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- gre填空十二讲推荐度:
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主讲: 杨子江
2、GRE 句子填空的突破点
解题的线索来自于句子本身,句子只能是现象态度观点 的表述
反义重复: 对立(时间), 转折
同义重复: 同义解释, 并列递进, 目的手段因果
简化单词记忆— 词根词缀;简化句子— 主谓宾结构
(1)白大夫,白白白,就是让你__ 。
A 姹紫嫣红 B 暗送秋波
C 黑白无常 D 碧波荡漾
E 白
(2)聪明的一休是一个______ 小和尚,他在____ 时候就表现出比他大很多的成年人都不能企及的智慧状态。
A 愚蠢的… 老眼昏花的 B 弱智的… 幼儿的
C 机灵的… 老年的 D 有智慧的… 童年的
E 可爱的… 小的
(1)虽然黑夜缩小了他们的活动范围,但却使悲戚伤怀成倍的得到了____ 。
A 变化 B 忧郁 C 消失 D 扩大 E 均等
far from, rather …than;not …but, more … than;seemingly, on the other hand ;in fact, actually, in reality
paradoxically, ironically;surprisingly, comparatively;unexpectedly, curiously;in contrast to, on
the contrary ;so much…as, decay from A to B;shift from…to, replace…with;distingish…from,reconcile…with;preferable…to, endorse A over B
far from A, B: 远非A, 而是B,对立两方面中选择其一
1. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of ______, is the first step in learning to be creative.
(A) elegance
(B) evil
(C) genius
(D) originality
(E) sympathy
2. Far from being ______, Susan was always ______ to appear acquiescent.
(A) unctuous...loath
(B) brazen...reluctant
(C) ignoble...enthusiasm
(D) obsequious...eager
(E) gregarious...willing
3. Ultimately, the issue's credibility is strained; the slender, though far from _______, web of evidence presented on one salient point is expected to support a vast ______ of implications.
(A) unconvincing...cacophony
(B) nonexistent...superstructure
(C) indispensable...array
(D) work
(E) pendium
B, far from A;A rather than B : 而非:是A而不是B (肯定A),对立两方面中选择其一
4. As late as nineteen century a speaker assured his audience that since profitable farming was the result of natural ability rather than ______, an education in agriculture was ______.
(A) luck...senseless
(B) effort...difficult
(C) eless
(D) instruction...intellectual
(E) science...vital
5. Although the young trumpeter s _________ performance with the orchestra demonstrated his technical competence, his uninspired style and lack of interpretive maturity labeled him as a novice musician rather than as a truly _________ performer.
(A) spectacular...conventional
(B) blundering...artistic
(C) marginal...inept
(D) steady....accomplished
(E) dazzling...unskilled
音乐家特征: 优秀对平庸
表优秀的特征词汇: talent ; inspire;brilliant;maturity;accomplish
表平庸的特征词汇: Mediocrity;derivative;perfunctory ;uninspire;novice;unskill
6.In retrospect, Peterson's students appreciated his_______ assignments, realizing that such assignments were specifically designed to _______ original thought rather than to review the content of his course.
(A) conventional...explain
(B) didactic...ingrain
(C) intimidating...thwart
(D) enigmatic...stimulate
(E) difficult...discourage
7. Because time in India is conceived statically rather than dynamically, Indian languages emphasize nouns rather than verbs, since nouns express the more ______ aspects of a thing.
(A) paradoxical
(B) stable
(C) conventional
(D) temporal
(E) irionic
8. As the creation of new knowledge through chemistry has become ______ resistance to innovation has become less ______, taking the form of inertia rather than direct attack.
(A) controversial ...sporadic
(B) suspect ...onset
(C) essential ...effective
(D) public ...circumspect
(E) institutionalized ...aggressive
paradoxical :矛盾的, 似非而是的,对立两面选择其一
9. Paradoxically, England s colonization of North America was _______ by its success: the increasing prosperity of the colonies diminished their dependence upon, and hence their loyalty to, their home country.
(A) explicate
(B) undermined
(C) determined
(D) altered
(E) distinguished
10. According to Lionel Trilling, the paradox of liberalism was that in its quest for freedom it must move toward greater organization, stricter legislation, and increasing .
(A) anarchy
(B) self-realization
(C) stagnation
(D) control
(E) levity
11. Unlike many recent interpretations of Liszt's piano sonatas, the recitalist s performance was a delightfully free and introspective one; nevertheless, it was also, seemingly paradoxically, quite ______.
