北师大高三英语Unit 25重点词汇

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北师大高三英语Unit 25重点词汇


1. race竞赛、赛跑、种族、民族、跑、与……赛跑。

短语:race against time 争取时间;race to do something 跑去做某事;race with somebody和某人赛跑;a race for a train 赶火车;have a race 赛跑;of noble race 贵族出身的;at the races(用复数)在赛马会上;train sb for a race 训练某人赛跑;race against 和…比赛;race against time 争取时间;race between… 之间的竞赛;race between two schools 校际比赛;race for president 总统竞选;race of life 人生的历程;race on foot 竞走比赛;

用法:①race指种族整体概念时是不可数名词,指一个具体的种族时是可数名词。如:the human race 全人类 + 单数动词。

②race作“(速度)比赛,赛跑”解时,常与介词against, with等连用,是可数名词。引申可作“竞争”解。

③race可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 配套练习:

①In the story a rabbit ___ with a tortoise.

A. ran B. raced C. walked D. jumped

②He wants to go to university, so he always takes a race ___ time. A. for B. in C. against D. on

③The old man is very ill and his race ___ nearly ___.

A. does; run B. is; run C. is running D. is, to run ④—Why didn’t John take part in the race yesterday? —He_____out of the race because of his serious injury. A. needn’t have droppedB. should have dropped C. would have droppedD. must have dropped

2. brand (n)商标、牌子、烙印;

短语:be branded on sb’s memory铭刻在某人的记忆中;a brand from the burning因忏悔而得救的人;name brand名牌;trade brand商标;brand of cigarette香烟的牌子;brand sb a thief诬蔑某人是贼;brand as给…加上…的污名〔商标〕;be branded in one's memory把…印在脑海里;brand with infamy玷上污名;

用法:①brand的宾语后接as,表示“指为、使显得”。如:They branded him as a liar. 其宾语后接on,表示“铭记”。如:Brand the lesson on your mind.

②brand用作动词的基本意思是“打烙印于,以烙铁打”,用于比喻可作“铭刻”解,引申可表示“加污名于,谴责”。brand可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as〔for〕短语充当补足语的复合宾语, as〔for〕有时可省略。 配套练习:

①It is said that about 60% of housewives have a brand _____before entering the store. A. in mind B. on saleC. in possession D. on purpose

②Beyonce, a leading _____in the music industry, gave birth to her daughter last Saturday. A. statue B. figureC. brand D. attraction

③As an author who was in a period when the new and the old interlaced, Cervantes had a brand _____ two ages inevitably.

A. in B. for C. of D.from

④The salesman tried to fob off an inferior brand _____ us. A. for B.between C.in D.on

3. import进口、输入;

短语:import sth from a country从某国输入某物;import bikes into a country把自行车输入某国;imported goods进口货;a question that imports sb nearly与某人有切身关系的问题;the import of cotton棉花的进口;a matter of great import重大事情;import from 从…来的进口货;import into 输进…的货物;import to 输往…的货物;

用法:import的基本意思是“输入”,用于经贸领域指“进口”,此外还可以指“输入大脑”或“领会”,有时也可表示“意味着”。 配套练习:

①Milk,butter,and cheese are ______ here from the farms. A. imported B.transferred C.transformed D.transported

②The minister _____ the latest crime figures as proof of the need for more police. A. referred B. recruited C. cited D. imported

③As a teacher, you should not _______ the students from asking questions in class. A. ruin B.restrain C.import D.impose

④In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _______. A. facilities B.hens C.votes D.artists

⑤Huge imports were ____ the country’s currency reserves. A. draining B. discharging C. disposing D. distributing

⑥This kind of apples is more expensive because they are________ America. A. imported toB. exported toC. imported fromD. exported from

