
更新时间:2024-01-09 10:05:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




说明:全卷共八大题,满分100分,考试时间50分钟 题号 得分

Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ 总分 Ⅰ、语音 选出下列单词划线部分与所给发音一致的选项。(共5分,每小题1分)

1. [e] B. tea C.head D. Easter

2. [?] A.healthy B.this C.clothes D.father 3. [u] A.too B. room D.good 4. [?] A.last B.plant C.ask 5. [id] A. studied B.surprised C.hoped D.wanted


6.It’s half past six in the afternoon. It's time_______________,boys and girls!

A. for supper B. for the supper C. for class D. for the Class

7. Excuse me,___________? It is over there.

A. What's on the desk B. Where's your room

C. Whose bag is it D. Which shoes are yours Yeah ,

8. Whose watch is this ? ------Is it a black __________, C. this D. that

9. Please __________ these babies carefully ,nurse .

A. look after B. look for C. look like D. look at

10.-- I'm sorry ,I can't play the computer games . ---- Don't worry , I'll ______ you .

A. speak to B. play C. learn D. show

11. ---What is 5 plus 2 ?

---___________. Oh, It's seven ,

A. All right B. Thanks C. Let me see D. Not at all

12. It's cold today . You must __________ your coat ,

A. take off B. put on C. pick up D. turn on

13. Whose bag is bigger, ________ or __________?

A. your , I B. yours, my C. you , me , D. yours ,mine ,

14. How many___________can you see in the picture ,

A. man , B. child , C. people, D. woman ,

15.--- Where’s shopping center ?

----- It's _________ Zhongshan Road .

A. at B. on C. over D.of

16. ____________ like to join us ?

A. Can you , B. You would C. Do you D. Would you ,

17. I have got a toothache , I'm going to the _____________.

A. dentist B. park C. teacher D. butcher

18. Whose ruler is it ? -------- Maybe it's________.

A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s and Peter's D. Mary and Peter ' s

19. ________ is your uncle ?

A. Who , B. Where , C. What , D. How ,

20. There is _____ orange tree in my garden , under ____tree, there is _____ old man ,

A.a the an B. an the an C. a an an a an

21. Mike _______ a big box under his bed , __________many toys in the box .

A. has, There are B.have , there is C.had, There are D.have , There was

22. Mr black is from _____________. He is __________________ He speaks ____________.

A. America , American , English B. Chinese , China , Chinese C. Australia , Australian , Russian D. England , French , Brahms

23. Neither you nor________ a teacher . B. am C. are D. be

24. I want something special for Christmas ,

A.something special B. special anything

C. special something D. anything special

25. I saw a girl_________ in the room just now .

A. jumps B. to jump C. jumped D. jumping


Cyril got in through the window and gave the food to the others, Who were outside. There was some cold meat, half a cold chicken, __26__ bread and a bottle of soda-water, Then they all flew back up onto the church roof ____27_____it . They were very hungry , ______28______they really enjoyed it . But when you're hungry ,and then you eat a big meal and sit_____29_____the hot sun on a roof , it's very ____30___to fall asleep . And so they did -----while the sun_____31____went down in the west .They slept_____32_____ a long time .When they woke up it was dark ------And of course ,they had no wings .We ____33___get home , Cyril said .“ There’s a door over there ,.That's the way____34____ , But when they tried the door ,they found that it was locked from _____35____ side. They were on top of the church and they had no wings ! How were they going to get down ?

26. A. any B. some C. many D. little 27. A. eating B. ate C. to eat D. eat 28 A. so B. or C. still D. but 29. A. under B. for C. on D. in 30. A. easy B. tired C. hard D. hungry 31. A. fast B. soon C. slowly D. brightly 32. A. at B. to C. since D. for 33. A. must B. may C. need D. can 34. A. up B. to C. down D. along 35. A. the other B. others C. another D. other

Ⅳ、 阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)

A 篇

The USA is smaller than Russia , Canada and China.Washington DC is its capital. But it is a quiet city. New York is the biggest city in America. And it's one of the biggest cities in the world. It is in the east of the USA,and at the mouth of theHudson River . A large part of the city is on Manhatten island, a big island in the river. New York has a larger population than Washington DC, In new York,we can see the famous statue,the statue of Liberty, Which was given by France. 36. The USA is the ___________ largest country in the world ,

A.first B. second C. third D. fourth

37. Washington DC has a ____________ population than New York ,

A. larger B. smaller C. more D. less

38. Where does the statue of Liberty come from ?

A. Manhattan B. Washington DC C. New York D. France

39. Where is new York ?

A. In the east of the USA B. In the Hudson River C. On the Manhattan island D. We don't know

40. How many cities have been mentioned in this passage ?

A. Nine B. Two C. Seven D. Five


Air is all around us , It is around us when we walk and play .From the time we were born , air is around us . When we sit down ,it is around us . When we go to bed , it is also around us . We live in the air ,

All living things need air . Maybe we can live without water for a few days , But we can't live for more than four minutes without air. Living things can't live without air , We talked in the air . When we are walking and running , We need more air .When we are sleeping ,we need less air.

We lived in the air ,but we can't see it , We can only feel it , We feel it when it is moving , Moving air is called wind , How can we make air move , Here is one way , Hold an open book in your hand ,in front of your face ,close it quickly , What you feel is the air .

