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Unit 1 What’s the matter?


have a stomachache have a cold lie down take one’s temperature have a fever go to a doctor to one’s surprise agree to (do sth.) get into trouble be used to take risks run out (of) cut off get out of be in control of keep on ( doing sth.) give up


1. What’s the matter (with you)?

此句用来询问别人的病情。类似的句子还有: What’s wrong with you?/ What’s the trouble? matter作动词用,意为“要紧”“有关系”,主要用于疑问句和否定句。 What does it matter? It doesn’t matter.

【例题】Does it ________ if we can’t finish it today?

A. mind B. minds C. matter D. matters

2. I have a sore throat. have “患病”,常用“have a /an+ 名词”.

have a cold have a fever have a sore back have a stomachache have a cough

【例题】( )---Does he often have ______ cold? ---Yes. He also _____a cough and a sore throat.

A. a; has B. /; has C. a; have D. /; have

3. Lie down and rest! 躺下休息 lie down 躺下

单词 词义 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 lie 说谎 lied lied lying lie 躺,平放 lay lain lying

4. That’s probably why. 那可能就是原因。 probably意为“很可能,大概”,表示的可能性很大,是一种近乎肯定的意思。

5. hurt v. 使受伤;伤害;疼痛

He hurt his leg when he fell. 他摔伤的时候伤了腿。

My feelings were hurt when he didn’t ask me to the party.他没有请我参加聚会使我很伤心。

6. The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping...公交车司机,24岁的王平……

24-year-old 是用连字符连接数字和名词所构成的一个形容词结构,意思是“24岁的”。 (名词必须用单数,常用在名词前做定语)



【例题】A____girl named DongXinyi looked after her disabled father.

A. three-year-old B. three-years-old C. Three years old

7. expect vt. 期待;预期;期盼 expect的常见用法: expect+名词/代词 The old man is expecting his daughter’s visit. expect to do sth. I expect to get a birthday present from my dad. expect sb. to do sth. Do you expect him to teach you English? expect +从句 I expect that you will get there soon. 【辨析】expect与look forward to 两者都有期待的意思 look forward to doing sth. I’m looking forward to seeing Tom.

8. But to his surprise...但是令他吃惊的是…… to one’s surprise 表示“令人惊奇的是……”,相当于“主语+be+surprised” To his surprise, he found the girl was bind.

= He was surprised to find the girl was blind. 令他惊奇的是,他发现这个女孩是个盲人。 【拓展】in surprise表示“惊奇的”,相当于副词性短语,用来修饰动词。

The two girls looked at each other in surprise. 那两个女孩惊奇地互相看着。 be surprised at表示“对……感到惊讶”。

We are very surprised at the news. 听到这个消息,我们很诧异。 surprising 表示“使人惊奇的”,作表语时,主语是事物。

9. They don’t want any trouble. 他们不想惹麻烦。

① trouble用作名词,意为“烦恼,困难,麻烦,疾病等”。 His life is full of trouble. 他的生活充满了烦恼。 What’s the trouble? 怎么了?

② trouble用作动词,意为“麻烦,打扰”。 I’m sorry to trouble you. 抱歉打扰你。 【拓展】与trouble相关的短语

in trouble处于困境中 get into trouble陷入困境 Have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难

【例题】-How is your English study? -Not bad. But I_____learning English grammar. A. am interested B. am good at C. have a little trouble D. have no trouble

10. 辨析 used to do sth. 与 be used to sth. / doing sth. ↓ ↓

过去常常…… 习惯于某事/做某事

We used to draw pictures badly. You will get used to the weather here. In the end, I got used to doing hard work.

11. 辨析 run out 与run out of

人+ run out of They have run out of the water. 物+ run out (不可用于被动语态) The money is running out. 【例题】选出能代替句中画线部分的一项

( ) Yesterday I used up all the salt to cook dumplings. I need to buy some now. A. ate up B. run out of C. ran of D. ran out of



12. make decisions = make a decision 作出决定


make a decision to do sth. = decide to do sth. 13. be in control of 管理;控制

A teacher should be in control of his class.


(1)should后接动词原形,变否定句在should后加not, 变一般疑问句时将should提前。 (2)should常用于以下两种情况: ① 提出建议

You looked tired. You should lie down and rest. ② 表推测,意为“该,按理应当”。

Wait a minute. I think he should come in a minute.



1. ( ) ---What’s the ______ with you? ---I have got a cold.

A. wrong B. matters C. matter

2. ( ) ---I have a bad _____. ---You should see a dentist.

A. throat B. toothache C. cold

3. ( ) I saw a book _____ on the ground.

A. lie B. to lie C. lying

4. ( ) I was ______ to walk on.

A. very tired B. too tired C. so tired

5. ( ) He eats ______ food, so he is _____ fat.

A. much too; too much B. much too; too many C. too much; much too D. too much; too many 6. ( ) There were ______ people in the park last Sunday.

A. too much B. many too C. too many

7. ( ) ---I’m too tired after the long walk. ---_______.

A. You should have a fever B. You should have a rest C. You must see a dentist

8. ( ) You are ill. You’d better ______ for a while.

A. lied down B. lay down C. lie down

9. ( ) She should _____ a good rest. She _____ tired.

A. has; look B. has; looks C. have; looks

10. ( ) ---I’m not _____. ---Oh. I hope you’ll be _____ soon.

A. feeling well; better B. feeling well; fine C. feeling good; better

11. ( ) ---I have a bad cold. I feel terrible. ---______.

A. All right B. Is that so C. I’m sorry to hear that

12. ( ) Are you ____when someone looks at you in ____?

A. surprised; surprise B. surprised; surprised C. surprising; surprise

13.( ) It is five years since we began to enjoy a ____spring holiday each year. A. ten-day B. ten day C. ten day’s



14.( ) You should really ____smoking. It’s a terrible habit. A.grow up B. pick up C. give up 15.( ) He found _____very interesting _____a horse.

A. that; to ride B. it; to ride C. it; riding


A: Good afternoon, Mrs Brown! What can I do 1 you? B: Good afternoon, Doctor. I’m not 2 well. A: What’s the 3 with you? B: My head hurts.

A: Do you have a 4 ? B: No. My temperature 5 to be all right. A: Open your mouth and say “Ah”. B: Ah!

A: Nothing 6 . You’d 7 stay in bed for a day 8 two. And 9 this Medicine twice a day. B: 10 .

1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10


Mrs Wang speaks very good English, but she knows a little Japanese. One day, she goes to Tokyo for a meeting. The next day she goes to a park and then does some shopping. At noon, she goes to a restaurant and sits down at a table. A man comes up to her and asks what she wants. She says she wants some noodles, chicken and some vegetables. She speaks English to him, but the man doesn’t know English. Mrs Wang looks around. No one is eating noodles. When she sees a piece of paper on her table, she has an idea. She takes a pen out of her handbag and writes the Chinese words for the food on the paper. She gives the paper to the man. The man looks at it and say “OK”. Very soon he brings her a bowl of nice hot noodles with chicken and some vegetables.

1. ( ) Mrs Wang goes to Tokyo ______.

A. to visit a park B. to do some shopping C. to have a meeting D. to go to a restaurant

2. ( ) She goes to a restaurant because_________.

A. she wants to go shopping B. she wants to go to a park C. she wants to speak to a man D. she is hungry

3. ( ) The man in the restaurant _________.

A. can speak Chinese B. knows some Chinese C. can speak English D. knows Mrs Wang

4. ( ) Mrs Wang eats _______.

A. some vegetables B. a bowl of noodles

C. some chicken D. a bowl of noodles with vegetables and chicken 5. ( ) Mrs Wang is ________.

A. an English woman B. a Japanese C. a clever D. good at Japanese



Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.


clean up by oneself cheer up put off give out put on used to give away take after set up make a difference care for come up with


1. give out 分发,发放


give away 赠给,赠送 give in 屈服,投降

give up 放弃 give off 发出(气味、光、热等)

2.come up with 提出,想出 (1)表示“想出或提出”,相当于think of I think she can come up with a good idea

(2)come up with还可表示 “赶上”,相当于catch up with. We should study hard to come up with them

【例题】( ) We must _____a plan to improve your math.

A. pick up B. catch up with C. come up with D. make up

3. I’v run out of it. 我已经把它用完了。 run out of 表示 “用完,用光”,其主语一般是人。 【拓展】run out of 还可表示“从……跑出来”。

Bill ran out of the room. Bill从房间里跑出来。 run构成的短语还有

run away 逃走 run after追赶 run into difficulties遇到困难

【例题】( ) When your money____, please come to me for some.

