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界干扰的管理。 不足:在全局上缺乏有力的协调和统一。










社区体育是指在居民区内开展的群众性体育活动,有很强的区域性特点,而社会体育一般是指除学校体育以外的一切体育活动,无区域性限制。就社区体育而言,社区就是指基层社区,而社会体育包括整个社会,即外延更大。社会体育属于行政主导型体育,而社区体育属于民间主导型体育。 总之,社区体育与社会体育不是一回事,是不同的两个领域。其最主要的区别是社会体育反应体育的宏观方面,社区体育反应体育的微观方面。社会体育是整体的,抽象的,不可操作的;社区体育则是局部的,具体的,可操作的。


体育目的是体育实践的总方向和总要求,它一经确立就决定着体育的措施、步骤及方式方法等 。




?、目的 竞技运动为了提高运动技术水平,夺取优异的成绩为目的。体育的目的主要是强身健体增进健康。

?、负荷 竞技运动具有很强的竞争性,所以竞技运动项目训练都是在高强度下进行的。而体育则不是,它一般是在轻松愉快的运动方式下进行的。

?、效果 由于夺标的需要,竞技运动中的技能成分已高度专门化,体育运动中专门化的高超技能没有多大的用处。联系:竞技体育都是以身体运动作为主要手段的活动、竞技与体育常常互为手段、体育与竞技都有教育性功能,两者都有关于身体活动的教育、都有较强的娱乐功能,这种娱乐功能也是成千上万的参与者不断为之付出的一种主要诱因。









的权威机构来负责全面体育协调工作,政府不制定体育政策,而且很少直接资助体育。名目繁多的社会组织在体育发展中扮演着主要的角色,这是美国体育显著特点之一。 实际上,除了选拔组织奥运会代表团外,美国奥委会对其他体育组织不具有支配控制权利。 美国的竞技体育是以学校为中心,依靠学校的课余体育训练提高运动技术水平。美国的各级学校是培养优秀运动员的主要基地,中学成为培养青少年运动员的摇篮,大学则是培养优秀运动员的高级阶段。 美国业余体育联合会是负责管理青少年体育运动的社会组织,他负责制定范围广泛的一系列计划,用于发展青少年体育运动。美国健康、体育、娱乐和舞蹈联盟是一个非常重要的社会体育组织。




特征: ?、管理上的集权性。即由国家专门的行政机构对竞技体育事业进行全方位管理。行政权力渗透于竞技体育发展中的每一个角落。在管理过程中实行上级对下级指令,下级对上级负责的垂直管理模式。


?、目标上的排他性。发展竞技体育的目标由国家最高体育行政部门统一规划,各地方虽然可以有自己的发展目标,但受制于管理方式的限制,基本上难以有效实现。这种一元化的目标在实践中表现为对奥运金牌的追逐。凡是与获得金牌目标有冲突的其他目标都得为此让路。 ④、训练体制的封闭性。这表现在社会其他机构很难介入训练工作,教练员特别是运动员享受近似于国家公务员的待遇,一旦运动员进入这个体系,就很难拓展自身的其他发展道路。


竞技体育中的职业体育将逐步市场化、大众大众体育将得到迅速发展。 17.对“举国体制的评价”:缘于计划经济时期的举国体制,在我国计划经济时期及建立

市场经济的过程中,对提高我国的国际地位,尤其是提高我国在国际体坛的地位、增强民族凝聚力、振奋民族精神和促进经济发展,均发挥了积极的作用。 但是在市场经济条件下,举国体制的一些弊端也逐渐显现出来。如过分依赖政府、经费来源渠道单一、运动员队伍文化素质低和退役运动员安置难、社会半体育的积极性未有效发挥等。 在市场化的过程中,中国的体育产业将得到快速发展,体育自身的发展能力也将逐渐得到加强,中国的经济发展和社会良性运行的姿势也越来越得到国际社会的认同。 在今后一段时期内,举国体制这种提法将继续沿用并发挥其作用。





