人教版七年级下英语Unit 5教案、导学案

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七年级英语·下 新目标【人】

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?

话题Topic 动物园的动物(Animals in a zoo) 1.能够描述各种常见动物(Describe animals) Pandas are kind of interesting. Lions are scary. 功能Functions The dog is really cute. The cat is kind of boring. 2.能表达自己对动物的喜好(Express preferences) A:Why don’t you like tigers?B:Because they’re scary. 1.能够正确使用why,what和where引导的疑问句进行问答(Wh-questions and answers) A:Why do you like pandas?B:Because they’re kind of interesting. A:Where are lions from?B:They’re from South Africa. 语法Grammar A:Why don’t you like tigers?B:Because they’re scary. 2.能正确使用表示性质和品质的形容词(Adjectives of quality) Your dog is really cute. He is very smart. She’s kind of boring. 1.能正确使用下列词汇 (Curriculum words)(按词性排列) 名词:panda,zoo,tiger,elephant,lion,giraffe,animal,kind,Australia,south, Africa,pet,leg,cat,flag,place,water,danger,tree 词汇和常用表达 动词:sleep,save,forget,cut,kill Words & expressions 形容词:cute,lazy,smart,beautiful,friendly,shy 其他:down,over 2.能正确使用下列常用表达(Useful expressions) kind of,South Africa,a lot,one of,be in great danger,cut down,get lost,made of 3.能认读下列词汇(Non-curriculum words) koala,scary,Thailand,symbol,ivory,Thai 1.能借助上下文语境猜出部分词汇的含义 学习策略 Strategies 2.能够根据词汇的含义、性质、特点等分类记忆单元词汇 3.能根据阅读语篇内容构建思维导图 4.能通过各种方式搜集有关动物的信息和资料 文化知识Culture 了解世界各地的典型动物 1. 能掌握以下单词:panda,zoo,tiger,elephant,koala,lion, giraffe,animal,cute,lazy,smart,beautiful,scary,kind,Australia,south,Africa,pet,leg,cat,sleep,friendly,shy,save,symbol,flag, forget,place,water,danger,cut,down,tree,kill,ivory,over, 三维目标 知识与 Three-dimensional 技能 target lot,one of,be in great danger,cut down,for a long time,get lost,made of 3.能掌握以下句型: A:What animals do you like? B:I like koalas. A:Why do you like koalas? B:Because they’re very cute. A:Where are koalas from? B:They’re from Australia. 三维目标 Three-dimensional target they’re cute.Where are they from?They’re from China. (2)形容词表示性质、特点和品质:cute,beautiful,smart,lazy等。 5.掌握意群的划分及在朗读时的停顿。 过程与 1.通过师生问答、生生对话、扮角色对话等多种语言交际活动,培养听说知识与 4.了解以下语法: 技能 (1)Wh-questions的意思、构成和回答:Why do you like pandas?Because 2.能熟练掌握单元短语:kind of,walk on two legs,South Africa,a Thailand,Thai 2

方法 能力,在谈论动物和对动物喜好的语境中,运用所学的内容。 2.通过图片提供语境,感知、学习Why do you like??的特殊疑问句句型和回答,以及运用形容词描述自己喜爱的动物They’re very smart.等句型,进入本单元的话题。创设情境学习、通过对话操练,借助多媒体提供画面或视频来引起学习兴趣、提高学生的主动性和积极性。 3.结合语法讲解和听说活动,学习运用特殊疑问句及其回答,运用表示性质、品质和特点的形容词。 1.培养在学习的过程中积极参与,并能够结合自己所养的宠物进行语言情感态度 训练、运用所学的句型。 与价值观 2.了解世界各地的动物。 3.增加爱护动物、保护环境的意识。

Section A部分通过图片观察和听说活动引领学生进入“参观动物园”的情境,目的在于让学生了解各种动物的英文名称,以及它们生长的地方和习性,并能运用英语简单谈论对动物的喜好和原因。 1.1a—1c展示了“参观动物园”的情境,集中呈现一些常见动物的名称和描述性形容词,听的活动介绍了两位参观者商讨先参观哪些动物的过程,并呈现了why引导的特殊疑问句及其答语,目的是为了让学生学会初步运用新词汇和句型来谈论对动物的喜好。 2.2a—2c延续了“参观动物园”的主题,但该部分在谈论对动物的喜好并陈述原因的Section A 概述 基础上增加了谈论动物产地。三个听力任务层次清晰,先要求学生听取动物的名称,而后关注描述这些动物的词汇及动物产地,最后要求学生能够根据所听的内容进行问答。在关注培养学生听力策略的同时,还通过对话再现促使学生能通过模仿,转语言输入为语言输出。2d的示范对话谈论的是宠物,对话将1a—2c所学的主要语言知识进行集中复现,帮助学生巩固已学的内容,另一方面还融入了许多生活化的语言,使对话更口语化,适合模仿表演或在此基础上进行灵活改编并表演。 3.语法部分是对本单元语法现象的归纳、梳理和巩固性练习。本单元的重点语法项目是why和where引导的特殊疑问句及回答和程度副词。Grammar Focus部分归纳了本3

单元出现的典型例句,目的在于让学生有意识地关注本单元所学的特殊疑问句及疑问句的回答时所用的形容词及其程度副词(短语)修饰语,进而模仿、套用。要求学生学习探究、归纳总结,提升语法意识。 4.3a—3c 部分分别对语法部分内容进行训练,巩固运用。3a对话填空练习再现如何谈论关于动物的喜好和原因的话题,该对话语言更加丰富,重点突出,充分显示口语交际的随意性和灵活性。3b是半开放的集笔头和口头于一体的活动,其设计之巧妙在于由描述性形容词推导动物名称,培养学生的逆向思维能力。由3b的趣味练习顺利过渡到3c的猜测游戏,让学生充分运用已学的重要句式和词汇谈论动物,真正做到寓教于乐,玩中用,用中巩固。 1.学会运用why,what,where引导的特殊疑问句及其回答,并能用英语简单谈论对动物的喜好和喜好的原因。 教学 Section A 目标 panda,zoo,tiger,elephant,koala,lion,giraffe,animal,以及表示动物生长的地方和习性的词汇cute,lazy,smart,beautiful,scary,Australia,south,Africa等。 1.Section B中1a—1d是一个听说活动教学,主要围绕Tony and Mary参观动物园的场景展开,先让学生通过解读图片,选择与动物的动作表情匹配的描述性形容词,使其更直观地领会词汇含义,再通过听训练学生捕捉描述性形容词,然后通过结对操练使其学会在真实语境中运用描述性形容词。 2.活动2a—2c是阅读教学。内容转向对“濒危动物”的关注,2a通过调查学生对濒危动物的了解引出保护濒危动物“大象”的语篇阅读。这样的选材旨在培养学生的动概述 物保护意识和人文素养。2b活动是让学生进行整体阅读并选择最佳标题,意在培养学Section B 生快速阅读和归纳语篇中心的能力。2c部分渗透了构建思维导图的阅读策略培养,帮助学生将抽象的零碎信息分类整理成与主题密切相关、又相对独立的块状知识。这不仅有助于学生深入了解语篇,抓住重要信息,而且能够增强学生的思维能力、提升注意力和记忆力、启发联想力和创造力。 3.3a—3b活动主要为学生笔头输出服务,从语篇填空过渡到语篇的撰写,旨在分解难度、降低难度。3a的语篇也为学生提供了一个仿写的模板。 教学 1.拓展学习描述动物的词汇、短语和保护濒危动物方面的简单语言。 目标 2.能够读懂描述濒危动物大象的语篇,学习其中的词汇,归纳总结语篇的中心内容。能2.学会本部分中各种动物的英文名称4