A. runs out of B. runs out C. is running out of D. is run out

5. I take after my mother.我长得像我妈妈。 【辨析】take after 与look like

take after意为“长得像,行为、性格等像”,尤其是像自己的长辈。 The boy takes after his father. 这个男孩长得像他爸爸。

look like 可以用于所有场合,既可指人也可指物,仅指外表看上去像。 The man looks like our teacher. 这个男的看起来像我们的老师。 The rainbow looks like a bridge. 彩虹看上去像一座桥。 【拓展】take 构成的短语

take up take off take place take one’s time take care

【例题】( ) -You’ve really beautiful blond hair. -Thank you. I ____my mother. A. look after B. take after C. take from D. look for



5. set up 创办,建立

set up 为副词短语,与start, establish同义

They’ve set up a company. 他们创办了一家公司。 与set 相关的短语还有:

set out 动身,开始(做某事) set off 出发,引起,激发

6. You helped to make it possible for me to have lucky. 对我来说,有了你的帮助,我才有可能拥有Lucky. it是形式宾语

You made it possible for me to catch up with others. 你让我有可能赶上其他人。 【例题】( ) He found ___hard to go to sleep with the light on. A. it B. that C. he D. him

8. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Lucky对我的生活产生了很大的影响。 make a big difference 意为“对……产生很大的影响”,difference在此为“影响”的意思。 【例题】( ) The heavy snow didn’t ___ the international airlines.

A. pay attention to B. add to C. make a difference to D. keep to

8. imagine v. 想象,假想;以为,认为

imagine (v.想象)→ imagination(n.想象)→ imaginative (adj.富于想象力的)

10. help... out 帮……克服困难,帮……分担工作

The teacher often helps his students out. 那位老师经常帮他的学生解决问题。

11. be excited about... 对……兴奋

I’m excited about the game of Li Na. 我对李娜的比赛感到兴奋。 exciting 修饰物


动词短语主要有以下四种构成形式: (1) 动词+介词

这类动词短语主要有:agree with, ask for, arrive at, hear of, look at, take after, listen to等。 这类动词后的宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。 I’m looking for my pen. Don’t laugh at the poor man. (2)动词+副词

这类动词短语有:find out, give out, look up, put on, turn on/off, wake up, work out等。

这类动词后面的宾语是名词时,名词可放在副词前面或后面;宾语是代词时,代词只能放在 副词前面。

Please pick up the pen.= Please pick the pen up. It took him two hours to work it out. (3) 动词+名词+介词

这类动词短语有:have a look at, make friends with, pay attention to, take care of, look forward to等。 在这类动词短语中,宾语都放在介词之后。 You should pay more attention to your pronunciation. (4) 动词+形容词+介词



这类动词短语有:be angry with, be busy with, be good for, be different from, be interested in, be good at等。

【例题】(1) ( ) When you don’t know a word, you can ___in the dictionary. A. look it up B. set it up C. give it up D. pick it up

(2) ( ) We will have dinner at the restaurant, which is famous ___its sea food. A. of B. to C. for D.as



1. ( ) I_____ you to find a good job soon.

A. hope B. wish C. hopes

2. ( ) --We are sure that we’ll ____an idea to solve the difficult problem soon.

A. put up B. give up C. come up with

3. ( ) Don’t worry! Let me ____ you ____.

A. hand; out B. give; out C. help; out

4. ( ) --Mom, can I leave my homework for tomorrow?

--I’m afraid not. Don’t ____what you can do today till tomorrow.

A. put away B. put off C. put out 5. ( ) --______a volunteer is great.

--I think so. Some of us want_____volunteers for Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games.

A. Being; to be B. Being; being C. To be; being 6. ( ) --Please tell the boys _____making noise. The baby is sleeping. --OK. I’ll do it at once.

A. stop B. to stop C. stopping

7. ( ) The man works hard____ much money. He wants his son to get a good education.

A. make B. to buy C. to make

8. ( ) Steve _____ his elder brother. They are both friendly.

A. looks after B. takes after C. looks like

9. ( ) She came here____her grandparents.

A. visit B. to visit C. visiting

10. ( ) My bike is broken. Could you help me to_____.

A. fix it up B. set it up C. put it up

11. ( ) Students should learn how___problems.

A. solve B. solving C. to solve

13. ( ) It’s time for us _____meeting.

A. to have B. have C. having

16.( )The boy looked sad. His mother was trying to______.

A. cheer up her B. cheer her up C.cheer him up

17.( ) He lost his key. It made him____in the cold to wait for his wife’s return. A. to stay B. stay C. stayed 18.( ) --How does Jack usually go to school?

--He____ride a bike, but now he _____there to lose weight.

A. used to; is use to walk B.was used to; is used to walking C. used to; is used to walking



二. 综合填空。用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文意思正确通顺。 good, one, she, other, play, open, think, speak, keep , both, wide, best The 26-year-old Sui Feifei who is known as “beauty” on the sports ground shines in basketball games. 1 her pretty face and her talent(才能) attract many sports fans.

Because Sui is one of the top basketball 2 in Asia(亚洲), she was chosen to play in the WNBA(women’s NBA)in the U.S.A. It’s the 3 time she has worked abroad. She said she was ready for the challenges ahead. She finds friendship and help from her teammates and fans. So she always has confidence in 4 . Much of herconfidence comes from her good 5 English. “My best point is that I enjoy speaking-I’m never afraid 6 my mouth!” She likes speaking English to 7 . Off the sports ground, she is a good writer. She reads 8 , from foreign novels to Chinese Kungfu stories. That makes her love writing very much. She writes for many newspapers, and she enjoys 9 diaries. She feels free to put her 10 down on paper. This is Sui Feifei, a popular new star. 1 6


Last week everyone ___1___to cheer up Jimmy the Bike Boy. But this week, Jimmy is happy again

2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 . ___2__Monday he told a radio interviewer that he ___3___ways to buy old bikes. He also put up signs ___4___ old bikes and called up all his friends and ___5___ them about the problem. He even ___6__ advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers at school about his problem ___7___ they set up a call-in center for parents. The strategies that he came up with ___8___ fine. He now has sixteen bikes ___9___ and give away to children ___10___ don’t have bikes.

( ) 1. A. wants B. was trying C. hopes D. is hoping ( ) 2. A. On B. In C. Next D. At

( ) 3. A. has used up B. has got C. lent D. had run out of ( ) 4. A. asking about B. selling C. buying D. asking for ( ) 5. A. telling B. said C. asked D. told

( ) 6. A. handed out B. handed in C. gives away D. giving out ( ) 7. A. when B. while C. because D. and ( ) 8. A. working out B. was C. worked out D. is

( ) 9. A. fixing up B. to fix up C. to buy D. to sell ( ) 10. A. which B. whose C. who D. when



Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?


take out the rubbish make the bed all the time

borrow some money help with housework hang out with... a waste of time in order to as...as...

take care of in surprise do the dishes as a result


1. work on 从事于;着手干

The writer is working on a new book. 那位作家正在写一本新书。

She is going to work on her physics project. 她打算从事她的物理项目。

【例题】( ) The scientists are____inventing some methods of producing electricity. A. working on B. working out C. working at D. working for

2. at least 至少

at least 修饰时间、距离、长度等,以加强语气。 翻译短语位at most,意为“至多,最多”。 He kept me waiting at least an hour. There were fifty people there at most.

3. all the time 一直;总是

Things are changing all the time.事情一直在变化。 【拓展】time相关的短语

on time准时 at the same time同时 in time及时 From time to time偶尔 the first time第一次 【例题】选出能代替句中划线部分的一项。 ( ) I always go shopping on Friday.

A. all the time B. all the same C.all along D. all the way

6. I’m just as tired as you are! 我和你一样累。

as...as意为“和……一样”,表示同级比较。as...as中间要用形容词或副词原级。 This story is as interesting as that one. 这个故事和那个一样有趣。 否定式为not as/so...as,意为“不如……”。 The garden is not so beautiful as you thought.

【例题】( ) He speaks French well, but of course not____a person born in France. A.as clear as B. clearer than C. as clearly as D. the more clearly

6. For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I.一个星期,她不做家务,我也不做家务。 so,neither 倒装句型

So + 助动词/ be动词/ 情态动词+ 主语

Neither + 助动词/ be动词/ 情态动词+ 主语

这两种结构常用来说明前面所说的情况,后面某人(物)也是这样。助动词/ be动词/ 情态动词



在形式上与前句的谓语保持一致,而其单复形式由后句的主语决定。So依附于肯定句,neither 依附于否定句。

Bill watched TV last night. So did Ann. Lily isn’t a teacher. Neither is Mary.

【例题】( ) -I never drink coffee. -______.

A.So do I B. So did I C. Neither did I D. Neither do I

7. 辨析borrow与lend

borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借(入)某物 lend sth. to sb. / lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人

【注】borrow,lend都是非延续性动词,如果要表示“借多长时间”要用keep。 【例题】( ) Although you like the book, you may only ___it for two weeks. A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. stay

9. spend v. 花费(金钱;时间)

spend + 钱/时间 + on sth. 在……上花费时间或金钱 spend + 时间 +( in) doing sth. 花时间做某事

【例题】( ) Yang Feng ___ every Saturday afternoon volunteering in an old people’s home. A. costs B. takes C. pays D. spends

8. provide v. 提供;给予

provide sth. The restaurant provide the best service.

provide sb. with sth. The parents provide the children with food and clothes.

provide sth. for sb. The schools provide desks and chairs for the students.

【例题】( ) To protect the environment, supermarkets don’t ___ free plastic bags to shoppers.

A. take B. show C. provide D. carry

11. depend on 依靠;依赖;相信

depend on为固定短语,不能用进行时态,也不可用被动语态 As we know, good results depend on hard work. You can’t depend on your parents forever.

