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一 计算机、通讯类 1 计算机
commit computer crimes 进行电脑犯罪活动
Most computer crimes can be traced back to hackers. 大多数计算机犯罪都是电脑黑客干的。
access the Internet 进入互联网
accomplish the operation simply with a click of the keys 敲击键盘即可完成操作
administrator 管理员 auto search 自动搜索 bandwidth 宽带
be multilingual 可以使用多种语言 be networked with ? 与?联网 be no longer imaginary 不再是幻想 blogger 写博客的人
chat on-line in Internet 网上聊天 distance learning 远程教育
on shopping on-line 进行网上购物
facilitate the growth of the cyber-economy 推动网络经济的发展 Internet café 网吧 Internet fans 网迷
Internet geek/netter 网虫
Internet video chat 网上视频聊天
It is difficult to know whether the information on the Internet is reliable or not. 很难确定互联网上的信息是否可靠。
Millions of computers are connected to one another in a worldwide network called Internet. 不计其数台电脑在世界范围内互相联系在一起称作互联网
Printed sources continue to remain an important method for researching materials. 使用印制资料仍然是获得研究资源的重要方法。
provide on-line employment services to job seekers 为求职者提供网上择业服务 There is an advantage to being multilingual. 懂得多种语言很有益处。 with the gradual popularization of the Internet 随着互联网的不断普及 put out your message through E-mail 使用电子邮件发出讯息 net-addiction 网瘾
provide entertainment in the form of computerized games 提供电子游戏形式的娱乐
2 其他通讯手段
allow people to carry telephone with them all the time 使人们能够随时随身携带电话
Calls were connected manually by switchboard operators. 过去电话由接员人工接通。
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Cellular telephones are portable units that can be used away from home. 手机是出门在外也可以使用的便携装置。
Cellular telephones can be used to access information virtually anywhere and anytime. 手机实际上可以用于随时随地接收信息。
make wireless communication possible 使无线通讯成为可能 phone can connect to the Internet 手机可以连接到互联网
send a short text message to sb.’s cell phone 给某人的手机发短信 cable television systems 有线电视系统 digital television 数字电视
pick up the signals from satellites 通过卫星接收信号
provide a large number of (many more) channels 提供很多(更多)频道 satellite television service 卫星电视业务
advances in digital communications 数字通讯的发展
improve the quality and efficiency of telecommunication 提高远程通讯的质量和效率
modern digital telecommunication 现代数字远程通讯
send messages faster and more accurately 更快、更准确地传送信息 二 经济、改革类 1 旅游业
About six or seven percent of the Gross National Product comes from tourism. 国民生产总值的6%-7%来自旅游业。
be one of the major industries of this country 是该国主要产业之一 belong to the service industry 属于服务性行业
benefit through peaceful development and cultural understanding 从和平发展和文化认同中获益
carry exchange and investment to ? 吸引交流和投资到?
focus attention on the role tourism can play in elimination of poverty 重视旅游业对消除贫困的作用
serve as a dynamic catalyst of emploment, wealth, investment and poverty elimination 对就业、财富、投资和摆脱贫困起到有力的催化作用
Tourism business preserves cultural and heritage traditions. 旅游业保护传统和文化遗产。
do-it-yourself/independent travel 自助游 during the height of travel 在旅游的高峰季节 golden week for tourism 旅游黄金周
visit historic sites/spots 参观历史名胜 2 农业
be not fertile enough to justify cropping 不够肥沃,所以不值得耕种 cultivate inferior 开垦贫瘠土地
The supply of good land is limited. 良田资源是有限的。 to feed a large population 养活众多的人口
cause pollution and health problems 引起污染和健康问题 chemical fertilizer 化肥
destroy harmful insects 消灭害虫
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Insecticides also kill helpful insects. 杀虫剂也会杀死益虫。 save water during irrigation 节水灌溉 use up ground water 用尽地面水
increase food production to help feed the growing world population 提供粮食产量为不断增加的世界人口提供食物
keep soil from drying out and prevents the loss of soil 避免土壤干化和流失 One important form of soil conservation is the use of windbreaks. 土壤保持的一个重要方法是利用防风林。
be carried out in a way that does not damage the environment 以一种不破环环境的方式被执行
avoid a possible grain shortage 避免可能出现的粮食短缺
deserve to be called a broad-minded policy 应被视为有长远眼光的策略 invest more in agricultural technology 加大对于农业科技的投资
Sustainable development methodes are designed to save resources. 开展可持续发展的目的在于节约资源。
3 政治
Political systems have evolves over several centuries. 政治制度是经历了好几个世纪的发展演变而来的。
undergo an economic and political transformation 经历经济和政治变革
well handle the relations among reform, development and stability 妥善处理改革、发展和稳定之间的关系
accoplish the great cause of national reunification 完成祖国统一大业 contribute to international peace and prosperity 为国际和平和繁荣作贡献 4 经济
attract more foreign investment 吸引更多外国投资
resources-efficient development mode 有效利用资源型发展模式 sharpen the international competitiveness 加强国际竞争力 secure the fair competition on the marker 保障市场上公平竞争 place emphasis on the future development 强调未来发展 try to gain a large market share 谋求更大的市场份额
maintain the competitiveness in market contests 保持在市场竞争中的竞争力 reserve and promote the sound and cooperative economic and trade tries between the two countries 保持和促进两国之间稳健合作的经济和贸易联系
三 教育、就业类 1 教育
achieve universal comsulsory education 普及全民义务教育 adult education 成人教育
conduct the education of the younger generation 对年轻一代进行教育 special education for the disabled children 为残疾儿童开设特殊教育 spread education 推广教育
take education seriously 重视教育
be firmly convinced that education pays 坚信受教育是有益的
borrow heavily from the western traditions in education 在教育上大量借鉴西方惯例
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develop a well-informed, critically thinking, and civically engaged citizenry 培养知识丰富、善于独立思考、能很好履行义务的公民
Family education is as important as public education. 家庭教育和学校教育一样重要。
Knowledge is priceless treasure. 知识是无价之宝。
talent training and quality education 人才培养和素质教育
transmit to youth the best of our culture 将我们最优秀的文化传给青年一代 understand the necessity of education 懂得教育的必要性
alleviate/reduce/lighten burdens on the students of elementary and secondary schools 减轻中小学生负担
arouse attention from all sectors of society 引起全社会的注意 call for alleviating burdens on students 呼吁减轻学生负担
Children get a better education today than at any time in the past. 今天的孩子受的教育比以往任何时候都要好。
Edution must be conbined with practice. 教育必须与实践相结合。
A college education in the United States in expensive. 美国大学教育的费用昂贵。
Increasing enrollment causes a sharp rise in educational costs. 扩大招生导致教育费用急剧上升。
Students pay their tuition fees and living costs from income earned through the work-study program. 学生用勤工俭学的收入缴纳学习费用和生活费用。
2 教学及教学方法
adopt a new approach in teaching 在教学中采用一套新做法
allow more time for individual instrucion and group discussion 给予更多时间做个人指导和小组讨论
impart knowledge to one’s students 把知识传授给学生 involve both bearning and teaching 涉及教与学两方面 make radical improvements in teaching 从根本上改进教学 stick to the traditional teaching methods 固守传统教学法 teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教 3 教学管理 (1)学校
abide by the school rules 遵守学校的规章
collect subscription for the putting up of a charity school 募捐筹建慈善学校 found an establishment of a private school 建立私利学校
make the most economical of school facilities 充分利用学校资源 part-work and part-study school 半工半读学校 (2)学生
be a good student in comparison with sb. 与某人相比,算是好学生 be concerned about the students ideology 从思想上关心学生 be heavily burdened with schoolwork 学校功课负担太重 dropouts 辍学者
encourage the students to think their own thoughts 鼓励学生独立思考 errors common among students 学生常犯的错误
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give heart to students 鼓励学生
give individual attention to each student 给每个学生以个别关注 Good teachers impart wisdom to his students. 好老师赋予学生智慧。 It is the duty of a student to study hard. 努力学习是学生的本分。 self-supporting graduate student 自费研究生
try one’s best to have the students take the initiative in learning 尽力调动学生的学习积极性
a developing borderline science 一门正在发展的边缘科学 an extensive subject 一门内容广博的学科 complete undergraduate study 完成本科学业
inspire self-conscious debates over the worth of a business degree 引发有关工商学位价值的讨论
Science and technology are productive forces. 科学技术是生产力。 this subject and its numerous ramifications 这门学科以及它的许多分支 (4)课程
a great number of students are enrolled in ? 大量学生报名?