够模仿语篇写出描述动物的语篇。 3.在阅读和写作过程中,了解濒危动物,培养对动物的保护意识和人文素养。 1.活动1通过词汇归类梳理本单元的重点词汇,并通过用词造句让学生在使用中巩固词汇。 Self Check 概述 2.活动2罗列了谈论动物产地、对动物爱憎及陈述理由的重要句型,本部分的四个问答看似独立,但连在一起是个完整的会话,适合学生操练巩固单元重要话题。

1.掌握并使用本单元的动物名称和描述动物特点的形容词,并且结合程度副词对动物进行描述。 2.掌握why引导的疑问句及其回答。




注重方法与价值观的培养:结合自己对动物的了解,在英语语境中大量感知和训练本单元中出现的动物名称、描述性形容词和询问及回答喜好原因的词汇和句型,听说领先,读写跟进,养成良好的学习英语的习惯,提高综合运用语言的能力。通过单元的语言学习,归纳、总结本单元出现的why引导的特殊疑问句及其回答的句型,以及结合程度副词对动物进行描述的用法,使知识的记忆形象化、系统化。采用Pair work和Group work相结合的方式,练习、运用谈论动物的英文句子,在语言运用中记忆词汇和句型。通过大量的课堂听说练习,运用所学语言材料进行阅读、写作活动,让学生学会描述动物,同时在学习活动过程中加深对濒危动物的了解,提高保护动物的自觉性。

第一课时:Section A 1a—1c 第二课时:Section A 2a—3c 第三课时:Section B 1a—2c


第四课时:Section B 3a—Self Check

名词:panda,zoo,tiger,elephant,lion,giraffe,animal,kind,Australia,south,Africa, pet,leg,cat,flag,place,water,danger,tree 单词 动词:sleep,save,forget,cut,kill 卡片 形容词:cute,lazy,smart,beautiful,friendly,shy 其他:down,over kind of有点儿,稍微,walk on two legs用两条腿行走,South Africa南非,a lot许多,one 短语 of??之一,be in great danger处于极大的危险之中,cut down砍倒,for a long time归纳 很久,很长时间,get lost迷路,弄丢,(be)made of由??制成 教学 1.What animals do you like?你喜欢什么动物? 目标 2.I like koalas.我喜欢考拉熊。 3.Why do you like koalas?你为什么喜欢考拉熊? 句型 4.Because they’re very cute.因为它们非常可爱。 集锦 5.Where are koalas from?考拉熊来自哪里? 6.They’re from Australia.它们来自澳大利亚。 7.He can walk on two legs.他会立着走路。 重点 1.why和where引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。 语法 2.程度副词或短语kind of,quite,very,a lot,really和描述性形容词。





但是White Elephant在西方文化中不怎么受欢迎,因为White Elephant在西方国家中意思是“没有用反而累赘的东西”。这个含义来源于一个传说。相传有个国王讨厌手下的一个大臣,为了惩罚他,国王送给该大臣一头白色的大象。该大臣发觉这头象非常棘手,因为是国王送给他的,他既不敢转送给他人,更不敢宰杀,只好小心地侍候着它。可是白象的胃口极大,把大臣给吃穷了。


例如,我国有一种电池,名字是“白象”牌,如果翻译成“White Elephant”,英语国家的人恐怕不会买的,因为消费者不愿买“没有用反而累赘的东西”。那么,“白象”牌电池应该怎么翻译呢?按照西方文化,西方人心中象征着强大、有力量的动物是lion,因此,如果我们将“白象”译成Brown Lion,他们就应该愿意购买这种威力无比的电池了。

第一课时 Section A 1a—1c

1.记忆单词panda,zoo,tiger,elephant,koala,lion,giraffe,animal,cute,lazy,smart,beautiful 短语welcome to

2.掌握和运用why疑问句的句型: A:Why do you want to see them? B:Because they’re interesting.



2.学会运用询问喜欢动物原因的句型:Let’s see the pandas.They are my favorite animals.Why?Because they’re very cute.






Step Ⅰ.Lead in

Leading in 【情景1】

1.Warm up by playing the song “Old Macdonald’s farm”. T:Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Mr./Ms.XX.

T:Let’s talk about animals today.Now listen to the song,“Old Macdonald’s farm”.How many kinds of animals are there on Macdonald’s farm?Which animals have the “moo” sound?

S1:(Help them to repeat the animals.)Duck,dog,cock,? T:Where can we see more animals? Ss:In the zoo.

2.The teacher writes “zoo” and “animals” on the blackboard.And then show pictures of animals and learn the new words.

[设计意图] 口头复习,从听著名儿歌到熟悉动物的名称,然后运用图片教学单词,使学习更加形象直观,引导学生自然地进入语境。

Leading in 【情景2】

1.Talk about animals they know.

T:(Greet the class.)Hello,everyone! Good morning/afternoon! Ss:Good morning/afternoon! Mr./Ms.XX.

T:Today’s topic is about animals.What animals do you know in English?Let’s talk about them.What’s this in English?(Show pictures to help review the animals they know.)


Ss:A dog,a cat,a chicken,a duck,a sheep,etc. T:Where can we see more animals? Ss:In the zoo.

T:Yes,we can see animals in the zoo.

2.The teacher shows pictures of animals and teaches the new words about animals. T:What’re the English for these animals?

[设计意图] 引导学生从复习已知的动物名称开始,进入教学新的动物英文名称的学习。

Step Ⅱ.New words (1a)

1.Use pictures of animals to present new words.

Draw a circle and write “farm animals” in the middle and then write the words of farm animals around the circle.E.g.cat,dog,horse,sheep,duck,pig,cow,?Then draw another circle and write “other animals” and show pictures of different kinds of animals and teach the new words.

T:(Point to the tiger.)Look! What’s this?Oh,it’s a tiger.I like the tiger because it’s brave and strong.

Then show other animals and help the students to learn the new words.For

example,tiger,elephant,koala,panda,lion,giraffe.Write them on the blackboard.Ss read and say the words.

T:(Then the teacher describes these animals and presents the new description words.)I like pandas.They’re black and white.They look round and they are very cute.

Write “cute” on the blackboard.Then write “beautiful,smart,fun,interesting and lazy”.Read the words and use the words to describe the animals.

2.The teacher shows part of the animal pictures and gets the students to guess the English names of the animals.

T:Now please look at part of the animal pictures.Can you guess what the animals are?What’s this?

Ss:Is it a tiger?

T:Oh,no.Listen to its sound.Is it a tiger? Ss:No.It’s a lion.

T:(Show half of a panda.)Is this a cat? Ss:No,it’s a panda.


T:Yes,it’s a panda.Look! The panda is black and white.It’s very? Ss:Cute.

3.Read the words in 1a.

T:Can we read these words and learn them?We can say the new words and at the same time think of their shapes or their sounds.Then match the words with the animals in the picture.(1a)

The teacher should help students to learn how to remember the words,like “koala and giraffe”.Explain this to the class.

☆教材解读☆ WELCOME TO THE ZOO welcome作动词时,意思是“欢迎??”,welcome to是“欢迎到??”之意。welcome作形容词时,意思是“受欢迎的”。 Welcome to China! I’m Zhao Hai.欢迎你来中国!我是赵海。 You’re welcome to China.欢迎你来中国。 You’re welcome.不用谢。 【Keys】 1a:1.a 2.f 3.c 4.e 5.d 6.b

[设计意图] 运用实物和图片学习短语,精讲多练。提醒学生学习短语要整体记忆,不能单个词语记忆。

Step Ⅲ.Listening (1b)

1.Before listening

The teacher tells the class that the students are seeing animals in a zoo. T:Let’s read the topic of this unit. Ss:Why do you like pandas?

T:Now,look at the dialogue in the picture.The students are visiting the zoo.Please listen to the recording and tell which animals they are talking about.You should focus on the animals’ names.Listen and check the animals you hear.

2.While listening

Play the tape for the students to check the animals.Check their work. T:Which animals do you hear? Ss:Panda,giraffe,koala. Then play the recording again.


T:Now listen again.Can you answer these questions? (1)What are the girl’s favorite animals?Why? (2)Does the boy like giraffes?Why? (3)What does the girl think of koalas? Get the students to answer these questions.