10. The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.孩子越早学会独立,对他们的 将来就越好。

the + 比较级...,the + 比较级... “越……就越……” The harder you work at your study, the better grades you will have.

【例题】( ) -There was thick haze(雾霾) in our city this spring. What do you think of it? -I think ___cars we drive, ____pollution our city will have.

A. the fewer; the fewer B. the fewer; the less C. The more; the fewer D. the more; the less

11. in order to 的用法

(1) in order to意为“为了……”,强调目的,后接动词原形。 In order to let the students hear him, he spoke loudly. We have to study hard in order to pass the exam. In order not to be late for school, she took a taxi. (2)含in order to的句子可以转变为由so that或in order that 引导的状语从句。



She ran quickly in order to catch the bus.

She ran quickly in order that she could catch the bus. She ran quickly so that she could catch the bus.

12. as a result的用法

as a result用于引出结果,常用于两个句子之间,其中一个是另一个的结果,且前后用标点符号 将两个句子隔开,意为“结果是”。

He didn’t listen carefully. As a result, he couldn’t work out the maths problem. 【注】as a result of 的意思是“由于,因为”, 相当于because of。

Peter was late as a result of the heavy rain.= Peter was late because of the heavy rain. 【例题】( ) The boy studied hard. ______, he passed the exam.

A. Ia fact B. On time C. After all D. As a result



1. ( )Edward, you have grown up. You should learn to make your room____.

A. empty B. Dirty C. tidy

2. ( )Would you please ____my brother when I was out.

A.take out of B. take care of C.take part in

3. ( )He is never sad but happy____.

A.at times B. all the time C. sometimes

5. ( ) --Could I watch TV? --Yes, you____.

A. could B. can C. must 6. ( ) --Could you please get ____hot water for us?

A.some B. any C. many 7. ( )Last week she____my book and didn’t_____it.

A.lent; return B.borrowed; return C. borrowed; return to

7. ( ) China is one of the____ countries in the world.

A. develop B. developing C. developed

8. ( ) We often just____our friends’ homes.

A. drop in B. drop on C. drop by

9. ( ) I can’t play the piano, and____.

A. neither can my sister B. so can’t my sister C.my sister can’t, too

10. ( ) _____ of my parents likes rock music. They think that it’s too noisy.

A.Both B. set it up C. put it up

11. ( ) Students should learn how___problems.

A. solve B. None C. Neither

14. ( )He saw a snake lying under the tree_____surprise.

A. to B.in C. at

19.( )I hate _____the dishes because I think it’s boring. A. do B. to doing C.to do

20.( )Sandy went into the kitchen____her mother was cooking. A.before B.when C.while

21.( ) ____you are, _____mistakes you will make in the test.

A. The more careful; the fewer B. The more carefully; the fewer C. The more careful; the less



二. 阅读理解。


It was six in the evening when Lisa came home from work. She walked into the living room and saw her three children watching TV. The room was dirty and mess(不整洁的). There were milk boxes and dirty socks on the floor. Cakes were on the sofa and toys were everywhere.

Lisa got angry. “How dirty and untidy our room is!” she said to her children. “I can’t work all day and then do housework all evening. I’m not doing the housework any more!” And so, Lisa didn’t do the housework. She didn’t clean. She didn’t do the dishes. She didn’t wash the clothes. Every evening she sat in the sofa and watched TV.

Three days later, every dish in the house was dirty. All the children’s clothes were dirty, too. Rubbish was everywhere. The whole house was messier and smelt terrible.

Then one day Lisa got very surprised when she came home from work. The kitchen was clean. The children cleaned all the dirty dishes! The next day, the living room was clean, and the children were washing their clothes. Lisa told the children, “OK, I’ll do housework again. But you must help me.”

Now Lisa and her three children do the housework together. Then they will sit in the sofa and watch TV. 根据短文内容,判断正误(A/B) ( )1. Lisa has three children.

( )2. She was unhappy to see the dirty and the mess room.

( )3. One day Lisa got home and found the children cleaning the room. ( )4. After Lisa did the housework again, the children stopped doing it.

( )5. The children finally learnt that they should help to do some housework.



Should parents ask their children to do chores? 1 They think that children are too young to cook or clean for themselves or their parents. But many people believe that children can learn a lot from doing regular chores. Parents should help children learn to do the housework that they will have to do when they live on their own. 2 Most experts(专家) do agree. 3 Parents shouldn’t , of course, ask a school boy to cook when he is doing his homework. If the child has activities after school, the time left to do chores may be short.

4 When a child does what his parents ask him to do happily, he will probably have the feeling of growing up. Chores can be useful. They are a teaching tool(工具). Parents use the tool to teach children, so that they can care for themselves some day. 5 If parents keep a clean house, children won’t find any reason to do chores. A. And they also give children a sense of responsibility, importance and confidence. B. Parents must make children understand how hard they work. C. However, the chores should suit(适合于)children. D. Doing chores can help children get better grades. E. Some believe that children should not do chores. F. Perhaps more chores on weekends can be helpful. 1. ___________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________



Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?


look through work out get on with cut out compare...with in one’s opinion a big deal so that get into a fight communicate with not...until... call sb. up instead of


1. Why don’t you talk to your parents?

Why don’t you do sth.= Why not do sth. “为什么不……?” 【拓展】提出建议的句型

①What/How about doing sth.? 做某事怎么样? ②Shall we do sth.? 我们做某事好吗?

③You’d better(not) do sth. 你最好(不)做某事。 ④Why don’t you do sth. 为什么不做某事呢? ⑤Would you mind doing sth.? 你介意做某事吗?

2. allow v. 允许,许可

① allow sb. to do sth. “允许某人做某事“

My parents allow me to play computer game on weekends. ② allow doing sth. “允许做某事”

She doesn’t allow smoking in her house. ③ allow+名词

We can’t allow such a thing.

【例题】( ) Do you often allow____until 11:00 p.m.

A. to stay up B. stay up C. staying up D. and stay up

3. work out 产生……效果,进展……

Things worked out quite well for us. 对我们来说,事情进展很好。 He worked out the maths problem. 他算出了这道数学题。

Can you work out the problem alone? 你一个人能把问题搞清楚吗?

4. communicate v. 交流信息;沟通

I can’t communicate with them at the moment. 此刻我无法同他们进行交流。 communication n.交流

People can’t get on well with each other without communication. 没有交流,人们就无法相处得好。 【例题】选出能代替句中划线部分的一项。

( )People choose to keep in touch with their friends by e-mail. A. write B. read C.agree D. communicate

5. argue vi. 争论;争吵

argue with sb. 与某人争论



Don’t argue with your parents. 不要和你的父母争论。

argue的名词形式是 “argument”, have an argument with sb. 与某人辩论。 Alice hand an argument with her best friend. 【例题】( )I never argue ____my parents.

A.in B.to C.for D.with

6. instead adv. 代替,顶替

If you are busy, you may come another day instead. 【辨析】instead 与instead of instead 副词 舍前取后,可单独使用,位于句首或句末。 instead of 介词短语 舍后取前,后面常跟名词,代词及动词ing。 He didn’t answer. He asked his father instead. We eat rice instead of noodles.

【例题】( ) What a nice day! We should go sightseeing ____watching TV in the hotel. A.because of B. instead of C.together with D.out

7. offer v. 提供;提出;建议

① offer 做“提供”讲时,可接双宾语。

offer sth. to sb.= offer sb. sth. 向某人提供某物

The waitress offered a cup of tea to the man.= The waitress offered the man a cup of tea. ② offer还有“提出,建议”的意思,其后接不定式,表示主动提出做某事。 The old man offered to lend the boy some money.

【例题】( ) The little boy ___ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus. A. lent B. offered C. took D. brought

8. And they are always comparing them with other children. compare 作动词,意为“比较, 和……相比”。 ① compare...with... 把……同……相比较

Parents shouldn’t always compare their children with others. 父母们不该总是把自己的孩子同别人相比较。 ② compare...to... 把……比作……

People often compare the life to a stage. 人们常把生活比作一个舞台。 【例题】( ) My handwriting can not be compared___ my father’s. A. to B. with C. on D.for

12. My cousin borrows my things without returning them. ① return 意为“归还”,其后可接双宾语 return sb. sth. = return sth. to sb. Don’t forget to return me the keys.

② return 还有“返回”的意思,相当于go back, 后接地点时需要介词to。 He returned to Shanghai a week ago. 【例题】①那本书你还给图书馆了吗?

Did you _______the book_______the library?

②( ) I don’t know when we will _______Hong Kong.

A. return back B. return to C. return back to D.return





1. ( )Let’s go hiking____staying at home, shall we?

A. as well as B. in order to C. instead of

2. ( )I didn’t tell my parents that I had a day off. So my coming home really___them.

A.bored B. called C.surprised

3. ( )How are you getting____with your study?

A.at B. along C. up

6. ( ) --You looked angry. What’s up? --I____my best friend this morning.

A.argued with B.talked with C.helped out 7. ( ) --When will the meeting start, Tim?

--We have to wait____the teacher arrives.

A.though B.until C.so

8. ( )The doctor _____the girl to take a walk after supper.

A.allowed B.let C.made

7. ( ) ____ the car’s old, it still runs well.