(A) exuberant
(B) appealing
(C) controlled
(D) idiosyncratic
(E) uninspired
12. Although ______ in her own responses to the novels she reviewed, the fiction critic was, paradoxically, ______ those who would deny that a reviewer must have a single method of interpretation.
(A) dogmatic...impatient with
(B) indulgent...indebted by
(C) partisan...hostile toward
(D) capricious...intrigued by
(E) eclectic...suspicious of
13. The concept of timelessness is paradoxical from the start ,for adult consciousness is ______ by the awareness of duration.
(A) permeated
(B) intrigued
(C) repelled
(D) measured
(E) accelerated
seemingly : 表面上的, 貌似,对应于实际上的,对立两面选择其一
14. The sheer diversity of tropical plants represents a seemingly ______ source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.
(A) exploited
(B) remarkable
(C) controversial
(D) inexhaustible
(E) quantifiable
15. Physical scientists who are on the cutting edge of research must often violate common sense and make seemingly_________assumptions because existing theories simply do not _________newly observed phenomena.
(A) inexact...corroborate
(B) vague...incorporate
(C) absurd...explain
(D) mistaken...reveal
(E) radical...confirm
in fact : 事实上,实际上,与表面上的事实相反,表对立情况
16. In scientific studies, supporting evidence is much more satisfying to report than are discredited hypotheses, but, in fact, the _______ of errors is more likely to be ________ than is the establishment of probable truth.
(A) refinement...conditional
(B) correction...ignored
(C) eful
(D) accumulation...agreeable
(E) formulation...permitted
actually : 事实上, 实际上*
17. Human reaction to the realm of thought is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our higher moral life is based on the fact that ______ sensations actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than do ideas of ______facts.
(A) familiar...symbolic
(B) material...remote
(C) emotional...impersonal
(D) definitive...controversial
(E) disturbing...ordinary
A more ... than B; more A … than B;A more副词/形容词than B : 对A的修饰 A > B
18. Our young people, whose ______ sensitivities have not yet become ______, have a purer and more immediate response than we do to our environment.
(A) sophisticated...perceptive
(B) keen...calloused
(C) dull...numbed
(D) impartial...disinterested
(E) native...excited
19. Since 1813 reaction to Jane Austen s novels has oscillated between _________ and condescension; but in general later writers have esteemed her works more highly than did most of her literary _________.
(A) approbation...precursors
(B) disapproval...readers
(C) adoration...contemporaries
(D) indifference...followers
(E) dismissal...admirers
20. Because the report contained much more information than the reviewwes needs to see, the author was asked to submit a ______ instead
(A) critique
(B) soliloquy
(C) treatise
(D) prerequisite
(E) compendium
not A, but B: 不是A, 而是B. 引导对立比较
21. Artificial light________ the respiratory activity of some microorganisms in the winter but not in the summer, in part because in the summer their respiration is already at its peak and thus cannot be ________
(A) enhances...increased
(B) inhibits...quickened
(C) reflects...expanded
(D) elevates...measured
(E) stimulates...lessened
22. In response to the follies of today s parliaments, the councillor does not _________ inflamed indignation, but rather _________ the detachment and smooth aphoristic prose of an eighteenth-century wit.
(A) resort to...spurns
(B) rely on...avoids
(C) suppress...clings to
(D) express...affects
(E) display...rails at
23. Personnel experts say that attractive benefits alone will not always keep ______ executives from changing jobs for better long-range opportunities, but they think the enticements may deter many executives from accepting ______ offers from other companies.
(A) dedicated...advantageous
(B) ambitious...routine
(C) unqualified...inferior
(D) experienced...superior
(E) discontented...preferable
contrary : 相反的
24. Contrary to the popular conception that it is powered by conscious objectivity, science often operates through error, happy accidents, ______ and persistence in spite of mistakes.
(A) calculations
(B) controls
(C) hunches
(D) deductions
(E) facts
科学类题目的考点特征: 公正对偏见;独立对依靠;定对变化;杂对简单;同对差异 科技类题目的考点特征: 增加对减少
25. Contrary to the antiquated idea that the eighteenth century was a _________ island of elegant assurance, evidence reveals that life for most people was filled with uncertainty and insecurity.