拳就是最能代表中国传统体育精神文化的一项传统体育运动。 作为西方体育文化的典型代表,古希腊的体育就是文化与中国传统体育精神文化大相庭径。在古代奥运会举行的数千年间,古希腊人一直保留着赤身裸体参加竞技比赛的习俗,以展示人体外形的健美和肌肉的发达,就是西方传统体育就是文化的如实写照。




(三)体育物质文化的比较: 中国传统体育精神文化中占主导地位的是重人格的体育价值观,体育专用的场地、设施和器材等体育物质文化建设,在数千年的历史进程中,发展极为缓慢。 西方的体育物质文化建设,在公元前776年,第一届古代奥运会开始就初见端倪。奥运会场地、设施的规范和发展,是西方体育物质文化高度发展的标志,也是西方现代体育得以在世界广泛传播,并成为世界体育主流的重要原因之一。





2010 年感谢&邀请信 感谢美国同事对你在美交流期间的热情招待并邀请其适当的时候来中国玩儿 2011 年祝贺&建议信 祝贺表弟李明被大学录取,并对怎样为大学生活做好准备提出建议 2012 年投诉信 对网店购买的电子词典投诉,并要求立即解决

2013 年告知信 告诉同学们你们班将为需要帮助的孩子们举行慈善义卖,并鼓励大家积极参加 2014 年询问信 向将在留学期间共住的 John 介绍你的生活习惯并向他问询在那里生活的建议 2015 年通知 简单介绍你们大学要为高中生举办的夏令营活动,并招募志愿者 2016 年感谢&建议信 对朋友的祝贺表示感谢并就怎样提升翻译水平提出建议 大作文

2010 年chart: 2000 年到 2008 年期间发达国家和发展中国家的手机用户数量变化情况 2011 年chart: 2008 年、2009 年国内轿车市场各品牌市场份额变化示意图 2012 年 table: 某公司不同年龄段员工工作满意度百分比 2013 年 chart: 某高校不同年级学生兼职情况百分比

2014 年 chart: 1990 到 2010 年这 20 年间中国城镇人口与乡村人口数量变化图 2015 年 chart: 我国某市居民春节假期各种不同花销占比图 2016 年 chart: 某高校学生旅行目的占比

I. 历年小作文汇总 英语二

2016 年 Directions:

Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend, Jack, wrote an email to congratulate you and ask for advice on translation. Write him a reply to

1) thank him, and 2) give you advice

You should write about 100 on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead. Do not write the address. (10 points) 2015 年 Directions:

Suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students. Write a notice to 1) briefly introduce the camp activities, and 2) call for volunteers.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not use your name or the name of your university. Do not write your address. (10 points) 2014 年 Directions:

Suppose you are going to study abroad and share an apartment with John, a local student. Write him an email to

1) tell him about your living habits, and 2) ask for advice about living there.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not use your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write your address. (10 points) 2013 年 Directions:

Suppose your class is to hold a charity sale for kids in need of help. Write your classmates an email to 1) inform them about the details and 2) encourage them to participate.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not use your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write your address. (10 points)



2014 年

In the light of the above chart,it is clear that the past two decades have witnessed the changes of population size in the towns and countries. As is found above, the number of folks living in the countries varied considerably, declining from 834m in 1990 to 674m in 2010. In the meantime, there was a sharply increasing trend in the city population, having surged by 366m over the 20 years.

Doubtlessly, the scene that rural people flood into urban area is widespread these days. Behind it, no contributing reasons I hold could be more sensible and feasible than the two ones. What cannot be overlooked is that people living in cities have more access to the resources of more opportunities, better jobs, and higher living standard, which deeply attract the rural residents. Besides, getting higher education is another driving force. Every year, a considerable number of youngsters, many of them coming from the countries, arrive at the city, finishing the college and staying there for good.

In short, considering the above argument, a reliable and credible conclusion could be summarized as follows — the increasing urban population is the mark and requirement of urbanization, a certain process of social development. But great importance should be attached to keeping the balance between rural and urban development,especially not ignoring the rural development. 2013 年

Based on the data provided, it can be noticed that the number of students who attend part-time jobs more often than not have been rising in different grades. As is depicted in the chart, there was an increasing tendency, with 67.77% freshmen choosing to take a sideline, and a modest rise occurring to sophomores and juniors, but the seniors reaching the maximum at 88.24%.