approaches to teaching science and math vary 科学课和数学课的教学方法有所不同
arrange the curriculum 安排课程 at the end of the course 结业时
Graduate study is more intensive and specialized. 研究生学习更精深、更专业。 have less courses, but in greater depth 课程少一些,但更深入 non-required subjects 选修课 (5)招生
a form of application for enrollment 大学申请表
enroll in a college without being strongly motivated 不迫切希望报名就读某大学
enter for an examination 报名参加考试
Entrance requirements differ greatly. 入学条件很不一样。 increase enrollment 扩招 (6)学历及文凭
acknowledge a diploma of graduation 公证一份学位证书
be granted an official certificate from ? 被授予由?颁发的正式证书 confer diplomas on members of the graduating class 向毕业生颁发学位证 education with record of formal schooling 学历教育
obtain a license or a certificate for one’s job or career 获得从事自己工作或职业的执照或证书
pursue graduate study 读研究生
try to obtain the undergraduate diploma through self-taught study 试图通过自学获得本科文凭
adopt an academic credit system 采取学分制
be a student of fine qualities and fine scholar 品学兼优
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broad mental development 全面的智能发展
develop an interest in learning 培养学习兴趣 drop out of school 退学 further education 深造
implementing the new standards 实施新的标准
investigate all sides of a question and all possible solutions to a problem 调查研究问题的各个方面及各种可能的解决方法
learn admission status 了解录取情况 letter of recommendation 推荐信 meet the standards 符合标准
possess both political integrity and professional ability 德才兼备 shake their confidence 动摇他们的信心 4 学习
achieve the goal one has set for oneself 达到为自己确立的目标 be completely absorbed in study 把精力完全贯注在学习上 derive pleasure from one’s studies 从学习中获得乐趣
distract one’s mind from one’s study 分散某人学习的注意力 learn through one’s valuable experience 从自己宝贵的经验中学习 neglect one’s studies 忽视自己的学习
place the study ahead of anything else 把学习放在第一位 stimulate oneself to study 发奋学习
study harder under the stimulus of praise 在表扬的激励下更加努力学习 study assiduously and perseveringly 持之以恒地刻苦学习 (2)方法和习惯
gain new insights through restudying old material 温故而知新 lay the basis for further study 为进一步深造奠定基础 store/stock one’s mind with knowledge 用知识充实头脑
Unless you study hard you will not pass the exam. 除非你用功,否则不会及格 (3)考试
a certificate examination 证书考试
be quite confident of passing the examination 坚信自己能通过考试 conduct an examination 举行考试
gain distinction in the examination 考试成绩优秀
take part in the entrance exams for graduate school 考研
We should study hard at ordinary times to avoid making a frantic last-minute effort. 我们应该平时多烧香,免得考试时临时抱佛脚。
hand in an examination 交卷 machine scoring 机器阅卷
take a written examination 参加笔试 (5)成绩
become complacent over any success 一有成绩就自满起来 carry forward one’s achievements 发扬成绩
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come off with honors 以优异成绩通过 measure sb.’s success 衡量某人的成绩 (6)毕业
attent the graduation ceremony 参加毕业典礼
be assigned to work in the remote region after graduation 毕业后分配到边远地区
be recommended to the postgraduate school after completing one’s regular college course 本科毕业后直升研究生
begin to work soon after graduating 毕业后不久开始工作
Entrance into college means employment security. 进入大学意味着工作有了保障。 fill all requirements for graduation 具备毕业的一切条件 gain graduate certificate/receive a diploma 获得学位证书 have independent mind 会独立思考 make full use of talents 使人尽其才
The job hunt faces this year’s graduates. 本届毕业生面临就业问题。 university student’s innovative undertaking 大学生创业 young people on the threshold of life 刚刚进入社会的年轻人 5 就业
accept the editorship of a magazine 接受一家杂志的编辑工作
acquire a key position in an eminent company 在一著名公司身居要职 be assigned to the position of ? 被分配?的工作 be rapt in one’s new job 把精力贯注在新工作上 engage upon a new position 从事新职业 permanent occupation 固定职业
secure a more lucrative employment 获得一份赚钱更多的职业 seek a steady and well-paid job 找到既稳定有待遇优厚的工作
allow employees to contribute and to feel powerful and important 让员工尽责尽力并意识到自己的作用和重要性
workaholic 工作狂
be adequate for the job 能够胜任工作
be devoid of professional sense 缺乏职业观念 be very conscientious in one’s work 对工作负责
Hard and honest work is the surest way to establishment. 努力而诚实的工作是最可靠的成功之道。
keep pounding away at one’s work 持续努力工作
measure up to one’s job in every way 各方面都能胜任工作 put one’s whole soul into one’s work 全神贯注工作
dedicate the great portion of one’s life to ? 把一生的大部分时间致力于? take pay cuts 接受降薪
an army of the unemployed 失业大军
since depression began 自从经济萧条开始以来
unemployment insurance/payments 失业保险/救助金 be fired 被解雇
be the right person 是合适的人选
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go for the job interview 参加求职面试 go job hunting in the web 上网求职
rely on one’s own skills and capabilities for one’s success 依赖自己的技能和能力获得成功
think sb.’s is qualified for the job 认为某人有资格胜任这份工作 be optimistic and cooperative 乐观向上,善于与人协作
get second starts in careers that have greater appeal to ? 重新开始一份对?有更大吸引力的工作
四 家庭类 1 老年人
guarantee for old age security 给老年人提供保障 live on pension 靠养老金生活
build up homes for the aged 建造老人院
As one gets older, he is more liable to have health problems. 年纪大了容易添病。
Movement becomes difficult with age. 随着年事的增高行动变得困难。
The vigor of a person’s body lessens as he grows old. 人到老年体力就变弱了。 be calculated to prolong one’s life 延年益寿 think young and stay young 精神年轻就能保持年轻
three important things for a long old life: fresh air, fresh food, simple life 长寿的三要素:新鲜空气、新鲜食物、简单生活
Medical expenses remain a serious problem for the aged. 医疗开支对于老年人是很大的困难。
be lonely and starving for companionship 因孤独而渴望有人作伴 keep active, alert and open-minded 保持积极向上、机敏和开朗
The worst problems of the old age are health, loneliness and personal sagety. 老年人最可怕的问题是健康、孤独和个人安全。
have a close relationship with their children 与子女保持密切关系
The old and the young do not always understand each other. 老年人与年轻人往往不能互相理解。
China is a nation that is proud of the virtue of filial piety. 中国是一个以孝道为自豪的民族。
Filial piety is defined as “a son’s or daughter’s obedience to and respect for parents”. 孝顺指的是儿女对父母的顺从和尊敬。
have the duty to support and assist one’s parents 有赡养扶助父母的义务 We should be considerate of the comfort of old people. 我们应该为老年人的舒适着想。
Changes have taken place in the roles of women in society. 妇女在社会中的作用发生了变化。
abolish all inequalities 消除各个方面的不平等
adhere to the principle of equality 坚持平等的原则
compete with men in the professions on equal terms 在职业生涯上在同等条件下与男人竞争
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eliminate sexual discrimination 消除性别歧视 enter the labor force 参加到劳动力大军中来
liberate women from the kitchen 把妇女从厨房中解放出来 (3)养育子女
arrange for one’s children’s education 安排子女的教育事宜
give their children a first-rate education 使得孩子受到第一流的教育 have no control over the children at all 一点也管不住自己的孩子 make children fit to live in a society 使孩子们适合在社会中生存
Parents should be responsible for their child’s behavior. 父母应对子女的行为负责。
A judicious parent encourages his children to decide many things for themselves. 明智的父母会让孩子在许多事情上自己做决定。
All their affection is centered on their children. 他们的全部爱都集中在孩子身上。
be too permissive with their children 对孩子有求必应 be addicted to net games 迷恋网络游戏 be easily affected 易受影响 be self-centered 以自我为中心
develop strong dislike for studying 对读书产生强烈的反感情绪 have premature love affairs 早恋
never attain any independence and initiative 没有养成独立性和自觉性 play truant 逃学
suffer from nervousness, anxiety, depression and so on 感到紧张、不安、压抑等
have heart-to-heart chats with them 与他们倾心交谈 help sb. out of his honeliness 帮助某人摆脱孤独 open the hot line 开通热线
set a good example to his children 为孩子树立好榜样 五 文化类
bring culture to people 向人们传播文化 culture industry 产业文化 screen cultrue 影视文化 classical art 古典艺术 costume art 服装艺术
programs for prime time 黄金时段节目 chrity performance 义演
appear in public 出现在公众面前
be well received/receive a warm welcome/be most welcome 受欢迎 big shot/top notch 大腕 enjoy privileges 享受特权
invite movie stars, sports stars or celebrities in entertainment or literature circles to shoot TV advertisements 请电影明星、体育明星、文艺界名人拍电视广告
seek celebrity charm 追求明星效应
successfully play to the gallery 成功地迎合低级趣味,讨好观众
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be careful about which program one wants to watch and which program one doesn’t 谨慎决定自己要看什么节目,不看什么节目
be both instructive and entertaining 既有教益又有娱乐性
play a posive/negative role in the life 在生活中起积极/消极作用 depend on what a person’s life-style is 取决于个人生活方式 occupy one’s spare time 占据业余时间
seldom think of the effect the program/show will have on sb. 很少考虑节目对某人的影响
Television itself is neither good nor bad. 电视本身无所谓好或坏。 watch rubbishy commercials 看低劣的电视广告
escape from the boredom of daily life 逃离乏味的日常生活 culture shock 文化冲击
experience a different culture 体验不同的文化 get into touch with other cultures 接触其他文化
immerse oneself in different cultures 深入了解不同的文化
know how people live in defferent parts of the world 了解世界其他地方人们如何生活
truly expand one’s mind 真正开阔眼界
widen/broaden/expand one’s mind 使心胸开阔
cultivate one’s tastes and relax 陶冶情操并休闲放松 far away from modern civilization 远离现代文明 It is not the fashion to do ? 现在不时兴?