41. How long can we live without air ?

A. Eight hours B. Eight minutes C. Three minutes D. Five minutes

42. Which is true ,according TO the passage ?

A. When we are asleep ,we need more air B. When we run we need less there

C. We can feel the air , D. Air can't move

43. How is the wind formed ?

A. By running B. By blowing C. By moving D. By opening the window

44. Where is the air ?,

A. Inside our body B. On the us C. Outside our body D. In the sky

45. Which is the most important to the living things according to the passage ?

A. Water B. Money C. Earth D. Air


David’s birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got a lot of presents from his family and friends , His father and mother gave him a red box with a storybook in it , His mother said , There are a lot of funny stories in it , It's good for you .Mike , David's best friend, gave him a large box . A toy car is in it .David’s sister gave him a round box . It was a birthday cake , He thought , But it was a basketball . David likes playing basketball . David brother gave him a big yellow box .David opened it and there was another box in it . The box was green . He opened the small box and saw the third box . This one was blue. There was a short letter in it , Go to your study. You can see three boxes there , a black one , a grey one, and a white one .Your birthday present is in one of them .David ran to his study and found the boxes .The black one is bigger than the grey one , And the white one is the smallest .He opened the grey box , But found nothing in it . Then he opened the biggest one . He was very glad to see a modern plane in it .

46. David’s parents put their present in___________ for his birthday . A. a yellow box B. a lot of boxes C. a black box D. a red box

47. Who is Mike ?

A. A friend of David”s father B. One of David’s best friends ,\\ C. David's brother D. David’s sister ,

48. What color was the biggest box in David ‘s study ?

A. White B. Black C. Grey D. Blue

49. How many boxes did David,’s brother gave to him ?

A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven

50. What was in the biggest box ?

A. A book B. A letter C. A model plane D. A small box


51. How many hours does the Earth turn on its axis in one day?

How long does it take,the earth goes around the sun?( Just write the




52. The________________ is a satellite(卫星) of the earth.

53. Chemical(化学) change is a change that produce(生成)________ substance(物质)?

54. If your friend got one hundred in the exam, What will you say to him?


55. Factors(因素) which makeiron(铁) rusting(生锈) is__________ and ___________.

56. What's the date of tree planting day?(write in English not only numbers) ___________________________________________________________

57. Who is the father of modern China? (You can write in Chinese) ________________________________________

58. Where was Chairman Mao born?


59. What season is it in China when it is autumn in Australia? __________________________________________________

60. Magnifier (放大镜) is often used in scientific experiments(科学实验). What is its feature(特点)? It's_________ in the centre, But__________ at the edge (边)。



61. Mrs White has two daughters, Lily and Lucy.They were born on the same day, they are t______.

62. There is a football m______ every Friday, Their fans are exciting on that day.

63. I am going to take part in the singing c_________ .

64. Tom is my p________, We often write letters to each other.

65. Liu Tao likes making m______ planes.

Ⅶ、根据中文,完成下列句子,每空格填一词(每小格0.5分,共10分) 66. 小猪找不到他的袜子,鞋子和校服

Piggy couldn't find his socks, shoes________school uniform.

67. 写作,对把你所学的英语与生活实际联系起来很有帮助,

Writing is __________ to relate the English you Learned_________ yourself.

68. 一些植物很大像树,而一些植物又小到我们用肉眼无法看到, Some plants are big like trees , and some are ________ small_____ we can't see with our eyes .

69. 兰兰宁愿要可乐也不要其他的任何东西,

Lanlan ___________ Coke _________ ________ __________

70. 有时,小学生在课间喝牛奶或吃一些食物

Sometimes ,pupils have milk or some food__________the break at school .

71. 他们都参加了足球派对并且弄得脏兮兮的,却又很有趣。

They all go to the football party and ______ _________ and _______ ___________ of _________.

72. 我们将要坐车去深圳一日游

We're______ _________ Shenzhen ______ car ________a

________trip .


假设你是Tom, 请写一份约50字的邀请函给你的好朋友Jerry,邀请她参


时间:7月28 上午10点 在北京路



Dear Jerry,













测试内容及范围 测试形式




一, 语音,考查学生拼读的基本能力,


[?] A.healthy B.this C.clothes D.father 二.单向选择,考查学生基础知识的运用能力, 如,

6.It’s half past six in the afternoon. It's

time_______________,boys and girls!

A. for supper B. for the supper C. for class D.

for the Class

















1-5,C A D D D



16-25 D A D C B A A B A D


26-35 B C A D A C D A C A


36-50 D B D A B C C C B D D C B C C


51, 24 365 52,Moon 53,new / other

54,Congratulations! 55,air , water 56, March,12th

57,孙中山 58,Changsha Hunan 59, Spring, 60,thick thin



6-15 A B B A D C B D C B

61,twins, 62,match 63,Competition 64,pen- friend 65,Model


66.or 67. helpful to 68. so that 69. Prefers to anything else

70. during 71. get dirty have lots fun 72. going to by for day


61,twins, 62,match 63,Competition 64,pen- friend 65,Model


66.or 67. helpful to 68. so that 69. Prefers to anything else

70. during 71. get dirty have lots fun 72. going to by for day


