
更新时间:2024-01-24 13:10:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


1. is not a type of charter-party.

A. A time charter-party

B. A charter-party by demise

D. A voyage charter-party

C. The charter of the United Nations

2. Two vessels are approaching each other near head on. What action should be taken to avoid collision?

A. the vessel making the slower speed should give way B. Both vessels should alter course to port C. Both vessels should alter course to starboard D. the first vessel to sight the other should give way

3. Mainly east 3 or 4 partly cloudy to overcast occasional rain slowly south moderate or good.

A. bounding for

There is clearly a desire by shipping companies to increase efficiency of the seafarer by the introduction of ECDIS. This increased efficiency can be achieved ??on watch?? by heaving all the navigational information in a central source ??off watch?? it is increased by reducing the time taken to complete chart updating and passage planning. The MAIB report identifies fatigue of the watch-keeping a one of the main causes of marine incidents. If ECDIS reduce fatigue by improving efficiency both on watch and off watch, the system will directly contribute to safety.

The same report also stated that the hydrographic community should band together to promote ECDIS as a factor to improve safety and efficiency. In fact, new, ECDIS-enable procedures may allow many shipping companies to better manage their core operations, from better weather routing to increased voyage optimization and increased integration to other shipboard systems that affect operational efficiency.

(1) Why are the shipping companies willing to introduce the ECDIS?

A. The introduction of ECDIS will help administration monitor the safety B. The use of ECDIS will help reduce the other equipment on board C. The use of ECDIS will help improve efficiency

D. The instruction of ECDIS will help seafarers acquire new technology (2) What is the main reason of marine incidents claims by MAIB report?

A. The seafarers on duty are of inadequacy to knowledge B. The seafarers on duty are under fatigue condition

C. The seafarers on duty are doing something unrelated to safety navigation D. The seafarers on duty are of being willfully committed.

(3) What roles do not ECDIS-enabled procedures play in shipping industry?

B. going to

C. spreading

D. proceeding

A. It can be speed up ship??s turnaround

B. It can better combine with other shipboard systems C. It can optimize the weather routing D. IT can revive the charts industry

(4) About ECDIS increasing efficiency on board, which one is not mentioned in the passage?

A. It gives the suggestion to maneuvers the ship to avoid collision B. It integrates all navigational information C. It cuts down the time to correct the chart D. It trims down time for passing planning

4. In turn circle, the vessel down by head will have turn circle than the even keel vessel.

A. same

B. small

C. exaggerated

D. large

5. In towing, chocks are used to .

A. secure the end of towline on the tug C. absorb shock loading on the towline

B. stop off the towline while retrieving it D. protect the towline from chafing

6. The carrier shall have a on the goods for freight, dead freight, demurrage and any other amount payable by the merchant.

A. ownership

B. lien

C. liberty

D. right

7. The time allowed for loading and discharging cargo in a charter party is referred to as .

A. charter hire

B. laydays

C. dispatch

D. demurrage

8. A vessel is equipped with a single right-handed screw. With rudder amidships and calm wind, the vessel will most likely back .

A. straight astern B. to port

C. to starboard

D. in no particular direction

9. Which statement concerning the handling characteristics of a fully loaded vessel as compared with those of a light vessel is FALSE?

A. A fully loaded vessel will maintain her headway further B. A fully loaded vessel will be slower to respond to the engines C. A fully loaded vessel loses more rudder effect in shallow water D. A fully loaded vessel will be more affected by the wind 10.

Where the Charterer is under an obligation to load a full cargo and has the option of loading

several kinds of goods, he can not choose to load goods which leave and no others.