4. clash n.冲突, 撞击声, 抵触; v.(使)发出撞击声, 猛撞, 冲突; 短语:clash against the streetlight撞在路灯上;clash into sb蓦地撞见某人;clash on the question意见不一;clash with sb与某人发生争执;clash with the colour of sth与某物的颜色不相配; 用法:①clash的基本意思是“撞”“击”或“冲撞”,同时伴有尖利而刺耳的金属撞击声。引申可表示尖锐的冲突、抵触或对立等意思,即表示“交锋”“冲突”或“不合”“不一致”。 ②clash可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 ③clash作动词,其宾语后接介词against,动词宾语和介词宾语都为物,表示“将??和??相撞”。如:He clashed his fist against the door. 后接介词with,句子的主语和介词宾语为人、物或事,表示“相冲突、不符合”。如:My interest clashed with his. 配套练习:

①The president has ____ his political advisors over the slow pace of economic change. A. prevented from B.charged for C.accounted for D.clashed with

②They hold a fierce ____ as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago. A.debate B.clash C.disagreement D.contest ③The dustbins clashed _____ people emptied rubbish. A.while B.as C.when D.if

④There is _____ between two classes at 3 p.m. on Thursday. A.clash B.the clash C.a clash D.clashing

5. spare空闲的、多余的。

短语: spare him from pain 使他免受疼痛;have no time to spare 抽不出时间;spare me an hour/ spare an hour for/ to me为我抽出一小时;spare somebody some time to do something = spare some time to somebody/ for something 给某人抽出时间做某事;spare somebody 赦免某人;spare no efforts/ expenses to do sth不遗余力地做某事;spare oneself对自己放松;spare him from calling again省得他再来造访;spare him (from) the ordeal免除对他的严峻考验;in one’s spare time 在业余时间里;make an effort to do sth/ make great efforts to do sth努力地做某事;without effort毫不费劲地;spare no cost 不惜成本,不惜代价;spare no expense(s) 不惜工本;spare no pains 全力以赴;spare sb's blushes 不以过奖的话使某人难为情;spare sb's feelings 不伤害某人的感情,不使某人难过;spare sb's life 饶某人的命;spare the rod 娇惯孩子; 用法:①spare用作及物动词时,可用名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。

②spare oneself的意思是“偷懒,不努力”,指吝惜花出的力量,对自己不严格要求,常用于否定形式。


④spare用作名词时的意思是“备件”,指机器或汽车的备用零件,尤指汽车的备用轮胎。 配套练习:

①Excuse me, may I ask you some questions? Sorry, I’m too busy and haven’t even a minute to ___.

A. spend B. spare C. share D. stop

②The home improvements have taken what little there is ___ my spare time. A. of B. in C. from D. at

③He was then too busy to ___ even a minute for his writing. A. take B. spare C. give D. spend

④During the bombing, only one house ___.

A. spared B. spare C. was spared D. was sparing ⑤They killed the old men but ___ the children. A. spare B. to spare C. spared D. sparing ⑥Could you ___ one of your staff ___ help us out?

A. spare; to B. spare; for C. give; for D. send; for

6. command 命令、号令、指挥。 短语: do something at/ by somebody’s command 奉某人命令做某事;under (the) command of 由……指挥;give a command 发出命令;have a good command of English 精通英语;command somebody to do something 命令某人做某事;command oneself 控制自己;at one’s command随心所欲地;command + that从句(用虚拟语气);take command of控制; in command of 指挥着; command (=order) that ...命令…(从句用虚拟语气,即should+ do 形式,should可省略);command of spoken French 运用法语口语的能力;command over oneself 控制不住自己;

用法:①command用作动词是正式用语,表示“命令,要求”时,一般不用作进行时; 其后可接名词或代词作宾语,接带动词不定式的复合结构和that从句时,从句中的谓语动词应用虚拟式,即“(should+)动词原形”。


③command在用作“自由使用金钱”“博得尊重”或“俯视”解时,不能用被动语态。例如:那窗户能俯览美好的湖景。误:A fine view of the lake is commanded by the window.正:A fine view of the lake is commanded from the window. 配套练习: (1). 单项填空:

①What ___ of English he ___!