be too busy to find time to pursue a hobby 忙得无暇从事业余爱好活动 take hobbies to develop new interests 从事业余爱好活动以发展新的兴趣 六 医药、健康类
cultivate/develop healthy habits in daily life 在日常生活中培养健康的习惯 form good living habits and reform the bad ones 养成良好的生活习惯并摒弃坏的习惯
live a healthy and productive life 生活健康向上
Ads are not a good source of health care advice. 对广告做得保健宣传不能太相信。
have to adapt to environment declines 不得不适应恶化的环境 improve the health of the people 提高人民健康水平 七 自然与环境
accept the need for conservation of natural resources 认识到保护自然资源的必要
accept the need for conservation of wildlife resources 认识到保护野生动物的必要
be graceful for the benefits which nature has so 感谢大自然对我们的慷慨恩赐 follow the inexorable law of nature 遵循大自然的必然规律 the problems of the world water resources 世界水资源问题 limitable/limited resources 有限的资源
make full use of our nature conditions 最大限度地利用我们的自然条件
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put particular emphasis on the preservation of natural resources 重视保护自然资源
the effect of physical environment upon man’s life 自然环境对人类生活的影响 utilize all available resources/put all available resources to use 利用一切可能的资源
bring unnecessary destruction to natural resources 对自然资源造成不必要的破坏
violate the rules of nature 违反自然规律
A great tidal wave swept the coast. 强大的海啸席卷沿海地区。 be plagued with soil erosion 遭受水土流失的困扰 global warming 全球变暖
have a severe shock of earthquake 经受一次大地震 suffer a calamity 遭受灾害
make preparations against natural disaster 为预防自然灾害做准备 establish a stable balance of nature 建立自然的稳定平衡
recover from the effects of natural disasters 从自然灾害的影响中恢复过来 Any change will affect our life and our environment. 任何变化都会影响我们的生活和环境。
Means of modern transportation consume too much energy. 现代交通工具消耗过多能源。
An ecosystem must remain stable. 生态系统必须保持稳定。 ecological construction 生态建设 environmental greening 环境绿化 八 社会问题类
A major purpose of advertising is to construct a positive image about a company’s name and products. 广告宣传的一个主要目的之一是公司的声明和产品打造良好形象。
Advertising has become an indispensable means of selling goods. 广告宣传已成为产品销售的一个不可或缺的手段。
cheeky television ads 厚颜无耻的电视广告 exaggerated ads 夸大其词的广告
False ads jeopardize consumer rights. 虚假广告侵犯消费者的权利。 comply with the consumer protection law 遵守消费者保护法 violate the consumer rights 侵犯消费者的权利 avoid being a victim of fraud 避免成为欺诈受害者
be held accountable for the violation of law 被追究违法责任 piracy thriving in the virtual world 虚拟世界猖獗的盗版行为 take drastic actions against pirated goods 盗版商品的价值 九 体育类
Ball games are widespread. 球类运动很流行。
be in top condition at all times 随时保持最佳竞技状态 be keen on surfing 喜欢冲浪运动
be vigorous rather than skilful 与其说是身手不凡不如说是强壮有力 an upsurge in sports activities 体育运动热潮
develop mass sports activities 开展群众性体育运动
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encourage athletics 鼓励开展体育运动
Exercise is the necessary to strengthen the body. 运动对于强身健体是必要的。 Exercise is the best preservative of health. 运动是最好的保健品。 Exercise makes one strong. 生命在于运动。 practice wholesome exercise 从事有益健康运动
Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension. 放松运动可松缓身体的紧张。 Sports may be a safety valve for people’s violent feelings. 运动是可以使人的强烈感情得以发泄的稳妥方式。
take regular exercise in the open 经常参加户外运动 an unique heritage 独特的遗产
carry forward the spirit of Olympics 发扬奥运精神
build up a good physique to defend the country 锻炼身体,保卫祖国
Do not become cocky/be dizzy with success, nor downcast over/discouraged by defeat. 胜不骄,败不馁。
high-morale and strong will; high-spirited and firmly-determinded 昂扬的斗志和顽强的毅力
in the true spirit of the sportmanship 以真正的体育道德精神 spiritual pillar 精神支柱
When asked about the ongoing uproar involving U.S. President Bill
1. Clinton , most people say the affair involves a purely private matter .
But many other people regard his actions as deplorable . I personally think the president committed impeachable offences .
当被问及对现在有关美国总统比尔?克林顿的沸沸扬扬的议论有什么看法时,大多数人认为这种暧昧关系纯属私事。但是,还有很多人认为他的行为应当 受到谴责。我个人认为总统犯了这些过错,应该被指控。 2. When it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing , some people think that use should be limited . Others argue that the opposite is true . There is probably some truth to both arguments,but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles. 涉及北京机动车使用量增加这一问题,有的人认为应该限制使用。另一些人持相反意见。也许双方的观点都有一定道理,但是,无论车辆多少,必须对废 气排放实行控制。
3. There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers . Those who object to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and harm social stability . They believe that strict limits should be placed on migrants entering China ' s cities . But people who favor the influx of the cheap labor force , on the other hand , maintain that migrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure construction program . 目前,针对流动工人的问题展开了普遍的争论。反对流动工人增加的人认为这会导致犯罪率升高,从而危害社会稳定。他们主张应该严格限制进入中国城 市的流动工人。但是,另一方面,支持廉价劳动力流入的人主张,为了支持大规模的城市基础设施建设规划,流动人口是必需的。
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4. It is widely acknowledged that extensive deforestation contributed to heavy summer flooding . Experts argue that China must introduce a massive afforestation program . But I doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem . 人们普遍认为过度砍伐造成了夏季特大洪水。专家认为中国必须推行大规模的植树造林计划。但我对仅仅植树造林就能解决问题表示怀疑。 5. Most people are of the opinion that wealth provides solutions to all problems . But in spite of the material benefits wealth provides , I believe one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness . 大多数人认为财富为所有问题提供解决的办法。但是,我认为,尽管财富提供物质上的利益,一个人应该放弃物质至上的追求,而是集中精力追求幸福。
6. Many people believe that capital punishment deters crime . But although criminologists have conducted exhaustive research regarding the subject , little evidence exists to support the claim .
7. An increasing number of people are joining the \Internet . In reaction to the phenomenon , some say the Internet has removed barrters and provided people with immediate access to the world . But do they raelize that rapidly advancing information technology can also lead to intrusions of privacy ? 越来越多的人通过互联网进入了“信息时代”。针对这一现象,一些人认为互联网消除了障碍,为人们提供了与世界即时链接的途径。但是,他们有没有 意识到迅速发展的信息技术也能导致侵犯隐私?
8. The use of guanxi is a widespread method for conducting business , but is it a wise one ? The method is now being challenged by more and more people .利用关系是做生意的普遍做法,但这种做法明智吗?现在,越来越多的人对这种方法提出了质疑。 9. These days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and poor . Some argue the developed world has totally ignored the problem . But has it ? Close examination fails to bear out the argument . 最近,我们经常听到贫富差距扩大了的说法。一些人认为发达世界完全忽略了这个问题。事实是这样吗?细致的调查无法证实这一观点。
10. We ' re often told that the world is tethering on the brink of destruction . But is this really the case ?
11. One of the pressing problema facing our nation ( China ) today is overcoming disparities in urban and rural income levels .
12. One of the most serious problems many people talk about centers on the lack of adequate housing space .
13. Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is official corruption , which is pervasive in all levels of government . 也许当今困扰国家的最危险的现象是遍布各级政府的官员腐败。
14. Inflation is yet another new and bitter truth we must learn to face . 通货膨胀又是一个我们必须学会面对的痛苦的新情况。
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15. The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land , and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture . The government has attached greater importance to the problem and an increasing number of redundant projects are being terminated . 城区的迅速扩大在很多情况下侵占了宝贵的可耕地,使人们普遍认识到发展不能以牺牲农业为代价。政府更加重视这个问题,越来越多的不必要的工程被 终止。
16. There is a growing worldwide awareness of the need for strengthened environmental protection .
世界上越来越多的人认识到加强环境保护的必要性。 17. There has been a dramatic increase in the spread of HIV/AIDS in recent years , with a new study projecting that the dreaded disease will affect over 30 million people worldwide by the year 2005 .
18. Working with the disabled cannot help but leave one impressed with their indefatigable desire .
与残疾人一起工作使一个人不得不对他们坚持不懈的渴望印象深刻。 19. Perhaps no issues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortion , both of which involve taking the life of a human being .
20. Never before in history has the issue of overpopulation been more evident than now .
历史上,人口过剩的问题从来没有比现在更加突出。 21. Perhaps it is time to reexamine the idea that college degrees are a guarantee of intelligence .
22. A growing number of people are beginning to realize that wealth is not the sole prerequisite for happiness .
23. In spite of the extraordinary progress made in science and technology , problems remain in terms of guaranteeing that achievements benefit the greatest number of people .
24. A famous thinker once wrote that \the greatest threat to mankind is mankind itself ! \ponder our futuer existence .
25. U.S. President Harry Truman once remarked : \view has been confirmed by numerous world leaders who have assumed full responsibility for their actions . 美国总统杜鲁门曾经说过:“责任止于此!”(意为勿再把责任往别处推,这是杜鲁门办公室桌上的座右铭)他的观点得到了很多对自己的行动承担完全 责任的世界领袖的肯定。
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26. Large families were once seen as a blessing . Today , however , things are changing and an increasing number of Chinese parents realize that fewer is better . 大家庭曾经被看做是一种福气。然而,今天,情况改变了,越来越多的中国家长意识到家庭成员越少越好。
27. People used to place total reliance on the government . The so-called \iron rice bowl \
过去,人们习惯完全依靠政府。以前盛行所谓的“铁饭碗”,但今天的情况有很大的不同。 28. Several years ago , Chinese streets were filled with people wearing identical drab clothing . Today , however , things are quite different and the streets are awash with people wearing fashionable bright colored outfits . Why has the change taken place ?
许多年前,中国大街上的人都穿一样的灰褐色衣服。然而,今天的情况大不一样了,街上满是一个个身穿色彩艳丽的时髦衣服的人。出现这种变化的原因 是什么呢?
29. Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between mediocrity and success lies solely with the individual concerned . Successful individuals consistently seek advancement , while their less industrious contemporaries are merely content with the status quo . 对人们行为的多年观察使我能够得出这样的结论:平庸和成功的主要区别仅仅在于相关的个人。成功的个人不断寻求进步,而他们比较懒惰的同时代人仅 仅满足于现状。
30. Traditional way of thinking have changed dramatically . The pendulum has swung and people are exhibiting greater open-mindedness and a burning desire to detemine their own destiny .