After that the teacher should emphasize something important and difficult. 【Keys】 1b:Checked:panda,giraffe,koala

[设计意图] 听前让学生知道要听到的内容,让学生有重点地听,在听力的过程中,通过英语问答,让学生听得更细,使听力训练和语言表达同时达到。

Step Ⅳ.Post-listening Activities (1c)

1.After listening,get the class to read the conversation aloud and talk about their favorite animals and why they like them.

T:Now let’s talk about your favorite animals.(To different students)What kind of animals do you like?

S1:I like monkeys. T:Why (do you like them)? S1:Because they’re cute.

The teacher helps the students review descriptions like:clever,lovely,large,heavy,scary,? 2.Then practice the conversation in pairs,talking about their favorite animals. T:What animals do you like and why?Please ask and answer in pairs.

3.T:Now read the model in 1c.Practice the conversation with your partner.Use the words in the box.And then make new conversations about the animals in the picture.

Show a map of a zoo.Students make conversations with their partners.

4.Ask some pairs of students to act out their dialogues in class.Collect their description words.

[设计意图] 学生在听后进行口语表达训练,从模仿过渡到谈论自己喜欢的动物,并说出原因。

Step Ⅴ.Summary and Assignment

1.T:Today we have learned some new words about animals.And we use description words to talk about the animals.Now I show you the PPT,and you say them in English.

Ss review the new animal words in 1a and the descriptions in 1c.


2.Read the new words.

[设计意图] 小结、当堂检测本节内容,对学习进行形成性评价,让学生朗读巩固单词。


Make sentences using:tigers,pandas,koalas,elephants,lions,giraffe,cute,lovely,smart, interesting,fun,beautiful?

I like?because they’re?

【Keys】 Answers will vary.Sample answers: I like pandas because they’re cute.

I like elephants because they’re interesting.?

[设计意图] 运用学习的词汇和句型,巩固生词,学会陈述喜欢某一动物并说明原因。

Step Ⅵ.Homework

1.Remember the new words in 1a.Practice asking and answering about your favorite animals after class.

2.Copy and learn the animal words.Collect the description words you know and use them to talk about animals.

[设计意图] 口头练习和抄写相结合进行记忆,注重对单词的操练与积累。

Section A (1a—1c)

Why do you like pandas? Because they’re very cute.

tiger,elephant,koala,panda,lion,giraffe cute,fun,interesting,fat smart,lazy,beautiful,nice clever,friendly,heavy,strong

【基础训练】 Ⅰ.翻译单词

1.树袋熊 2.熊猫 3.大象 4.狮子


5.老虎 Ⅱ.翻译短语

6.欢迎光临?? 7.我最喜欢的动物 8.先看狮子 9.想看 10.哪种动物 Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子 11.欢迎来我校!

our school! 12.咱们先看熊猫吧。

the pandas . 13.你为什么想要看大象?

you want the elephant? 14.考拉熊非常可爱。

Koalas very . 15.我喜欢长颈鹿因为它们漂亮。

I they’re . 【综合运用】 Ⅰ.单项填空

1.Many people don’t like tigers they’re scary.But I do. A.and

B.so C.but D.because

2.Dogs are animals.They can help people do some things. A.smart B.interesting C.lazy


3.There is elephant in the zoo,and elephant is from Africa. A.a,the B.an,the C.an,an D.the,an

4.Koalas are very and cute. A.interesting B.lazy


C.boring D.scary

5.Why you the elephant? A.are,like


C.are,want to see D.do,want see Ⅱ.句型转换

6.He likes monkeys because they’re interesting.(对画线部分提问) he monkeys?

7.She likes the panda best of all the animals.(同义句转换) is the panda. 8.Koalas are cute.(改为一般疑问句) ?

9.I want to see giraffes in the zoo.(对画线部分提问) you want to see in the zoo? 10.Why does he want to see the panda?(用smart回答) smart.



Ⅰ.1.koala 2.panda 3.elephant 4.lion 5.tiger

Ⅱ.6.welcome to 7.my favorite animal(s) 8.see the lion first 9.want to look at(see)? 10.what kind of animal

Ⅲ.11.Welcome to 12.Let’s see,first 13.Why do,to see 14.are,cute 15.like giraffes because,beautiful 【综合运用】

Ⅰ.1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B

Ⅱ.6.Why does,like 7.Her favorite animal 8.Are koalas cute 9.What animals do 10.Because it’s

第二课时 Section A 2a—3c



短语:kind of,South Africa,really scary,walk on two legs,be from,a lot,black and white 2.学会运用why开头的询问原因的特殊疑问句及其回答。

Why do you like pandas?Because they’re kind of interesting. Why don’t you like tigers?Because they’re really scary. 3.能够使用where 开头的疑问句询问和回答生活的地方。 Where are lions from?They’re from South Africa.




2.学会运用程度副词(组)修饰描述动物的形容词,如:kind of,really,very,a lot等。 3.进行听、说训练,能够写出含有because引导的原因状语从句的长句子。

1.正确使用表示动物名称的名词和描述动物的形容词,学会why引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。 2.能够结合表示程度的副词,运用描述动物的形容词对动物进行描述。 3.总结、归纳why,where疑问句的构成和回答,正确运用助动词do,does。





Step Ⅰ.Lead in

Leading in 【情景1】

1.Warm up by reviewing the zoo animals and talking about why they like them. T:Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Mr./Ms.XX.

The teacher shows the pictures of animals and talks about them with students. A:What’s this in English? B:It’s a lion. A:Do you like lions? B:Yes,I do.

A:Why do you like them? B:Because they’re strong.

Show different kinds of animals for Ss to practice asking and answering about the animals they like.

2.Review the description words.

T:Native English speakers often use animal similes to illustrate emotions or personal attributes.

Remind Ss the words “as?as” and write on the blackboard:

as strong as a(n) ;as greedy as a(n) ;as busy as a(n) ;as tall as a(n) ;as free as a(n) ;as brave as a(n)


[设计意图] 通过图片,在对话中复习生词,学生自然地运用目标句型,通过动物与其特征、性质的联系记忆动物名词和描述性形容词。


Leading in 【情景2】

1.Greet the class and review the animal words by asking and answering about the animals they like.The teacher divides the class into two halves and shows a picture of an animal and the descriptions.The students make conversations like this:

A:What animals do you like? B:I like pandas.

A:Why do you like pandas? B:Because they’re cute.

2.T:Well,now write the animals and the descriptions.

In this way,the class practice talking about the animals they like and review the words and phrases.

[设计意图] 通过运用本单元的单词和句型,谈论学生自己喜欢的动物及喜欢的原因,让学生在运用中记忆,进而进入下一步的学习。

Step Ⅱ.Listening (2a-2c)

1.Before listening

Write the description words on the blackboard and the students read them aloud.Then present the adverbs of degree by talking about their favorite animals.

T:My favorite animals are cats because they’re very interesting.Dogs are not my favorite,but I like them a little.They’re kind of interesting.

The teacher writes “cats” and “very interesting” below it.And draw five stars next to it.Then write “dogs” and draw two stars next to it.And write “kind of interesting” below the word.

T:Can you guess what “kind of” means? Ss:It means “a little”.

T:What animals do you like very much?Why? Ss:I like?very much because they’re very? T:What animals do you like a little?Why? Ss:I like?a little because they’re kind of?

2.In pairs,talk about animals and why they like them.Help the students to use kind of,very,really,so.


3.Ask pairs of students to act out their dialogues.The teacher gets them to ask and answer about the places the animals are from.

T:Oh,you like pandas! Which country are pandas from?Do you know? Ss:China.

The teacher writes the animals,description words and countries on the blackboard.And ask about more animals.

4.T:Now,let’s listen to the conversation.Please read the information in the chart.You can predict which animals will feature in the recording.While you are listening to the recording,you can make notes quickly.Only write the first letters of the animals you hear.Write “p” for “panda” and “l” for “lion”,etc.