(A) sprawling
(B) declining
(C) tranquil
(D) recognized
(E) clannish
in contrast to : 相比较
26. In contrast to the substantial muscular activity required for inhalation, exhalation is usually a ______ process.
(A) conscious
(B) passive
(C) relax
(D) complex
(E) slow
27. The boy s ______ natures were in sharp contrast to the even-tempered dispositions of their parents.
(A) artless
(B) blithe
(C) phlegmatic
(D) introverted
(E) mercurial
时间对比是反义对立的子集;间相反, 产生对立,即否定过去,来否定现在
before, once, previous,urrent, now, until ,nitially, recently, early,ormerly, pristine, first
after, yesterday, begin,tart, origin, often,sually, heretofore, hitherto,o longer, as long as
before : 之前,与recent,later对立
28. Often the difficulties of growing up in the public eye cause child prodigies to ________ the world of achievement before reaching adulthood: happily, they sometimes later return to competition and succeed brilliantly.
(A) demur
(B) conquer
(C) retire from
(D) antagonize
(E) ridicule
29. Before adapting to changes in new concept, many prefer to ______, to ______ the universally agreed-on principles that have been upheld for centuries.
(A) revert ...ignore
(B) resist ...defend
(C) ponder ...subvert
(D) vacillate ...publicize
(E) invert ...protect
例:1011 0110
0110 1101 revert
0100 1001 invert
recent : 现在,与before, often, early, previous, pristine对立
30. A number of critics who once greatly _________ the literary critic have recently recanted, substituting _________ for their former criticism.
(A) honored...adulation
(B) influenced...analysis
(C) simulated...ambivalence
(D) disparaged...approbation
(E) lauded...censure
31. Belying his earlier reputation for ______ as a negotiator, Charles had recently assumed a more ______ stance for which many of his erstwhile critics praised him.
(A) bative
(B) impropriety...intolerant
(C) inflexibility...unreasonable
(D) success...authoritative
(E) intransigence...conciliatory
early : 早期的,与recent对立
32. My brothers often found others laughable, but I learned quite early to be ____________ while people were present, laughing only later at what was funny and mocking what to us seemed______.
(A) superficial...deplorable
(B) impatient...unfortunate
(C) facetious...enviable
(D) wistful...extraordinary
(E) arre
previous : 早先的,与recent对立
33. The harmonious accommodation reached by the warring factions exemplifies the axiom that ______ is possible among people of goodwill, even when they have previously held quite ______ perspectives.
(A) coexistence...fixed
(B) tension...congenial
(C) agreement...unequivocal
(D) compromise...antagonistic
(E) candor...indistinguishable
initially : 起初,与once同义, 与after对立
34. Although the passage of years has softened the initially hostile reaction to his poetry, even now only a few independent observers _________ his works.
(A) neglect
(B) revile
(C) scrutinize
(D) criticize
(E) praise
until : 直到 才, 除非,与 “过去” 对立
35. A code of ethics governing the behavior of physicians during epidemics did not exist until 1846 when it was _________ by the American Medical Association.
(A) rescinded
(B) promulgated
(C) presupposed
(D) depreciated
(E) implied
36. Wearing the latest fashions was exclusively the _________ of the wealthy until the 1850's, when mass production, aggressive entrepreneurs, and the availability of the sewing machine made them _________ the middle class.
(A) aspiration...disagreeable to
(B) vexation...superfluous for
(C) bane...profitable to
(D) prerogative...accessible to
(E) obligation...popular with
no longer : 不再,与 “过去” 对立
37. Calculus, though still indispensable to science and technology, is no longer _______ ; it has an equal partner called discrete mathematics.
(A) pragmatic
(B) pertinent
(C) beneficial
(D) essential
(E) preeminent
now : 现在,与 “过去” 对立
38. Within the next decade, sophisticated telescopes now orbiting the Earth will determine whether the continents really are moving, ______ the incipient ______ among geologists about the validity of the theory of continental drift.
(A) resolving...rumors
(B) forestalling...rift
(C) escalating...debates
(D) engendering...speculation
(E) obviating...consensus
39. The idealized paintings of nature produced in the eighteenth century are evidence that the medieval _________ natural settings had been _______ and that the outdoors now could be enjoyed without trepidation.
(A) enthusiasm for...confronted
(B) concerns about...regained
(C) affection for...surmounted
(D) disinterest in...alleviated
(E) fear of...exorcised
although, though, even though,but, despite, however, unlike, in spite of, nevertheless
while, whatever, nonetheless,regardless, without, none,as…as, even if, yet…
although : 虽然, 尽管,表转折关系
155.1 “The show must go on” is the oldest___of show business; every true performer live by that creed.