传统的思维方式有了显著的变化。舆论发生了剧变,人们表现出更开放的思想以及决定他们自己命运的强烈愿望。 31. There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards the worship of money . A recent survey showed that X percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority , compared to X percent only a few years ago . Why do people fail to realize that wealth does not necessarily bring happiness ? 近年来出现了对社会有害的拜金主义倾向。最近的一项调查表明,X%的调查对象把致富作为他们的首选,相比之下,就在几年前,只有X%的人这样 想。为什么人们没能意识到财富不一定带来幸福呢? 32. Some months ago , a friend of mine was killed in a tragic automobile accident involving a drunk driver . The incident was far from rare , and was in fact typical of thousands of cases involving people dricing under the influence of alcohol . 几个月前,我的一个朋友死于一场与酒后驾车有关的悲惨车祸。这件事情一点儿也不罕见,事实上是数以千计的案件的典型,这些案件与在酒精作用下开 车的人有关。
33. I recently read a newspaper article on the rampant spread of child abuse . The deplorable problem of the widespread abuse of innocent children has aroused public concern nationwide . 最近,我在报纸上读到一篇关于虐待儿童现象变得猖獗的文章。普遍虐待无辜儿童的问题令人深感遗憾,它已经引起了全国公众的关注。 34. Should parents spare the rod and spoil the child ? Opinions concerning strict parental discipline vary widely . Some view strict discipline as nothing more than
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a form of abuse , while others argue it is an essential factor for instilling appropriate social behavior .
家长应不应该闲了棍子、惯了孩子?针对严厉的家教的看法大相径庭。有的人就是把严厉的管教看成一种虐待,而另外的人认为这是逐渐灌输得体的社会 行为的要素。 35. What do you think of the increasing openness accompanying the ongoing sexual revolution ? Do you ever fantasize ? Answers to these questions should be based on a determination between appropriate and inappropriate behavior .
36. Why do some governments persist in spending billions of dollars on space exploration when starvation and poverty continue to grip many countries throughout the world ? This particular question is being raised by an ever increasing number of people .
37. Judging from the reams of evidence presented , we can safely conclude that the Three Gorges Project will change the lives of an untold number of people forever . 根据现有的大量证据,我们可以有把握地得出这样的结论:三峡工程将永远改变无数人的生活。
38. The ample evidence presented enables us to reasonably conclude that the scourge of AIDS will be brought under control in the foreseeable future . 提出的充分证据使我们能够合理地得出这样的结论:艾滋病的祸害在可预见的将来就能得到控制。 39. We must seek immediate solutions for problems leading to the rapid depletion of the earth's ozone layer . If allowed to proceed unchecked , the problem will undoubtedly exacerbate global warming and threaten life as we know it today . 我们必须寻求立即解决引起地球臭氧层快速损耗的问题的办法。如果任其自由发展,这一问题无疑会加剧全球升温,并且正如今天我们所知道的那样危及 生命。 40. Quite obviously , immediate action is needed to extricate 80 million Chinese people from the grips of poverty in order to remove the danger of social unrest and ensure continuing stability .
41. China needs to reexamine the results of political and social modernization in order to ascertain the benefits and indeed the detrimental aspects from a new perspective . Otherwise , various perceived accomplishments might in fact prove to be far from beneficial .
中国需要重新检查政治和社会现代化带来的结果以便从新的角度明确它们的好处,甚至是有害的方面。否则,许多我们以为取得的成就实际上可能完全不 会带来好处。
42. It is essential to heed warnings of potentially catastrophic consequences associated with the Year 2000 computer bug and , in turn , to attach top priority to finding effective solutions to ensure a smooth transition into the new century . 我们必须注意有关计算机千年虫可能带来的灾难性结果的警告,并且相应地优先考虑寻找有效的解决办法以确保顺利过渡到新世纪。
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43. It is high time we put an end to the deplorable practice of infanticide. 我们早该杜绝杀婴这种应遭谴责的做法。
44. There is little doubt that immediate action is required to eliminate the scourge of corruption once and forever .
毫无疑问,必须立即采取行动彻底消除腐败的祸害。 45. In short , we must work diligently to make the world a better place for coming generations . We must not persist in pursuits harmful to the environment .
46. We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption . We must instead continue to recognize the benefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity .
47. It is absolutely essential to reverse the irrational misuse of nonrenewable resources . For example , fuel-efficient motor vehicles must be developed to reduce oil consumption and alternative energy sources must be found to replace coal . 彻底改变对不可再生资源的非理性滥用是绝对有必要的。例如,必须开发节能的机动车减少汽油的消耗量,并且必须找到可替代能源取代煤。
48. While achieving success is easier said than done , persistence does in fact pay off . One of the most important traits of a successful person is self-confidence , another is desire , and still another is determination . 获得成功说起来比做起来容易,然而坚持不懈确实会有好结果。成功人士的最重要的特征之一是自信,第二是渴望,还有一个是决心。
49. Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution . 认识到问题是找到解决办法的第一步。
50. Many of the explanations offered thus far are at least to a certain extent valid , but none fully address the problem and the issue must be examined in a wider context .
51. There are no immediate solutions for reversing the Asian financial crisis , but convincing affected nations to practice fiscal restraint will be highly beneficial .
没有能立即扭转亚洲金融危机的办法,但是,它使受到影响的国家相信实行财政控制将大有益处。 52. Immediate solutions for solving problems surrounding poverty remain elusive . However , public recognition of the necessity to provide a better quality of life for millions of people will represent the first step in finding effective solutions . 立即解决贫困问题的办法仍然是难以捉摸的。然而,公众认识到为数百万人提供更高质量的生活的必要性是找到有效的解决办法的第一步。
53. What dose the future hold if mankind persists in wasting natural resources ? While no one knows for sure , scientists do exhibit a degree of certainty when predicting that future generations will face a dramatically diffrernt world .
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如果人类继续浪费自然资源,未来将会有什么贮藏?没有人知道明确的答案,但是,科学家在预测后代将面对一个迥然不同的世界时确实有一定的把握。 54. Reversing undesirable social trends will be far from an easy task and will require a dramatic change in attitudes . A keen awareness of right from wrong is essential for determining appropriate social behavior . 扭转不好的社会趋势远非一件易事,看法需要有巨大的变化。对正误的深刻认识是判定得体的社会行为所必需的。
55. We owe a debt of gratitude to the many individuals who dedicated their lives to making the world a better place . However , we must not rest on their accomplishments , but must instead work assiduously to record even greater achievements .
56. The two major challenges facing China today center on maintaining sustained economic growth and feeding its growing population of over 1.2 billion people with only seven percent of the world's cultivable land . Despite the monumental difficulties involved , Chinese people will undoubtedly exhibit their indefatigable resilience and achieve great success in both regards . 现在,中国面临的两大挑战是保持持续的经济增长和靠世界上仅仅百分之七的可耕地养活仍在增长的12亿人口。尽管遇到的困难很大,中国人无疑会表 现出不知疲倦的活力,在两方面都取得巨大成功。 57. We do , in fact , have a long way to go to reach our final goal , but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility . 事实上,我们达到最终的目标还有很长的路要走,但是,取得一些成绩还是可能做到的。 58. The time is right for us to take full advantage of ample existing opportunities .
59. While it remains to be seen whether or not environmental deterioration can be controlled , the current prospects are far from encouraging . People around the world must act immediately to prevent the situation from deteriorating even further . 环境恶化是否能得到控制这个问题仍然没有答案,但目前的前景一点儿也不乐观。全世界的人必须立即行动,防止情况进一步恶化。
60. The methodology suggested may not guarantee ultimate success , but the eventual pay-off could well be worth the effort . Achieving even partial success will benefit mankind and contribute to creating a better world . 提出的方法不一定保证最终的成功,但最后的结果非常值得付出努力。即使只获得部分成功也会使人类受益,
61. Admittedly , ensuring sustainable development will require a certain level of sacrifice and arduous efforts on the part of all people . Nonetheless , the accrued returns will both strengthen the nation and ensure a better life for all Chinese citizens .
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62. The rapid emergence of homes for senior citizens represents a sharp
divergence from the traditional Chinese practice of maintaining the nuclear family at all costs .
老人疗养院的迅速出现体现了与中国传统的不惜一切代价维持核心家庭的做法的显著分歧。 63. Participating in interactive experiences beneficial to all is something that no one should miss . The valuable lessons learned therefrom should not be arbitrarily dismissed , but should instead be treasured .
64. Abortion advocates may be correct in their assertion that the practice is a necessary tool of population control , but they seem to neglect the preciousness of human life in its earliest stages .
65. Some people assert that nothing is impossible . Such people should get a grip on reality and understand it's impossible to create another Universe . In more down-to-earth terms , it's impossible to know with any certainty whether you will live or die tomorrow .
66. Two major factors contributed to devastating summer flooding along the Yangtze River and its tributaries . First , erosion resulting from excessive deforestation in the upper reaches of the river and , second ,heavy silting which raised the riverbed in the main channel .
67. Greed and a total lack of social consciousness have been cited as major reasons for the dramatic rise corruption .
68. There are several reasons for the marked increase in China's crime rate—the dramatic influx of itinerant workers in urban areas ; declining social values ; and widening disparities between the haves and have-nots .
69. Why are an increasing number of elderly Chinese parents living apart from their children ? One reason is the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation . Another is expanding social opportunities for the elderly . Perhaps the main reason , however , centers on dramatic changes in traditional concepts . 为什么越来越多的中国老人不和他们的孩子住在一起?原因之一是年轻一代的上进心增强了。另一个原因是社会上老人的机会增加了。然而,主要的原因 可能是传统观念发生了巨大变化。 70. What has sparked the increasing interest in exercise ? For one thing , people have gained a greater awareness of the need for physical fitness . For another ,
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the constantly improving standard of living enables Chinese people to patronize the increasing number of recreational venues . The main thing perhaps centers on the healthcare and psychological benefits exercise provides .