Play the recording.Ss finish the task in 2a.

T:Please check your prediction.Do you need to listen again?Who can tell me the answer? 5.T:Now read the conversation in 2b.What can we fill in?You can see the information in 2a. Play the recording for the students to write down the missing words in the conversation. After the students fill in the conversation,the teacher shows the written conversation on the screen and gets the class to read it aloud in pairs.Then ask them to make conversations,first using the information in 2a,then using their own information.

T:Now,class.Let’s make conversations with these information in 2a and 2b like this: A:Let’s see the pandas. B:Why do you like them?

A:Because they’re kind of interesting. B:Where are they from? A:They’re from China.

Students make their dialogues to talk about the three animals.Then ask some of them to act out or read the conversations aloud in class.(2c)Some of them can use their own words.

【Keys】 2a:1.pandas-kind of interesting-China 2.koalas-very cute-Australia 3.lions-really scary-South Africa 2b:pandas,kind of,China


[设计意图] 在听力练习前,讲解程度副词的用法,并做开头训练,为学生扫清障碍,激活背景知识,明确听力任务。教会边听边记的方法,听后的口语练习能够帮助学生消化知识。

Step Ⅲ.Reading and role-playing(2d)

1.Before reading the conversation,the teacher interviews students about their pets. T:Does your family have a pet?What pet?Can you describe it?You can answer these questions: (1)What color is it? (2)Is it a boy or a girl? (3)What’s his/her name?

(4)Can he/she run fast?Is he/she interesting? 2.T:Now make up conversations with your partners. Ask two students to show their conversations in class.

3.The teacher shows these questions on the screen and ask the class to read the conversation in 2d.

T:Now open your books and read the conversation in 2d with these questions. (1)Does Peter have a pet?What’s the name?What can he do?

(2)Does Jenny’s mother have a pet?What’s the name?What can he do? Get the students to read the conversation and fill in the chart.

Peter’s pet Peter’s mother’s pet 4.Check their answers and explain “sleep,lazy” and read the conversation aloud.

T:Now read the conversation aloud.You must learn the intonation.For example,The dog is really cute! (Complementary)What can he do?(Curiously)He can walk on two legs.He can

dance,too.(Proudly)She sleeps all day,she is lazy.(Disdainfully)Ha-ha,then that’s a good name for her.(Funny)

Read the conversation aloud.Then show the conversation on the PPT and then erase some phrases or sentences.Get the students to do the disappearing dialog exercise.And then get them to recite or role-play the dialogue.

This item should be explained.


animal name description can do ☆教材解读☆ He can walk on two legs. ◆在西方国家,宠物(猫,狗)往往被视作家庭成员,因此代词不用it,而根据宠物的性别用he或she,如果不确定性别的话,一般用she指小猫和小狗。 ◆walk on?表示“用某种方式行走”。类似的动词短语还有:lie on one’s back平躺;lie on one’s belly趴着;stand on one’s hands倒立;stand on one’s head and hands头手倒立;walk on one’s hands(用手)倒立行走。 Can you walk on your hands?你会用手倒立行走吗? He walks on his knees.他跪着向前挪动。 [设计意图] 读前先与学生对话带领学生进入谈论宠物的情境,带着问题阅读加深理解对话的内容,填表可以帮助学生阅读准确,学习语言知识。最后通过disappearing dialog训练学生对短语和句子的记忆和口头表达能力。帮助学生当堂掌握对话。

Step Ⅳ.Grammar Focus

1.In groups,have a competition to write the words.Get the students to write words in three columns,animals,description words and countries.

T:Now let’s have a competition to see who can write the most words about animals,description words about animals and countries.Work in groups of four.Each member writes one kind.You can have three minutes.

2.Groups exchange their lists of words and ask the winner to write the words on the blackboard. T:Look at these words and read them.You can write the words you didn’t write. 3.Play the BINGO game.Teach them how to play it.

T:Now draw a nine-box frame and write any words you like from the lists on the

blackboard,containing animals,description words and countries.And I’ll read conversations.When you hear the words in your boxes,you can cross them.If you cross all the three words in a line,put up your hand and say “Bingo!” The first one to finish a line is the winner.

4.Make conversations with the words in the boxes.Remind the students of the plural forms of the animal words.

T:When you talk about a kind of animal you should use plural nouns,like “I like tigers”.You can’t say “I like tiger.” When answering “Why do you like lions?”or “Where are they from?”,you


should say,“ Because they’re?” and “They’re from?”.You can’t say “It’s?”.Or “It’s from?”.

Ss read and learn the grammar.

[设计意图] 通过写词竞赛和Bingo游戏引起学生对重点内容的训练和运用,总结归纳语法要点,对重点内容提醒学生注意,帮助学生学习掌握。

Step Ⅴ.Practice (3a-3b)

1.T:Now,let’s look at the conversation in Activity 3a.Can you fill in the missing words? Get Ss to fill in the words from the box.

2.Ask two students to read the conversation aloud.Others check their work.Then the class read it in two halves.

T:What does “cool” in the last sentence mean?“They’re really cool!” The students discuss it.

T:“Cool” means nice,beautiful,interesting,fun,smart,cute,etc.People like to use it. 3.After that,come to Activity 3b.Ask the students to fill in the animals according to their views to the animals.

T:What are your ideas to the animals?Which animals do you think are cute,smart,interesting or lazy?Please write the animals and get the full sentences.Then you can say the sentences to your classmates.

Ss:I like dogs because they’re smart?. Students write the sentences in their books.

【Keys】 3a:Where,They’re,like,don’t,Why,because,do,cool 3b:Answers will vary.Sample answers:

I like koalas because they’re cute.I like giraffes because they’re interesting.I like elephants because they’re smart.I don’t like lions because they’re lazy.

[设计意图] 语法内容的总结之后,让学生进行填空练习,从书面形式陈述喜爱动物的原因,巩固本单元所学的重点句型。

Step Ⅵ.Practice (3c)

1.Tell the students what to do in 3c.


T:Now let’s play a guessing game.You can think of an animal.Or you can hide the picture of an animal.Your partner asks questions to guess what it is.Before we do that,read the model conversation in 3c.

2.Prepare several pictures and let one student pick one of them.Get another student to ask questions.

3.Play a game.One student presents his or her view about animals.Another student shows his or her disagreement.

S1:I like cats because they’re smart. S2:I don’t like cats because they’re lazy.

[设计意图] 在老师的指导下学生以游戏的方式完成学习任务,使语法知识得到运用。

Step Ⅶ.Summary and Assignment

T:In this class,we learn to talk about animals and why we like them.Please do more practice after class.

[设计意图] PPT显示出本节课的语言点,方便学生总结、记忆。


Play the game “Guess who I am”. 1.I have four legs. 2.I have a tail. 3.I have a long neck. 4.I eat grass. 5.I only like meat.

【Keys】 Answers will vary.Sample answers:1.tiger,elephant,lion,?

2.elephant,tiger,monkey,? 3.giraffe,? 4.giraffe,elephant,sheep,? 5.tiger,lion,wolf,?

[设计意图] 加强动物名称的记忆,灵活运用知识。

Step Ⅷ.Homework

1.Practice the conversation in 2d orally.

2.Write about animals using the sentence pattern in 3b.

[设计意图] 口头、书面练习和语法综合知识练习相结合,注重了语言知识的操练。


Section A (2a—3c)

animals description words countries lions


South Africa

? cute,smart,clever


very,really,a little,kind of,quite,so



1.Most animals s in the daytime and go out for food at night. 2.This kind of birds don’t look b ,but they can sing beautiful songs. 3.I think elephants are s animals.They can do a lot of work. 4.P only live in China.