A. break stowage

B. breaking stowage

C. broken stowage

D. broken stowage

11. Cargo contaminated due to failure to provides clean holds prior to loading is an example of .

A. lack of due diligence vice

12. The steering and sailing rules for vessels in restricted visibility apply to vessels .

A. navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility B. in sight of one another in fog

B. latent defect

C. restraint of princes D. inherent

C. only if they are showing special purpose lights D. only if they have operational radar

One of the major problems is that flooding of a hold space may occur without the knowledge of the crew,particularly in heavy weather conditions where visibility may be minimal and any changes in the response of the ship may be masked by the storm.The influence of flooding No.1 hold on a bulk carrier carrying ore,from a naval architecture point of view,is of course to create a significant trim by the head.It is considered that on a well maintained ship this should be a survivable situation.In the event that flooding progress to the adjacent No.2 hold then the consequent trim can immerse the deck forward and the survivability of the ship under storm condition becomes doubtful.Another is also important and if this is a consequence of transverse watertight bulkhead failure then the shock loadings,both in terms of over and under pressures could create a chain reaction involving hatch covers being displaced,bulkheads collapsing,etc.,within a few seconds resulting in an almost instantaneous loss of hull buoyancy and the ship sinking.Knowing when the holds are taking in water is,therefore,considered very important.

(1) The following _______ is not the reason that flooding of a hold space may occur without the knowledge of the crew.

A.that the visibility may be too poor at the moment

B.that changes in the response of the ship may be masked by the storm

C.that the conditions of the weather may prevent the crew members from detecting the response of the ship

D.that the crew members are poorly educated and have not enough knowledge (2) The flooding of No.1 hold _______.

A.will result in an almost instantaneous loss of hull buoyancy and the ship sinking B.will create a chain reaction involving the hatch covers being displaced,bulkheads collapsing C.will progress to the adjacent No.2 hold D.is normally a survivable situation

(3) If _______,the consequent trim can immerse the deck forward and the survivability of the ship under storm condition becomes doubtful.

A.No.1 hold is flooded B.No.2 hold is flooded

C.both No.1 and No.2 hold are flooded D.either both No.1 or No.2 hold is flooded

(4) The best title of this paragraph shall be _______. A.The flooding and division arrangement of the ship

B.Knowing when the holds are taking in water is very important

C.Crew members will never know when the holds are flooded D.Flooding is unavoidable


Which one of the following should not be paid attention to as to accommodation for

seafarer? .

A. Communication

B. Heating and ventilation

C. The size of rooms and other accommodation spaces D. Noise and vibration and other ambient factors

At sea, wet and dry bulb ambient temperatures should be taken and compared regularly with hold temperatures as a matter of routine to gauge whether ventilation is necessary. If a falling ambient temperature causes the temperature of the ship??s structure to drop below the dew-point of the air in the hold, condensation will form on the hold frames and plating. These accumulations, known as ??ship??s sweat??, may subsequently drip or run on to the cargo. By monitoring both hold and ambient temperatures this situation can be predicted, and the development of ship??s sweat may be prevented or minimized by timely ventilation.

Should the steel be loaded in conditions where the ambient temperature is lower than that might be encountered later on in the voyage, the hold should not be ventilated. If the cargo is exposed to warmer air having a dew-point higher than the temperature of the steel, ??cargo sweat?? will form on the surface of the goods. Since much, if not all, of the steel in the hold will be affected in such circumstances, the consequences of cargo sweat are potentially more damaging than the effects of ship??s sweat.

(1) How to determine whether ventilation is necessary or not?

A. By comparing the hold temperature with that of the cargo

B. By comparing the hold temperature with wet and dry bulb temperature C. According to the temperature of the cargo

(2) According to wet and dry bulb temperature

A. Having formed and accumulated gradually, ship??s sweat may drip on to the cargo B. Ship??s sweat can be predicted

C. The damage caused by ship??s sweat may be greater than that by cargo sweat D. Ship??s sweat can be prevented and minimized

(3) Cargo sweat may form when .

A. The dew-point of air at the loading port than that on the voyage B. The temperature of structure higher than that of the cargo

C. The temperature encountered later on the voyage higher than the ambient temperature

when loaded

D. The dew-point of air outside the hold higher than the temperature of the cargo

(4) In what condition may ship??s sweat form?

A. When wet and dry bulb ambient temperatures are equal

B. When the temperature of ship??s structure is below the dew-point of the air in the


C. When the temperatures of the outside and ship??s structure are below the dew-point

of air in the hold

D. When ambient temperature is falling and below the dew-point of air in the hold

14. Who can contact the Designated Person?

A. all officers and crew senior officers

15. While operating your oceangoing vessel you must keep a record of any discharge or disposal of garbage. These entries shall be made .