什么引发了人们对锻炼越来越浓的兴趣?一方面,人们更加清楚地意识到保持身体健康的必要性。另一方面,不断提高的生活水平使中国人能够支付增加 的娱乐支出。最主要的可能在于锻炼带来的保健和心理上的好处。
71. Identifying the reasons for an emerging phenomenon which involves several complicated factors is far from an easy task . For example , some scientists attribute environmental deterioration to a series of natural factors , while others place the blame solely on inappropriate human behavior .
要找到涉及许多复杂因素的新现象的原因远非一件易事。例如,一些科学家把环境的恶化归结为一些自然因素,而另一些人把责任都推在人类不适当的行 为上。
72. One doesn't have to look far to realize the direct correlation between smoking and cancer .
73. The explanation for the phenomenon of the rising teenage suicide rate involves many complicated factors . Some attribute the rise to an overemphasis on early success , others point to mounting peer pressure , and still others to confusion over changing social values .
对上升的少年自杀率的解释涉及很多复杂的因素。有的人把上升的原因归结为过分强调少年时期的成功,有的人指出是因为不断增长的同伴之间的压力, 还有人认为是对不断变化的社会价值的迷茫造成的。
74. The reasons for antisocial behavior are both complicated and varied . I suggest the phenomenon results from inappropriate role models and the lack of well-defined norms of behavior . However , the main reason is quite likely the continuing degeneration of social values . 反社会行为的原因既复杂又多样。我认为这种现象是不恰当的角色典型和缺少行为规范的很好的定义造成的。然而,主要原因很可能是不断贬低的社会价 值。
75. The causes of racial hatred are not readily definable . Sociologists , however , attribute them to the misguided concept of a superior race and an innate mistrust of people of color . Perhaps the main cause is quite simply ignorance . 种族仇恨的起因没有现成的答案。然而,社会学家把原因归结为被误导的更高贵的种族的观念以及天生的对有色人种的不信任。主要原因可能仅仅是因为 无知。
76. The scourge of HIV/AIDS currently engulfing the world will quite likely be brought under control within the next few years thanks to the untiring efforts of scientists and researchers worldwide .
77. The incidence rate of cancer mainly stems from several factors , including inappropriate diets , poor healthcare practices and the lack of early detection . Continuing medical advances and rising awareness do , however , offer promising hope for the future .
癌症的发病率主要由以下诸多因素引起,包括不适当的饮食、不好的保健习惯以及没有及早发现。然而,医学的不断进步和对此不断增强的关注给未来带 来了很大的希望。
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78. Increased urban pollution levels and the mounting death toll from motor vehicles accidents can mainly be attributed to the glut of automobiles appearing on city roads in recent years . Detrimental factors will quite likely outweigh the benefits of rising automobile usage .
79. The rising divorce rate in China can , at least in part , be attributed to spousal incompatibility , disparities in education levels , changing social attitudes and the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation .
80. State-owned enterprises are not only failing because of inefficient
management , but also because of their inability to awitch operational modes from the former planned economy to the new market economy . 国有企业失败不仅由于低效的管理,也因为他们不能实现从以前的计划经济到新的市场经济的运作模式的转换。
81. Although we do not know the long-term consequences of separation or deprivation , we do know that they can produce acute immediate distress .
虽然我们不知道分离和丧失亲人的长期后果,但我们知道它们能立即引起剧烈的悲痛。 82. One can raedily trace the disappearance of dinosaurs to a major cataclysmic event .
人们很容易把恐龙消失的原因归结为重大的灾难性事件。 83. The raesons for poverty are many , but for the most part center on illiteracy , the lack of opportunities and in some cases pure laziness .
贫困的原因很多,但主要是因为缺少教育、缺少机会,有的情况下纯粹是由于懒惰。 84. Child development depends on a number of factors , both physical and psychological . Correct parental nurturing from infancy through adolescence determines both the physical and mental profile of a mature individual . 儿童的发展取决于很多因素,包括生理的和心理的。从婴儿期到青春期的正确的家长教育决定一个成熟的个人的体质及智力的状况。
85. Factors such as self-condidence and ambition , combined with determination and willpower , contribute to eventual success or failure .
86. Various factors will weigh heavily on China's eventual entry into the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) . One centers on the total abandonment of protectionism , and the other on the adoption of generally accepted international accounting norms . 许多因素对中国最终加入世界贸易组织(WTO)有很大的影响。因素之一是彻底放弃保护主义,另一个因素是采用普遍接受的国际会计规范。 87. One of the most common failures of people today is to avoid telling the truth . People must realize that avoidance and lying have never in the past and , in fact , never will right a wrong .
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88. Central planning has , at least in part , been blamed for the current demise of state-owned enterprises . Perhaps , however , the greatest blame should be placed on factors such as grossly inefficient management ; the rampant practice of \guanxi \, cronyism and nepotism ; excessively large work forces ; abuses of social benefits ; and without a doubt corruption .
人们认为中央计划至少是现在国有企业失败的部分原因。然而,最主要的原因可能是极低效的管理、关系的普遍运用、任用亲信和裙带关系、大量过剩的 劳动力、社会救济金的滥用,当然还包括腐败。
89. A recent survey revealed large disparities in the income levels of male and female workers holding the same position . The determining factor should be
qualifications , rather than gender , when determining both the salary and position of an individual .
90. Social finesse , willingness to relocate and language capacity are also determinant factora in assessing job qualifications .
91. The tumultuous Cultural Revolution was chiefly responsible for the searing desire for change in China .
92. Traditional beliefs do not in themselves explain the lingering prevalence of outdated concepts in China .
传统信仰本身不能解释过时观念为何仍然在中国普遍存在。 93. Some lay the blame for falling exports squarely on financial turmoil sweeping many Asian countries . The fact of the matter is , however , that proportionate blame should be assigned to the lackadaisical approach to developing new markets , failure to improve product quality and government inaction in the realm of support . 有的人干脆认为造成出口下降的原因是横扫亚洲许多国家的金融危机。然而,事实是一部分原因应归结为开拓新市场的不得力的方法、改进产品质量的失 败以及政府没有表示支持的行动。 94. We often ignore the real problem and instead search for a needle in a haystack . Solving problems of any kind requires one to adopt a direct approach which addresses all relevant issues . 我们经常忽略实际问题,而是大海捞针。解决任何类型的问题都需要一个人采取直接的办法处理所有相关事情。
95. Claiming a lack of opportunities is nothing more than a superficial excuse for justifying failure . The fundamental reason for failure is most often the lack of drive on the part of the individual involved . 声称缺少机会不过是敷衍失败的借口。通常,失败最根本的原因是相关的个人本身缺乏动力。 96. We can , and quite often do , blame our contemporaries for personal failures , but the fact of the matter is that the root causes for most problems go much deeper . 我们可以,而且经常因个人的失败抱怨我们的同时代人,但是,事实是许多问题的根本原因要深刻得多。
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97. The rapidly emerging sexual revolution has been accompanied by many disturbing trends . Perhaps the most serious consequences center on the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) , rising prostitution and the rise in AIDS cases .
98. The deep impact of opening to the outside world is readily discernible in a number of areas : the adoption of many Western habits , both good and bad ; changing social and moral values ; the trend towards individualism ; and the introduction of state-of-the-art concepts and technology . The key to adopting Western way centers on accepting the good and rejecting the bad .
对外开放的深刻影响在许多方面都能看到:模仿西方的习惯,包括好的和坏的;改变社会和道德价值观;个人主义的趋势;引进已发展的概念和技术。采 取西方方式的关键在于取其精华,去其糟粕。
99. The arrival of the so-called \profound influence on our lives . The task at hand center on using the technology for beneficial purposes , while at the same time preventing intrusions of privacy and use of the electronic highway for deceitful purposes .
所谓“信息时代”的来临无疑将深刻地影响我们的生活。手头的任务主要是利用技术达到有意的目的,同时,防止侵犯隐私或者出于欺骗的目的利用电子 高速路。
100. No one can doubt that the reform and opening policies introduced in 1979 have had a profound impact on the lives of Chinese citizens . Changes resulting therefrom have not only impacted the economic system , but the social system as well . 没有人能怀疑1979年推出的改革开放政策对中国公民的生活产生了深刻的影响。由此造成的变化不仅影响了经济体制,而且影响了社会体制。
101. Effluent discharges of industrial wastewater and raw sewage into rivers , lakes and inshore coastal areas have not only adversely affected marine life and aquatic resources , but have also jeopardized one of the major necessities for sustaining life—Potable Water . 工业废水和原污水排放入河流、湖泊和近海岸区域不仅给海洋生物和水生资源带来了负面影响,而且也破坏了维持生命的主要必需品之一——饮用水。
102. It will have a direct bearing on the matter under discussion . 这将和正在讨论的问题有直接关系。
103. Rapid economic growth may lead to an overextension of resources and lead to an eventual catastrophic meltdown .
104. The immediate results of economic growth have created the illusion of unending prosperity . The best approach at this particular time is to perhaps err on the side of caution .
105. The benefits of technology are undeniable . Nonetheless , the fact that technology often negates the need for human beings in the workplace deserves careful consideration and retraining programs for affected individuals must be introduced .
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106. The lack of faith in government is the direct result of the prevailing distrust of politicians .
107. The advantages of harmonious relations far outweigh the disadvantages of confrontation .
108. Independence offers many advantages , the first and foremost of which is self-determination .
独立带来很多好处,首先也是最重要的是自决。 109. The contrast between right and wrong is highlighted by the benefits accruing from the former .
110. The most striking conclusion that can be reached when weighing the
advantages and disadvantages of the market economy is quite frankly prosperity . 很坦率地说,在权衡市场经济的利弊时能得出的最显著的结论是繁荣。
111. The ridiculous amount of money some countries spend on military hardware is absurd when considering the number of people starving in many developing countries . 考虑到一些发展中国家挨饿的人的数量,一些国家把大量资金花费在重型军事装备上显得很荒谬。
112. The loss of perquisites enjoyed by government officials and business executives pales in comparison to the plight of refugees in many war-torn countries . 与许多饱受战争创伤的国家的难民所处的困境相比,政府官员和商业管理者失去所享受的特权就相形见绌了。
113. While the long-term problem of global warming is indeed serious , its significance diminishes somewhat when considering immediate problems such as rapid environmental deterioration and the rampant misuse and abuse of nonrenewable resources .