5.—What’s your favorite a ?—Koalas. Ⅱ.翻译短语

6.有点,稍微 7.在中国的南方 8.我的宠物狗 9.单腿站立 10.来自 Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子


People because they of cute. 12.看那头狮子!它好酷。

Look that ! It’s . 13.我不喜欢猫,因为它贪睡懒惰。

I a cat because it a lot and it’s . 14.你喜欢小动物吗?

you small ?


15.—考拉是哪里的?—澳大利亚。 —Where koalas ? — . 【综合运用】 Ⅰ.单项填空

1.—Where are lions from?— . A.South China B.South Africa C.South America


2.Many students like playing computer games because they think it is . A.smart B.beautiful C.boring D.exciting

3.Pandas are China and they live Sichuan. A.from,from B.from,in C.in,from D.in,in

4.—What color is the panda?—It’s . A.black and fat

B.black or white

C.black and white D.a black one 5.Why do you want Henry you? A.to help B.help C.helping D.to helping Ⅱ.完形填空

A:What 6 do you like best? B:Dolphins.

A:Why do you like 7 ?

B: 8 they are very friendly.What about you? A:I like 9 .Do you know 10 they are 11 ? B:Sichuan,China,I 12 . A:You’re 13 .

B:Let’s 14 to the zoo tomorrow. A:OK,I want 15 them,too.


6.A.animals B.animal C.pet D.zoo

7.A.they B.them C.it D.this 8.A.And B.So C.But


9.A.koalas B.giraffes C.pandas D.tigers 10.A.where

B.what C.that D./

11.A.come from


C.from D.doing 12.A.think


C.write D.have

13.A.yes B.wrong C.right D.sure 14.A.run B.see C.come D.go 15.A.look B.to look C.to see D.see



Ⅰ.1.sleep 2.beautiful 3.smart 4.Pandas 5.animal

Ⅱ.6.kind of 7.in the south of China 8.my pet dog 9.stand on one leg 10.be from Ⅲ.11.like pandas,are kind 12.at,lion,really cool 13.don’t like,sleeps,lazy 14.Do,like,animals 15.are,from,Australia 【综合运用】

Ⅰ.1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A

Ⅱ.6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.C

【Section A】

1a 1.a 2.f 3.c 4.e 5.d 6.b 1b Checked:panda,giraffe,koala

2a 1.pandas-kind of interesting-China 2.koalas-very cute-Australia 3.lions-really scary-South Africa 2b pandas,kind of,China

3a Where,They’re,like,don’t,Why,because,do,cool 3b Answers will vary.Sample answers:


I like koalas because they’re cute.I like giraffes because they’re interesting.I like elephants because they’re smart.I don’t like lions because they’re lazy.

第三课时 Section B 1a—2c


短语:a symbol of good luck,for a long time,get lost,be in great danger,cut down,over 100,000,made of


3.通过本课时听力和阅读练习,熟记一些相关的单词和短语,并能够完成思维导图填词任务。 4.了解大象在泰国的意义,以及大象的生存情况,提高我们的动物保护意识。


2.在短文阅读中学习和运用短语a symbol of good luck,for a long time,get lost,be in great danger,cut down,over 100,000,made of 等。


1.巩固why引导的特殊疑问句及其回答,运用描述性形容词进行听说技能训练,培养学生的阅读技能。 2.在语篇中抓住重要信息,构建思维导图,增强思维能力。





Step Ⅰ.Lead in

Leading in 【情景1】

1.Warm up by playing “disagree” game. T:Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning/afternoon,sir/madam.

T:Now let’s play the “disagree” game.E.g.I like tigers because they’re cute.You can say “I don’t like tigers because they’re scary.”

The teacher shows pictures of animals. S1:I like?because they’re?

S2:I don’t like them because they’re? 2.Then write description words.

T:Please write description words as many as you can.

[设计意图] 通过与学生的对话,复习运用已学过的描述动物的词汇和句型,并轻松进入语境,自然地进入谈论描述动物的话题,引入Section B。

Leading in 【情景2】

1.After greeting,the teacher asks the students about their pets. T:Hello,everyone! Good morning/afternoon! Ss:Good morning/afternoon! Mr./Ms.XX. T:Do you have a pet at home? S1:Yes,I do.

T:What’s it?And what’s its name? S2:It’s a pet cat.Her name is Mimi. T:Why do you like a cat for a pet?

S3:Because she’s cute.She can jump and play games with a ball.



2.Talk with some other students.Then get them to write down the description words about animals.

[设计意图] 从谈论宠物方面复习why疑问句和描述性形容词,引导学生进入Section B的学习。

Step Ⅱ.Describing animals(1a)

1.Show different pictures of animals in Section B,1a and get students to describe the animals according to their own ideas.

T:Please look at the picture.(Show the picture of tigers by PPT.)Can you describe tigers? S1:Tigers are scary. S2:Tigers are cool.

Show the other pictures and talk about the animals in turn. T:(Show the elephant.)Can you describe the elephant? S3:Look! He is smiling.He’s like a friend.He’s friendly.

2.Read and learn these new words in the box and describe animals in pairs.They can use the description words as they like.

3.Match the description words with pictures.(1a) 【Keys】 1a:Answers will vary.Sample answers: 1.d 2.f 3.b 4.e 5.c 6.a 7.f 8.e

[设计意图] 通过谈论图片上的动物,一边介绍生词、一边复习描述性形容词,帮助学生将词汇的意思与具体图像建立联系,更容易记住。

Step Ⅲ.Listening practice (1b-1c)

1.The teacher tells the students what they’re going to hear in the recording and gets them to focus on the description words.

T:Tony and Mary are seeing animals in the zoo.They’re talking about animals.Listen to the recording carefully.What description words are they using to describe the animals?

2.Listen for the first time.Ask students to pay attention to the description words and circle them in 1a.Then check their answers in class.(1b)

3.Listen to the description words for elephants and pandas.Finish the task in 1c. T:Now look at the chart in 1c,and listen to the recording again.What words do Tony and Mary use to describe elephants and pandas?Can you fill in the chart?


Students read the chart.Then play the tape again.Check the answers.

4.T:Now I’ll ask some students to retell Tony and Mary’s words about the animals.You’d better use full sentences like this:

Tony thinks elephants are lazy,but Mary thinks elephants are interesting and smart. Ss finish 1c.

☆教材解读☆ friendly 单词friendly是由名词friend加词缀-ly构成的形容词。后缀-ly表示: (1)“具有??本性的”的意思,如:mother(母亲)—motherly(慈爱的,母亲般的);brother(兄弟)—brotherly(情同手足的,兄弟般的)等。 (2)“每??”,如:day(天)—daily(每天的);month(月)—monthly(每月的)等。 (3)后缀-ly接在形容词的后面,构成该形容词的副词形式,如:quiet(安静的)—quietly(安静地,无声地);shy(害羞的)—shyly(害羞地,难为情地)等。 【Keys】 1b:Circled:smart,lazy,cute,beautiful,shy 1c: Animals elephants pandas Mary’s words interesting,really smart beautiful,kind of shy lazy kind of cute Tony’s words [设计意图] 带着任务听,听后有训练,用完整的句子叙述听力的结果,达到听说训练的双收获。

Step Ⅳ.Practice (1d)

1.Read the model dialogue in 1d.

T:Now,read the dialogue in 1d.Then use the model.Can you talk about other animals?You can talk about any animals you know.

A:What animals do you like? B:I like elephants. A:Why?

B:Because they’re cute.What animals do you like? A:?


2.Do the chain practice.Student A to B,B to C,C to D,asking “What animals do you like?Why?” and “What other animals do you like?” Let most of the students have chances to practice.

[设计意图] 培养学生的口语表达能力,开小火车式的训练使大多数学生得到练习,帮助学生打语言基础。

Step Ⅴ.Reading (2a-2c)

1.Repeat Mary and Tony’s conversation and tell the students that pandas are the animals in great danger.There are not many living in the world.

T:Some animals are in great danger.There are not many left in the world.If we don’t help them and protect these animals,they will disappear in the world.

Write “in great danger” on the blackboard and teach it.

