
更新时间:2023-11-16 14:13:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


第一阶段 作文

【作业要求】: 命题作文

Directions:For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the given topic. Your composition should meet the word limit set by the test syllabus at this level. You should base your composition on the outlines provided and then type your composition in the box below.[题数:1;分数:15分;参考时间:30分0秒] 1. For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic On Keeping Pets. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below. 1. 有人喜欢养宠物,也有人反对养宠物,他们都有各自的道理 2. 我的看法 On Keeping Pets 【参考答案】: In almost every neighborhood, there are people who like pets and people who don't. The former group of people think that pets are good and helpful companions. Some of them even go so far as saying that animals are also human, and their rights should be respected. Those who hate pets say that animals are noisy, dirty and dangerous. They think laws should be made to forbid people to keep dogs and cats in cities and towns. The different opinions on keeping pets, which reflect personal preferences, have caused many disputes and much unpleasantness among people who are close neighbors. Personally I do not like pets. But I think we should learn to respect the rights of pet lovers. We have no right to forbid people to keep pets in their homes, as long as the animals are properly taken care of and do not threaten the safety and peace of others. 翻译

【作业要求】: 单句翻译(英译汉)

Directions:In this section you are required to translate some English sentences into Chinese. Type your translation on the web page.[题数:10;分数:10分;参考时间:20分0秒] 1. A shortage of water in heavily populated agricultural areas will cause great hardship and starvation as crops fail. 【参考答案】:由水荒引起的庄稼欠收将在人口稠密的农业地区造成严重的贫困和饥饿。 2. Television works in much the same way as radio. 【参考答案】:电视的工作原理与无线电的极为相似。 3. Since the launching of the first communications satellite, more and more programs are telecast \over the world. 【参考答案】:自第一颗通讯卫星发射成功以来,世界各地实况转播的电视节目越来越多了。 4. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. 【参考答案】:伟大的作家是那些不但具有崇高的思想,而且能用撼人心弦的文字来表达这些思想的人。 5. The opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. 【参考答案】:我想一家书店主要的吸引力是在于它向顾客提供了逃避现实生活的良机。 6. He disagreed with them about how the country should be run, and about what part a President should play in running it. 【参考答案】:在应该如何治理国家以及一名总统在其中应起何种作用的问题上,他与他们意见分歧。 7. But the past ten years of high youth unemployment have encouraged most schools to create new links with employers to provide their pupils with more marketable skills. 【参考答案】:但过去十年青年的高失业率促使大多数学校与雇主们建立了一种新型的关系,以便向学生提供符合市场需求的技能。

8. Of course we may still have some of the same problems with cards that we now have with money. 【参考答案】:当然,在使用信用卡时,我们可能还会遇到一些与现在使用普通货币时所遇到的同样的问题。 9. If there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability to profit by defeat. 【参考答案】:如果有某种唯一的因素能促使我们在生活中成功的话,那就是从失败中吸取教训。 10. Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of. 【参考答案】:完全不必为失败而感到羞愧。 客观题

【作业要求】: 语法结构

Directions:In this section there are some incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then type the corresponding letter on the web page.[题数:20;分数:10分;参考时间:10分0秒] 1. The team didn't expect to win; ____, they were disappointed at their heavy defeat. [A] moreover [B] therefore [C] nevertheless [D] so that 【参考答案】:C 2. Grandma was insistent that we ____ her soon. [A] went and visited [B] go and visit [C] went visiting [D] go and visiting 【参考答案】:B 3. He kept the portrait ____ he could see it every day, as it always reminded him of his early school days. [A] where [B] when [C] which [D] for 【参考答案】:A 4. This car has been ____ trouble — it's always breaking down. [A] anything but [B] nothing but [C] all but [D] none but 【参考答案】:B 5. I can honestly say that I have no interest ____ in this movie. [A] somewhere [B] whatsoever [C] however [D] whichever 【参考答案】:B 6. You can go out, ____ you promise to be back before 11 o'clock. [A] even though [B] ever since [C] as far as

