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Part I连词成句 (unit 3、5、6、7) Unit 3

1.We think that 、when you see our samples、 you will agree that、 the quality of the material used、 and the high standard of craftmanship 、will appeal、 to the most selective buyers.


2.though、We are at present unable、 to meet your requirement、 for the captioned articles、 once our supplies are replenished,we shall be only too pleased、 to revert to the matter.


3.We should like to、 draw your attention to、 our other proucts、 such as stainless steel kitchenware、 details of which、 you will find in the catalogue、 and look forward to your first order.


4.At、 your request ,we are now quoting you、 for、 1,000 dozen、 steel tapes、 at USD5.--per dz.、 CFR Lagos.

在您的要求,我们报1000打钢卷尺在500。——每DZ。CFR拉各斯。 5.We are well aware that、 our competitors、 are quoting、 considerably、 at、 lower prices、 but our products、 are obviously superior in quality、 and therefore、 represent better value. 我们都知道,我们的竞争对手报价相当以更低的价格,但我们的产品质量明显优于他们所以更好的价值. Unit 5

1. We would like、 you、 to arrange、 an、 all risk、 open cover policy、 for our chinaware shipments 、which、 we intend to export、 over the next three months. 我们希望您能安排所有风险开覆盖的政策我们瓷器的出货量,我们打算在未来三个月的出口.

2. If you can、 offer、 us、 competitive rates, we will consider、 further policies、 with you、 on other shipments.


3. As we now desire to have、 the shipment、 insured、 at your end, we shall be pleased、 if you will arrange、 to insure the goods、 on our behalf、 against All Risks、 for 110% of the invoice value.


4. As requested, we have covered your order、 with PICC, and、 the insurance policy、together、 with the other shipping documents、 will be sent to you、 through the bank . 按照要求,我们已覆盖保您的订单,并在保险单连同其他单据将通过银行寄给你.

5. We had、 the case、 opened、 and、 the contents、 examined by、 a local insurance surveyor、 in the presence、 of the shipping company’s agent.


Unit 6

1. If cartons are used, please、 supply、 each chemical、 in strong polythene bags、 to、 ensure、 protection from damp.


2. A light case、 reinforced by battens、 would、 meet your requirements、 and、 be much cheaper、 than a solid wooden case, as the former、 would be non-returnable.


3. When、 the various items、 of your order、 are complete、 in our warehouse, we will pack them、 into bundles、 of suitable size、 for shipment.


4. Please make our order up、 into bales、 of about 200 kg. each, covered with waterproof fabric、 and、 strapped、 vertically、 and、 horizontally、 with metal bands.


5. All polished parts、 of the machine、 are to be wrapped、 and、 generously padded、 to avoid、 scratching、 and、 knocking、 against the container. 机器的所有抛光面被包裹和慷慨填充以避免刮伤和撞击容器. Unit 7

1.We are pleased、 to inform you、 that、 your order no. 32、 has been despatched, packed in twelve 100 kg. cases, in accordance with your instructions.


2.In view of the urgency of、 the order, we have despatched、 it、 today、 by air, so that the goods、 should reach you tomorrow.


3.Our rates、 are subject to、 alteration、 without prior notice, except、 in the case of、 special contract.


4.We have connections、 throughout the world、 and、 as a result of、 our wide experience、 we can advise you、 on suitable packing、 and、 method of transport、for any country、 to which、 you wish to export. 我们有连接全世界,由于我们的丰富经验,我们会建议你合适的包装和运输方法对于任何一个国家要出口.

5.As you have been informed、 in one of our previous letters, the users、 are、 in urgent need、 of the machines、 contracted、 and、 are、 in fact pressing us、 for an early delivery.

当你已经在一个我们以前的信件通知,用户急需所订购的机器,事实上在催促我们早日交货. Part II翻译句子

Unit2重点2个翻译小题 Page 37-V

1. There is a large demand for Chinese low voltage microwave ovens in our country. We would be grateful if you quote the most competitive prices for the types available at present.


2. This is to introduce ourselves as a leading importer in the line of surgical instruments. And we would be interested in receiving your latest catelogue for our reference. 兹介绍,本公司是经营手术器械的重要进口商,希望贵方讲最新目录寄来供我方参考,我们非常感兴趣。

3. We specialize in candies and keep an extensive contact with the grocery stores in the country.


4. In order to make us fully familiarize with your exporting products, we would appreciate your sending me the complete leaflets.


5. We have learned from Brown & Clark Company in our city that you are a regular distributor of Chinese kitchenwares, for which there is a growing demand here.


6. Your advertisement in the latest issue of TV Word appeals to us. Could you please introduce the specification, price and packing of your products in detail?

我们已看到贵公司在最近一期《电视世界》上所做的广告,很感兴趣。请详细介绍你们产品的规格、价格、包装等情况。 Page 40-VII

1. We have learned your Finance Guide software package from the latest issue of Computer World. We would appreciate your sending an illustration of this package. 从最近一期的《电脑世界》我们得知你们的“财物指南”软件包。如有说明书请寄一册,我们将不胜感激。

2. We were impressed by the cars that were displayed on your stand at the recent BeiJing Trade Expo. We would like to know your prices on FOB New York of the cars listed above.