114. Owning a car might be preferable to owning a bicycle , but the problems associated with owning the former far outweigh those of the latter . For one thing , automobiles are exponentially more expensive and require greater maintenance . For another , bicycles don't pollute . 与拥有一辆自行车相比,人们更愿意拥有一辆汽车,但拥有后者涉及的问题远远超过前者。原因之一,汽车昂贵很多,需要更多的维护。原因之二,自行 车不会引起污染。 115. The advantages of family planning more than compensate for the disadvantages .
116. Claims of gender equality are laced with contradictions . The principal fallacy centers on the workplace and concept of equal pay for equal work . Another , but no less important , aspect revolves around the entry of women into top management positions .
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117. Both limitations and problems will quite likely be encountered during the ongoing transition to the market economy . For one thing , urgent measures are required to resolve problems involving state-owned enterprises . Another thorny issue involves controlling inflation in the face of emerging market forces . 正在进行的市场经济的转型很有可能将遇到限制和问题.一方面,需要紧要方法解决涉及国有企业的问题.另一棘手的问题涉及在市场力量形成的同时控 制通货膨胀.
118. Will the Three Gorges Project prove to be a monumental achievement or nothing more than a giant fiasco ? Opposition voices point to drawbacks such as the massive cost of the project , the need to relocate millions of local residents and destruction of the unique natural environment . Supporters , on the other hand , contend that the advantages—i.e. improved flood control , increased power
generation capacity and desirable impact on economic development in related areas —will far outweigh the disadvantages . Time will tell and history will judge the wisdom of the project .
三峡工程将成为极大的成功或只是彻底的失败?反对意见指出了诸如工程的巨额成本,数百万当地居民的重新安置以及独特的自然环境的破坏等障碍。另 一方面,支持者认为它的好处,例如对洪水控制的改善、发电能力的提高和对相关地区经济发展的影响将远远超过它坏处。至于建设这个工程明智与否,时间会告诉 我们,历史会做出判断。 119. Nothing approaches the love of a mother for her child . 没有东西可以和母爱相比。 120. Few scientific and technological achievements equal the success of landing men on the moon .
121. A question begging an answer centers on whether violence is more directly related to the innate characteristic of human being , or whether it is simply a manifestation of the ills of society . Determining the answer will be far from an easy proposition , but is nonetheless one that deserves careful and deliberate consideration .
122. From the standpoint of success , a good work ethic is no less important than an education . Success does , in fact ,depend on the total integration of both aspects .
从成功的角度来说,良好的职业道德与教育同等重要。事实上,成功的确建立在两方面完全融合的基础上。 123. The growing trend for wives to work outside the home even when their husbands are present and employed is in part a sharing of the financial burden with the husband , and in part a reflection of the need these women feel to have a measurable sense of personal worth .
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124. Just as honor is a prerequisite for respectability , so is unblemished character a barometer of integrity .
125. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the same is true for both the appreciation of art and music .
126. The direct correlation between self-esteem and success also applies to one's ability to achieve .
127. Improving the plight of teachers is indeed a priority item . However , improving the overall education system is likewise no less important .
改善教师的困难处境的确是优先处理的一件事情。但是,改进整个教育系统同等重要。 128. China and United States share many things in common . Firstly , both are major world powers . Secondly , the two nations offer mutually beneficial factors for development—China with its vast potential market and labor force , and the U.S. with its advanced technology and management expertise .
中国和美国有许多共同之处。首先,两个都是世界主要强国。第二,两个国家相互提供发展的有利因素——中国拥有巨大的潜在市场和劳动力,美国拥有 先进的技术和专业的管理知识。
129. The shaky truce in the Middle East bears little resemblance to the realization of ultimate peace .
130. Idleness spawns discontent , whereas overwork leads to mental and physical exhaustion .
131. Large and small enterprises differ in that the former usually involves conglomerates and the latter private individuals .
大企业和小企业的区别在于前者通常涉及联合大企业,后者涉及私营的个人。 132. Both automobiles and bicycles offer a convenient means of public conveyance , with one of the marked differences between the two centered on pollution caused by the former .
汽车和自行车都提供公共运输的便利方式,两者的显著区别之一在于前者引起污染。 133. Alcohol and tobacco are both highly addictive substances . However , unlike tobacco , which is known to cause cancer , studies indicate that alcohol does offer some health benefits when consumed in moderation .
134. One man's treasure is another man's junk . 一个人的宝贝对于另一个人来说是垃圾。
135. AIDS is no longer one of the Top 10 American killers , but the same cannot be said for many countries .
艾滋病不再是美国的十大杀手之一,但许多国家的情况并非如此。 136. Individualism was unheard of a short 30-odd years ago during the tumultuous Cultural Revolution . Things have changed today , however ,with color returning to
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the streets of Chinese streets , people gaining a greater degree of
self-determination and reform yielding monumental changes in traditional practices .
人们在三十多年前混乱的文化大革命时期没有听说过个人主义。然而,今天的情况不同了,中国的街道上又恢复了色彩,人们获得了更大的自主,改革带 来了传统方式的巨变。 137. Social inequities of the past are rapidly giving way to expanded social consciousness .
138. Many claim that the world's highly developed countries bear sole
responsibility for the plight of less-developed nations . I seriously doubt their contentions will bear the brunt of close scrutiny .
139. Although media reports expound on the volume of scientific and technological achievements , recent surveys indicate that the rapidity of transforming same into productive forces leaves much to be desired .
140. The popular belief in the invincibility of man is constantly rebuked by revaluations of man's fallibility .
141. While the inclination to procrastinate is common , one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays .
虽然拖延的倾向是普遍的,但是人们应该充分考虑到不必要的延误造成的有害影响。 142. The tendency to take things for granted is understandable , but the need for one to rationally evaluate the circumstances of any situation is absolutely essential .
想当然的倾向是可以理解的,但是,理智地估计任何情形的情况是完全必需的。 143. Most people are under the illusion that a college degree guarantees success . There is no such guarantee without hard work .
144. Some stubbornly hold to the correctness of traditional practices , but in so doing they seem to totally ignore the fact that progress depends on change . 一些人固执地坚持传统做法的正确性,但是,他们这么做,似乎完全忽视了进步依靠变化的事实。
145. Generally speaking , previous parliamentary policy debates ignored the relevance of transparency .
146. A precise definition of poverty is actually very difficult to determine . Where does one draw the line between those who are poor and those who are not ? 对贫困的精确定义实际上是很难的。如何在贫穷和非贫穷的人之间划一条界限呢? 147. Admittedly , bribery and corruption are endemic to our political and economic systems , but it doesn't necessarily follow that all politicians and business people resort to illicit behavior .
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148. There's little doubt that a third World War is avoidable , but it is highly unlikely that regional conflicts will disappear in the foreseeable future . 毫无疑问,第三次世界大战是可以避免的,但是,在可预见的将来地区冲突消失是非常不可能的。
149. Some people assume that investing in stock is a safe pursuit , but their assumption fails to hold water when considering the substantial risk involved . 有的人想当然地认为投资股票是有把握的事情,但是,考虑到涉及的巨大风险,他们的想当然就说不通了。
150. Some people have called for accelerated across-the-board changes . Their approach quite frankly ignores the need for gradual but effective changes . 一些人要求更快速的全盘改变。他们的做法的确忽略了渐进而有效的改变的必要性 151. There is undoubtedly an element of truth in assertions that capital punishment is necessary , but proponents seem to ignore the fact that the practice has failed to deter heinous crimes .
152. Many people assume that the extinction of a plant or animal species is of little consequence . Careful examination , however , reveals that the extinction of any one species disrupts the food chain , and the loss of a plant species leads to the disappearance of a key ingredient which might yield a cure for cancer . 许多人想当然地认为一种植物或动物的灭绝产生的后果很小。然而,仔细的考察揭示出任何一个物种的灭绝会破坏食物链,一种植物的消失造成有可能生 成治疗癌症的药物的关键成分的缺失。 153. At first glance , the characteristics of Bugs BUnny seem comical . However , a closer examination reveals the cartoon character never creates a problem , and instead simply hopes for quiet and peaceful life . This suggests that cartoons most often teach children the difference between good and evil .
乍一看,流氓兔的性格似乎滑稽。然而,仔细观察发现这个卡通人物从不制造麻烦,相反,它只希望过安静平和的生活。这说明卡通在大多数情况下教授 给儿童好与坏之间的区别。
154. Logically , calls for a New World Order sound valid , and I whole-heartedly agree with some points , but the absurdity arises when considering that the world's 200-odd nations have diverse agendas when it comes to development and diplomacy . 从逻辑而言,要求形成新的世界秩序听似正确,而且我真心实意地同意一些观点,但是,考虑到世界上二百余个国家在发展和外交上有不同的议事日程, 这种要求就显得荒谬了。 155. In spite of claims to the contrary , it is common knowledge that corporal punishment most often has the exact opposite affect intended .
156. We were brought up to believe that the role of a man was to provide and the role of a woman was to care for the household and family . Today , however , role reversal is becoming increasingly commonplace .
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157. Some people tend to tenaciously cling to the misguided concept of racial superiority . Their persistence in doing so , however , does readily reveal the inferior mentality and social incompatibility of certain human beings . 一些人顽强地坚持种族优越性的错误观点。然而,他们坚持这样做正揭示了某些人自卑的心理和社会对立性。
158. Some people claim the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) far exceeds that of Western-style pharmaceuticals . More often than not , however , the exact opposite is true .
