if,even if,unless 等词的用法

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If, even if, whether, unless, but for, otherwise, provided, suppose

1. Even if (=even thought即便) 请比较下面两个例句:

You must go tomorrow if you are ready. 如果你准备好了,明天你必须走。

You must go tomorrow even if you aren’t ready. 哪怕你没有准备好,明天你也得走。

2. Whether…or (=if…or是否)

You must go tomorrow whether you are ready or not. 无论你明天是否准备好了,你都必须走。百合

3. Unless+肯定动词 (=if+否定动词除非) Unless you start at once you’ll be late. 相当于: If you don’t start at once you’ll be late. 除非你立即动身,否则你就会迟到。

Unless you had a permit you couldn’t get a job. 相当于: If you hadn’t a permit you couldn’t get a job. 除非你有执照,否则你就找不到工作。

4. but for (=if it were not for /if it hadn’t been for 不然)

my father pays me fees. But for that I wouldn’t be here. 我父亲给我一笔补贴费。不然我就不会在这里了。 The car broke down. But for that we would have been in time. 汽车出毛病了。要不是那个我们会及时赶到的。

5. otherwise (=if this doesn’t happen/didn’t happen/hadn’t happened否则)

we must be back before midnight; otherwise we’ll be locked out. 我们必须在午夜之前赶回去,否则我们就会被锁在门外。相当于: If we are not back by midnight we’ll be locked out. 如果我们不在午夜之前赶回去,我们就会被锁在门外。

6. 在日常英语中or(+else)可以代替otherwise: We must be early or (else) we won’t get a seat. 我们必须早去,否则就不会有座位了。论文检测

7. 存在强烈的限制或约束的意思时,provided (that)可以代替if. 它主要用来表示允许:

You can camp here provided you leave no mess. 你们如果保持整洁的话,可以在这里宿营。

8. Suppose/supposing…? (=what if…? 假如)

Suppose the plane is late? 相当于: What if/what will happen if the plane is late? 假如飞机误点的话,将会出现什么情况?