A. good command; is at B. a good command; has C. good command; has D. good commands; has ②He commanded that all the gates ___.

A. should shut B. would be shut C. shut D. be shut ③The army was under the ___ of General Washington. A. demand B. command C. order D. request

④He said he would ___ me to Mr Li as his assistant but he didn’t. A. comment B. suggest C. command D. recommend

(2). 完成句子

①For the first time in years, she felt she was________ command of her life. ②The army is ________ the king’s direct command.

③The police arrived and took command _______ the situation.

7. subsequent adj.后来的, 并发的;

短语:subsequent to 在 ... 之后;subsequent fold后成褶皱;subsequent startup[计] 后继启动;subsequent job后续作业;subsequent river后成河;condition subsequent[经] 后续条件;subsequent stream后生河;subsequent counter子序列计数器;subsequent pickup继续拾取;subsequent generation后代;subsequent processing下一工序;subsequent character后续字符; 用法:subsequent后接to,表示“在??以后”,常用于公文。如:The chairman will be pleased to discuss the matter with you subsequent to lunch.


①Research shows that there is no____ relationship between how much a person earns and whether he feels good about life.

A. successive B. sincere C. significant D. subsequent

②He is holding a ______ position in the company and expects to be promoted soon. A. subordinateB. succeedingC. successiveD. subsequent ③I missed the train and _____ was late for school.

A. finally B. eventually C. subsequently D. consequently

④The criminal escaped from prison but was ______ caught again. A. frightfullyB. rarelyC. casuallyD. subsequently

8. conform vt.使一致, 使遵守, 使顺从; vi.符合, 相似, 适应环境; adj.一致的, 顺从的; 短语:conform artificially不自然地遵守;conform artistically精巧地符合;conform complacently得意地符合;conform to顺应;

用法:①conform的基本意思是“使…与…相符合或一致”,多指人的行为与规则、规章、指令等一致,也可指理论、状态、习俗、思想等“与…相符合”,引申可表示为“遵守”“顺从”等。 ②conform既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,常与介词to或with连用,表示“顺应”“相


③conform的宾语后接介词to,表示“使??与??相符合或一致”。如:He had to conform his conduct to the rule. 后接介词to,表示“遵从、与??一致”。如:Most people willingly conform to the customs of society.


①In Britain today women ____ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

A. make up B. build upC. stand for D. conform to ②Students can be expelled for refusing to ____ to school rules. A. conform B. confine C. confirm D. confuse ③I don’t know whether what she said is true, but I’ll try to ________ it. A. conformB. confirmC. confessD. confine

④E-mail is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _______ well to human needs.

A. adheresB. reflectsC. conformsD. satisfies

⑤All the students have to ______to the rules and regulations of the school. A. confirm B. confront C. confine D. conform

⑥As visiting scholars,they willingly ____ to the customs of the country they live in. A. submitB. conformC. subjectD. commit

9. scoren. 二十;划痕, 刻线; 欠帐; 得分, 成绩; 评分;乐谱; v. 划线,做记号;记分,得分;谱曲;

短语:three score (of) people 60人;make a good score 得分多;成绩好;in scores 很多的, 大批的;score out 划掉,删去;by a score 以…的得分;by scores 不少,许多;win by a score of ten to nine 以十比九得胜;on a score 在某一方面;on this score 在这一点上;score in the tennis final 网球决赛的比分;score of 45 得分是45分;score in the test 考试成绩;score between… 之间的宿怨;scores of 许许多多的,大批的;scores of pain and sorrow 愁苦的痕迹;

用法:①scores of 很多(前面不能加数词);数词+score,不加of;但用a score of。score前有数词修饰,而且score后所修饰的名词前有the, those, these等表示限定的词时,必须加of。

②score用作及物动词时,接名词作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为for/to介词短语(转化为to的较少见),可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常跟副词out, up或介词for, over连用。 配套练习:

①Shortly after the flood. Two _____ police were sent to the spot to keep order. A. scores of B. scoresC. score of D. Dozens

②Some students think they enjoy reading just out of interest, but others argue that a better score is their main_____.

