
更新时间:2024-01-02 01:02:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



But with online security frequently breached and personal data plundered, Mr Balkan is not alone in thinking there will be a big market for privacy products. Other new ventures are meant to appeal to an audience believed to have grown indignant at the gathering of personal data for commercial purposes by industry giants like Google and Facebook.

词汇突破:breach 破坏 Plunder 窃取 Venture 企业 Appeal to 吸引 句子解析:第一句:

句子主干:Mr Balkan is not alone

状语一:online security frequently breached(独立主格) 状语二:personal data plundered (独立主格)

状语三:in thinking there will be a big market for privacy products

参考译文:由于网络安全经常被破坏,个人数据经常被窃取,所以不只是Mr Balkan一个人认为保护隐私类的产品将会有巨大的市场。 第二句:

句子主干:Other new ventures are meant to appeal to an audience

an audience的定语: believed to have grown indignant at the gathering of personal data for commercial purposes by industry giants like Google and Facebook.

微观解析:believed to have grown indignant at…

参考译文:其他一些新的企业,也准备去吸引这样一些用户,大家认为这些用户对于一些行业巨头如谷歌和Facebook出于商业目的收集用户个人数据的行为越来越愤怒。 翻译点拨: an audience believed to have grown indignant at … 死译:一些听众被认为是对于…越来越愤怒. 直译:大家认为这些这些用户对于…越来越愤怒


The police have long resisted reductions on their budgets. But few would have thought the fiercest cuts, harshest criticism and clearest diminution in their political clout would come under the Tories, so long the party of law andorder. With David Cameron, the prime minister, determined to save money andreform what he once called the “last great unreformed public service”, theonce-close relationship between the Tories and Britain’s law-enforcers hassoured.

词汇突破: 1.budgets 预算 2. harsh 严酷的

3.diminution 减少量 4.political clout 政治权力 5.Tory 托利党人(保守党人)Tories 6. sour 变坏,变糟糕;

7. the party of law andorder “法制之党”,也就是保守党,一种比喻的说法,因为保守党一直支持增加警力和警力预算。 8. so long 一直以来,

第一句:The police have long resistedreductions on their budgets. 警察一直以来都在抵制减少他们的预算。

第二句:But few would have thought+宾语从句/ 1thefiercest cuts, 3harshest criticism and3 clearest diminution in their politicalclout (in their political clout只修饰clearest diminution ,因为修饰前面的两个并列成分,语义上讲不通顺)/(主语)wouldcome under the Tories, /so long the party of law and order(tories的同位语. 但是没有人想到最大幅的减少预算,最残酷的批评,政治权力方面最明显的削弱居然就来自保守党人。他们可一直以来被人称为“法制之党”。

第三句:With David Cameron, the prime minister, determined to save money and reform what he once called the “last great unreformed public service”, /the once-close relationship between theTories and Britain’s law-enforcers has soured.

第一部分独立成句:David Cameron, the prime minister, isdetermined to save money and reform what he once called the “last great unreformed public service”. 首相卡梅伦决定减少财政支出,并决心改革被其称为“最后一个大型的未被改革的公共服务”。

第二部分:the once-close relationship between the Tories and Britain’s law-enforcers has soured.




This development--and its strong implication for US politics and economy in years ahead--has enthroned the South as America’s most densely populated region for the first time in the history of the nation’s head counting.

【词汇突破】enthrone: 使……成为…….(其同近义词为entitle) densely:密集的 nation’s head counting:全国人口普查(同census) implication 重要意义和重要性,影响

【主干识别】this deelopment has enthroned the South as America’s most densely populated region.

【其他成分】and its strong implication for US politics and economy in years ahead插入语;in years ahead在未来的几年中(还有一个表达:in the years to come);for the first time:介词短语作状语,可换为firsly;in the history of the nation’s head counting时间状语。【微观解析】这个句子中值得积累的句型为 sth has enthroned sth as… (某物使某物成为……)

【难点揭秘】对enthorne搭配的掌握以及in years ahead的理解。



Now there is in America a curious combination of pride in having risen to a position where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living and genuine delight in what one is able to accomplish with one's own hands.