A. Because B. So C. Although

8. ( ) --The little girl____her seat to an old man on the bus. --What a kind girl!

A.brought B.offered C.gave

9. ( ) --Can I smoke in the dinning hall? --Sorry. It’s not _______.

A. promised B.realized C.allowed

10. ( ) --I feel stressed. Could you give me some advice? --______sharing your worries with your parents?

A. Why don’t you B. How about C. Would you like

11. ( ) My father went to work without___breakfast.

A.have B.having C.to have

15. ( )_____I say, he always disagrees.

A. Whoever B. However C. Whatever

22.( )--Could I use your bike? --Yes, of course, you_____. A.can B.could C.will

23.( )Tony____play the piano very well at the age of 5. A.should B.can C.could

24.( ) Lisa doesn’t buy a new car, because she doesn’t have______. A.money enough B.enough money C.enough time


Do you often think of your parents? You may say, “Of course, I 1 . I buy a present for my mother on Mothers’ Day and on Fathers’ Day I give my father 2 , too.” But what about the other days of the year?”

I have a friend whose parents live in another city. One day I went to see her. We had a nice talk. Then she wanted to 3 . So she dialed the number, but then she put down the phone. After about fifteen 4 , she dialed the number again, “ Hi, Mom...”



Last I asked, “ 5 did you dial the number twice?” She smiled, “My parents are old and 6 . They can’t get close to the telephone quickly. I always do so when I call them. I just want to give them 7 time to answer the call.”

My friend is a good girl. She is 8 thinking about her parents. You also want to be a 9 child, right? Please remember to 10 your parents in every situation, not just on some important days.

( ) 1. A.do B.will C.won’t D.don’t

( ) 2. A.a cake B.a kiss C. a present D.some money ( ) 3. A.have a rest B.make a call C.pay a visit D.go for a walk ( ) 4. A.hours B.minutes C.seconds D.days ( ) 5. A. Why B. What C. How D. When ( ) 7. A.enough B.quick C.no D.little

( ) 8. A.never B.always C.seldom D.sometimes ( ) 9. A.had B.clever C.sick D.good ( ) 10. A.protect B.look after C.think of D.listen to


A:What’s__1__, Mike? You look upset.

B: I __2___with my brother last week and he doesn’t talk to me now. A: You cold play__3__with him. I remember he likes sports. B: Well, I borrowed a football from Tom. But I ___4__it to him. A: Oh. Why don’t you __5__him a ticket to a ball game? B: I tried, but I ___6__. He didn’t want it, ___7___. I don’t know what to do.

A: It seems difficult. What ___8__does e like? B: He likes going to the parties.

A: Great. Maybe you could have a party for him to __9___him. B: Good idea. We don’t get on well __10___the party is over. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?


go off pick up fall asleep die down make one’s way in silence take down at first wait for

in a mess the rest of have meaning to basketball competition as well make sure


1. while 当……的时候

作连词引导时间状语从句,在while引导的从句中,其谓语动词只能是延续性动词,强调主从句中 的动作或状态同时发生。

While I was watching TV, someone knocked at the door. when意为“当……时”,动作有一前一后的意思。 When I passed that room I heard someone singing. while 作连词时也可理解为“然而”,表示转折关系。 I like apples while my sister doesn’t.

【例题】( ) Tom likes reading a newspaper____he is having breakfast. A.until B.while C.because D.though

( )Mary was talking on the phone ____someone knocked at the door. A.while B.before C.when D.after

2. make sure 查明;确信 ① make sure of sth. ② make sure to do sth. ③ make sure that + 从句

【例题】( ) Read your English paper again and ____there is no mistake in it before you hand it in. A.make sure B.turn up C.come out D.look for

3. I got to the bus stop but I still missed the bus.

get意为“到达”时,是不及物动词,后面跟地点名词时,要加介词to。 How can I get to the nearest supermarket ? 表示“到达”的三种形式: ① arrive 意为到达

at + 小地点 arrive in + 大地点 ② get to 后接地点名词。

He got to school at 7:00 this morning. ③ reach意为“到达”,是及物动词,后面直接跟地点名词。 When did you reach America?

【例题】( ) Please write to me as soon as you _____ your school. A.get to B.reach to C.arrive D.come



( ) -When did your aunt______in Shandong? -Yesterday afternoon. A.reach B.get C.arrive D.come

4. People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history. hear动词, 意为“听说”。常用结构为: ① hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做某事

② hear sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在做某事 ③ hear of/about sb. /sth. 听说某人或某事 ④ hear from sb. 收到某人的来信 ⑤ hear + that从句 听说……

【例题】( )Tom likes to _____others but he never writes to them. A.hear B.hear of C.hear about D.hear from ( )-When did you _____the news? -Just now.

A.hear about B.hear from C.heard D.hearing

5. I played the song without any mistakes. without介词,意为“无;没有”,其反义词为with,后接名词、代词或动词ing。 Fish can’t live without water.

He went to work without having breakfast. 【例题】她没敲门就进了房间。

She entered the room_______ ________at the door. 你不戴眼镜能看得清东西吗?

Can you see clearly __________your __________?



1. I_________(sleep) at that time.

2. When you called, I ________(have) a shower.

3. He finally fell asleep when the wind_________(die) down at around 3:00 a.m. 4. While Linda was sleeping, Jenny ________(help) Mary with her homework.

含义 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。 结构 was/were + doing

构成 1. 肯定句:主语 + was/were + doing + 其他

2. 否定句:主语 + was/were + not + doing + 其他 3. 疑问句: Was/Were + 主语 +doing + 其他? 用法:

1. 表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。常见的时间状语有:at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon, in those days, at this time yesterday等。

2. 表示一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行,持续时间长的动作用过去进行时,常用在while引导的时间状语从句中。

3. 与go, come, leave, start等瞬间动词连用,表示过去将要进行的动作。



1. At this time yesterday, I ____________(read) newspapers while Susan ___________(play) the piano.



2. Tom _________________(dance) with his friends when I saw him.

3. Tommy _____________(sing) a song in his room when his father worked on the computer. 4. -What _________you ___________at ten o’clock yesterday” - I ______________(study) in class.

5. He said he_______________(leave) for Hong Kong the next day.


1. Kate was drawing pictures when her mother came back. (改为否定句) Kate __________ ___________pictures when her mother came back.

2. She was babysitting her sister at this time yesterday.(改为一般疑问并作否定回答) -___________she___________her sister at this time yesterday? -No, she ____________.

3. They were having a party when I knocked at the door. (对画线部分提问)

____________ ____________they _____________when you knocked at the door?



1. ( )Having my family around me has meaning ____me. It’s a symbol of happiness.

A.for B.on C. to

2. ( )The old man ____on April 14th, 2011.

A.is killed B.was killed C.was killing

3. ( )When father explained the problem, Jim____that he was wrong.

A.cheered B.realized C.guessed

7. ( ) -Linda, I called you this morning, but nobody answered the phone. -I’m sorry. I ____football with my friends then.

A.played B.am playing C.was playing 8. ( ) When he saw a wallet on the ground, he______at once.

A.picked it up B.gave it up C.picked up it 9. ( )I____the bus stop at ten o’clock in the morning.

A.got to B.arrived in C.reached to

7. ( ) Unluckily, the old man was killed in a traffic______.

A.event B.matter C.accident

8. ( ) The meeting will begin at 8:00 a.m. Tomorrow. Please try____here on time.

A.be B.to being C.to be

9. ( ) What____to Jim last night?

A.happened B.is happening C.was happening

10. ( ) Mary had_____ unusual experience last weekend. She met ______UFO.

A.a;the B.an;a C.a;an

11. ( ) -Did you see him___out of the room just now? -No, I was reading then.

A.go B.goes C.to go

16. ( )Nothing is as _____to me as my family.

A.most important B.more important C. important

25.( )You need to take notes at the meeting so mak sure___a pen and some paper with you. A. bring B.bringing C.to bring

26.( )My parents will go there by taxi because it is raining______.



A.badly B.hardly C.heavily

27.( )-Our team_____the match. We’ve got the first place. -Well down! Congratulations!

A.hit B.beat C.won



A young man was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when he noticed an old lady following him round. Thinking nothing of it, he continued.

Finally, he went to the check-out line, but the old lady got in front of him. “Excuse me,” she said, “I’m sorry if my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable. It’s just because you look like my son, whom I haven’t seen for a long time.”

“What a pity,” replied the young man, “is there anything I can do for you?”

“Yes,” she said, “as I’m leaving, can you say,'Goodbye, mother'? It would make me feel so much better.” “Sure,” answered the young man. So, when the old woman was leaving, he called out, “Goodbye, mother!” As he stepped up to the check-out counter, he saw that hs total was$127.50. “How can that be?” he asked, “I only buy a few things!”

The check replied, “Your mother said that you would pay for her.”

1. ( ) The young man was ______that day.

A.doing some shopping B.having a walk C.visiting his mother

2. ( ) The old lady stood_______the young man on the check-out line.

A.beside B.behind C.before

3. ( ) ______wasn’t an honest person in this story.

A. The clerk B. The old lady C. The young man

4. ( )At last, what the young man had to pay was _____what he expected.

