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Unit 1 Passage A Read and complete 4

1 They should be for planning and carrying out the inancial policies of the company

2 No final decision has been taken, but it seems likely that the two companies could merge in the near future

3 The girl was very upset because she could not get these coffee out of the new carpet 4 They said that they would innovate with persistence to the product in the coming year 5 April sunlight over the water, dancing across snow-covered fields 6 I got a free of eye shadow. Could you show me how to use it?

7 It is generally accepted that giving advice at the right time has to a great deal of intelligence 8 Have you found the small symbols on this map which denote places and museums? 9 The freshmen were recommended to read the book which was illed with insights

10 It was the old lady’s eightieth birthday, and she was sitting in a chair by her children and grandchildren

Answer: 1.responsible 2.ultimatel, 3.stains 4.highlight 5.sparkled

6.sample 7.involve 8.historic 9.remarkable 10.surrounded

Read and complete 5

1. Under the inluence of the drug his mind various strange images 2. Some freshmen said that they by that concert.

3. finance, the old company has a great advantage. 4.He that he would never talk with that guy any more. 5.If you the controversy (争论), you may burn your fingers.

Answer: 1.was filled with 2. were blown away 3. In terms of 4. thought to himself 5.get involved in

Read and complete 6

There are some places in this area, which attract tourists every day. (historic // history // historian)

2. They trusted Stephen to behave while they were abroad.(responsible // responsibly // responsibility)

3. That’s the most coincidence (巧合) I’ve ever heard of! (incredible // credible // credit ) 4.We should get a thorough understanding of the cultural of the United States.(diversity // diverse // diversify

5.To give a of a word is more dificult than to give an illustration (例证) of its use.(deinite // deinitely // deinition)

Answer: 1.historic 2. responsibly 3. incredible 4. diversity 5.defi nition 7 1. 你愿意把你的经验和组里的其他人分享吗?(share sth with sb)

Answer:Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group?

2. 你父亲如果还健在的话,他会为你骄傲的。(be proud of)

Answer:If your father were still alive, he would be very proud of you.

3. 她开车转弯上了自家的车道 (driveway),不料发现路已被堵塞 (block)。(only to)

Answer:She turned up the driveway, only to fi nd her way blocked.

4. 他没有告诉任何人就走了,因为他不想卷入那件事。(get involved in)

Answer:He went away without telling anyone, because he didn’t want to get involved in that matter.

5. 最终,产品的成功还是取决于高明的销售手段 (marketing)。(ultimately)

Answer:Ultimately, the success of the product depends on good marketing.

9 1. How to balance study and extracurricular activities at college?.

Tips: A: How do you feel about your college life?

B: It’s !But I also feel because I am always busy with . I really don’t know how I could manage . A: Yeah, it is really a ( ) for a freshman. B: Can you give me some advice on ( ) ? A: Well, I think you must learn to be ( ) .

Other useful words for reference: great, amazing, interesting, exciting,gorgeous, disappointed, sad, homesick, tired, occupied, full schedule, exhausted,difficult, clubs, sports team, associations, musical groups,theater production.

2. How to make a study plan?

Tips: A: You must learn to be organized and disciplined. I think it’s ( ) for you to ( ) . B: Oh! That’s ( ) . But I don’t know how to ( ) . A: As I know, there are ( ) . B: Could you explain it in detail?

A: Sure. First, ( ). Second, ( ). List the courses that you must take to satisfy your degree or diploma requirements. Third, ( ). That involves keeping a weekly study schedule that ( ) . Fourth, ( ) . Last but not least, ( ) .

Other useful words for reference: education goal, long term plan, college objectives, satisfy degree requirements, individual course, organize time, weekly study schedule, make good use of, check your plan, fall short of accepted standards, make up

3. What is a good study plan?

Tips: A: What is a ( ) plan like?

B: A good study plan should be simple, speciic, possible, and written. A: Can you give me ( ) ?

B: OK. When you have yours committed to paper, it should meet the following criteria: Simple — never complicated.

Speciic — never abuse generalities. It should ( ) exactly what you’re going to do, when, where, and how you’ll do it.

Possible — never be impossible. A good ( ) details things that you’re capable of doing ( ) .

Written — not dependent on memory or willpower. That’s because you’re more likely to do something that you’ve put down ( ) .

A: It is very kind of you to ( ) ! Thank you very much! B: It’s my pleasure.

