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[GMAT逻辑]雷哥网GMAT OG CR题目解析
逻辑CR-14281 【难度:650-680】In an experiment, each volunteer was allowed to choose between an easy task and a hard task and was told that another volunteer would do the other task. Each volunteer could also choose to have a computer assign the two tasks randomly. Most volunteers chose the easy task for themselves and under questioning later said they had acted fairly. But when the scenario was described to another group of volunteers, almost all said choosing the easy task would be unfair. This shows that most people apply weaker moral standards to themselves than to others.Which of the following is an assumption required by this argument? A. At least some volunteers who said they had acted fairly in choosing the easy task would have said that it was unfair for someone else to do so. B. The most moral choice for the volunteers would have been to have the computer assign the two tasks randomly. C. There were at least some volunteers who were assigned to do the hard task and felt that the assignment was unfair. D. On average, the volunteers to whom the scenario was described were more
accurate in their moral judgments than the other volunteers were. E. At least some volunteers given the choice between assigning the tasks themselves and having the computer assign them felt that they had made the only fair choice available to them. 雷哥GMAT解析一个实验,每个志愿者被要求在一个容易的任务和一个困难的任务间选择,并被告知另外一个志愿者会做剩下的任务。每个志愿者也可选择让计算机随机分派两个任务。大部分都选了容易的任务,事后说自己是公平的。但对另外的志愿者描述情况,几乎所有人认为选容易的任务是不公平的。这表明大部分人宽以待己,严以待人。假设题A 至少某些说选容易任务公平的志愿者已经,说了其他人这样做是不公平的;如果是同一个人认为自己选容易任务公平,而其他人这样做就不公平,就说明了这个人对自己更宽松,正确B 最道德的选择是让计算机随机分配任务;无关,排C 至少某些被分配困难任务志愿者感到这种分配不公平;无关,排D 平均来说,被描述情况的志愿者在道德判断上比其他志愿者更准确;即使一样准确,对自己进行判断的人的标准还是更宽松,取反无法削弱原文结论,排E 至少某些可在自己分配任务和计算机分任务进行选择的志愿者感到他们做了对他们来说唯一公平的选择;无关,排 逻辑CR-14282 【难度:600-650】In Colorado subalpine meadows, nonnative dandelions co-occur with a
native flower, the larkspur. Bumblebees visit both species, creating the potential for interactions between the two species with respect to pollination. In a recent study, researchers selected 16 plots containing both species; all dandelions were removed from eight plots; the remaining eight control plots were left undisturbed. The control plots yielded significantly more larkspur seeds than the dandelion-free plots, leading the researchers to conclude that the presence of dandelions facilitates pollination (and hence seed production) in the native species by attracting more pollinators to the mixed plots.Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the researchers’ reasoning? A. Bumblebees preferentially visit dandelions over larkspurs in mixed plots. B. In mixed plots, pollinators can transfer pollen from one species to another to augment seed production. C. If left unchecked, nonnative species like dandelions quickly crowd out native species. D. Seed germination is a more reliable measure of a species’ fitness than seed production. E. Soil disturbances can result in fewer blooms, and hence lower seed production. 雷哥GMAT解析一 在科罗拉多S草甸,非本地的D和本地花L共存。黄蜂会光顾这两种植物,可能导致两物种在交叉
授粉。最近的研究中,研究者选取了16个地区种两种植物。所有D从8个区移除了;余下的8个控制地区未打扰。L在控制区比除去D的地区产生了多得多的种子,于是研究者得出结论,D的存在吸引了更多授粉昆虫来到混种区,从而对本地物种的授粉(因此种子产出增强)有益削弱题A 黄蜂在混种区更多光顾D;说明D更吸引授粉昆虫,增强,方向反,排B 混种区,授粉昆虫能从在两个物种间授粉,增加种子产出;增强,方向反,排C 如果不管制,外地物种如D很快挤掉本地物种;而原文反而是L产生了更多种子,违背题干事实,排D 种子发芽是一种比种子生产更有效的方式保证物种茁壮;无关,排E 土壤翻动导致更少开花,因此更低的种子产出;他因削弱,正确 雷哥GMAT解析二 削弱型题首先要找到文章的假设,这里的结论是D吸引了更多的pollinators来到混种区,假设是没有别的原因导致混种区的L产更多的种子,只有D这个原因,那只要从题目中发现比较合理的能使混种去的种子产生的相对更多的原因就可以了,E选项soil disturbance也是种子较少的原因,正确 逻辑CR-14283 【难度:700-730】It is widely assumed that people need to engage in intellectual activities such as solving crossword puzzles or mathematics problems in order to maintain mental sharpness as they age. In fact, however, simply talking to other people—that is,