Obviously, there are several advantages which might result from the trend of college students participating in part-time jobs. At the top of the list tends to be that students might obtain financial aids or material support during the period of attending the sideline. Besides, it must be admitted that they may come to become more financially prudent and be more aware of the struggles of others, which might help them treat the world with prudence and tolerance. Above all, there seems to be no denying the fact that involving in the relevant jobs may relieve the students’ stress, pressure and burden, promoting their life course and moral character toward virtuous directions. On the basis of the above advantages,we could come to an conclusion that only if students well weigh academic life against working time, taking part-time jobs are a good choice and practice. 2012 年

What is vividly illustrated in the table is that the staff member in various age ranges varied dramatically on employment satisfaction. In the light of the statistics presented above, 40% of the employees over 50 have satisfied with their occupation condition. By the sharp contrast, the workers whose ages are between 41 and 50 hold 64.0% of their discontent feeling with their jobs, the highest among all the three age brackets. Of the employees under 40,the rate of their job gratification is 16.7%, and that of dissatisfaction 33.3%。

Apparently, among the working folks remaining the largest discontent is middle-aged people, aging between 41 and 50, which cannot be dismissed; and its major contributing factors must be noted, among which the pair, in my personal sense, tend to be more believable and receivable. For one thing, the people in this life stage with higher pressures and more questions tend to miss the joy of job itself. For another, the opportunities, welfares and compensations companies provided by large lag behind what the middle-aged people need.

As has been analyzed above, it would be soundly reach the conclusion that if desiring to raise the degree of working satisfaction of its employees, the corporations should make more efforts to center on mental and physical development of their staff and improve their working treatment, which would be a co-win strategy.



2011 年

Sample 1 What can be clearly seen from the chart is that the market share taken by domestic car brands increased rapidly from 25% in 2008 to nearly 35% in 2009, while conversely, the market share owned by Japanese car brands dropped by 10% from 35% in 2008 to 25% in 2008. What’s more, the market share taken by American car brands is on the upward trend, from 10% to nearly 15%.

Three reasons, in my opinion, can account for the changes in car market in these two years. First, the rise of Chinese cars is of little surprise as we have seen Chinese enterprises’ commitment to developing self-owned technologies, which not only free them from potential risks, but also bring about long-term benefit. Second, Japanese cars, which used to be highly praised for their outstanding quality and superior stability, is now reeling from a crisis of confidence. Last, the improvement of American cars’ performance must be attributed to the smart marketing strategy employed by American sellers. They launched a lot of marketing campaigns designed specially for Chinese market, which won them applaud as well as benefit.

In order to maintain the good momentum of development, domestic cars should on one hand stick to their self-independent policy, and on the other, learn some experiences from Japanese car’s failures and Americans’ success

Sample 2

The above chart reflects changes in domestic market share of automobiles of Chinese, Japanese and U.S. brand in 2008 and 2009. As can be seen clearly from it, the market share taken by domestic car brands increased rapidly from 2008 to 2009, while conversely the market share owned by Japanese car brand dropped dramatically during the same period. Meanwhile, the U.S. made automobiles almost remained stable in the market share during the period.

What on earth can cause these market share changes in China? This is a hot concern. Several factors, in my opinion, may account for them. First of all, it is universally acknowledged that the development of Chinese automobiles is of little surprised as we have seen. And Chinese enterprises committed to develop self-owned technologies by enhancing favorable policies to improve domestic automobile production, which can not only free them from the dependence on the climate abroad, but also bring about long-term benefits for China. Besides, another obvious evidence we can find is that Japanese cars, which used to be highly praised for their outstanding quality and superior stability, is now faced with a crisis of confidence for its poor after-service policy toward domestic market, which irritated us Chinese consumers. And the U.S. market policies remained basically unchanged in this period.