T:Now,among the six animals in 2a,which are in great danger?Please discuss it.(2a) 2.Play the video of pandas and other animals in danger. 3.Play the PPT and present the new words in the passage in 2b.

T:Today let’s read a passage about the elephants in Thailand.Elephants are important in Thailand and in its culture.The elephant is one of the country’s symbols.Their first flag had a white elephant on it.But elephants are in great danger because people cut down trees.Elephants can’t find places to live in.And people kill many elephants for ivory.Look! These things are made of ivory.Though they look beautiful,if you want to have them you have to kill elephants.Today we all know that it is important to protect animals.Animals are our friends and we are all members of the world family.

The teacher talks and teaches new items.

4.Get the class to read the passage for the first time.Ask them to find the topic sentences in the paragraphs.

T:Please read the passage about the elephants in Thailand.And try to find the topic sentence of each paragraph.

Students read in silence and discuss the topic sentences in groups. (1)The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. (2)Elephants are smart animals. (3)But elephants are in great danger.

(4)We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory!


T:Can you give it the best title?What is the main idea of this passage?Please read it again and find the answer in the box.

Students find the title.

5.Read the passage for the second time and fill in the mind map.

T:Now please read the mind map in 2c.The mind map is something left in your mind after you read the article.

Students read the article again and finish the task.Check each other’s work in groups. 6.Read the passage again and learn some language items in it. T:Now please read the article again.Find the pronouns in it.(E.g.me,our,this,they,them,their)Which are they referring to?

Students discuss the question and learn the new items.And then try to retell it. The teacher helps the students with these language points.

☆教材解读☆ 1.The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols. one of的意思是“??之一”,它后面的名词是复数形式。one of?短语作主语时谓语动词是单数。 One of my classmates is often late for class.我的一个同学经常迟到。 The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in the world.黄河是世界上最长的河流之一。 2.Our first flag had a white elephant on it. had是have的过去式,表示“过去有,曾经有”,意味着现在泰国的国旗上“没有”白象的图案。 3.People say that “an elephant never forgets”. 大象拥有人类都难以比及的记忆力,因此,英语里有have a memory like an elephant (具有大象一样的记忆力)这一习语,用于形容人的记忆力很好。此外,借用动物来形容人的习语还有不少,如:drink like a fish(特别能喝酒;见酒不要命),eat like a horse(特别能吃;胃口大),fight like cats and dogs(争吵不休),(be)like a cat on hot bricks(如坐针毡;浑身不自在),(be)like a bull in a china shop(非常鲁莽;笨手笨脚)等。 4.Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost. lost作形容词,意思是“走失的;迷路的;失散的;丢失的;遗失的”,常常与系动词get或be一起构成短语。表示“丢失;走失;迷路”。 What bad luck! My keys are lost again.真是倒霉!我的钥匙又丢失了。 31

The boy got lost in that supermarket and he had to ask the police for help.男孩在那家超市迷了路,不得不找警察帮忙。 【拓展】 lost还可以用于名词之前,作定语修饰名词。 a lost child走丢的孩子 a lost watch 被人遗失的手表 the lost tourists 迷了路的游客们 5.But elephants are in great danger. (be)in danger 表示“面临危险,在危急中”。在英语中,常用big,great与danger搭配,表示“巨大的危险”。(be)out of danger表示“脱险,脱离危险”。 Firefighters are often in great danger.消防员经常处于很危险的境地。 The doctor says he is now out of danger.大夫说他现在脱离了危险。 6.Today there are only about 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before). 3,000读作three thousand,100,000读作one hundred thousand。英语中没有“万”这一级数位,只有“千”。因此“一万”就是“十千”,“十万”就是“一百千”。 7.We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. made of?表示“由??制作(制造)”,如:made of wood 由木头制成;made of glass 由玻璃制作。当made of用作定语限定名词时,必须放在该名词之后,如,a boat made of paper一只纸船;things made of bamboo竹制品,竹子做的东西。 【Keys】 2a:Answers will vary.Sample answers:

The endangered animals are elephants,pandas and tigers. 2b:Checked:Let’s Save the Elephants

2c:Importance in Thailand:a white elephant on it,good luck Abilities:soccer or music,draw well,remember

Facts and figures:cut down,ivory,about 3,000 in Thailand,100,000 How to save them:trees,buy,March 13th

[设计意图] 先讨论濒危动物,通过边播放视频边用英语介绍动物,呈现生词,然后再阅读短文,一步步深入,由任务引领学生阅读,讲析短语的用法,加深对课文内容的理解。

Step Ⅵ.Summary and Assignment


T:Today,we learned to use description words to talk about animals and we read an article about the elephants in Thailand.We know that we should save the animals in danger.And we learned some new words and phrases about animals.After school please do more listening and reading practice.

[设计意图] 简单总结要点,便于学生记忆。


Use these words to describe elephants:

smart,soccer or music,draw,never forget,walk for a long time,get lost,remember [设计意图] 加强对短文的记忆并能够复述。

Step Ⅶ.Homework

1.Make conversations talking about why you like the animals.

2.Read aloud and try to retell the story about elephants in Thailand. [设计意图] 多多朗读,多多复习,注重语言知识的操练与积累。

Section B (1a—2c)

friend—friendly Let’s save the elephants. mother—motherly an elephant never forgets brother—brotherly 3,000 three thousand in great danger

100,000 one hundred thousand

good luck/bad luck have a memory like an elephant

get/be lost drink like a fish,eat like a horse,fight like cats and dogs for a long time

made of ivory/wood/glass



1.Lions are l .They usually sleep about 20 hours every day. 2.We Chinese people are f to others.

3.Jean is too s .She dislikes answering the teachers’ questions in class. 4.Animals are our f .We should do something to help them. 5.All k of animals are members of our big family.



6.泰国来的学生 7.幸运的象征 8.走丢,迷路 9.面临极大的危险 10.砍伐树木 Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子 11.咱们来拯救熊猫吧。

Let’s .


We protect those animals . 13.大象可以走很长时间而从来不会迷路。

Elephants can walk and never get . 14.你们还记得那个有美丽山水的地方吗?

Can you still that place beautiful mountains and ? 15.他是我的最好的朋友之一。

He is my best . 【综合运用】 Ⅰ.单项填空

1.Why do you want the elephants? A.see

B.look at C.to see D.seeing

2.— do you buy a green sweater? —Because it’s nice. A.What

B.Where C.How


3.Welcome the zoo. A.in B.at

C.to D.for

4.— do koalas come from? —They come from Australia. A.Why

B.Where C.What


5.I think monkeys are clever.


A.a kind of B.kind of C.very much D.kinds of Ⅱ.阅读理解

A man has a parrot(鹦鹉).The man likes the parrot.It’s blue and green.It can speak like a man.But the parrot doesn’t say anything to him.One morning the man is angry (生气的)with it.He doesn’t give it any food or water.The next morning the man goes to see the parrot again.He says something to it.But the parrot still doesn’t speak.At last,the man says,“Fool(笨蛋)! You’re a fool.” Soon he hears the same words from the parrot.He laughs (大笑).He loves it.It’s a clever parrot. 6.The parrot say anything to the man. A.doesn’t want to B.can’t C.comes to


7.Parrots speak like a man. A.can’t B.must

C.don’t D.can

8.The man wants the parrot with him. A.talking B.say something C.to speak


9.Which of the following is RIGHT?

A.The man doesn’t want to see the parrot again. B.The parrot doesn’t say anything. C.The parrot says something to the man. D.The parrot can’t speak. 10.Why does the man laugh?

A.Because he thinks the parrot is very beautiful. B.Because he likes it very much.

C.Because the parrot can’t speak to him. D.Because he is angry with it.



