Chapter 3 Making correct and effective sentences12
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Chapter 3 Making correct and effective sentences
造正确有效的句子 2008.12/12
8 A Main Clause in a Complex Sentence
In a Complex sentence there must be a main clause, whether it is at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.
9 Proper Use of Comparisons
Adjectives or adverbs of the comparative degree should be used only when there is comparison.
But we should not use adjectives or adverbs of the comparative degree when there is no comparison, explicit or implied.
In addition, we should remember that only things of the same kind can be compared.
10 Correct Use of the Tense
Since a predicate verb must be used in a certain tense, we should learn to use the tenses
correctly. Tenses tell the action of the verb takes place. Whenever we make a sentence, we should ask ourselves when the thing mentioned in the sentence happens, and use the right tense to report it. Perhaps the perfect tenses are more difficult than the other tenses and deserve greater attention. When we talk about something that happened in the past, but its result remains at present, we should use the present perfect.
So far we have been talking about the requirements of correct sentences and a few common mistakes. There are of course many other types of mistakes. The best way to deal with them is to review grammar and study the entries we are not clear about in a dictionary, and observe the use of words, while we are learning new things, we can discover and correct our old mistakes.
Focus 2 Coordination and Subordination
When we mention two or more things or ideas of equal importance, we often use coordination clause joined with a coordinating conjunction(and, but, or, nor, yet, so, or, for).
This form or method is called coordination.
When we express an important idea in a main clause and one or more less important ideas in subordinate clauses, we are using method of subordination. It is clear that the choice of coordination or subordination is mainly decided by the relationship between the ideas to be expressed. In each of the following sentences more than one fact or idea is mentioned.
There is one thing we should pay attention to: the use of conjunctive verbs such as however, therefore, nevertheless, moreover, and besides.
In the new versions not only clauses, but also parallel predicate verbs and participial and infinitive phrases are used in place of sentences. This shows that coordinating and
subordinating are not only ways of combining sentences. Sometimes complete sentences may be turned into phrases or single verbs without loss in meaning.
Short sentences are not only emphatic, but effective in describing a series of quick movements and actions. Generally speaking, both short and long sentences should be used ; using one type of sentences continuously would be monotonous.
Focus 3 Effective Sentences
A correct sentence may not express the idea it intends to express very clearly or forcefully. Correctness alone can not make a good sentence. It has to be effective at the same time. Effective sentences have some or all the following qualities: unity, coherence, conciseness, emphasis, and variety. 1 Unity
Unity refers to two qualities: there is only one main idea in a sentence, and that idea is
This does not mean that all sentences have to be short and simple. It is often necessary to write a long sentence with many parts in it. Such a sentence expresses a central idea supported or modified by various subordinate ideas, or two or more related parallel ideas. In other words, ideas that are closely connected can be expressed in one sentence, while ideas that are not closely connected should not be put into one sentence. 2 Coherence
Coherence means clear and correct arrangement of the parts of a sentence. Since the meaning of English sentences mainly depends on word order, the arrangement of the parts of a sentence is especially important to accurate expression of ideas. A coherent sentence is easy to understand and its meaning cannot be mistaken, because the connection between its words conforms to grammar rules and usage.
Chapter 3 Making correct and effective sentences1211-14
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