主干识别: there is a curious combination of pride and genuine delight

句子切分: Now there is in America a curious combination of pride /in having risen to a position /where it is no longer necessary to depend on manual labor for a living/ and genuine delight/ in what one is able to accomplish with one's own hands.

翻译点拨: pride 在翻译的时候可以转译为动词,感到自豪,加上泛指主语人们 genuine delight 在翻译的时候可以转译为动词,感到由衷的高兴加上泛指主语人们 what=something that

delight/ in something one is able to accomplish (that) with one's own hands combination可以翻译为结合,也可以结合语境翻译为现象。



The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.


The …languages were so different from.. that …各种语言是如此的不同,以至于…… 其他成分:结果状语:some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.一些学者甚至指责Boas 和Sapir编造了他们的资料 定语:The newly described languages 这些新近被描述的语言

介词from 的宾语:the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia 经过充分研究的欧洲和东南亚的语言

翻译点拨: 翻译此句的关键在于掌握结构原文的so ... that …(如此…以至于)结构; accused sb. of sth. (指责/谴责某人作了某事), fabricating(捏造, 伪造, 虚构),

The newly described(这些新近被描述的), strikingly different(显著的不同),

the well studied languages(经过充分研究的各种语言)的准确译法。 此句难点有三处:

1) strikingly different 差别显著

许多人不理解strikingly,要么不译,要么错译为“严格不同”,“完全差别”。 2) so…that (如此…) 以至于

由于so…that间隔长,有的考生看不道这一句法结构,错把that后的从句当作South Asia的定语,译文语义混乱。 3) fabricating 编造

这个词许多人不认识,错译为 “构造”,“修饰”,“弄 错”或“修改”。

参考译文: 这些新近被描述的各种语言与经过充分研究的欧洲和东南亚的语言是如此的显著的不同,以至于一些学者甚至指责Boas 和Sapir编造了他们的资料。


Perhaps the biggest hope for all involved in the coal industry is technology. Mining and transporting coal will always be messy but this could be overlooked were it burned cheaply and cleanly. Promising technologies abound but none of them seems scalable in the way needed to dent the damage done by the coal and all require large subsidies---from consumers, shareholders or taxpayers.

词汇突破:messy Subsidies 补贴 Scalable 可升级的 Dent 减少 Abound (不及物动词) 有很多 句子解析:第一句:

Perhaps the biggest hope for all involved in the coal industry is technology. 可能对于煤炭行业中的所有人而言,最大的希望就是技术。 第二句:

Mining and transporting coal will always be messy but this could be overlooked were it burned cheaply and cleanly.

一定要看出这个句子是虚拟语气省略了if, were被提前了。 还原一下就是:

Mining and transporting coal will always be messy but this could be overlooked if it were burned cheaply and cleanly.

挖煤和运煤将一直是脏活,但是如果能廉价并清洁的燃烧煤那么这些就可以忽视了。 第三句:

Promising technologies abound /but none of them seems scalable in the way needed to dent the damage done by the coal and / all require large subsides---from consumers, shareholders or taxpayers. 第一个并列分句:

Promising technologies abound 主谓结构; 有希望的技术很多。 第二个并列分句:

But none of them seems scalable/ in the way needed to dent the damage done by the coal.

但就减少由煤所带来的损失的方法而言,还没有一项技术具有可升级性。 第三个并列分句:

And all require large subsides---from consumers, shareholders or taxpayers.


After Galileo’s work feeling grew that there were universal laws governing the motion of bodies and that these laws might apply to motion in the heavens as well as on earth.


词汇突破:work 著作 feeling 认识 universal 普遍 govern 支配 body 物体 laws 规律 apply to 应用于 as well as 也

句子主干: feeling grew (主谓结构)(没有找对的自己思过!) 句子开头的第一个独立名词为句子主语!