A. recognition B. admirationC. occupation D. motivation ③Our football team _____ theirs _____ two scores.

A. defeated; by B. hit; by C. defeated; with D. stroke; with

④Yesterday I bought two _____ these eggs in the newly-opened bazaar(集市). A. dozen B. dozen of C. couple D. scores

⑤Two________ the students in our class have seen the play.

A. scores of B. score ofC. scores D. score

⑥I haven’t been there for________ years. A. score B. two scoresC. dozen D. scores of

10. vague (adj)含糊的、不清楚的、茫然的、暧昧的;

短语:a vague answer含糊的回答;a vague idea模糊的思想;vague eyes发呆的眼睛;vague aching of back and shoulder肩背沉酸;

用法:vague 后接about,主语指人,介词宾语指事,可是名词或动名词。如:She was vague about her future.


①My grandfather had always taken a _______ interest in my work, and I had an equal admiration for the stories of his time.

A.splendid B.weighty C.vague D.keen

②The neighborhood boys like to play basketball on that ________ lot. A.validB.vacantC.vainD.vague

③At the back of his mind was the _____ idea that he had met her before. A.splendid B.weighty C.vague D.keen ④They were vague and evasive _____ their backgrounds. A. of B. on C. for D.about

11. against反对、不同意、对着、逆。 短语:over against在……对面、与……相反;hit one’s head against the wall碰壁;dead against 正对着,全然反对;strongly against 强烈反对;up against a/the wall 陷入困境,碰壁;up against it 面临困难的,面临困境的;up against a (blank,brick,stone) wall 面临不可逾越的障碍,陷入绝境;against the grain 格格不入,违反意愿;against the law 违法;against one's will 违背心愿,无可奈何;against sb's grain 格格不入,违反意愿;against the blue sky 在蓝天的衬托下;against the clock 拼命赶时间;campaign against 反对…的运动;case against 反对…议案;charge against 对…的控告;come up against 遇到(困难等);gang up against 联合反对;get up against 靠…站立,冒犯;knock up against 偶然撞碰,偶然碰见;side against 反对;sin against 违犯,冒犯;kick against the pricks 以卵击石;cry against 大声疾呼反对;

用法:①against用在fight,strive,struggle等词后面,同with意思相同,不过against更强调一种困难中的反抗。如:We fight for the weak against the strong.

②作为介词,against后接的宾语有时可省略。如:He had intended to come but somehow decided against(it).

③against作“反对”解时反义词是for。 配套练习:

①The teacher stood ___ the blackboard, facing us, unable to speak. A. towards B. against C. to D. on

②Abraham Lincoln fought ___ slavery before he was murdered. A. for B. against C. at D. on

③Although ___ my opinion, the old professor didn’t come up with his own. A. against B. on C. for D. in

④He struggled ___ his feet and fought again ___ the tiger. A. to; with B. on; against C. to; across D. on; with

12. suppose猜想、假定、料想。

短语:suppose A equals B 假定A等于B; I suppose that she is about 30/ suppose her to be about 30/ suppose her about 30我猜想她大约三十岁;suppose a second flood 假定有第二次洪水;suppose a willingness 意味着愿意;suppose an inventer 假定有位发明家;suppose case 假定案例;suppose commonly 一般地想象;suppose easily 容易地想象到;suppose falsely 错误地认为;suppose generally 一般地猜想;

用法:①suppose是及物动词,可接名词、代词或that/wh-从句(可用于虚拟式)作宾语。还可接以“(to be+) n./adj. / prep. -phrase”或动词不定式、现在分词充当补足语的复合宾语。suppose搭用to be构成的复合宾语,如用于被动结构, to be有时可以省去。

②suppose作“作为建议来考虑”解时,常用于祈使句,用以提出建议,可译为“…如何〔怎么样〕?”。与“what if”用法相似,动词一般用现在时或过去时。用过去时时,所提建议听起来不十分肯定。