Ⅰ.1.lazy 2.friendly 3.shy 4.friends 5.kinds


Ⅱ.6.a student from Thailand 7.a symbol of good luck 8.get lost 9.in great danger 10.cut down trees

Ⅲ.11.save the pandas 12.must,in great danger 13.for a long time,lost 14.remember,with,water 15.one of,friends 【综合运用】

Ⅰ.1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B Ⅱ.6.A 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.B

第四课时 Section B 3a—Self Check




1.熟练运用本单元单词和短语,描述动物的句型。 2.能够运用所学的内容书写描述动物的短文。

1.通过书写描述动物的短文,提高书面表达能力。 2.总结、理解和运用描述性形容词及其程度副词修饰语。





Step Ⅰ.Lead in

Leading in 【情景1】

Warm up by quickly reading and talking about the elephants in Thailand. T:Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Mr./Ms.XX.

T:Elephants are smart animals.Do you like elephants? S1:Yes,I do.

T:Can you describe elephants?

Ss describe elephants and repeat the description about elephants in the passage. T:What is the importance of elephants in Thailand?

The teacher gets the class to talk about the elephants in Thailand. T:But elephants are in great danger.How can we save them?

[设计意图] 通过师生问答、口头复述有关大象的短文,复习相关词汇和句子,为下一步做准备。 Leading in 【情景2】

1.Review the article in 2b by asking about animals they like. T:Hello,everyone! Good morning/afternoon! Ss:Good morning/afternoon! Mr./Ms.XX. T:What animals do you like? Ss:I like?

T:Why do you like them? Ss:Because they’re?

2.Quickly read the passage about the elephants in Thailand.Then say something to repeat the website article.


T:Please read the article quickly and try to repeat the story about elephants.Use the following clues.

(1)Importance in Thailand.(2)Elephants’ abilities.(3)How they’re in danger.(4)How to save them.

[设计意图] 通过问答复习描述性形容词和why疑问句,再给出线索让学生复述短文的内容,复习大象的描述性词汇和句型,为下一步做准备。

Step Ⅱ.Reading and filling in the blanks (3a)

1.Students look at the picture in 3a. T:Look at the picture in 3a.Who’s Becky? Ss:She’s a giraffe. T:What does she look like?

Ss:She’s tall and she has a long neck.

T:Read the words in the box.Guess what this passage is about. Ask the students about the passage.

2.Read the passage in 3a and fill in the words.

T:Now please read the complete passage aloud and check the answers.

3.Read the passage more carefully and write down the concrete content of the passage. T:Read the passage 3a carefully.Then write down what it is about.You can use questions,like “What’s her name?Where is she from?” etc.

In this way,students can know how to write a passage. 【Keys】 3a:beautiful,Africa,years,like,because,lives

[设计意图] 这是一个写前的准备练习,阅读后对短文进行梳理并列出提纲是为了下一步的写作做准备。

Step Ⅲ.Writing (3b)

1.Read the requirement of 3b and talk about how to write a passage about the panda. T:OK.Now we can write a passage about a panda like that in 3a.You can write about her name,age,the place she’s from,where she is now and why you like her.

2.Students write their own descriptions about the panda and read it in their group.The teacher gives help to those who need help.


T:Now you can write about the panda and read it to your partners.Then I’ll ask some students to read their works aloud in class.

3.Then ask some students to read their works aloud to class and put some good writing pieces on the wall.

【Keys】 3b:Answers will vary.Sample writing:

My favorite animal is the panda.Her name is Beibei.She is from China.She is five years old.Beibei is very cute,but she’s kind of shy.She doesn’t like to talk to people.Now she lives in Beijing Zoo.

[设计意图] 学生读懂书写的要求,按照3a的书写提纲,进行写作练习,提高书面表达能力。

Step Ⅳ.Self Check

1.Activity 1:Collecting the key words in this unit.

The teacher reminds the students that we must learn words in full sentences.

T:Now let’s review the animals,the description words and the adverbs.Let’s have a contest to see which group writes the most words in five minutes.Now let’s begin.

Students write in their groups.And then one of the group members writes the words on the blackboard.Others can add their words to see which team wins.

2.Read the word list aloud.

T:Now read these words aloud after me.(Students read the words aloud.) 3.Make sentences with the words.

T:Now let’s make sentences with the words on the blackboard.Each student says a sentence and try not to repeat others’ sentences.E.g.

I like dolphins because they’re lovely.

4.Make conversations in pairs,talking about their favorite animals. 5.Activity 2:Matching questions and answers.

T:Look at activity 2.Read these questions and answers.Match the questions and answers.Then make small dialogues in pairs.

Get the class to work in pairs and make conversations in three minutes.Then ask two pairs to act out in class.

6.Making a survey.

In groups of four,get students to make a survey in the groups and fill in the chart.


T:Please make a survey in your groups and fill in the chart. (Show the chart.) Partner’s name What animals Likes/Dislikes Why After the students finish the survey,ask them to report to the class using complete sentences like this:

My friend Mike likes dogs very much because they’re friendly and smart.He also likes pandas because they’re so lovely.He doesn’t like?because?.

【Keys】 1:Answers will vary.Sample answers: I don’t like tigers because they’re really scary. I like koalas because they’re very cute.

I like giraffes because they’re kind of interesting. I like elephants because they’re really smart. I don’t like lions because they’re kind of lazy. 2:A:What animals do you like? B:I like lions.

A:Why do you like lions?

B:Because they’re big and beautiful. A:Where are they from? B:They’re from Africa.

[设计意图] 复习本单元重点词汇、短语、句型,复习谈论最喜爱的动物的对话,帮助学生整体记忆,学会总结、归纳的方法。

Step Ⅴ.Summary and Assignment

T:In this class,we review and practice talking about our favorite animals.We learn to write about the animals we like and why we like them.Please remember the animals’ names,the description words and wh-questions.(Show the focus on the board.)

[设计意图] 总结要点,提示学习方法,教会学生记忆。




1.He likes koalas because they’re cute.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.I don’t like giraffes because their necks are too long.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.Pandas are from China.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.The tiger is five years old.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.Elephants come from South Africa.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 【Keys】 1.Why does he like koalas?2.Why don’t you like giraffes?3.Where are pandas from?4.How old is the tiger?5.Where do elephants come from?

[设计意图] 加强基础知识的操练,复习特殊疑问句的构成。

Step Ⅵ.Homework

1.Practice talking and writing about animals.

2.Try to review the animal words,the description words and adverbs of degree. [设计意图] 口头练习和笔试练习相结合,加强语言运用,巩固提高。

Section B (3a—Self Check)

My favorite animals

What’s her name?How old is she? Where is she now?Where is she from? Why do you like her?



1.Our national f has five stars on it.


2.Many bad people k elephants to get ivory.

3.We should do something to s water and wild animals. 4.Don’t c down the trees.They are very useful to human. 5.Some animals are in great d now.We must help them. Ⅱ.判断下面形容词的褒贬义,褒义后填Yes,贬义填No 6.beautiful( ) 7.bad( ) 8.cute( ) 9.clever( ) 10.shy( ) 11.smart( ) 12.friendly( ) 13.lazy( ) 14.scary( ) Ⅲ.翻译句子


___________________________________________________________________________________________ 17.它们是哪里的?

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 18.它们现在住在哪里?

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 19.她几岁了?

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 20.你为什么喜欢它们?

___________________________________________________________________________________________ 【综合运用】 Ⅰ.单项填空

1.Elephants are smart animals.They can remember places food and water. A.have

B.on C.with D.and

15.kind ( )

2.Wow! Your bag is so cool.What’s it made ? A.of B.with



3.Lions from South Africa are scary animals. A.kinds of

B.kind of

D.a kind of


C.all kinds of

4.There are two students Thailand in our school. A.from




5.Lots of and wild animals like elephants and lions live in South Africa. A.friendly,shy C.big,dangerous Ⅱ.补全对话

A:Hello! You’re new in our school. 6 B:I’m from Thailand.

A:Thailand?I know the elephant is the symbol of Thailand. 7 B:Because we think a white elephant can bring us good luck. 8 A:What do you mean by that?