Other useful words for reference: simple, easy to follow, practical, complicated, speciic, hard, negative, positive, possible, exact time, capable, dependent, likely, invest, inevitably

Answer: 1. amazing 2. exhausted 3. study and all kinds of activities 4. both work and play well

5.challenge 6.what I could do to adapt myself to the new situation 7.more organized and disciplined 8.wise 9.have a study plan 10.a good idea 11.make a study plan 12.5 steps to make a good study plan 13.you need to make this plan a permanent part of your life, so buy a good quality notebook to hold it in 14.start with your broad education goals 15.get into passing each individual course 16.includes all of your courses 17.keep a daily “to do”list in your notebook.Most successful people consider it a necessary step for making the best use of their time 18.evaluate. At the end of each day, before you retire for the night, you should go through your study plan and see whether you have completed it 19.good study 20.examples 21.state 22.study plan 23.requently 24.on paper 25.offer me such helpful advice Unit 2>PassageA 3 We all have dreams. Our dream, or aspiration, or vision, is the song of our soul. It is our dream

that 1) ( ) our life with meaning and purpose. Many a successful person 2) ( ) a dream to the flame of hope toward victory. We all have 3) ( ) in realizing our dreams. But once we believe we can do it, we will find solutions to the problems we 4) ( ) . If you believe in your dream, the next step is to make a 5) ( ) . With your commitment, great power will be 6) ( ) and seemingly insurmountable hurdles will be 7) ( ) to insignificant obstacles. Our dreams don’t have to be grand to be great. We all have the power to follow a dream that will make a 8) ( ) to us and those we meet. As we dream, 9)( ) shall we become. Our vision is the 10) ( ) of what we shall be in the future.

Answer: 1.fills, 2.compared, 3.problems, 4.stumble on, 5.register, 6.released, 7.reduced, 8.difference, 9.so, 10.promise

4 1.The best way to ( ) what’s on the list is to give each task a specific time slot.

2. ( ) is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to achieve a particular end or condition.

3. Women today have the chance to pursue their own careers, but still have to overcome many ( ) to gain real equality.

4. That school ( ) in baseball. This has been the third time they have won the National

Youth Championship in the 21st century.

5. There is ( ) nothing we can do to stop the plans from going ahead. But we can at least prevent the situation from getting worse.

6. ( ) is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to achieve a particular end or condition.

7. Women today have the chance to pursue their own careers, but still have to overcome many ( ) to gain real equality.

8. That school ( ) in baseball. This has been the third time they have won the National Youth Championship in the 21st century.

9. There is ( ) nothing we can do to stop the plans from going ahead. But we can at least prevent the situation from getting worse.

10. There is ( ) nothing we can do to stop the plans from going ahead. But we can at least prevent the situation from getting worse.

Answer: 1. accomplish 2. Ambition 3. obstacles 4. dominates 5. seemingly

6. vision 7. solutions 8. releasing 9. individuals 10. ideal

5 1. Researchers have ( ) a drug that may help patients with Parkinson’s disease. This may be one of the great discoveries of the century in medicine.

2. There are so many applicants. How can we ( ) a really good person for the job?

3. Does everyone know what to do if a fire ( ) ? This question should be asked often.

4. It was my daughter’s birthday and she invited several of her good friends to the party. The air was ( ) the sound of children’s laughter.

5. The festivities ( ) a huge fireworks display. Following that, there would usually be dance parties or other activities. Answer: 1.stumbled on 2. seek out 3.breaks out 4.filled with 5.started with 7 1.

我们急匆匆地赶到火车站,结果发现火车刚刚开走。(only to)

C) seldom made decisions by himself when he was in middle school D) never decided on anything by himself

What did the author think was the nicest thing in the world ? (您未选择此题答案)

A) Being independent. B) Being responsible. C) Being creative. D) Being more decisive.

The passage mainly tells us that __________. (您未选择此题答案)

A) one can be more carefree by living on one's own. B) one can enjoy more freedom by living on one's own.

C) one can get along better with one's parents by living on one's own.

D) one can become more responsible, decisive and creative while living on one's own.

Answer: 1.B, 2.A, 3.C, 4.C, 5.D

12 1 .The first time the author ( ) home was when he was a ( ) in high


2 .First of all, he learned that ( ) required that he became ( ) .

3 .Another ( ) while living on his own was that he become ( ) .

4. He could also become ( ) by living on his own as he had to make ( ) .

5 .The author holds that it was ( ) for everyone in this world ( ) and themselves before they love anyone else.

Answer: 1. decided to leave; sophomore 2. living on his own; more responsible 3. different experience;

more decisive 4. more creative ; his own future plan 5. appropriate; to love their parents

13 After they had arrived at the campus, a girl was to guide them on a tour of the halls.

In ,we all hoped that more activities like this could be organized.