3. Please let us know whether you can supply the articles specified in the enclosed list. We would be grateful if you send us the export prices and inform us of the export terms.


目表并告知出口条件,我们将不胜感激。 Unit 3 page 65-V

1. In reply to/ Regarding/ Concerning your inquiry of 12 January, we are glad to inform you that the catelogue and the price list have been sent seperately for your reference/ for your information.


3. You would be aware that our prices are competitive. We can promise the delivery within a month of receipt of your L/C, as we have all types in large stock. 贵方会注意到我们的价格很有竞争力。我们所有型号均有大量现货,可承诺于收到信用证后一个月内交货。

5. Though we no longer supply Type SB-95, we have Type SB-99 in stock, which has a better performance and a more reasonable price.

尽管我方不再供应SB-95型,我们备有SB-99型的现货,其性能更佳,价格更合理。 page 68VII

2. We appreciate it that you are interested in our new products and that you are well aware of our competitive prices. We look forward to receiving your initial order. 谢谢您对我们的新产品感兴趣,并且您还注意到我们的价格是有竞争性的。我们盼望收到贵方的首次订单。

3. Please note that our prices are quoted on CIF Melbourne basis and that we allow 10% discount off all net prices. And you will be granted 15% quantitiy discount on the order exceeding AUD 30,000 in value.


4. If you can deal on payment by L/C or by CWO, we will give you an additional cash discount of 5%.

如果你们同意以信用证或随订单付现的方式支付货款,我们还可以给5%的现金折扣。 Unit 4 Page 95-V

3. Please make sure that the quality of the goods should be in strict conformity with that of the sample. If this first order is executed satisfactorily, we will order regularly. 请注意货物品质必须与样品完全一致。此第一笔订单的执行情况如能令人满意,将会经常订购。

4. Thank you for your immediate reply to our inquiry of April 22. We are glad to order 2000 dozen of silk T-shirts. For details, please refer to the Order No. 58.


5. Our prices are a little higher than that of other suppliers, but our products are superior in quality and therefore represent better value. It is to your own advantage to order goods in superior quality.But our products are well worth the extra money because of their good quality.

虽然我方价格略高于其他供货商,但由于产品质量优良,这点差价完全合算。订购真正优质的货物,符合你方本身的利益。 Page 100-VII

1. We have already studied your catalogue and sample and are enclosing our order for men's and boy's sweaters in assorted sizes, colors and styles.


2. We can supply all your items from stock and are making up your order. Your goods can be delievered within one month of receipt of your L/C. 你方订购的所有品种均有现货,我们目前正在办理你方的订货,并可在收到信用证后一个月之内发货。

3. Enclosed is our order No. GH9736. If the goods sell well in our market, we will send further orders in the near future.


5. We are enclosing two copies of our sales confirmation No. DTE97064 made out against your order mentioned above. Please sign and return one of them for our file. 兹附根据贵方上述订单而缮制的我方第DTE97064销售确认书两份。请签退一份供我方存档。 Unit 5

Page 125-V

2. We have noticed that you ask for cover against War Risk. But we would like to remind you that our CIF quotation includes WPA only. Therefore, if you require this additional coverage, the extra premium will be for your account. 我方注意到你们要求投保战争险,但是要知道我方CIF报价只包括水渍险,因此,你方若想加保战争险,则增加的保险费由你方负担。

4. We regret to inform you that of the invoiced 12 laser printers in Case No. 8, five were found upon arrival to be badly damaged.


5. PICC is a large-scale state-owned company with agents in all the major cities and ports in the world and noted for settling claims promptly and equitably.


Page 128-VII

1. We usually insure the goods with our underwriter for 110% of the total invoice value against All Risks and War Risk from port to port.

我们通常是以发票金额的110%向我们的保险公司投保至港一切险和战争险。 2. In future, we will have to ask you to hold the damaged consignment for our inspection to determine the cause of damage. 以后我们只能请贵方把受损的货物保存好,待我们前来查看以确定造成损毁的原因。

4. As you know, the goods are shipped clean. As you are the insured of this shipment,

please make a claim against your insurer.

如你所知,货物是完好无损装上船的;由于你方是这批货物的投保人,因此请向你方的保险商提出索赔。 Unit 7

page 177-V

1. We have effected shipment for the part of your order which we can supply from the stock/ which we have in stock. The reminder/ rest may have a delay of 4 to 6 weeks./ The reminder may be delayed for 4 to 6 weeks.

你方订单中能供现货的部分,我们已经执行。其余部分可能地耽搁4-6周。 3. Your order No. 297 has been packed for shipment. Enclosed is the shipping note. Please sign and return it to me as soon as you complete it.