Feeling的同位语从句一: that there were universal laws governing the motion of bodies

Feeling的同位语从句二: these laws might apply to motion in the heavens as well as on earth.

状语:After Galileo’s work



Liberal education must not limit itself to critical thinking and problem solving; it must also foster openness, participation and opportunity.

词汇突破:liberal education 素质教育 foster 培养


It should be designed to take us beyond the campus to a life of ongoing, pragmatic learning that finds inspiration in unexpected sources, and increases our capacity to understand and contribute to the world — and reshape it, and ourselves, in the process.

词汇突破:ongoing 持续的 pragmatic 实用的 reshape 重塑 句子分析:主干:

it should be designed to take us beyond the campus to a life. 其他成份:

of ongoing, pragmatic learning 定语

that finds inspiration in unexpected sources, and increases our capacity to understand and contribute to the world — and reshape it, and ourselves, in the process. 定语从句

并列动词:finds and increase

understand and contribute and reshape 并列动词




The tension between innovators andregulators has been particularly intense of late. Uber and Lyft have hadcomplaints that their car-hailing services break all sorts of taxi regulations.People renting out rooms on Airbnb have been accused of running unlicensedhotels. Tesla, a maker of electric cars, has suffered legal setbacks in itsattempts to sell directly to motorists rather than through independent dealers.In its early days Prosper Marketplace, a peer-to-peer lending platform,suffered a “cease and desist” order from the Securities and ExchangeCommission.

词汇突破:1. Uber 美国的打车软件;(类似中国的滴滴打车) 2. Lyft 也是美国的打车软件(类似中国的快的打车) 3. complaints 抱怨

4. Airbnb 美国的一种换房服务网站 5. be accused of 被指责;(指控) 6. unlicensed 没有执照的 7. setbacks 困难

8. cease and desist终止和停止

9. Securities and ExchangeCommission美国证券交易委员会 10. Prosper Marketplace 美国繁荣市场公司

11. a peer-to-peer lendingplatform P2P的交易平台;类似中国的宜信贷 12. Tesla 特斯拉(全球最有名的电动汽车车品牌) 13.of late= recently = latest 最近


1.The tension between innovators andregulators has been particularly intense of late. 2.Uber and Lyft have hadcomplaints that their car-hailing services break all sorts of taxi regulations.3.People renting out rooms on Airbnb have been accused of running unlicensedhotels.4. Tesla, a maker of electric cars, has suffered legal setbacks in itsattempts to sell directly to motorists rather than through independent dealers.5. In its early days Prosper Marketplace, a peer-to-peer lending platform,suffered a “cease and desist” order from the Securities and ExchangeCommission. 第一句:

The tension between innovators andregulators has been particularly intense of late. 参考译文:最近创新者和监管者之间的关系特别紧张。 第二句:

Uber and Lyft have had complaints/thattheir car-hailing services break all sorts of taxi regulations.(同位语从句)

Uber and Lyft have had complaints 遭到投诉

参考译文:Uber和Lyft公司接到种种投诉:他们的打车服务违背了所有的出租车管理规定。 第三句:People renting out rooms onAirbnb have been accused of running unlicensed hotels.


第四句:Tesla, a maker of electriccars, has suffered legal setbacks in its attempts to sell directly to motoristsrather than through independent dealers.


第五句:In its early days / ProsperMarketplace, a peer-to-peer lending platform, suffered a “cease and desist”order from the Securities and Exchange Commission. 参考译文:美国繁荣市场公司,一家P2P的借贷平台,在初创期也遭到了美国证券交易委员会的叫停。(ceaseand desist)

通过对这几句话的分析,你可以发现这里的句间关系是很典型的总分和并列关系;第一句是结论(总)2345(分)2345句之间是并列关系;在实战的过程中,如果后面四句换读不懂,其实也无所谓,你可以通过句间关系推断出他们想要表达的意思就是第一句话的意思!“创新者和监管者之间的关系特别紧张。”Uber,Lyft,Airbnb,Tesla,PosperMarketplace 都是创新者。

