Module 4 Music The Second Period Listening and Speaking 教

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Module 4

The Second Period Listening and Speaking


Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

favorite, optimistic, relaxed, ridiculous, surprised, wonderful, amused / amusing, bored / boring, excited / exciting, tired / tiring

b. 重点句式

I can’t stand...

I adore...

My favorite ... of all time is...

I think it is ... when...

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable the Ss to express emotions with the target language.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Enable the Ss learn how to express emotions with the target language.

Teaching important points 教学重点

Positive words and negative words that describe feelings or things.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

Help the Ss learn how to give opinions about things they like or dislike.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Brainstorming and listening for specific information.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A computer, a projector and some tapes.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step I Revision

Check the homework.

T: Good morning / afternoon. First, I’d like one of you to retell Liu Fang’s experience to the whole class. V olunteer?

Ask a student to retell it in class. Then check their answers to the exercises in the WORKBOOK. Step II Listening

In this step, the Ss will listen to two songs and do Liu Fang enjoys performing in public. She likes Exercises 1 and 2. According to what they hear. Then they will listen to Christine ans Duncan talk about the songs and then answer some questions.

T: Now let’s relax and listen to some songs. You just sit back and enjoy the music.

Play the song Summertime.

T: What do you think of it? Do you like it?

S1: I like it. It is soft and beautiful.

S2: It reminds me of my happy childhood.

T: What is the style of this song?

S3: I think it is jazz music.

T: You got it. This song is from Porgy and Bess, a folk opera by George Gershwin. It is a tragic love story about black Americans along the coast of south California. There have been many versions with this song. The most popular is by Mahalia Jackson who is the Queen of Gospel Music. Can you catch the lyric of it? Now, let’s listen to it again and do Exercise 1 on page 48. Check the answers with the whole class.

T: We are going to listen to another song. Before listening, look at the lyrics on page 48, Exercise 2. Some words are missing. Predict the missing words which rhyme with the underlined words. After the Ss finish predicting, ask one of them to read the whole lyrics. Then play the song.

T: This song is sung by Barbra Streisand, a famous American artist. It is included in her album My Name is Barbra, Two, 1965. Her music is of typical American style. If you like her style, you can find more of her songs and listen to them. Play the song again and check the answers.

T: Next we will listen to a conversation between Christine and Duncan. Play the tape for the first time and let the Ss get a general idea of the conversation.

T: Read the questions on page 49, Exercise 4. I will play the conversation again. Take down some notes while you are listening.

Play the tape again. Then play it for a third time and let the Ss check their notes.

Ask some Ss to answer the questions orally according to their notes.

Step ⅢSpeaking

In this step, the Ss will learn some words to describe feelings or things first. Then enable them to learn to express emotions with these words and some functional patterns. Show the following words and chart on the screen. beautiful, favorite, optimistic, relaxed, ridiculous, stupid, surprised, wonderful

T: Look at the words on the screen. For those you don’t know, look them up in your dictionary. Then tell me what they have in common?

S1: They are all adjectives.

S2: I think they are all used to describe feelings or things.

T: Right! Decide whether they are positive words or negative words. Put them in the chart. Then think of more words which belong to these two categories.

T: Now, look at the sentences in Exercise 1 of FUNCTION. Read them and find out:

What do these sentences have in common? Pick out the words that describe feelings or emotions. Which sentences show that you have a good feeling about something?

Which of them express the strongest emotions?

The Ss read the sentences and get the answers to the questions.

S3: I think each sentence expresses a kind of emotion. The words that describe feelings or emotions are: wonderful, ridiculous, happy, optimistic, adore and can’t stand.

S4: Sentences 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 show that the speaker has a good feeling about something.

S5: Sentences 1 and 7 express the strongest emotions. T: Good answers. Remember that the expressions “adore”and “can’t stand”are both followed by noun or -ing form. Now turn to Exercise 2 and complete the sentences with your own opinions about things you like or dislike. Ask some Ss to read out their sentences after they finish it.

T: Look at the words in the box of Exercise 3. Beside s “angry”, there are four groups of words. Watch carefully and you will find in each group, the two words have the same root. And they are both adjectives. Can you tell their different meanings?

S6: I think words ended with -ed describe people’s feelings and emotions. While words ended with -ing describe the things or situations that make people feel...

T: You are right. For example, the story is so amusing. It makes me feel amused. Now, I’d like you to make some sentences with the three groups of words left.

Sample sentences:

The film we watched last night was very boring. I felt bored and left before it was over. After hearing the exciting news that he was employed by the company, he became excited.

Cleaning house is a tiring house chore. I feel very tired every time after I clean up the whole house.

T: Look at the photos of singers and musicians. They stand for three different types of music, classical, rock and Latin. Say how you feel about these different types of music. Use the words you learned in Exercise 3 and others adjectives to describe your feelings.

S7: Classical music makes me feel bored. Rock music makes me feel heated. Latin music makes me feel excited.


Step III Listening and speaking (Workbook)

In this step, the Ss will practice Listening and speaking in the WORKBOOK.

T: Now we are going to hear a conversation between a young Chinese violin player and a Canadian saxophone player. Before listening to the tape, predict which speaker says each of the statements in Exercise 10 and why?

Sample answers:

1. The Chinese violin player says that because the violin has strings while the saxophone doesn’t.

2. The saxophone player says that because it mentions Quebec which is a province of Canada.

3. The Chinese player says that because it mentions violin exam.

4. The saxophone player says that because jazz music features the saxophone.

Let the Ss listen to the tape and number the topics in Exercise 11. Then check the answers.

Let the Ss listen to the tape again and complete the sentences in Exercise 12.

Then check the answers.

Let the Ss read the statements in Exercise 13 and tick the ones that are true according to previous listening. Play the tape again and let them correct the false ones. Then check the answers.

Step IV Everyday English

Enable the Ss to learn the meanings of some expressions used in everyday life and then do some oral practice.

T: Turn to page 52 and finish Exercise 1.

After the Ss finish it, check the answers. Then ask them to do Exercise 2.

Step V Homework

T: Translate the lyric of Summer time into Chinese with poetic language. So much for this period. Bye!

