First Aid Reading 导学案

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Unit 5 First aid Reading First aid for burns

Warming up

【自主预习】Translate the phrases into Chinese in the passage. ? temporary ? variety ? liquid ? injury ? mild ? bleed ? stove ? choke ? tissue ? cupboard ? swell ? essential ? nerve ? organ ? bandage ? poison ? squeeze ? complex


What things at home can be dangerous?

What is first aid?

First aid is ___________________ given to someone who suddenly ___________ or _____________ before a doctor can be found.


What kind of first aid we should give in these situation?

Pre-reading 【合作探究】

1. Look at the picture on the left. What is on the cupboard?

2. Can you guess what has happened to the girl?

3.How will her mother deal with the burn?


Read the text quickly and complete the main idea of it.

The text mainly introduces ______ types of burns and their characteristics as well as how to give _________________ when burns happen.




1. In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5.

__ the three types of burns

__ what to do if someone gets burned __ the functions of the skin __ the symptoms of burns __ how we get burns

2. Detail Information

Fill in the blanks ( based on the 1st Para.)

1. Our body’s largest organ:_____

2. We have ______ ______ of the skin. 3. Your skin ______ you _____ or _____.

4. It ________ your body ______ ______ ______. 5. It gives you your _____ _____ _____ .

Para. 2

You can get burned by: ______________, ______, ______, __________, __________, ___________ and _________.

Para. 5 Treatment

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

______ clothing and jewellery near the burns. ______ the burns with cool water.

______ cool, clean wet cloths or the burns. ______ the burned area gently.

______ the burned area with a dry clean bandage.

______ the burned area ______ than the heart, if possible. ______ the victim ____the doctor or hospital, if possible.

II. Choose the best answer.

1. In the text, burns are sorted according to the ______ of the skin burned. A. layer B. function C. type D. area

2. When cooling burns, cool water is used to do the following EXCEPT ______. A. stop the burning process B. prevent the pain becoming unbearable C. reduce swelling D. prevent any blisters being broken



Read the first aid treatments for these burns. If the treatment is right, write R. If it is wrong, write W and explain why.

1. Sam knocked over a kettle full of boiling water onto his legs. His legs became red, swollen and covered with blisters. Sam broke the blisters and poured icy water from the fridge onto the skin. ( )

2. While ironing clothes, Miss Good accidentally touched the iron. Her wrist blistered and became watery. It hurt a lot. She put her wrist under the cold water tap and then kept placing cool, clean, damp cloths on it until it was less painful. Then she went to see the doctor. ( )

3. Mrs Casey’s sleeve caught fire while she was cooking. Her arm looked terrible but it didn’t hurt. The skin was charred. Her husband took off her blouse and picked off bits of the blouse stuck to the burn. He then placed butter on the burn and covered it with a wet bandage. ( )

4. After an hour in the sun, Lily noticed her arms were red and hurt a bit. She went home and put them under cool running water. ( )

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