A. at the time the garbage was disposal of

B. no later than 24hours after disposal of the garbage C. before arriving at your next port D. before the end of the voyage

16. Any alteration of course and /or speed to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, to another vessel observing visually or by radar.

A. be with due regard to the poor and speed of the vessel B. be large enough to be readily apparent C. be a succession of small alterations

D. leave sufficient room for the other vessel to take action

17. What term indicates the length measured along the summer load line from the intersection of that load-line with the foreside of the stem and intersection of that load line with the after side of the rudder post?

A. Register length

B. Length overall

D. Length on the waterline

B. the designated person

C. the captain D.


C. Length between perpendiculars

18. The safety of Life at Sea Convention was developed by the .

A. International Maritime Organization B. IMDG conference

C. American Institute of Maritime shipping D. American Bureau of Shipping

19. The master can refuses to in the bill of lading the statements required by the Act if either he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the information given by the shipper is inaccurate, or he has no reasonable means of checking it.

A. International Maritime Organization

B. IMDG conference

C. American Institute of Maritime shipping D. American Bureau of Shipping

20. If a container which has not been filled, packed, stuffed or loaded by the Carrier is delivered by the Carrier with the seal , such delivery shall be deemed as full and complete performance of the Carrier??s obligation.

A. properly used

B. fully sized

C. perfect

D. intact

21. is not a standard form of charter-party.





22. The standards of physical and medical fitness established by the Party shall not ensure that seafarers .

A. have the physical capability to fulfill all the requirements of the basic training B. are suffering from any medical condition likely to e aggravated by service at sea C. have no medical condition that will prevent the effective and safe conduct of their routine and emergency duties on board

D. demonstrate adequate hearing and speech to communicate effectively

23. While your vessel is docked port side to a wharf, a sudden gale force wind causes the vessel??s bow lines to part. The bow begins to fall away from the dock, and no tugs are immediately available. Which measure(s) should take FIRST?

A. have the physical capability to fulfill all the requirements of the basic training B. are suffering from any medical condition likely to e aggravated by service at sea C. have no medical condition that will prevent the effective and safe conduct of their routine and emergency duties on board

D. demonstrate adequate hearing and speech to communicate effectively

24. refers to the evidence that the ship, its equipment, or its crew does not correspond substantially with the requirements of the relevant convention.

A. Stoppage of an operation B. Non-conformity C. clear ground

D. substantial deficiency

25. Which statement about the dangerous cargo manifest carried on a ship is TRUE?

A. Shipments of hazardous and non-hazardous cargo may be listed on the manifest if they are destined for the same consignee

B. The manifest must be kept in a designated holder on or near the bridge

C. the manifest must be made up by the Master or other designated ship??s officer D. the type of label(s) required for each cargo must be indicated 26. In nautical terminology a dog is a .

A. heavy steel beam C. crew bar

B. device to force a water-tight door against the frame D. wedge

27. ECDIS units incorporate Digital Chart Data Formats, which include .

A. vector only C. raster only

B. imposed viewing D. vector and raster

28. Where the charter-party states that payment of hire is to be made without discount, this merely means that .

A. under no circumstances can the hire be made at the rate greater than the contractual B. there is to be no discount for early payment for early payment C. no money is to be deducted from the hire D. hire is absolutely payable

29. When steering by autopilot, how often should annual steering be checked?

A. every day

B. at least once a watch C. no checking is necessary D. when time allows

30. Where advance freight is to be paid within 5 days of the master signing bills of lading, and the charter-party is frustrated by the vessel and her cargo being lost before the end of the fifth day after the signing of the bills of lading, is payable.

A. full advance freight B. no advance freight C. some advance freight D. half advance freight

31. Who is responsible for the development of the ships security plan?

A. the classification society

B. the port facility security officer C. the company security officer D. the ship security officers

32. You are operating a ship greater than 400 gross tons, you are NOT permitted to carry oil or hazardous materials in a (n) .