A.more than B.less than C.as much as 5. ( ) We know from the story that the old lady_______.

A.liked shopping B.had a son C.paid nothing


One day, George went to the airport to pick up his grandfather. His grandfather came to America from eastern Europe.

After George drove to the hotel and settled down his grandfather, he took his grandfather into a cafeteria to get something to eat. They had never eaten food in such a cafeteria. After walking into the cafeteria, they sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take their orders. Of course nobody did.

Finally, a woman with a tray full of food sad down opposite them. The woman smiled at them and told George how a cafeteria worked.

“Start out at that end,” she said, “Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end they’ll tell you how much money you have to pay.”

“I soon learned that’s how everything works in America,” the grandfather nodded and said. “ Life is like a cafeteria here. You can get anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price. You can even get success. But you’ll get nothing if you wait for someone to bring it to you. You have to get up and get it yourself.”

1. ( ) George went to the airport _____.



A.to take the plane B.to meet his grandfather C.to pick up his friend D.to have something to eat

2. ( ) What does the underline phrase “settled down” mean in Chinese.

A.照顾 B.安顿 C.警告 D.拜访

3. ( ) According to the passage, we can know that the woman is_____.

A.unfriendly B.strict C.warm-hearted D.hard-working

4. ( )After reading the last paragraph, we can know we will never get anything _____.

A.if we don’t ask others for help B.if we wait for someone to bring it to us C.if we aren’t willing to pay the price D.if we don’t treat others kindly

5. ( ) We know from the story that the old lady_______.

A. Table Manners At A Cafeteria B. Enjoy Your Life

C. Life Is Like A Cafeteria

D. How A Cafeteria Works 21


Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.


a little bit instead of turn...into once upon a time fall in love get married as soon as instead of give birth to be born turn...into


2. try的用法

① try to do sth. 尽力做某事 He is trying to learn English.

② try doing sth. 试着做某事 You should try taking more exercise. ③ try one’s best 尽力 I’ll try my best to help him. ④ try on 试穿 Would you like to try this dress on?

2. remind vt. 使想起,提醒

① remind sb. of/about sth. 使某人想起某事 The song remind me of my childhood.

② remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 Peter reminded her to attend the meeting on time.

4. What do you think of ...? 你认为……怎么样? What do you think of ...? = How do you like...? 注:think后接动名词,like后接带to的不定式 如:What do you think of going climbing tomorrow?

=How do you like to go climbing tomorrow? 你认为明天去爬山怎么样? 【例题】( ) -______do you think of the football match?

-It’s perfect. It’s more exciting than____match that I have ever watched. A. How; any other B. How; any others C. What; any other D. What; any others

5. Neither of you is wrong. 你们两个都没错。 neither 两者都不;也不

e.g. Neither of the ideas is good. I like neither subject.

neither 作连词,表示“既不……也不……”,连接两个主语时,谓语动词要遵循就近原则。 e.g. Neither you nor he is in this team. Neither he nor I am a teacher.

【例题】( ) -Which do you prefer, a CD player or a walk man? -_______. I prefer a computer.

A. Both B. Either C. None D. Neither

5. unless的用法

unless的意思是“除非,如果不”,相当于if not,用来引导条件状语从句。主句同常用将来时,从句用一般现在时。

e.g. You will miss the early bus unless you get up early.

We won’t go to the cinema tomorrow unless my mother does.



【例题】( )We can’t be successful _____we keep working hard. A.if B.unless C.because D.when

6. so...that... 如此……以至于……

so...that...可以转化为简单句,要用too...to...或not...enough to...句型时,not后要用原句中的形容词或副词的反义词。

She is so young that she can’t look after herself. = She is too young to look after herself. = She is not old enough to look after herself.

【例题】( )-You study _____hard______you’re sure to pass the exam. -Thank you for saying so.

A.enough; to B.as;as C.so; that

7. as soon as 一……就……

as soon as 为连词,引导时间状语从句

当主句是一般将来时或祈使句时,从句通常用一般现在时,简称“主将从现”。e.g. I’ll tell her about the matter as soon as she returns home. I’ll ring you up as soon as I got to Sanya.

【例题】( )-Will you please give the dictionary to Jane? -Sure. I’ll give it to her____she arrives here.

A.before B.until C.because D.as soon as

8. the whole family 全家 whole的用法


the whole night 整夜 in the whole world 全世界 ②作名词,意为“全部,全体,整个”。

as a whole作为整体 the whole of China 整个中国 【辨析】whole 与 all

whole一般位于冠词、所有格或别的限定词之后,而all则位于这些词之前 all the time/ the whole time 整个时间 all my life/ my whole life 我的一生 all the class/ the whole class 整个班级

【例题】( ) Alison has been skating for_____two hours.

A.the all B.whole the C.the whole D.all of

9. be made of 与 be made from 由……制成

①be made of 表示制成成品后,仍可以看出原材料

The desks are made of wood.

②be made from 看不出原材料,属于化学变化

Paper is made of wood.

【例题】( )This pair of shoes_____by hand, and it ____very comfortable.

A.is made from; is felt B.are made of; feels C.is made by; feels





1. ( )-How long have you ____? -More than ten years.

A.got married B.been married C. got marry

2. ( )-When will the new novel ____? -In about two weeks.

A.is killed B.was killed C.was killing

3. ( )-What’s up?

-The lady there____me of my English teacher. Her smile is so sweet.

A.realizes B.thinks C.reminds

8. ( ) The book Harry Potter is very ____and I am ____in it

A.interest; interested B.interested; interesting C.interesting; interested 9. ( ) I am not sure about the time when the train leaves. Please try to ____the train timetable.

A.invent B.find out C.discover 10. ( )You’d better try____the work_____another way.

A.doing; in B.doing; with C.to do; for

7. ( ) My grandma often______us fairy tales.

A.says B.tells C.talks

8. ( ) The new secretary will meet the manager as soon as she____.

A.will arrive B.is arriving C.arrives

9. ( ) - The air is full of smoke and people are coughing.

- It will get worse _______the government does something about the pollution.

A.but B.unless C.except

10. ( ) LiNa is _____ famous ______all the tennis fans in China know her.

A.too; to B.enough; to C.so; that

11. ( ) -What do you think of the documentary A bite of China? -_____. It has attracted lots of TV audience.

A. Enjoy yourself B. Pretty good C. Many thanks


A.a lot of B.start C.got married to D.made a plan

12. ( ) The woman married the man last year. 13. ( ) Last year, she planned to visit Britain. But she didn’t go because of too much work to do. 14. ( ) Bill began to learn to play the piano at the age of five. 15. ( ) Gina likes reading very much. She has read many books.

二. 完形填空。

Once upon a time, a man sat in the doctor’s office. He told the doctor about his 1 . “I like football, doctor,” he said. “Please help me. I’m interested in football, 2 , my life is getting worse ad worse. I don’t know 3 . I can’t even 4 well at night. When I close my 5 , I’m out there in the football field 6 after a flying ball. When I wake up, I’m more 7 than I was when I went to bed. What am I going to do”? The doctor sat back and said, “First of all, you 8 to do your best not to dream about football. Before you are falling sleep, try to 9 about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you millions of dollars.” “Are you crazy?” the man shouted. “ I’ll 10 the ball.” ( ) 1. A.problem B.family C.sport D.journey



( ) 2. A.and B.because C.so D.however ( ) 3. A.what B.who C.why D.where ( ) 4. A.work B.play C.do D.sleep ( ) 5. A.doors B.windows C.books D.eyes ( ) 6. A.looking B.playing C.running D.waiting ( ) 7. A.worried B.tired C.surprised D.pleased ( ) 8. A.want B.hope C.have D.decide ( ) 9. A.hear B.write C.talk D.think ( ) 10. A.miss B.play C.catch D.pass


hobby basketball write other relax volleyball success about experience teach remember activity Many students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables in their gardens and looking after animals. Some hobbies are 1 and others are creative. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.

David Smith is a student and his hobby is 2 . During the summer of 2000, he spent four weeks on a summer camp. He took part in lots of 3 , such as sailing, climbing and mountain biking. There was a writing workshop with a professional writer and David was in it. “He asked us to imagine that we are in a story. Then we wrote about our 4 at the camp.” David said.

In senior high school David wrote a story 5 teenage life, and it came out as a book in 2003. Many teenagers love his book, and as a result, David has become a 6 young writer.

David has been very lucky because his 7 has brought him enjoyment and success, but he is also interested in many other things. “I like playing volleyball, too.” says David. “ I spend some of my free time playing 8 for may school team. Maybe I’ll write more books in the future, but I’m not sure.”

It’s sometimes difficult 9 that we shouldn’t spend all our time on our favorite hobby. There are many 10 interesting things to do in life, and we should try to do something new or different. 1 6



2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10

Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?


feel free as far as I know in the face of even though at birth walk into fall over or so take in

many times endangered animals achieve one’s dream


3. 比较级和最高级的特殊句型

① “get/ become + 形容词比较级 + and + 形容词比较级 ”表示“变得越来越……”,当形容词为多音节词(少数双音节词)时,用 “ more and more + 原级”。

It gets warmer and warmer when spring comes.