He was a well-known author who had many unforgettable characters in his novels. The injury of their key player could be a(n) factor in the game. Don's you think that the Oxford English Dictionaryis an on English words? To be a top student, you need diligence and persistence in to intelligence. As he has been in America for 3 years now, he is for China. Don's be too dressy. Plain, simple clothes are for school wear.

There were not many people who dared predict the the next World Cup. You are not supposed to your name on the tree in the park.

Answer: 1.assigned, 2.conclusion, 3.created, 4.decisive, 5.authority,

6.addition, 7.homesick, 8.appropriate, 9.outcome, 10.carve

Unit 5> Passage A 3 The author tells us his 1) ( ) experience with a telephone 2) ( ) to show us that you can

never 3) ( ) the impressions you may make on others. When he was young, he 4) ( ) his finger with a 5) ( ) while staying alone at home. It was at this time he received some good advice on the phone from the “Information, please” operator. When his pet bird died, the operator 6) ( ) him. For this act of kindness the boy 7) ( ) her ( ) being so patient, understanding, and kind but also for spending so much of her time on him. Over the years he called her many more times and developed a friendship with her. He later moved away from his hometown but 8) ( ) her whenever he returned to visit. Eventually she died, but before dying she left a 9) ( ) or him with

the new “Information, Please” operator so that he would not be so sad and able to remember her with 10) ( )of how she had influenced his life. Like the bird, she said she’d too have “other worlds to sing in”.

Answer: 1.personal, 2.operator, 3.underestimate, 4.hurt, 5.hammer,

6.soothed or comforted, 7.appreciated …for, 8.dialed, 9.message, 10.fond memories

4 When they arrived there, he lay on the floor, his nose .

I think she’s right but I’m not completely sure. I’d it if you would turn the radio down.

We were greatly to hear about his sitting on the wet paint.

Greece’s poor economic performance was a cause for the growing public . It us to hear that you were leaving. Why not tell us a bit earlier?

You needn’t worry about him. This kind of medicine will help to his wound soon. I’m afraid I’ve a piece out of this saucer.

She has got used to milk through a straw though she is only two months old.

The old woman had to support her family by washing a of dirty clothes every day though

she had suffered a deadly disease.

Answer: 1.bleeding, 2.somehow, 3.appreciate, 4.amused, 5.concern,

6.amazed, 7.heal, 8.chipped, 9.sucking, 10.heap

5 1 The engine failed and the pilot had to ( )the plane ( )in the sea.

2. Carol’s mother told her she had talked long enough on the phone and made her ( ). 3. People who work too much and earn more money may less happier than those who earn less money but enjoy life.

4. nobody is against it, we will adopt (采用) the proposal. 5. This balloon remained in flight for 50 minutes .

Answer: 1.put ... down 2.hung up 3.end up 4.Now that 5.or so

6 I was very __________ to the librarian for helping me find the book I urgently needed.

A) grateful B) helpful C) skillful D) hopeful ?

This kind of cell phone is __________ available in any telecommunications shop.

A) costly B) likely C) readily D) effectively ? ?

This documentary aroused public __________ for the victims of the Terrorist Attack. A) symbol

B) sympathy C) suspect D) symphony ?

When she heard of her grandfather’s death, she couldn’t help __________. (您未选择此题答案)

A) to weep B) weep C) weeping D) wept ?

Never __________ the former manager’s influence on the final decision!(您未选择此题答案)

A) shift B) survive C) remind D) underestimate

Answer: 1.A, 2.C, 3.B, 4.C, 5.D

Passage B

11 How good of a resource is the Web in the author’s opinion? (您未选择此题答案)

A) It’s quick, easy to access, and full of useful information. B) It’s only useful when it’s very easy to substantiate the data. C) It’s mainly useful for researching new or unfamiliar topics. D) It’s only useful if you can avoid all the distracting websites.

Which of the following does the author NOT say he does on the Web? (您未选择此题答案)

A) Looks up technical computer information. B) Frequently enjoys music and movies. C) Follows all aspects of the financial world. D) Uses email, and gather a lot of data.

What does the author do with the information he has found on the Web when he’s in a hurry to leave

the office? (您未选择此题答案) A) He emails it to his home computer. B) He stays in the office until he analyzes it.

C) He prints it out and reads it later or on the commuter train. D) He sends personal notes about it to his colleagues.

How has the Web changed the author’s access to information? (您未选择此题答案)