B:People say that “elephants can remember things”.They never forget. A:But there are fewer and fewer elephants in the world now. B:Yes. 9 We must do something to save them. A:What can we do to help? B: 10

A:And don’t cut down trees. B:You’re right.

A.They are in great danger. B.Why do you like elephants? C.Don’t use things made of ivory. D.Where are you from? E.And elephants are smart animals. F.Are you from Thailand? 【参考答案】


Ⅰ.1.flag 2.kill 3.save 4.cut 5.danger Ⅱ.6.beautiful (Yes) 7.bad (No) 8.cute (Yes) 9.clever (Yes) 10.shy (No) 11.smart (Yes)

B.lazy,beautiful D.dangerous,lazy


12.friendly (Yes) 13.lazy (No) 14.scary (No) 15.kind (Yes)

Ⅲ.16.What are your favorite animals? 17.Where are they from? 18.Where do they live now? 19.How old is she? 20.Why do you like them? 【综合运用】

Ⅰ.1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.C Ⅱ.6.D 7.B 8.E 9.A 10.C

【Section B】

1a Answers will vary.Sample answers: 1.d 2.f 3.b 4.e 5.c 6.a 7.f 8.e 1b Circled:smart,lazy,cute,beautiful,shy 1c

Animals elephants pandas Mary’s words interesting,really smart beautiful,kind of shy lazy kind of cute Tony’s words 2a Answers will vary.Sample answers:

The endangered animals are elephants,pandas and tigers. 2b Checked:Let’s Save the Elephants

2c Importance in Thailand:a white elephant on it,good luck Abilities:soccer or music,draw well,remember

Facts and figures:cut down,ivory,about 3,000 in Thailand,100,000 How to save them:trees,buy,March 13th 3a beautiful,Africa,years,like,because,lives 3b Answers will vary.Sample writing:

My favorite animal is the panda.Her name is Beibei.She is from China.She is five years old. Beibei is very cute,but she’s kind of shy.She doesn’t like to talk to people.Now she lives in Beijing Zoo. 【Self Check】

1 Answers will vary.Sample answers:


I don’t like tigers because they’re really scary. I like koalas because they’re very cute.

I like giraffes because they’re kind of interesting. I like elephants because they’re really smart. I don’t like lions because they’re kind of lazy. 2 A:What animals do you like? B:I like lions.

A:Why do you like lions?

B:Because they’re big and beautiful. A:Where are they from? B:They’re from Africa.




What do you want to see?你想要看什么? Why do you like pandas?你为什么喜欢熊猫?


what,who,whose,when,where,why,how等;以how开头的how many,how much,how old等,以及以what开头的what color,what year,what class等,也都可视为疑问句。

How many do you need?你们需要多少?

What color are your pants?你的裤子是什么颜色的? (二)特殊疑问句的构成


1.“疑问词+陈述句语序”。这种情况是疑问词在句中用作主语或是主语的修饰语。 Who can answer this question?谁能回答这个问题? Which book is yours?哪本书是你的?


2.“疑问词+一般疑问句”。 这种情况是疑问词在句中用作主语以外的其他成分。


When do you get to school?你什么时候到校? Why are you late again?你怎么又迟到了?

第一句中的When为疑问词,其后的do you get to school为一般疑问句形式;第二句中的Why为疑问词,are you late again是一个一般疑问句。 (三)特殊疑问句的回答


—Who can sing English songs?谁会唱英文歌? —Tom can.汤姆会。 (四)特殊疑问句的省略形式

特殊疑问句有时可用省略形式,尤其是省略与前面相同的句子结构。 —I like elephants.我喜欢大象。 —Why?为什么?

—He doesn’t want to see tigers.他不想看老虎。 —Why not?为什么不?


why not?后接动词原形,表示建议,意为“为什么不??呢”;what about?后接名词或动名词,也表示建议,意为“??怎么样”。

Why not see elephants first?为什么不先去看大象? What about having a rest?休息一会儿怎么样?


(时间:100分钟 满分:120分)



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅱ.听对话,选择你听到的单词或短语。(每小题1分,共5分)


6.A.animals B.lions C.elephants 7.A.nice B.scary C.smart 8.A.a dog B.a panda C.a pet 9.A.from China B.from Australia C.from Africa

10.A.one of the symbols B.one of the animals C.one of the countries

Ⅲ.听对话,回答下面的问题。(每小题1分,共5分) 11.What does the speaker want to see first? A.The pandas. B.The elephants. C.The tigers.

12.Where are the pandas from? A.China. B.Africa. C.I don’t know.

13.What can elephants do? A.They can sing songs. B.They can drink water.

C.They can draw and play soccer.

14.Can the elephants carry heavy things for people? A.Yes,they can. B.No,they can’t.

C.They don’t carry heavy things.

15.The elephants have a memory(记忆力). A.bad





Pandas are very 16 animals.I like pandas very much because they’re 17 and

beautiful.They are from 18 .But pandas are very shy.They don’t like to play with people.They are afraid to 19 people in the zoo.Now there are not many pandas in the world.They are in great 20 .So we must save them. Ⅴ.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分)

21.Lucy can’t come here she is too busy. A.why


C.because of D.so

22. pandas from China? A.Are


C.Do D.Does

23.Students need to nine hours a day. A.sleeps B.sleep C.be sleep D.asleep

24.We can many kinds of animals in the zoo. A.look

B.look at C.watch


25.He is a little ugly, he is very friendly. A.so B.but C.because D./ 26.Don’t . A.shy

B.to be shy

C.to shy D.be shy

27.What animals do you like? A.other B.the other C.else


28.Koalas sleep the day and get up night. A.during,at B.at,during C.at,at D.during,during

29.Mr.Li is kind us.But sometimes he is kind strict with us. A.to,of B.with,to C.of,to D.of,of

30.Why go to the zoo?There are many different animals in the zoo. A.don’t B.not C.not you D.you don’t


31.Let’s after school. A.to see the giraffes B.see the giraffes C.seeing the giraffes D.don’t see the giraffes

32.— do you like animals? — they are cute. A.Why,Because B.Why,So C.What,Because


33. these tigers from? A.Where are B.Where come C.Where does D.Where do

34.The trees are green.Don’t . A.cut down them C.cut them down

B.cut them up D.cut up them

35.One of the boys a pet.The pet is really cute. A.have

B.has C.keep D.save


Animals are our friends.We can find different 36 of animals.Some animals are living 37 big woods(森林).And some animals are living with 38 .Animals are very 39 to man.People can teach the elephant to do some heavy 40 .And they can also teach the dog to 41 the house.A watch dog is very 42 .It can help people in danger(危险).Children 43 dogs very much. 44 of children like to go to the zoo. 45 there are many animals in the zoo.The zoo is a good place for children to get to know animals. 36.A.kind B.a kinds C.a kind 37.A.at B.on C.in 38.A.man B.men C.mans 39.A.useful B.lazy 40.A.works



D.with D.a man

C.smart D.sad C.a work D.working

41.A.look at B.look like


C.look after D.look for 42.A.clever B.shy 43.A.would

C.friendly D.ugly



C.would like

44.A.Some B.Many

C.Any D.Most(大多数) 45.A.Because B.And





A man has a bird.It is very clever.Every day the man speaks to the bird.“Hello!” he says.“Hello!” the bird answers.“What are you doing?” says the man.“What are you doing?” says the bird.

One day,the man is not at home.A thief comes in.He is taking many things.“Hello!” The thief hears the bird’s words.“What are you doing?” The thief is very afraid,so he does not take any things and runs out of the house. 46.The man teaches the bird . A.how to say something B.how to sing songs C.how to eat something D.how to dance

47.The bird is . A.very nice B.very clever C.very beautiful D.very silly (傻的) 48.The man speaks to the bird . A.sometimes B.once a week C.every week D.every day

49.The thief is taking things from the house when the man is not at home. A.a few B.a little C.a lot of


50.The thief out of the room because he is very afraid.