159. Workers commonly complain that causes for labor disputes rest solely on the shoulders of management . Quite likely the opposite is true . 工人经常抱怨劳资纠纷的责任完全在管理者的肩上。很可能正好相反。
160. There are those who claim that competition brings out the best in people . Others contend it simply forces one person to prove he/she is better than another . Advocates vociferously support one position or the other . I suggest the former proposition bears greater relevance than the latter . 有些人认为竞争促使人们发挥出最优秀的东西。另一些人认为它只是强迫一个人证明他/她比别人更优秀。提倡者叫嚣着支持其中的一个立场。我认为前 一个立场比后一个立场更恰当。
161. Claiming something is true misses the point , while presenting verifiable fact proves its correctness .
声称某样东西是正确的没有什么意义,而提出可以证实的事实能证明它的正确性。 162. Suggesting that one thing ... is better than another thing ... bears no more significance than insinuating that black is better than white .
163. Ignoring cause and effect is exactly the same thing as failing to look both ways when crossing a busy intersection .
164. One who advocates the rights of homosexuals should not be surprised by the belligerent stance of opposition forces .
165. The greatest problem with political and religious zealots is their total inability to consider the views of others .
166. The basic stumbling block to global peace rests with the self-serving ambitions of many nations .
167. The overemphasis on one particular aspect of a problem often obscures the relevance of other issues .
168. Any presumption that smoking is in anyway beneficial is totally preposterous .
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169. The fallacies of many arguments are quite obvious . 许多论证的推论错误是相当明显的。
170. Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing sexual promiscuity and the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy . An even more foolish mistake would center on denying the need for extensive sex education programs worldwide .
171. There is absolutely no reason for us to believe that a brighter future for the world is an impossibility .
我们丝毫没有理由相信,世界不可能会有一个更光明的未来。 172. Meteorologists offer computer models leaving little doubt that this year's El Nino phenomenon has disappeared .
173. Facts prove the unjustifiability of claims that China will be unable to feed itself by the year 2020 .
174. Previous explanations of the rising divorce rate in China are simply untenable . The fact is that many marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands . 以前对中国离婚率升高的解释是完全站不住脚的。事实是许多婚姻仅仅建立在便利的基础上,而且妻子不再愿意接受丈夫作威作福的态度。
175. Claim that entering the Chinese market offers foreign companies an
immediate road to profits are grossly misstated and have been proven wrong time and again . The key to entering China rests with the phraseology \vast potential market \
声称进入中国市场会给外国公司带来立即获利的途径是非常错误的,事实已经一次次地证明了这一点。进入中国的关键在于“广阔的潜在市场”这一说法 以及为了回报愿意等待多久。
176. Parents are not wrong in enforcing good study habits , but they must not do so at the expense of stifling normal child development . 家长把好的学习习惯强加给孩子没有错,但是,他们这么做不能以抑制儿童的正常发展为代价。
177. It is quite reasonable to assume that modern science and technology ( S&T ) will continue to advance . It is no less reasonable to believe that S&T will radically improve the way we live . However , the same reasoning cannot be applied to improving social interaction .
假定现代科学技术将继续进步是很有道理的。相信科技会大幅度地改变我们的生活方式也是同样有道理的。然而,同样的逻辑不能用于改善社会上的相互 作用。
178. Belief in the wonders of modern medical science is quite understandable . It is also quite possible that our faith in the ability of scientists to find the key for prolonging life are well-founded . Yet , the wisdom of prolonging life remains
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in question when considering the already massive global population and projected future growth .
相信现代医学的奇迹是可以理解的。很有可能我们相信科学家能够找到延长生命的关键也是有根据的。但是,考虑到已经非常庞大的世界人口和预计的未 来的增长,延长生命是否明智仍有疑问。
179. It is one thing to support euthanasia , but quite another to offer any justification for genocide .
180. Claiming the need for censorship is one thing , but rationally proving its redeeming values represents a quite different issue .
主张审查制度的必要性是一回事,理智地证明它的可取之处是完全不同的另一回事。 181. Chances are that man will eventually land on Mars . 人类有可能最终登陆火星。
182. The likelihood for peace in the Middle East remains questionable . 中东和平的可能性仍让人怀疑。
183. The necessity for nuclear nonproliferation seems clear . 防止核扩散的必要性似乎清清楚楚。 184. It is perhaps more accurate to consider the family as a blanket of security , rather than a cloak of bondage .
185. While generalizations are dangerous , it is quite safe to present solid evidence .
抽象概括是危险的,但是,提供确凿的证据是万无一失的。 186. It seems almost certain that China will achieve this year's economic growth targets .
187. Reaching this year's growth targets is almost a certainty . 达到今年的增长目标几乎是必然的。 188. The urgency of the situation makes it necessary to reiterate the monumental problems of population growth .
189. A recent study revealed the surprising fact that many students pass examinations by relying on nothing more than rote memorization . It is horrifying to think that students graduate without a thorough understanding of the subject matter .
190. Needless to say , advertising sells products . Where would we be without it ? Shelves would be empty , consumers would have few choices and products information would disappear .
191. The plain truth is that people are most often self-centered . 明显的事实是人经常是以自我为中心的。
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192. There's little wonder why young people often find it difficult to find an appropriate role model . No wonder they drink , smoke , fright , carouse and otherwise engage in inappropriate social behavior .
193. It should come as no surprise to learn that many abused children become abusers later in life .
194. There is probably a great deal of truth in the assertion that unecrupulous brokers are salivating at the thought of unsophisticated investors entering the securities market .
195. There's little doubt that China has spawned a new generation of \Emperors \but the truth is that the fault rests with parents who \to spoil the child \
196. There's little justification for objections to sex education . In fact , even a minimal introduction to consequences of sexual interaction ( the bird's and bee's ) might have dramatically changed the lives of many people .
197. We can safely say that the world continues to turn and things have changed dramatically , but we can never claim the world is a safer place .
198. We can say this and we can say that , but the most important thing is not to say , but instead to do .
199. Divided we fall , united we conquer . This does not mean that conquest is the goat , but instead that unified efforts yield positive results .
200. Historically speaking , our ancestors placed great emphasis on filial piety .
201. It doesn't follow that one should abandon a workable plan simply because of minor setbacks . So doing would quite frankly be foolish .
202. One corrupt politician does not suggest that all politicians are bad . Any such presumption is totally misguided .
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203. Don't get the idea that money grows on trees , or that there's such a thing as a free ride .
204. Along with interest in music comes a greater awareness of culture . 伴随着对音乐的兴趣的是对文化更清晰的认识。
205. It's not that I don't want to be rich and famous . Obviously I do , but just haven't as yet found the way to get there .
206. If the claims of the other side prove true , we may be forced to alter our position .
207. The urgent need for nuclear nonprolifeation is undeniable . Moreover , failure to halt the spread of weapons of mass destruction increases the chance for nuclear holocaust .
208. Having recognized the problem , it follows that we must develop a plan of action .
209. Governments have reached a consensus on the need for peace and it follows that actions speak louder than words .
210. The convincing proof that smoking causes cancer has failed to convince hundreds of millions of people to abandon the vile habit . 抽烟致癌的有力证据没能说服数百万人改掉这一恶习。 211. Traffic laws are of little use if drivers simply ignore them and law enforcement departments fail to adopt effective enforcement programs . 如果司机完全无视交通法,法律实施部门不能采取有效的实施程序,交通法就没有一点儿作用。
212. Agricultural modernization cannot be achieved unless the government substantially increases funding ; farmers accept advanced agronomic techniques ; and consumers engaged in a concerted effort to reduce unnecessary and exorbitant waste .
213. Effective flood control is not only necessary , but is also essential for protecting the lives of millions of Chinese citizens .
有效地控制洪水不仅是必要的,而且对保护数百万中国公民的生命来说是必不可少的。 214. Simple expressions of indignation are no substitute for meaningful actions to right a wrong .
215. Even modest increases in education allocations are better than none . 甚至对教育拨款的适度增加都比不增加好。
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216. The slightest miscalculations in trajectory can spell doom for a successful space mission .
对轨道的细小的计算错误可以意味着对成功的太空任务的灭顶之灾。 217. Anyone with one eye and half sense ( common sense ) knows that good prevails over evil .
218. It is impossible to reach appropriate conclusions without access to relevant information .
219. The fact remains that the consequences of drug misuse and abuse can be devastating upon the entire community .
实际情况仍然是误用和滥用药物的后果对整个社会都会是破坏性的。 220. Respect is given where respect is due . 尊敬只给予值得尊敬的人。
221. It really doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white , but instead whether or not it can catch the mouse .
222. Whatever the outcome , we must resolutely proceed with our odjective . 无论结果如何,我们必须坚定地继续为目标而努力。 223. However great the will to achieve , and however great the demand to succeed , one should never abandon his/her moral and social consciousness .
224. However pressing the need and urgency of the problem one should not proceed without a plausible plan .
无论需要多么紧迫,问题多么紧急,一个人不能没有看似有理的计划就开始行动。 225. Pising crime is often cited as a prime example of mounting social decay . 犯罪的上升经常被当作越来越严重的社会倒退的主要例子。
226. Bill Gates , founder of Microsoft , is a classic example of success . 微软的创始人比尔?盖茨是成功的经典范例。
227. Persistence pays off ! A case in point centers on the ongoing negotiations and anticipated eminent resolution of the Middle East peace process .
228. The advertisement is a perfect example of misleading content designed to fool consumers .
229. The land for peace deal represents a concrete agreement which will end conflict and bring stability to the Middle East .
达成和平协议的余地代表一个具体的协定,它将结束争端,给中东带来稳定。 230. We should gather additional facts to support exisiting evidence and illustrate the correctness of the contention .