⑤suppose在表示过去未曾实现的意图、打算或愿望时须用过去完成时。 ⑥suppose引导否定意义的宾语从句时,须使用转移否定结构。 ⑦suppose是表示思想状态的动词,通常不用于进行体。

⑧在构成反意疑问句时,如果陈述部分是主从复合句, suppose用作主句谓语动词,则疑问部分应同从句的主谓语一致。

⑨为避免重复, suppose后可用so/not来替代前面的句子或句子成分,来表示对某一说法肯定或否定态度。如:I suppose so/ not/ I don’t suppose so我看是这样/不见得; ⑩be supposed to = should/ be expected to 应该、理应,用于否定句,如:Teachers are supposed to know a lot/ You are not supposed to smoke here 在这里不可抽烟。

⑾suppose/ supposing跟宾语从句,表示“如果、假如”,常用来征求对方意见或提出建议,从句中可用陈述或虚拟语气。如: suppose we go for a swim, we should have a good swim.; ⑿suppose 后可跟不定式的完成式to have done 或to be 作宾语补足语。 配套练习:

①I don’t suppose anyone is willing to go there alone, ___? A. do I B. don’t I C. do they D. are they ②___ we go for a picnic next weekend. Sounds great! A. Think B. Guess C. How about D. Suppose ③___ take the exam?

A. When do you think will they B. When do you suppose they will C. Do you believe when they will D. When are they guessing to

④The salesgirl showed her several bags and she took the one ___ the most smart. A. that she supposed was B. she supposed was

C. what she supposed D. that what she supposed

⑤I don't suppose he will come today,______ ? A.do I B.will he C.does he D.will I

⑥The train was ______ to arrive at 11:30,but it was an hour late. A.about B.likely C.certain D.supposed ⑦Suppose the poor girl ___ your daughter.

A. to be B. is C. be D. being

13. witness目睹、证据、目击者; 短语:call sb to witness叫某人作证;a witness of/ to an incident事件的目击者;give witness on behalf of sb为某人作证;(stand) in witness of作为……证据(证人);with a witness明确无疑;be a witness to ...是??的目击者;witness to sth./doing sth.为某事作证;bear/give witness to sth.作证;证明某事;witness to the accident 事件的目击者;witness against 对…作不利的证明;witness for 对…作有利的证明;witness to 对…作证,证明,表明;


②witness一般用作及物动词,接名词、代词、动名词或that从句作宾语。 配套练习: (1). 完成句子

①I _______________ her enter the room. 我作证看见他进入那个房间了。 ②I was _______________ their quarrel. 我是他们吵架时的目击者。 (2). 单项填空

①He witnessed to ___ the man enter the room.

A. have seen B. having seen C. see D. seeing ②These facts are ___ to his ignorance.

A. the witness B. witness C. a witness D. witnesses

③His red face ___ the great excitement he felt.

A. have witnessed B. is witnessed C. witnessed D. is witnessing

④Many people _____ the car accident, so it was not difficult to investigate. A.witnessed B. harnessed C. swallowed D. drugged

14.mobility n.活动性,灵活性

短语:mobility allowance伤残交通补助费;mobility of talents人才流动;upward mobility上进心,向上倾向;upwardly mobile(社会、经济地位)向...;differential mobility微分迁移率;social mobility社会流动性; 配套练习:

①In modern warfare, mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important _____ weight of numbers.

A. as B. than C. like D. likely

②Organs adapted for touching are endowed _____ the greatest mobility. A. in B. of C. with D. for

③There are several possible explanations for the greater job stability in Japan ____ the great job mobility in the United States.

A. contrary to B. in regard toC. in contrast to D. with respect to ④A private car gives ______ greater degree of comfort and mobility. A. a much B. the much C. much D. a lot

15.count计算;视为;依赖;重要,有价值;countless adj.无数的,数不尽的;