As a consequence, the one who owns the best technologies and services can master the share of the market, which is an invariable policy concerning any business areas. All in all, the trend suggests that as long as we are improving our strategy and service, the home-made automobiles will continue to take a lion’s share of the automobile market. Only when we can establish a solid foundation internally, can we look forward to a successful international competition in the near future.



Sample 3

What is apparently shown in the above chart is the changes of market share of car brands in 2008 and 2009. On the basis of above data, the market percentage of domestic cars varied significantly, jumping by some 8% only during two years. Meanwhile, 2009 witnessed a dramatic slump of Japanese cars, decreasing from 35% in 2008 to 25% in 2009. Instead, the share of American autos has nearly kept constant.

In effect, there are a variety of accessible reasons, I argue, that give rise to the increasing market share of domestic cars, the following ones seeming to be most crucial. On the top of the list is that with the Chinese development of economy and society, the home-made automobile industries have boomed and flourished. More important is that the popularity of domestic cars is credited to the technology advance, which makes consumers having higher confidence in domestic cars.

As a result of the mentioned factors, domestic cars have a big advantage over those of Japan and America. It can draw the conclusion that if domestic cars want to make a successive difference, they need strive to improve product quality, safe, performance and service.

2010 年

Sample 1 what is shown in the chart is that mobile phone subscriptions grew rapidly from 2000 to 2008. We can also find out that developing countries are the driving force for such a rapid growth. According to the chart,mobile-phone subscription number increased to 8 times from 2000 to 2008, that is from around 0.5 billion to 4 billion,while subscription number only increased twice from around 0.5 billion to 1 billion. I think there are two main reasons for such a great contrast. First of all,developing countries have much larger population than developed countries. For example,China and India nearly have half of the total population of the world. China has the most mobile-phone users right now,which increased greatly from 2000 to 2008. It is the same in India and other developing countries. Meanwhile,developing countries have been employing strong economic growth in recent years. As a result,people in most developing countries are richer and richer, especially in China. So they can afford to buy such necessities,including mobile-phone,as the prices continued to drop greatly in the past years. Thus,we can conclude that as economy grows strongly in developing countries,people in these countries can buy more products.

[得分] 14 分

[评语] 本文很好地完成了试题规定的任务,内容完整。在图表内容方面,考生并不仅仅 局限于数字本身,而是注意挖掘这些数字背后的规律,是对图表具体数字的总结与升华。在 评论方面,内容也比较全面、中肯。本文总体结构完整,语言比较流畅,措辞准确,用词和 句型结构有变化,无重大语法错误。另外,本文也有效使用了各种衔接手段,内容连贯,前 后照应,层次分明,易于理解。字数符合要求。但本文个别地方表达不明确,如 while subscription number only increased twice from around 0.5 billion to 1 billion,其主语应当是 developed countries。



Sample 2

What is shown in the chart predicts dramatic changes in the number of mobile-phone subscriptions both in developing countries and developed countries. Among year 2000 to 2008, the number of mobile-phone used in developing countries was lower than the number in developed countries. Whereas,from 2003,the number of mobile-phone used in developing countries exceeded that in developed countries,and the trend sustained to 2008,when the number of using mobile-phone in developed countries was still stably at 1 billion.

As far as I am concerned,some driving factors that contribute to this phenomenon may be summarized as follows. To begin with,with the rapid development of economy of developing countries,more and more people aford (afford) to buy mobile-phone for self-use. In addition,the population of developing countries increased fastly (fast) during the year 2000 to 2008. The last but not least, along with the development of the high technology, the price of mobile-phone sharply decrease,which made more people willing to buy it.

From all these aspects above,it is easy to tell that the trend of increasing numbers in use of mobile-phone in developing countries will been going in the near future.

[得分] 11 分

[评语] 本文较好地完成了试题规定的任务,内容比较完整,既有对图表本身的描述,也 有考生本人的评论。文章结构完整,用词和句子结构也有一定的变化,也较好地使用了各种 衔接手段,语言基本通顺,层次清楚,易于理解。但是,本文还存在一定数量的语言错误。 如单词拼写错误 aford,表达方面的错误 Among year 2000 to 2002,... use of mobile-phone in developing countries will been going in the near future 等。