5. In order to assist/ help you in introducing/ to introduce our products to your market, we agree to advance the initial shipment of one third of the total quantity from June/ July to April/ May.

为协助你方尽早将我们的产品销入你地市场,我们同意6、7月份的首批交货,即整个数量的1/3,提前4、5月份。 Page 181-VII

1. Thank you for your delivery instructions. We're pleased to inform you that your order has been made up to be shipped on SS Polaris at Qingdao on 20th this month. 谢谢你方的装船要求。兹告我方已将货物备妥,将于本月20日由青岛港装“北极星号”(Polaris)轮。

2. We opened the L/C two months ago. We are eager to know your shipping arrangements such as the name of the ship, the departure date from your port, and the expected arrival date to our port. 我方信用证开出已近两个月,我们亟想了解你方的发运安排,请告载货轮的船名,预计离你港时间和预计到达我港时间。

3. As these goods are urgently required by our customers, please dispatch them by air as soon as possible. The extra charge for air transport is for our account. 鉴于我们的客户急需这批货物,请贵方尽快安排空运,空运与海运之间的差价由我方承担。 Unit 8

Page 206- V.

1. Our terms of payment are by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight, reaching us one month ahead of shipment, remaining valid for negotiation in China for another 21 days after the prescribed time of shipment, and allowing transhipment and partial shipments.

我们的付款条件是,保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证,于装运期前一个月开到我方,其有效期至规定装运期后21天,在中国议付,并允许转船及分批装运。 3. Regretful, as of today, we have not received any information about your L/C which should have reached us by the end of last month


4. Please amend L/C No. 99S086 to read “Transhipment allowed”, and delete the clause about insurance policy as this transaction is concluded on CFR basis. 请把99SD86号信用证修改为“允许转运”。另因此笔交易系以CFR条款达成,故请删除有关保险单的条款。 Page 211- VII.

4. You are requested to insert the wording \total-value and the quantity clauses and extend the shipment and validity dates to June 30 and July 21 respectively.


5. Unit 9 P237-V.

2. We would appreciate it if you can provide us with any information about their financial status and credit. Meanwhile we would keep it secret. 如果能提供有关他们的财务状况及商业信誉的任何情况,我们将不胜感激并予以保密。

4. In order to facilitate your promotion of our products, we would make an exception of your case and accept D/P at 45 days.


1. We've been dealing with you on the L/C basis for over one year and would like to change to payment by D/P at 30 days.


2. We suggest making a part payment of USD 2000, and paying the balance by cheque by August 31.


4. As agreed we have forwarded our bill of exchange No. 2782 for 17,200 euros with shipping documents to your bank, the China Construction Bank, Gaoqiao Branch. 按照约定,已将我第2782号汇票,金额为17,200欧元,连同装运单据一起交给我方银行--中国建设银行外高桥分行。


(the full name of your company) (your address)

(telephone number, fax number and e-mail address)

20 September 2014

Inside address

(the full name of the potential supplier’s company)

(the name of the building where the company is located ) (number of the building, name of street) (name of the town or city, postal code) (name of country)

Dear Sir or Madame,

We are a company specilizing in travel goods in New York and interested in your Carry-on with regard to its advertisement in one of the issues of Sky Mall in September.

Would you mind answering the following questions? 1) How many colors does it have?

2) What advantages does it have compared with its counterparts? 3) Could you please provide 20% trade discount?

4) If we order 1000 at a time, what quantity discount can you offer?

We would expect your reply before 1 October. Thanks a lot.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Faithfully yours, (autograph) YE Ting

Import Manager

Unit 2 Inquiry

Quantity discount Trade discount Bill of exchange

Documents against payment Article number Cash discount Chamber of commerce Trade fair Parent company Retailer Specifications Subsidiary Supplier List prices Counter offer Distributor Chain store Wholesaler Unit 3 Quotation

Quotation sheet Firm offer Non-firm offer Offer FOB CIF

Confirmed L/C Cash with order (CWO) Unit 4 Order form Unit price Total price Sales confirmation Purchase confirmation Prompt shipment Regular order Repeat order Trial order Sales contract Unit 5

Cargo transportation insurance Insured

Insurer/ underwriter insurance company Insurance certificate Insurance policy Cover note Premium

Ocean marine cargo insurance FPA WPA All risks War risk Insurance claim Claims form Unit 6

Transport packing/ outer packing Selling packing/ inner packing Shipping marks Indicative marks Warning marks Paking list

Delivery instructions Certificate of origin

Unit 7 Freight rate Shipping company Shipping agent Carrier Shipping space Shipping note Customs form Consignment note Bill of lading Shipping documents Port of shipment Port of destination Departure date Arrival date Transshipment Partial shipments Unit 8

Documentary L/C Beneficiary Issuing bank Advising bank

Negotiating bank Unit 9 Remittance Telegraphic transfer Mail transfer

Remittance by banker’s demand draft Collection

Documentary collection Documents against payment Draft at sight/ sight draft Documents against acceptance