(A)euphemism (B)allegory (C)precusor (D)tenet (E)corroboration
155.3 ___by life s ___, the last emperor of China worked as a lowly gardener in the palace over which he had once ruled.
(A)Forthfied….generosity (B)Deluded…coincidences
(C)Humbled…vicissitudes (D)Venerated…survivors
155.5 A___glance pays___attention to details.
(A)furtive…meticulous (B)cursory…little (C)cryptic…close (D)keen…scanty (H)fleeting…vigilant
156.6 A___person is one who will___something on the slinghtest of evidence.
(A)restive…forget (B)garrulous…criticize (C)maudlin…censure
(D)phlegmatic…condemn (H)credulous…believe
156.7 A New World lizard, the basilisk, occasionally does something that seem to ___
physics: it tuns across the surface of water for distances of up to thirty feet.
(A)defy (B)quantify (C)assess (D)exemplify (H)corroborate
156.8 A born tleeer of tales, Olsen used her imoressive___skills to advantage in her story “I
Stand Here Ironing.”
(A)domestic (B)metaphysical (C)narrative (D)diagnostic (H)argumentative
156.10 A diligent scholar, she devoted herself __to the completion of the book.
(A)assiduously (B)ingenuously (C)theoretically (D)voluminously (H)sporadically
157.13 A leading philosopher of our time, Ludwig Wittgenstein, laid down a __to which good historians __: “Of that of which nothing is known nothing can be said.”
(A)burden…protest (B)law…amend (C)rule…adhere (D)maxim…succumb (H)weapon…surrender
158.22 According to the Senator , it was not __for a plitician in search of votes to ___a mother on the beauty of her plain child; it was merely sound political common sense.
(A)kindness…ridicule (B)folly…intimidate (C)hypocrisy…compliment
(D)sensitivity…evaluate (H)wisdom…reprimand
158.23 Achaeologists are involved in __ Mayan temples in Central America, uncovering the ols ruins in order to learn more about the civilization they represent.
(A)demolishing (B)incapacitating (C)excavating (D)woeshiping (H)asapting
29.5. Although ______, almost self-effacing in his private life, he displays in his novels and essays a strong ______ publicity and controversy.
(A) monotonous...reliance on
(B) conventional...interest in
(C) shy...aversion toward
(D) retiring...penchant for
(E) evasive...impatience with
re+ tire
[唯物] 引退, 退休
[唯心] 内向, 沉默寡言
WB* 2 : to withdraw especially for privacy *retired to her room*
36.5. Jackson had idolized the professor so much for so long that even after lunching with her several times he remained quite ________ in her presence and as a result, he could not really be himself.
(A) pleased
(B) disregarded
(C) heartened
(D) laxness
(E) inhibited
34.4 As is often the case with collections of lectures by ________ authors, the book as a whole is ________, although the individual contributions are outstanding in themselves.
(A) different...disconnected
(B) incompetent...abysmal
(C) famous...systematic
(D) mediocre...unexciting
(E) various...coherent
40.3 Although strong legal remedies for nonpayment of kids support are ________, the delay and expense associated with these remedies make it _________ to develop other options.
(A) nonexistent...ridiculous
(B) required...impossible
(C) available...imperative
(D) unavailing...impractical
(E) eful
Although a few critics gave the opposition's suggestions a ______ response, most greeted the statement of a counterposition with ______.
(A) posure
(B) dispirited...reluctance
(C) surly...resentment
(D) favorable...approval
(E) vitriolic...civility
though: 虽然,尽管,可是
: 表转折关系
During the widespread fuel shortage, the price of kerosene was so ______ that suppiers were genweally thought to be ______ the consumer.
(A) prohibitive ... placatingr
(B) stable ... blackmailing
(C) depressed ... cheating
(D) reactive ... shielding
(E) excessive ... gouging
Though feminist in its implications, Leo's 1971 novel _________ the fictionist s active involvement in feminist politics.
(A) renewed
(B) portrayed
(C) encouraged
(D) preserved
(E) antedated
Adela's rejection of the concept of continuity in Western thought, though radical, was not unique; she had _________ in the United States who, without knowledge of her work, developed parallel ideas.