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231. A few more examples should be added to highlight the already familiar facts . 还需要增加几个例子强调已经很熟悉的真相。
232. We can cite Nelson Mandela's experience as an excellent example of overcoming adversity .
233. History abounds with great men worthy of adulation and emulation . 历史上有很多值得称赞和效法的伟人。
234. I , for one , will steadfastly resist any attempts to justify violence as a means to an end .
235. Take the \Gang of Four \as an example of a group of zealots who attempted to usurp power to serve their own purposes .
236. Racial cleansing serves as a case in point to illustrate the lengths some people will go to prove their superiority .
237. We can safely assume that the indiscriminate acts of our generation will have an adverse impact on future generations .
238. Recurring themes are readily discernible in the annals of history . There's little doubt that history does , in fact , repeat itself .
239. Numerous examples might be cited to support fallacious claims , but they most often lack a relevance to the issue under discussion .
可能有很多例子支持错误的主张,但它们经常缺少和正在讨论的问题的相关性。 240. I can think of nothing better than a nice cold beer on a hot summer afternoon .
241. Perhaps there's no better example of high-level corruption than the case of former Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong .
242. The airliner crash is seen as merely the tip of an iceberg . 这次飞机坠落被看作仅仅是冰山一角(只是其中的一个例子)。
243. The importance of exercise to good health is only one example of aspects of life people most often take for granted .
244. Just imagine how great the word would be if we would only exhibit greater concern for our fellowman .
245. Suppose we're on a ship that hits an iceberg . Do we flip a coin to see who gets the seat on the lifeboat , or do we resort to violence to ensure our self-preservation ?
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假设我们在一艘撞到冰山的船上。我们会抛硬币决定谁上救生船,还是会诉诸暴力以求得自保。 246. Let's just assume that we've been lifelong friends and while you have food , I have none . Would you share your good fortune with me , or would you let me starve ? 假设我们是一生的朋友,你有食物,而我没有。你会和我分享食物还是会让我饿死? 247. Just think of what would happen if one nuclear power launched a preemptive on another .
248. There are many avenues to explore before we reach a final decision . 在我们做出最后决定之前有很多可以探索的途径。
249. It is rare to find a person willing to totally abandon the comforts of life simply to help others .
250. We should point out that the evidence is purely circumstantial . 我们应该指出,证据完全是依情况而定的。
251. We must admit that the overwhelming volume of indisputable circumstantial evidence far outweighed the presumption of innocence .
252. We have to accept the facts no matter how astonishing they might sound . 无论它们听上去多么让人诧异,我们都必须接受这些事实。 253. We must point out that feigning ignorance of the plight of poverty-stricken people is simply an irresponsible act on the part of ignorance .
254. The apparent success of this summer's flood control effort doesn't alter the fact a massive effort will be required to complete the reconstruction program . 今年夏天的洪水控制取得了明显的胜利,这并不能改变需要付出巨大的努力来完成重建工作这一事实。 255. Some people criticize the United Nations for gross financial mismanagement , but their accusations fail to detract from the fact that the greatest portion of the organization's 1997 budget went for humanitaryan assistance programs .
有的人批评联合国对总体财政管理不善,但这一组织1997年最大的一部分预算用于人道主义援助,这些人的指控无法从这一事实中得出。 255. Some people criticize the United Nations for gross financial mismanagement , but their accusations fail to detract from the fact that the greatest portion of the organization's 1997 budget went for humanitaryan assistance programs .
256. The continuing wanton loss of life provides ample justification for NATO intervention in Kosovo .
257. Ample evidence exists to prove that hereditary factors contribute to alcoholism .
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258. There is every reason to believe that China's resumption of sovereignty over Macao in 1999 will proceed smoothly .
259. There is strong evidence to show that the hole in the Ozone Layer is expanding at an alarming rate .
260. All reliable information points to the fact that the Y2K Virus ( Millennium Bug ) will create havoc with computer systems worldwide at the turn of the century . 所有可靠的证据表明,2000年病毒(千年虫)在世纪之交的时候会造成全世界计算机系统的混乱。
261. Statistical evidence lends support to the view that a massive influx of funding is needed to strengthen crime prevention programs . 统计数据证明加强防止犯罪的工作需要大量资金投入。
262. Personal experience has taught that kindness to others pays untold dividends .
263. Case histories show that all nations face recurring periods of economic fluctuations .
264. Personal experience leads me to conclude that all people need to take time to smell the roses ( evaluate and appreciate the many good things they have in their lives ) .
265. Recent studies conducted by doctors show that excessive exposure to the sun's rays causes skin cancer .
266. Nationwide surveys conducted in 1997 revealed a dramatic rise in the ownership of television sets , refrigerators , air conditioners and washing machines .
1997年所做的全国范围内的调查显示电视机、电冰箱、空调和洗衣机拥有量大幅升高。 267. History tells us that mankind has a tendency to repeat past mistakes . 历史告诉我们人类有重蹈覆辙的趋势。
268. We have amassed ample objective proof to show the urgent need for crisis intervention in suspected child abuse cases .
269. Unfortunately , available evidence fails to establish any direct link between smoking and cancer .
不幸的是,现有的证据不能证明抽烟和癌症之间有直接的联系。 270. Fortunately , mountains of reliable evidence proves the direct link between smoking and cancer beyond any shadow of the doubt .
庆幸的是,大量可靠的证据证明抽烟和癌症有直接联系是毫无疑问的。 271. Television violence has contributed directly to rising crime , as evidenced by statistics showing a dramatic rise in copycat crimes .
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272. The introduction of adcance agronomic techniques has contributed greatly to the development of agriculture , as indicated by statistics showing increased output in each of the past five years . 数据显示在过去的五年中,每一年的产量都有提高,这表明发达的农业技术的引入对农业发展起到了很大的作用。
273. While it may appear that the gap between rich and poor people is narrowing somewhat , recently released evidence suggests that the opposite is true . 贫富之间的差距看似有一定的缩小,但是最近发布的证据表明事实正好相反。
274. While attaining world peace remains within the realm of possibility , the prevailing trend revolves around regional conflicts and internal strife in many countries .
获得世界和平是有可能的,但是普遍的趋势是存在地区冲突和许多国家内部的斗争。 275. Although statistics are quite often far less reliable than one might wish , other reliable information allows one to closely approximate industrial output figures .
尽管数据经常比人们希望的不可靠得多,但是,其他可靠的信息使人们能得到接近工业产量的数字。 276. Although random sampling used for many surveys fails to cover large segments of the population , the procedure nonetheless offers insight into voting and consumption patterns .
277. The need for more government services has proved to be the case time and again .
278. The funny thing about marriage is that the newness soon wears off . 婚姻的一个可笑之处是新鲜感马上就没有了。
279. There are instances when one must abandon the tendency for self-prevention in order to assist a person in grave danger .
280. There are situations in which it's highly advisable for a person to control his/her temper and keep his/her mouth shut .
281. Gone are the days when Chinese people could expect cradle to death support from the government .
282. The days when one could safely walk city streets at night are gone . 一个人可以在夜里安全地走在城市街道上的日子已经过去了。
283. China's population almost doubled to 1.2 billion people during the 1955-1995 , according to the National Census Bureau . 根据全国人口普查局的数据,中国人口在1955年至1995年期间几乎翻了一番,增加到12亿。
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284. A report by the Department of Education estimates that the student-teacher ratio in China is four times higher than in the United States . 教育部的一份报告估计中国的学生和老师的比例比美国高四倍。 285. Official figures released by the Ministry of Transportation show that motor vehicle fatalities have more than tripled since 1995 .
286. Women accounted for less than two percent of the total number of deputies to the National People's Congress in 1990 , compared with almost 12 percent in 1998 . 1990年,全国人民代表大会的妇女代表所占比例不到总人数的2%,1998年大约是12%。 287. Some 140 major state-owned companies have either declared bankruptcy or entered into mergers during 1998 , up a whopping 75 percent on the total number for the 10-year period between 1985-1995 .
288. China's illiteracy rate has dropped by some 60 percent over the past few years , but nonetheless remains at one of the highest levels for any developing nation .
289. The steady three-year annual rise in the export rate between 1995-1997 has been followed by steadily failling prices during 1998 and the trend is expected to continue indefinitely .
290. It is essential to examine every angle in order to fully understand the nature of a perplexing problem .
291. We must engage in thorough discussions in order to gain a better sence of the most appropriate and effective way to proceed with the project .
292. We must develop a foolproof argument in order to effectively illustrate the urgency of implement stringent environmental protection measures .
为了有力地证明贯彻严格的环境保护措施的紧迫性,我们必须进行简单明了的论证。 293. A comparative analysis of the positive and negative aspects of the Three Gorges Project will perhaps provide us with a better sense of the eventual impact of the massive water control program .
三峡工程利弊的对比分析可能会使我们更清楚地认识这一庞大的治水工程的最终影响。 294. Incompatibility provides only a partial explanation for the rising divorce rate . Perhaps the most significant factors center on abuse , the immaturity of one spouse or the other , and quite simply the lack of things in common . 不能和谐相处只是不断升高的离婚率的部分原因。最重要的因素可能是某一方的陋习和不成熟,以及仅仅因为缺乏共同的东西。
295. The success of a company is directly related to the competency of its managers .
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296. Mental disorientation is but one of the many effects of alcohol consumption . Another is anti-social behavior , and still another is physical deterioration . 将神上的迷惑只是喝酒的众多后果之一,另一后果是反社会的行为,还有体质下降。 297. Apart from providing sheer enjoyment , music provides one with the
opportunity to escape the daily pressures of life and enter an aesthetic world of sensual pleasure .
298. In spite of the costs involved space exploration is absolutely necessary to solve the puzzles of the Universe .
299. On the one hand , technological advances yield beneficial results , while on the other they create problems which threaten our very existence .
一方面,技术进步产生有益的结果,但另一方面,也制造了危及我们生存的问题。 300. There are other social factors worth serious considerations in evaluating those special behaviors .
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