② “the + 形容词比较级……,the + 形容词比较级……”意为“越……就越……”。

The harder you work at your study, the better grades you will have. ③ “one of the +最高级+可数名词复数”表示“最……之一”。

Chengdu is one of the most beautiful cities in China. ④ This is/was + the +最高级+名词+that引导的定语从句。 This is the most interesting story I have ever read. 三级句型之间的转换

① 形容词比较级+than any other+单数名词

This book is more difficult than any other book here. = This book is the most difficult of all. 形容词比较级+than the other+复数名词

Bill is taller than the other students in his class. ② 同级比较用as...as..., 否定式为not as/so...as... He is as tall as his father. He is not as tall as his father.

③“more+形容词”与“less+形容词”及“not so/as ...as”的互换。 This question is more difficult than that one. =That question is less difficult than this one. =That question isn’t so difficult as this one.

2. 数量的表达

英语中通常将数字放在单位词的前面,而将表示长、宽、高等的词放在单位词的后面。 固定句式为:主语+be+数词+形容词(长、宽、高、深……)。 The boy is 1.7 meters tall.

This building is 90 meters high.

5. China has the biggest population in the world. ① population是集体名词,没有复数形式,作主语时,其后谓语动词用单数形式。 The population of the school is 500.

② 指人口多少时,一般用large或small来表示。 The population of China is larger than that of America. ③ 提问“有多少人口”,用what 或how large, 而不用how many。



What’s the population of China?

6. succeed v. 成功,做到

succeed常与in连用,succeed in doing sth. (成功做某事) Did you succeed in booking the ticket? success n. 成功

Working hard can lead to success.

successful 用作形容词,意思是“成功的”。 Linda is a successful dancer and she dances well.

【例题】( ) -Dear friends, please read every sentence carefully. Details decide_____ or not. A.success B.successful C.succeed

6. This elephant weighs many times more than this panda.

(1)表示两倍用twice,三倍(及以上)用“基数词+times”。 (2)倍数的表达:


This classroom is three times as big as that one. 【例题】( )The car travels_____the train.

A. two time as fast as B.two times as fast as C.two time as faster as

7. We should protect whales from water pollution. protect 保护、保卫

protect...from... “保护……免受……的侵害”

Everyone should protect the environment from pollution.



1. ( )-This watch is ____than that one?

A.more cheaper B.more cheap C.much cheaper

3. ( )-Maths ____one of the _____subject in middle school.

A.are; important B.is; more important C.is; most important

4. ( )China lies ____the east of Asia.

A.to B.in C.on

9. ( ) This is a ____river and that river is ____.

A.200-meter-long; 300 meter long B.200-meter-long; 300 meters long C.200-meters-long; 300 meters long 10. ( ) You can ____the desk with a piece of paper.

A.cover B.fill C.repair

11. ( )-Which city has____population. Shanghai, HongKong or Qingdao? -Shanghai, of course.

A.the most B.the largest C.the least

7. ( ) -Nothing can stop you if you really want to_____your dream. -I quite agree.

A.remind B.practice C.achieve

8. ( ) The Oriental Pearl Tower(东方明珠塔)is____than the Effel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔).



A.144 meters higher B.144 meters high C.144-meters-higher

10. ( ) A giraffe can live up ____ 30 years.

A.to B.in C.at

10. ( ) -Who is _____ , Tom, Jim, or David? -I think Jim is.

A.stronger B.the stronger C.the strongest

12. ( ) -This is _______fascinating town I have ever visited. -Yes. I’ve never seen a _____one.

A.the worst B.the most; better C.the better; best

12. ( )When the tourist first go to Tibet, they might find it hard to _____air.

A.take in B.take out C.take away

13. ( )Who was the first woman ____the top of Qomolangma?

A.to reach B.reach C.reached

14. ( )In Japan, cherry flowers are a lot ____than peach flowers.

A.most popular B.more popular C.popular 15. ( ) What can we do to protect ourselves ____heart disease.

A.to B.out C.from

三. 完形填空。

A thousand years ago, Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more and more people came to live in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is 1 forest left, though there are still some small areas covered with trees. We call these woods.

Elephants, tigers, and many 2 animals were living in the thick forest. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the 3 began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and 4 pigs and chickens in the valleys. They cut down the trees and burnt them. They needed 5 to keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away the dangerous animals. Elephants quickly disappeared because there was not enough food for them. 6 did most of the wolves and tigers. Monkeys and many other animals soon 7 in the same way.

You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong 8 in the zoos. There are still about 36 different animals 9 there. One of the most interesting animals of Hong Kong is the barking deer. These are beautiful little animals with a rich brown coat and a white patch(斑点)under the tail. They look like deer but they are much like a barking dog. In Hong Kong the barking deer has only a real enemy---- 10 . People hunt these little animals though it is illegal(违法的). There are now not many barking deer left. So it is important for people to care for wild animals.

( ) 1. A.many B.a few C.no D.not ( ) 2. A.other B.others C.the other D.another ( ) 3. A.people B.animals C.plants D.things ( ) 4. A.grew B.made C.got D.kept

( ) 5. A.fire B.hotness C.heat D.stoves(炉子) ( ) 6. A. So B. Such C. As D. Nor ( ) 7. A.lived B.died C.came D.left ( ) 8. A.besides B.except C.and D.or

( ) 9. A.live B.to live C.lived D.living ( ) 10. A.tigers B.men C.wolves D.elephants 四.阅读理解。




Rock climbing(攀岩) did not become a sport until late in the 1900s. But now it has become a popular outdoor activity. While rock climbing may still be necessary for mountain climbing, most people just climb low mountains for fun.

If you have ever done rock climbing, you will know that it is not a very easy sport. Indoor and outdoor rock climbing both need practice. What most people don’t know is that rock climbing is one of the sports that depend on your body and mind(意志).

To climb successfully, one must use wonderful skills. One of the important rules is to always have three parts of your body on the rock face. Another important rule is that your arms only hold you close to the rock face while your legs are pushing you up, the closer you are to the rock face, the easier it is to climb.

Rock climbing is a wonderful sport. Once you start to learn how to climb, you’ll find more fun. People who like games such as chess playing or problem-solving may love rock climbing, because they are nearly the same in the way of thinking. For anyone who wants to get into beautiful shape, rock climbing is a fun and good way. Anyone who enjoys a difficult game and loves the outdoors should think of taking rock climbing as a new hobby.

1. ( ) When did rock climbing become a sport?

A. In 1900. B. Early in the 1900s. C. In the middle of the 1900s. D. Late in the 1900s.

2. ( ) The chess players may like rock climbing because_________.

A.they’d like to get into beautiful shape B.it is more interesting than chess playing C.it is like chess playing in the way of thinking D.they really like to do sports

3. ( ) Who should think of taking rock climbing as a new hobby?

A. People who enjoy indoor activities. B. People who enjoy music. C. People who enjoy a difficult game and love the outdoors. D. People who love dancing.

4. ( ) What does rock climbing depend on?

A. It depends on your brain. B. It depends on your hobby.

C. It depends on your interests. D. It depends on your body and mind. 5. ( ) What can we learn from the passage?

A. Rock climbing is a kind of indoor and outdoor activity. B. Rock climbing is a very easy sport. C. When you climb, your arms push you up.

D. The closer you are to the rock face, the more difficult it is to climb.



Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?


full of hurry up science fiction country music ever since one another belong to finish doing sth. fight over millions of


4. 现在完成时 (1) 用法:

① 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 I have posted the photos. 我已经把这些照片邮寄了。 ② 表示过去发生的动作及状态一直持续到现在。 He has studied English for three years. (2) 现在完成时的构成及其变化构成

have / has + 动词的过去分词。其中have/has为助动词,没有实际意义,可缩写。 Mike has = Mike’s they have = they’ve (3) 现在完成时常用的时间状语

already, just, ever, yet, for two years, since 1995, so far, in the last few years 【例题】( ) -Did you borrow the comic book from the library?

-Yes. I _____ it for three days. I’ll return it this afternoon. A.borrowed B.kept C.have borrowed D.have kept ( ) -Hello, may I speak to Miss. Wang?

-Sorry, she isn’t in. She____the office. A.has been to B.has gone to C.has been away ( ) -I’ve got the final Harry Potter book.

-You will love it. I ____it twice already.

A.am reading B.have read C.was reading D.will read

3. I’ve already finished reading it! finish doing sth. 完成做某事

They finished doing the work last week.

6. Who else is on my island? else意为“其他的”

主要用在疑问词who, whose, what, where, when及不定代词somebody, anybody, nobody, someone, anyone, something, anything, nothing后面。 -What else do you want? -Nothing else. other也作“其他的”讲,但用法不同 other是形容词,修饰名词,并放在名词前 When are the other boys arrive?


This story is more interesting than the other one. 【例题】用else或other填空。



(1) What _______can you see in the picture? (2) Where are the _______boys?

(3) Give me the ________pencil, not this one. (4) Whom ________would you do it with?

7. ...but not about belonging to a group. ……但不是关于属于一个集体。 belong to意为“属于”,后接宾语,不用于进行时态和被动语态。 This book belongs to me, but that one belongs to Mary. The new pen belongs to me. The honor belongs to Tom.