(A) critics
(B) counterparts
(C) disciples
(D) admires
(E) publishers
even though : 即使
: 表转折关系
11.3. Even though in today s Ukraine the ______ the Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank-and-file clergy still have little ______ to practice their religion.
(A) traditionalists among...incentive
(B) dissidents within...obligation
(C) adversaries of...inclination
(D) leaders titude
(E) practitioners among...opportunity
辅音字母的替换规律 :发音相近
photo foto
optic optik
despite : 尽管
: 表转折关系
Despite an agreement between directorate and management to keep the print and electronic media ______ developments, the details of the negotiations were ______ all but a few journalists from the major metropolitan newspapers.
(A) ignorant of ...suppressed by
(B) involved in...leaded to
(C) apprised of...withheld from
(D) speculating about...denied to
(E) abreast of...disclosed to
The labor union and the company's management, despite their long history of unfailingly acerbic disagreement on nearly every issue, have nevertheless reached an unexpectedly _________, albeit still tentative, agreement on next year's contract.
(A) conclusive
(B) onerous
(C) hesitant
(D) reluctant
(E) swift
however : 然而
: 表转折关系
However ________ they might be, Roman arts were bound to have some favorite earlier arts whom they would ________.
(A) subservient...imitate
(B) independent ...inspire
(C) original...emulate
(D) creative...admire
(E) talented...neglect
Manipulating laboratory tissue cultures with hormones is one thing; using hormones to treat human beings, however, is contingent on whether hormones that _______ in the laboratory can affect _________ organisms, and in predictable ways.
(A) reproduce...unknown
(B) succeed...simple
(C) fail...cellular
(D) work...whole
(E) develop...similar
whereas : 尽管, 然而
: 表转折关系
An obvious style, easily identified by some superficial quirk, is properly _____ as a mere mannerism, whereas a complex and subtle style _____ reduction to a formula.
(A) cultivated...demands
(B) decried...resists
(C) prized...withstands
(D) identified ...consists of
(E) avoided...risks
In the eighteenth century, novelists and unsympathetic travelers portrayed the American West as a land of______ adversity, whereas promoters and idealists created ______ image of a land of infinite promise.
(A) unremitting...a compelling
(B) incredible...an underplayed
(C) dispiriting...an identical
(D) intriguing...a luxuriant
(E) lurid...a mundane
unlike : 和 不同
: 表转折关系
Unlike a judge, who must act alone, a jury discusses a case and then reaches its decision as a group, thus minimizing the effect of ______ bias.
(A) unarticulated
(B) professional
(C) individual
(D) unexpected
(E) legal
Unlike other creatures, who are shaped largely by their _________ environment, human beings are products of a culture accumulated over centuries, yet one that is constantly being _______ by massive infusions of new information from everywhere.
(A) limited...superseded
(B) surrounding...upheld
(C) immediate...transformed
(D) natural...mechanized
(E) harsh...unconfirmed
while : 虽然
: 在句首表转折关系
While not completely nonplussed by the unusually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly ______ by their lively criticism.
(A) humiliated
(B) discomfited
(C) tantalized
(D) disgraced
(E) deluded
disgreace :To bring shame or dishonor on
humiliate : to reduce to a lower position in one's own eyes or others' eyes : MORTIFY
discomfit: To make uneasy or perplexed; disconcert.See Synonyms at embarrass
nonplus : : a state of bafflement or perplexity : QUANDARY To put at a loss as to what to think, say, or do; bewilder.
Merriam-Webster s Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus Version 2.5/3.0 1CD
Merriam-Webster s unabridged Dictionar
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Merriam-Webster s For iPhone &Touch
The sea was not an ________the ________of the windmill; on the contrary, while the concept of the new invention passed quickly from seaport to seaport, it made little headway inland.
(A) impediment to...creation
(B) issue in ...acceptance
(C) aid to...designers
(D) obstacle to...diffusion
(E) element in...evolution
While not _________ with the colorfully obvious forms of life that are found in a tropical rain forest, the desert is _________ to a surprisingly large number of species.
(A) confronted...home
(B) endowed...detrimental
(C) imbued...hostile
(D) teeming...host
(E) brimming...foreign
without : 没有
: 表转折关系
It is to the novelist s credit that all of the episodes in her novel are presented realistically, without any ______ or playful supernatural tricks.
(A) elucidation
(B) discrimination
(C) whimsy
(D) authenticity
(E) artlessnes
to sb. s credit
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