》select second

lane(快捷键 ctrl+2),最后analyze——》gels——》plotlanes 4、选中直线工具,将开口的波峰关闭

5、选中魔棒工具,点击波峰可以显示波峰下面积,即条带的密度值 6、以第一个数值为基数,其他数值与第一个数值的比值为相对密度

The protocol of imageJ for quantitative analysis of Western blotting:

- open an image

- transfer the image to 8-bits image → type: 8 bits

- Process → substract background 50

- analyze → set measurements: pick area, mean gray value, integrated density. - analyze → set scale, fill “unit of length” with “pixels” - switch the image to bright bands edit → invert

- freehand selection, choose the target area on the image (e.g. a band), type a “m” for measurement, then we get the result from a new window.

- after measuring all of the bands, pick the “edit” of the result window. “select all”, copy the integrated density values to excel to analyze.

The integrated density means that the area value multiplies the mean gray value. For Western blotting analysis the integrated density is very important, because the area and gray value both of them have meaning for Western blotting bands.

