高中英语语法复习 名词 2

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语法专题(一)名 词

名词要点精讲名词是高考的热点和难点。从语法和词汇两个方面来考察 其用法,在单项选择、完形、改错中都可感知高考中名词 的考查点。

名词专有名词主要是指人名、地名或某类人或事物的 名称,如Beijing,China等。 普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的 名词,如:book,sadness等。

专有名词(Proper Nouns)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns)

不可数名词 (Uncountable Nouns)

物质名词(Material Nouns)

普通名词 (Common Nouns)集体名词(Collective Nouns)

可数名词 (Countable Nouns)

个体名词(Individual Nouns)


为可数名词(Countable Nouns),物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名

词(Uncountable Nouns)。

Proper Nouns:指人名、地名及某些人和事物专有的名称

Eg: Diana; Beijing; Americans;English; May; New Year’s Day


Common Nouns:

一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词1. Individual Nouns: 指作为个体而存在的人或东西 可以指具体的人或物。Eg: aunts; a panda; apartments也可指抽象东西。Eg: a year; fairy tales; a dream

2. Collective Nouns: 表示若干个个体组成的集合体Eg: army; audience; crew; family; team; police; government; public

集体名词有时作单数看待,有时作复数看。一般来说, 视为整体时作单数看,突出它的成员时作复数看。is not large. (be) His family _____ are all music lovers. (be) Cf: His family ______在一些情况下,集体名词后单复数动词都可以用,没什么差别。 Eg: The audience was (were) excited by the show.

有少数集体名词通常用作单数。Eg: The gang is being hunted by the police. Our company is sending him to work in Berlin.

个别集体名词则多作复数看待。Eg: The police are looking for him.

3. Material Nouns: 指无法分为个体的物质。Eg: beer; cake; cloth; cotton; detergent; fur; ice; paint; paper; soil 一般来说,物质名词是不可数的,因而没有复数形式。但有一些 特殊情况: 1) 有些物质名词可用作可数名词,表示“一份”、“一杯”、 Eg: Two strong black coffees, please. ( 两份) “一种” Three beers, please. (三杯) It was a special tea. (一种) 2)个别物质名词的复数形式可以表示特别的意义。 Eg: rains (雨季) sands (沙滩) snows (积雪) waters(海域)…

4.Abstract Nouns:表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象 概念Eg: education; love; policy; trust; nature; fashion; relief; silence; truth,etc. 多数情况下,这种名词常用于单数形式,不加任何冠词。 Eg: He’s learning French for fun. I wish you good luck. 抽象名词转化为可数名词。 Failure is the mother of success. (失败与成功在此为抽象概念)

As a teacher , she is a success, but as a mother, she is a failure because she devotes little time to looking after her child. (成功者,失败者,可数)

名词的数不可数名词一般没有单复数之分,它包括 抽象名词、物质名词和专有名词。例如: health, advice, glass, wood, English, America


可数名词有单、复数之分。可数名词的复数形 式有以下几种:情况 一般情况 加法 加-s 例词 Brothers;schools

加-es 以s,x,ch,sh,结尾的 词 以辅音+y结尾的 去y加-ies 词 以辅音+o 结尾的词 多数加-es 以f或fe结尾的词


Heroes; tomatoes*3 把f/fe改成ves Halves; leaves;*4

Notes: *1:stomach stomachs *2:以元音+y或以专有名词+y结尾的名词,直接在词尾加-s. Eg:boys; toys; Henrys *3: 以元音+o eg: videos; studios


eg: zoos; bamboos;kangaroos 直接在词尾加-s.

一些外来词(特别是音乐方面的词) eg: pianos 一些缩写词 eg: kilos; photos; memos

一些专有名词 eg: Eskimos; Filipinos *4:以f/fe结尾只加-s的词:

proofs;gulfs; cliffs; roofs;serfs; beliefs; chiefshandkerchief(手帕,手绢)的复数形式两者都可以。

单复数相同的情况: sheep; deer; means; fish; works; species; Chinese;Japanese 以及由汉语音译表示度量衡、货币等单位的名词。 Eg: yuan, jiao, fen, jin, mu 只有复数形式的情况: trousers(裤子); glasses(眼镜); compasses(圆规) thanks; clothes; remains; goods; people; cattle

a pair of

复合名词的复数形式:1.词末+-s :

film-goers ; forget-me-nots2.主体名词变为复数形式: lookers-on; editors-in-chief;sons-in-law 3.两个组成部分皆变为复数: women doctors; men cooks* 这种形式的第一个名词必须是man或woman

不规则复数: 1.man men Eg: woman– women; chairman-chairmen

2.oo3.+en 4.ouse


Eg:foot-feet; tooth-teeth; goose-geeseEg:child-children; ox-oxen


Eg: mouse-mice; louse-lice(虱子)

有些外来词的不规则复数形式: Eg: analysis-analyses; basis-bases; thesis-theses; crisis-crises criterion-criteria; phenomenon-phenomena; medium-media

有些名词可以兼作可数名词和不可数名词。 a glass ( 玻璃杯 ) glass ( 玻璃 ) copper ( 铜 ) tin ( 锡 ) a copper ( 铜币/板 ) a tin ( 罐头 ) a paper ( 报纸,证件,论文 ) an iron (熨斗 )

paper ( 纸 )iron (铁 ) wood ( 木头 ) gold (金子 ) youth (青春 ) power ( 力量 ) beauty ( 美 )

a wood ( 树林 )a gold (金牌 ) a youth (年青人 ) a power ( 大国 ) a beauty ( 美人,美的东西 )

pleasure( 愉快 )relation(关系)

a pleasure( 使人感到愉快的事 )a relation(亲戚)

英语中有许多对词,一个可数,一个不可数。a poem(一首诗 ) a machine(一台机器 ) a job(一件工作 ) a laugh(一个笑声 ) poetry(诗歌总称 ) machinery(机器总称 ) work(工

作 ) laughter(笑声 )

a permit(许可证 )a garment (一件衣裳 ) a bag(case) (一件行李 ) a loaf (一只面包 ) a hair(一根头发 )

permission(允许 )clothing(衣裳总称 ) luggage, baggage(行李 ) bread(面包 ) hair( 头发)

几个名词的特殊用法 hair _______________. His hair is white (他的头发是白的。) ______________________. He has a few grey hairs (他有几根白的 头发。) fruit The fruit is sweet. He likes pears, peaches, grapes and other fruits.

police were searching for the The police _______ murderer. dozen, score two (many, several) dozen pencils dozen of them / these pencils three _________ dozens of students two score of students scores of people word(消息,通知), man(人类),前面 不加冠词,也不用复数形式,谓语用单数。