7. Sarah hasn’t been to Nashville yet. have been to... 去过……

【辨析】have been to与have gone to

have been to+地名,表示“某人曾经到过某地”,现在已经不在那个地方了(回来了)。 have gone to 表示“已经去了某地”,还没有回来,可能在那里或在途中。不能与段时间连用。 John isn’t here. Where has he gone?

He has been to many places since he came to China.

【例题】( )A number of tourists_____Yangzhou many times because it is such a beautiful city. A.have been to B.has been to C.has gone to D.have gone to

6. How does it make them feel?

make为使役动词,后跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语 即make sb. do sth.

My mother often makes me clean the room. make后跟复合宾语的类型 ① make + 宾语 + 名词

Most pop singers make music their career. ② make + 宾语 + 形容词

What he did makes his mother happy. ③ make + 宾语 + 过去分词

Can you make yourself understood?

7. Have you introduced this singer to others? introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人 introduce oneself 做自我介绍



1. ( )-How much did the company donate to build the school library? -About three____yuan.

A.million B.millions C.millions of

4. ( ) ____!There is only five minutes.

A. Look up B. Get up C. Hurry up

5. ( )- _________ -It’s fantastic.



A. What’s the movie about? B. What’s the movie like? C. Have you seen the movie?

10. ( ) Mr. Smith has ______to do today.

A. other nothing B.nothing other C.nothing else 11. ( )Look, there are several_______ in the middle of the lake.

A.land B.lands C.pieces of land

12. ( )All the students ran______the playground after class.

A.of B.in C.towards

7. ( ) Mary has read a lot of books about Chinese history ____.

A.ever since 2010 B.ever since three years C.ever since he has come to China

8. ( ) The toy bear on the bed____Linda.

A.is belongs to B.is belonging to C.belongs to

11. ( ) I’m sure she will be one of ____ in the world.

A.faster runner B.the fastest runner C.the fastest runners

11. ( ) We _____learning physics last year and we_____a lot about it already.

A.started; learned B.started; have learned C.have started; have learned

13. ( ) -Why is Mr. Yang still in the teacher’s office? -Maybe he_____his work yet.

A.doesn’t finish B.hasn’t finished C.haven’t finished

12. ( )-When _____you _____Shanghai? -Tomorrow afternoon.

A.will; get in B.did; arrive at C.will; arrive in

13. ( )He was badly ill in hospital. So he ____many lessons.

A.caught B.missed C.lost

14. ( )I don’t know when we will_____home.

A.return back B.return back to C.return to 15. ( ) ____your name on the paper and you can get a magazine.

A. Cut down B. Turn down C. Put down

16. ( ) We can talk with friends on the Internet______it’s easier and cheaper.

A.though B.as C.but

17. ( )If you do things ____, usually you can’t do them well.

A.in a hurry B.from now on C.just now


When I was young, I liked to play jokes on people I knew, especially on my parents and friends. One day my mother was cooking and I was playing with my younger brother Tony. Suddenly I ran to my mother and said: “Tony fell from the open window!” She was very worried and ran out of the kitchen. Then I said, “Don’t worry, I’m just joking.” My mother shouted at me, “If you do it again, I’ll hit you.”

Another day I went swimming with my friends in the sea. I wanted to play a joke on them. In the beginning I swam fast and I called out “Help!”. All my friends came to help me. However, they found that I was joking. But half an hour later I wasn’t joking. I was so fast, soon I got tired and couldn’t swim on in water. I tried my best to call my friends for help, ut this time nobody came to help me.

In the end they found I was telling the truth. They came and saved my life. They took me to the hospital. This is the best lesson in my life. From then on I haven’t joked on anyone.

1. ( ) When he was young, the writer liked to_______.

A.play with his brother B.help his mother cook



C.play jokes on people D.go swimming with his friends

2. ( ) What happened when the writer was playing with his brother?

A. He got tired. B. He played a joke on his mother. C. Tony fell from the open window. D. His mother hit him.

3. ( ) In the beginning, all his friends came to help him because he____.

A.swam fast B.called for help

C.would sink in water D.couldn’t swim on in water

4. ( ) When the writer called his friends for help for the second time, they______.

A.took him to the hospital at once B.came and saved him immediately

C.thought at first he was joking again D.did nothing because the the writer had lied to them 5. ( ) The story tells us that_______.

A.swimming is dangerous

B.the writer is a naughty boy

C.one can play jokes only on people he knows D.if someone always tells lies, others won’t trust him

三.短文填空 用方框中单词的正确行使填空,使短文意思正确通顺。

other, move, enough, find ,desert, make, use , another, friend , carry , trouble, friend

You may think there is nothing but sand in the desert of the world, but it is not true. In the desert we can 1. _______ stones. We can see hills, too. There is a little rain in the 2. ________, but it is not 3. ______ for most plants.

The animals are 4. _______ to the desert people in many ways. The desert people eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals. They use their skins to 5. ________ shoes, water bags and even tents(帐篷). They use the camels(骆驼) for 6. _______ things.

The people of the desert have to keep 7. _______ from places to place. They must always look for grass or desert plants for their animals. They usually live in the tents. When there is mo more food for their animals, they take down their tents, put them on the camels and move to 8. _______ place. The desert people are very 9. _______. No man in the desert would ever refuse to help the people in 10. _______ and give them food and water.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?


thousands of put up take the subway

on the one hand...on the other hand... encourage sb. to do sth. have problem doing sth. practice doing sth. close to during the day time all year round


1. Me neither. 我也没(去过)。 Me neither = Neither have I.

-I can’t swim. -Me neither./ Neither can I.

【例题】( ) -I haven’t been to Sanya, how about you? -_________ . A. Me too. B. Me neither. C. Me also. D. Me haven’t. ( ) -Did you see Peter and Mike?

-No, I saw____of them.

A.neither B.either C.both D.none Neither he nor I ________(am/is) a student.

4. It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future. encourage 鼓励

encourage sb. (to do sth.)

【例题】( ) -The teachers always encourage him________hard . A.study B.studies C.to study D.studying

7. Maybe you fear that you won’t be able to find anything good to eat when you travel. fear 害怕;惧怕 fear的不同用法

① fear to do sth. The girls fear to go out at night. ② fear for sb. /sth. Police fear for the lost children. ③ fear that + 从句

【例题】(1)我们担心我们会在森林里迷路。 We_______ ________we will get lost in the forest

(2) Some students fear_______ ________(speak) in front of the class.

8. Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore. whether 用作连词,意为“不管……(还是);或者……(或者)”。 常用结构有:whether...or...

Whether it is easy or it is difficult, we won’t give up.

5. unusual adj. 不同寻常的,罕见的


unhappy 不开心的 unkind冷酷的 untidy不整洁的 unbelievable令人难以臵信的 unknown不出名的 7. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese...



① three quarters 是分数,意为“四分之三”。quarter有“一刻钟,四分之一”的含义。

在英语中表达分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词;如分子大于1,分母要用复数形式。 3/5 three fifths 1/3 one third

② population作“人口”讲时,后面的谓语动词要用单数形式。

8. ...you won’t have any problem getting rice, noodles or dumplings. have problems (in) doing sth. 做某事遇到困难或麻烦 也可用 have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth./ with sth. He has some problems with his ears. They had problems in getting here.

8. It might seem strange to go to a zoo when it’s dark. seem作动词,意为“似乎,好像”,常用于下列句型: (1) seem+(to be)+名词/形容词/介词 He seems (to be) happy. They seemed teachers. (2) It seems + that从句

It seems that they’re winning the match. (3) It seems as if...

It seems as if he were in a dream.



1. ( )-Have you ever ______Qinhai Lake?

-Yes. I ____there last month. It’s quite beautiful.

A.gone to; went B.been to; went C.been to; go

5. ( ) Mike doesn’t know French. And ________.

A.so do I B.so am I C.neither do I

6. ( )-May I speak to John?

-Sorry, he_____Japan. But he ________in two days.

A.has been to; will be back B.has gone to; will be back C.has gone to; comes back

11. ( ) ______of the students took part in the sports meeting.

A. Three five B. Three fifth C. Three fifths 12. ( )It’s best_______Beijing in autumn, I think.

A.for visiting B.to visiting C.to visit

13. ( )-I am confused about what to do next. Could you give me some advice? -Go on with your work______happens.

A.however B.whenever C.whatever

7. ( ) We should practice ____English as much as possible.

A.speak B.speaking C.to speak

8. ( ) Jessica’s parents always encourage her____out her opinions.

A.speak B.speaking C.to speak

12. ( ) I ____ my hometown for a long time. I really miss it.

A.left B.have left C.have been away from

12. ( ) -I think the man over there must be Bob.



- It ______be him. He has _______to Australia.

A.can’t; gone B.can’t; been C.mustn’t; gone

14. ( ) Holly has______fed the dog, but she hasn’t watered the plants______.

A.still; already B.already; yet C.yet; already

13. ( ) Most animals in the zoo are_______during the daytime but______at night.

A.wake; sleep B.awake; asleep C.asleep; awake

13. ( )-I have already cleaned my car. -When_____you_______it?

A.have; cleaned B.did; clean C.will; clean

14. ( ) -“Food Safety”has become one of the hottest topics recently. -Yeah, it receives _______Internet hits(点击率)a day.