participating in social interaction, which engages many mental and perceptual skills—suffices. Evidence to this effect comes from a study showing that the more social contact people report, the better their mental skills.Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the force of the evidence cited? A. As people grow older, they are often advised to keep exercising their physical and mental capacities in order to maintain or improve them. B. Many medical conditions and treatments that adversely affect a person’s mental sharpness also tend to increase that person’s social isolation. C. Many people are proficient both in social interactions and in solving mathematical problems. D. The study did not itself collect data but analyzed data bearing on the issue from prior studies. E. The tasks evaluating mental sharpness for which data were compiled by the study were more akin to
mathematics problems than to conversation.雷哥GMAT解析 人们都认为,为了保证老年心理敏锐,人们需要参与智力活动比如猜字游戏或数学题。然而,事实上,与其他人聊天---参与社交活动,这些活动也保证了很多心理和感知技巧---就足够了。此效果的证据来自一项研究,它表明越多社会接触,心理技巧更好削弱题 研究只表明了社会接触和心理
之间相关,但并没有指出两者间的因果关系A 随着人们变老,他们经常被建议持续锻炼生理和心理能力,来保持或改善它们;被建议干什么,并不能说明这些就好,无关,排B 很多医疗条件和治疗负面影响了人们的心理敏锐,往往也增加了人的社会隔离;说明其他因素同时影响了心理和社交,削弱了社交影响心理,正确C 很多人在社交和解数学题上都很厉害;特殊情况,无关,排D 此研究本身不搜集数据,而是分析以往研究中的数据;数据的来源,无关,排E 从此研究包含的数据来看,评估心理敏锐的任务更接近数学问题而非对话;无关,排 逻辑CR-14639 【难度:其他】Infotek, a computer manufacturer in Katrovia, has just introduced a new personal computer model that sells for significantly less than any other model, Market research shows, however, that very few Katrovian households without personal computers would buy a computer, regardless of its price. Therefore, introducing the new model is unlikely to increase the number of computers in Katrovian homes.Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? A. Infotek achieved the lower price of the new model by using components of lower quality than those used by other manufacturers. B. The main reason cited by consumers in Katrovia for replacing a
personal computer is the desire to have an improved model. C. Katrovians in households that already have computers are unlikely to purchase the new Infotek model as an additional computer for home use. D. The price of other personal computers in Katrovia is unlikely to drop below the price of Infotek’s new model in the near future. E. Most personal computers purchased in Katrovia are intended for home use.雷哥GMAT解析 K地的电脑生产商Infotek最近推出了一种新的pc型号,售价比其他型号都要低得多。然而,市场调查表明K地现在还没有pc的家庭也基本不会考虑买电脑,和价格无关。结论:即便推出了这种新的pc型号,K地家庭的电脑数量也不会增加。问以下哪一个是结论一定成立的前提条件。论据只否定了现在没有pc的家庭购买pc从而增加电脑数量的可能性,但是没有讨论现在已经有电脑的家庭会不会买,所以必须把这个logicalgap给填充上,结论才一定成立。 A.说明的是Infotek的新型号为什么成本比其他型号低,和这个型号会不会吸引更多人买电脑无关。B.K地消费者更换现有pc的主要原因是想拥有一个更先进型号的愿望。题目没说Infotek的新型号是否更加improved,只说更便宜,因此无法证明人们会不会买Infotek的新电脑。C. K地已经有电脑的家庭也不会购买Infotek的新电脑,填补了原文的logical gap,结论成
立了。D.短期内,其他pc生产商不可能把价格降低到Infotek的新电脑之下。但原文已经描述了Infotek的价格优势了,即便价格便宜,没电脑的人也还是不买,所以进一步强调价格优势也没用。E.K地大部分已经卖出去的pc都是家用的。还是没有说明现在及有电脑的家庭会不会购买Infotek的新电脑作为家用 逻辑CR-14640 【难度:其他】Fast-food restaurants make up 45 percent of all restaurants in Canatria. Customers at these restaurants tend to be young; in fact, studies have shown that the older people get, the less likely they are to eat in fast-food restaurants, Since the average age of the Canatrian population is gradually rising and will continue to do so, the number of fast-food restaurants is likely Jo decrease.Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? A. Fast-food restaurants in Canatria are getting bigger, so each one can serve more customers. B. Some older people eat at fast-food restaurants more frequently than the average young person. C. Many people who rarely eat in fast-food restaurants nevertheless eat regularly in restaurants. D. The overall population of Canatria is growing steadily. E. As the population of Canatria gets older, more people are eating at home. 雷哥GMAT解析 快餐厅占了C城市所有
餐厅的45%。快餐厅的消费者多是年轻人;事实上,研究表明老人,不太可能来快餐厅吃饭。因为C城市人口的平均年龄在渐渐上升并且将来会继续上升,所以快餐厅的数量将会下降。 削弱 A.快餐厅正在变大,所以每一家餐厅可以服务更多顾客。增强,餐厅变大了,不需要那么多餐厅了,餐厅数下降 B.一些老人在快餐厅吃饭比平均的年轻人更频繁。如果一些老人不符合题目中的趋势,但是仍然不能反驳题目中餐厅数下降的趋势。 C.常规餐厅····无关选项 D.总人数在稳定增长。即使吃快餐比例下降,但是人数可能没变,因此不会带来餐厅数下降。
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