A. on-deck portable tanks B. forepeak tank C. after-peak tank

D. deep tank

33. If the officers on watch is in any doubt as to the pilot??s actions, or intentions, he should .

A. cease the duty of pilot??s at once B. seek clarification from the pilot C. notify the Captain as soon as possible D. take action by his own judgment

34. What best describes for how long a gas-free test is good?

A. until changes in temperature or pressure affect the vapor content in the space B. until valves in line with the tank or compartment are reopened C. for as long as it indicated on the gas-free certificate D. for the instant that it is made

35. between such dangerous goods may be filled with cargo compatible with the dangerous substance or articles in question.

A. intervening space B. blank spaces C. integrity spaces D. compatible spaces

36. The rules state that a seaplane shall .

A. not be regarded as a vessel

B. proceed at a slower speed than surrounding vessels C. in general, keep well clear of all vessels

D. when making way, show the lights for a vessel not under command

37. As to the limits on hours of work or rest in MLC2006, Which one is not correct?

A. maximum hours of work shall not exceed 14 hours in any-24hou period B. maximum hours of work proceed at a slower speed than surrounding vessels C. in general, keep well clear of all vessels

D. when making way, show the lights for a vessel not under command

38. A 30,000 DWT tanker is required to have an IOPP certificate when .

A. calling at ports in another country signatory to MARPOL 73/78 B. going foreign

C. carrying cargoes listed in the MARPOL regulations D. engaged in the coastwise trade

39. In ship construction the lateral thrusters can not fitted in .

A. amidships B. the stern C. the bow

D. forward part

40. It should be noted that according to the COSCO bill of lading clauses, before loading goods in any insulated space, the carrier shall obtain the certificate of the Classification Society??s surveyor, which shall be evidence against the merchant.

A. conclusive B. prima facie C. preliminary D. eventual

41. In determining a safe speed shall not be among those taken into account.

A. the effect on radar detection of the sea states, weather and other source of interference B. any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in use C. the safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore

D. the characteristics, efficiency and limitation of the radar equipment 42. After a cold front passes the barometric pressure usually .

A. remains the same

B. remains the same, with clouds forming rapidly C. rises, often quite rapidly, with clearing skies D. fluctuates

43. What will a veering wind do?

A. vary in strength constantly and unpredictably

B. circulate about a low pressure center in a counterclockwise manner in the Northern Hemisphere C. change direction in a clockwise manner in the North Hemisphere

D. circulate about a high pressure center in a clockwise manner in the Sorthern Hemisphere 44. Freeing ports on a vessel with solid bulwarks .

A. provide openings through the bulwarks for mooring lines B. prevent stress concentration in the bulkwarks C. allow water shipping on deck to flow off rapidly D. permit easy jettison of deck cargo in an emergency

45. is not a vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver.

A. a vessel engaged in replenishment or transferring persons, provisions or cargo while underway B. a vessel engaged in laying, servicing or picking up a navigation mark; submarine cable or pipeline

C. a power driven vessel which because of her draught in relation to the available depth and width of navigation water is severely restricted in her ability to deviate from the course she is following

D. a vessel engaged in dredging, surveying or underwater operations

46. Who is responsible for properly manning a vessel in accordance with all applicable laws,

regulations and international conventions?

A. the owners or operator of the vessel B. the master of the vessel

C. the Officer in charge of Marine inspection D. the captain of the Port

47. If SSAS is powered from the ship??s main source of electrical power, then is needed.

A. exclusive battery resource B. no other power

C. exclusive alternative source of power D. an alternative source of power

48. A vessel moored with two anchors, sometimes, at an exposed roadstead is to .

A. obtain a fine bearing

B. lighten the stress of anchor chains C. aid turning the ship

D. increase ship swings to wind or tide

49. It is expressly provided in the SOLAS Conventions that ships shall be designed, constructed and maintained in compliance with the structural, mechanical and electrical requirements of a which is recognized by the administration in accordance with the provisions of regulation, or with applicable national standards of the Administration which provide an equivalent level of safety.

A. International Association of Classification Societies B. government organization C. IMO branch

D. classification society

50. The ECDISs will the paper-based chart in the near future.

A. replace B. substitute C. supersede D. coexist with

51. There are often three parts in a weather report, not including .

A. warning B. forecast

C. general synopsis D. traffic density

52. Which one of the followings is not a right way to behave during mooring/unmooring operation?

A. When the tug is being secured or let go, monitor the operation closely B. stay close to the towline at all time