A.thousands B.ten thousands C.thousands of 15. ( ) -Are there any______in your school” -Yes, there are.

A. Germen B. Germans C. German

四. 完形填空。

Bill a thirteen-year- old boy, thought he had grown up to be a man. But his parents told him, “ You won’t be a real man until you begin to 1 helping others.”

One morning, his parents gave him some money to 2 some milk for them. Outside a shop he saw a homeless old man who looked very 3 . Bill went to him and asked , “ What’s wrong with you?”

The old man answered, “I’m hungry. I haven’t had any food for two days.” At the thought of his parents’ words, Bill said to the old man, “Let’s go to the 4 .” When they got there, Bill asked the waiter to bring out bread and coffee to the old man. The old an finished the mel quickly. After the waiter 5 the plate and the cup, the old man said, “Sorry for giving you so much 6 . I’m fine now. I’ll 7 forget your kindness! You are a very good young man.”

Bill was 8 when he heard this. Just when he wanted to pay for the meal, the waiter came. Bill and the old man learned 9 that the food was free 10 it was the birthday of the boss, and they were the first customers that day.

( ) 1.think about B.depend on C.give up D.go on ( ) 2. A.lend B.buy C.drink D.borrow ( ) 3. A.afraid B.glad C.sick D.angry

( ) 4. A.bank B.library C.hospital D.restaurant ( ) 5. A.sent out B.got down C.gave back D.took away ( ) 6. A.excuse B.advice C.trouble D.difficulty ( ) 7. A.never B.always C.usually D.sometimes ( ) 8. A.nervous B.pleased C.sorry D.shy ( ) 9. A.in surprise B.as usual C.once again D.at first ( ) 10. A.when B.until C.unless D.because

三.补全对话新|课 |标|第 |一| 网


A: It’s very late. Are you still on the computer? B: Well, yes. 26 A: What kind of e-mails?



B: Some are messages from my friends and some are from the relatives.

A: 27 B: Of course! Usually people want a quick reply. A: 28 B: I’ve already had 40 people’s addresses in my address book! 29

A. And I think e-mail is one of the best ways to communicate with others. B. I am not sure whether I’m right or wrong. C. I agree with you. D. Do you have to write them back right away? E. How many e-mail addresses have you had? A: 30 E-mail is really very convenient(方便的).




Tanzania(坦桑尼亚)is a country which has a lot of animals, such as gnus(角马),lions , cheetahs(猎豹),elephants, giraffes, crocodiles and so on. Every year, many people in the world travel to this African country to watch the animals closely. But do you know how they travel?

By bus——This is the most common way. When people get on a bus, they’ll find that the bus is a little strange. It is different from the buses we often see. There are no big windows at all, but some small windows. And it looks like a cage. What are they used for? Oh, people can use it to watch animals, especially those dangerous animals ,and take photos. We know that people are most interested in the lions. So when two buses meet , the drivers will stop and ask each other whether they have found lions.

By boat——We can often see many people are in a boat, enjoying the beautiful scene along a river of a lake, and they can also enjoy hippos(河马)and crocodiles from a nearer distance. By hot balloon(热气球)——In the early morning, when the sun is beginning to rise, a large hot balloon is also starting its journey. Taking a hot balloon makes most of the travelers excited. After some time, the balloon will land in a certain place, and the waiters will serve people a delicious and special breakfast. But the cost of taking a hot balloon is also very high. A person should pay 400 dollars for an hour’s trip. ( )31. Which is the most common way of traveling in Tanzania? A. By bus B. By plane C. By boat D. By hot balloon ( )32. The bus is a little strange because .

A.it has no doors B.it looks like a cage C.people can take photos D.it has no driver ( )33.If you want to watch hippos carefully, you’d better .

A. take a bus B. take a hot balloon C. be on a boat D. swim in the river ( )34.Which one is NOT right?

A. Tanzania is an African country

B. Many people go to Tanzania for traveling.

C. Taking a hot balloon for a whole morning will cost 400 dollars. D. The different traveling ways can make people happy. ( )35.Which one can be the best title?

A. Different animals in Tanzania B. The ways of traveling in Tanzania C. Why do we take a bus to travel? D. The beautiful country-Tanzania



Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.


at least millions of search for

stay the same according to in one’s opinion yard sale board game check out

regard...as... no longer consider doing sth. to be honest


1. -How long have you had that bike over there? -I’ve had it for three years.

(1) how long意为“多长时间”用来对for或since引导的时间状语提问。 (2) for后跟一段时间,谓语动词是延续性动词,常用语完成时中。 I have lived here for ten yeas.

【例题】( ) -______have you stayed in New York? -For about two weeks.

A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far ( ) I have had the bike____I was 15 years old. A.for B.since C.in D.on

5. My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with certain toys. certain是形容词,意为“某种;某事;某人”,后接名词。

For certain reasons, I will not come. 由于某些原因,我将不能来。 与certain相关的用法

be certain to do sth. 一定会做某事 Ann is certain to help us. be certain of... 对……有把握 I’m certain of his success. be certain that... 确信…… It’s certain that the earth is round.

3. Among se is ZhangWei, a 46-year-old husband and father.

among 是介词,用于三者或三者以上表示“在……中;……中之一”。

【例题】( ) This game is very popular ______the boys in my class. A.between B.over C.among D.above

9. Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore. whether 用作连词,意为“不管……(还是);或者……(或者)”。 常用结构有:whether...or...

Whether it is easy or it is difficult, we won’t give up.

5. We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.

no longer=not...any longer,常与延续性动词连用,意为“不再...”。 He no longer lives here. He is no longer a student. 6. 延续性动词与非延续性动词。




1. I borrowed the book two days ago.

→ I______________the book for two days. 2. I bought the bike two days ago.

→ I______________the bike for two days. 3. His cat died two days ago.

→ His cat_______________for two days.


表示行为或过程能持久地继续下去或能产生持久的影响,可以和 “段时间”连用。 常见的延续性动词有:work, keep, have, sleep, live, stay等。如:

They’ve learnt English for five years.



常见的非延续性动词有:open, die, close, come, go, move, borrow, lend, buy, arrive, leave, join, kill, lend, marry,reach等。不能和段时间连用。

延续性动词与非延续性动词的转换 非延续性动词 延续性动词 非延续性动词 延续性动词 非延续性动词 延续性动词 borrow keep begin/start be on come/go be here buy have leave be away from get married be married become be die be dead put on wear finish be over 实战演练

1. ( )-Do you miss you parents far away?

-Yes, very much. They ____the hometown since two years ago.

A.left B.have left C.were away from D.have been away from

6. ( ) Hurry up! The film________for fifteen minutes.

A.begin B.has begun C.is beginning D.has been on

7. ( ) She ______this book since she bought it from the bookstore.

A.has borrowed B.has lent C.has bought D.has kept

12. ( ) Mr. Fan ______this watch in 2005. He _______it for 8 years.

A.bought; has had B.bought; has C.has bought; has had D.has bought; had 13. ( )Some students in Shanghai_______e-bags for several months.

A.have B.have had C.had D.will have

6. ( )British Prince William and Kate______for several years.

A.married B.have married C.have been married D.have got married



1. ( )-The little girl didn’t stop crying_____she found her mother.

A.after B.until C.when

2. ( ) The children decide______their school yard this Friday afternoon.

A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning



3. ( )-My uncle has moved to Beijing. He doesn’t live here______.

A.at all B.any longer C.no longer

4. ( ) The old man is______his keys in the office.

A.finding B.searching for C. looking

5. ( ) Our head teacher is kind to us. She_____us_____her own children.

A.compares; to B.regards; to C.regards; as

14. ( )______the survey, the most popular choice of job is computer programming.

A. According to B. Thanks to C. According

7. ( ) It’s____great_____to taste different snacks.

A.so; fun B.such a; fun C.sun; fun

8. ( ) Your English teacher has never lost his temper, ____he?

A.has B.hasn’t C.did

13. ( ) -What does the instruction say?

-The colors in the dress will ____if you use hot water.

A.fall B.appear C.run

13. ( ) -How is your grandma?

- She’s fine. She used to_____TV at home after supper. But now she is used to____out for a walk.

A.watch; go B.watching; go C.watch; going

二.补全对话。 A: 1 B: No, he hasn’t. Jim is still in China. He’s going back to Japan next week. A: 2 B: I’m not sure. Maybe for two years. A: It means 3 B: No. He has been back three times. A: 4 B: He will be back to China in 2 months.

A: 5 We can’t see each other for 2 months. B: To be honest, I hope he won’t leave. A. It’s a shame. B. Has Jim been back to Japan? C. He hasn’t been back since he came to China. D. When did he come back? E. How long has he been in China? F. When did he come to China? G. When will he return?


There is good news for the children in the country-side. We may still remember the girl 1 big eyes. Her big eyes are 2 us her dream: I wish to 3 ! In China, there are still 4 girls and boys like her. They want to go to school, but their 5 are too poor. If the family has two or three children, it is harder to 6 the money for all the children. So the parents often ask 7 to stay at home, and boys to go to school.

Now they needn’t 8 the money. From 2006 on, children can go to school for free in some



